王晨琳 Chenlin WANG科研成果
发布日期:2024-04-29 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646
姓名 | 王晨琳 Chenlin WANG | 性别 | 北京大学信息管理系博士生 |
学校 | 北京大学 | 部门 | 北京大学信息管理系博士生 |
学位 | 北京大学信息管理系博士生 | 学历 | 北京大学信息管理系博士生 |
职称 | 北京大学信息管理系博士生 | 联系方式 | |
邮箱 | wangcl@stu.pku.edu.cn | ||
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教育背景 Education
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2022.9-, 情报学博士,北京大学信息管理系 PhD in Information Science, Peking University, Department of Information Management 内容来自集群智慧云企服 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理
2019.9-2022.6, 情报学硕士,北京师范大学政府管理学院信息管理系 MM in Information Science (Highest Distinction), Beijing Normal University, School of Government, Department of Information Management
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2015.9-2019.6,信息管理与信息系统学士,北京师范大学政府管理学院信息管理系 BA in Information Management and Information Systems, Beijing Normal University, School of Government, Department of Information Management
研究方向 Research Interest
Topics: Knowledge Innovation, Think Tanks, Policy Analysis, Scientometrics, Social Media, and Knowledge Brokerage.
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Methodologies: Social Network Analysis, Text Analysis, Data Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Bibliometrics, and Topic Modelling.
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代表成果 Journal Publications
- Xiaojuan Liu, Chenlin Wang, Dar-Zen Chen, and Mu-Hsuan Huang*. “Exploring Perception of Retraction Based on Mentioned Status in Post-Retraction Citations.” Journal of Informetrics, 2022(16):101304, 2022.
- Xiaojuan Liu*, Chenlin Wang, and Xinmei Wu. “Research on Stakeholders’ Information Interaction Modes of Altmetrics Hot Papers.” Journal of Intelligence, 41(4):186-192, 2022. (In Chinese).
- Xiaojuan Liu*, Chenlin Wang, and Yu Wei. “Research on the Construction of Altmetrics Analysis Method System.” Information Studies: Theory & Application, 44(3):45-52, 2021. (In Chinese).
- Xiaojuan Liu*, Chenlin Wang. “Research on Information Disclosure and Public Opinion Evolution Based on Government Microblog: Taking Case Information of COVID-19 as an Example.” Information studies: Theory & Application, 44(2):57-63, 2021. (In Chinese).
- Xiaojuan Liu*, Chenlin Wang. “Research on Altmetrics Indicators from the Perspective of Users’ Motivation.” Documentation, Information & Knowledge, 0(3):63-70, 2020. (In Chinese).
- Chong Chen*, Nan Li, Bing Liang, Chenlin Wang, Zengxulin Xu, and Tingting Zheng. “Identifying Expertise Tags of Scholars by Multiple Features of Academic Publications.” Library and Information Service, 63(20):96-103, 2019. (In Chinese).