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姓名 苏友 性别 学位:硕士学位
学校 北京邮电大学 部门 毕业院校:北京师范大学
学位 所在单位:人文学院 学历
职称 性别:男 联系方式
邮箱 suyou@bupt.edu.cn    
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苏友 64 硕士生导师 副教授 性别:男 学位:硕士学位 在职信息:在职 所在单位:人文学院 学历:研究生毕业 毕业院校:北京师范大学 所属院系:人文学院 电子邮箱:suyou@bupt.edu.cn 其他联系方式 暂无内容 个人简介 苏 友博士、副教授,硕士生导师Email:suyou@bupt.edu.cn教育背景:北京师范大学 外国语言文学学院      英语语言文学 学士北京师范大学 外国语言文学学院      外国语言学及应用语言学 硕士北京师范大学 教育学部              教育学 博士 研究兴趣:应用语言学、语言测试与评价、外语教育技术学、计算机支持的协作学习、二语写作教学与研究:讲授本科生《综合英语》《学术英语入门》等课程,硕士生《外国语言学研究方法》《外语教育技术学导论》课程。获北京邮电大学青年教师教学比赛一等奖(2015),北京邮电大学教学成果奖一等奖(2017,2020),北京市高等教育教学成果一等奖(2018)、北京市高等教育教学成果二等奖(2022),北京邮电大学“张跃奖教金”(2022),入选北京邮电大学“1551”托举人才计划。主持国家社会科学基金一般项目、教育部人文社科青年项目,在Computer Assisted Language Learning, Journal of Second Language Writing, Educational Technology Research and Development, The Internet and Higher Education, Interactive Learning Environments, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education,《中国外语教育》《现代教育技术》《现代远程教育研究》等刊物发表SSCI/CSSCI论文20余篇。社会学术服务包括:担任国家义务教育质量监测英语学科专家,担任IEEE ICALT大会“技术支持语言学习”子会议程序委员会委员、全球华人计算机教育应用大会(GCCCE)程序委员会分会委员、首届未来语言学习大会(ICFULL)程序委员会委员。担任Springer旗下国际期刊Journal of Computers in Education(ESCI和Scopus检索)Assistant Editor,已处理稿件300多篇。担任以下国际学术期刊的审稿人:Computer Assisted Language Learning (SSCI,Top-50 reviewer of 2021)Educational Research Review (SSCI)Computers & Education (SSCI)System (SSCI)Educational Technology Research and Development (SSCI)The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher(SSCI)International Journal of Applied Linguistics (SSCI) International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching  (SSCI) Interactive Learning Enviroments (SSCI) Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI)Educational Technology & Society (SSCI)Applied Cognitive Psychology  (SSCI)Journal of Educational Research  (SSCI)Perceptual and Motor Skills (SSCI)Cogent Social Sciences (ESCI)Journal of Writing Research (ESCI, Scopus)Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (ESCI, Scopus)Journal of Computers in Education (Assistant Editor, ESCI, Scopus)International Journal of Educational Research Open (Scopus)Education Research International (ESCI, Scopus)Social Sciences & Humanities Open联系方式:地址:北京市海淀区西土城路10号北京邮电大学人文学院 邮编:100876Introduction in English:SU You is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Humanities at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. He received his Bachelor Degree in English Language and Literature, Master Degree in Applied Linguistics, and PhD Degree in Educational Technology from Beijing Normal University. His research interests include applied linguistics, technology enhanced language learning, and language testing. He has published more than 20 SSCI/CSSCI/SCOPUS/EI papers in  journals including Computer Assisted Language Learning,  Journal of Second Language Writing, Educational Technology Research & Development, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, The Internet and Higher Education, International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, and Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. His recent research focuses on English language learners’ engagement and performance in computer supported collaborative learning.    教育经历 暂无内容 工作经历 暂无内容 社会兼职 暂无内容 研究方向 暂无内容 团队成员 暂无内容 内容来自集群智慧云企服 软件著作权666元代写全部资料全国受理