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发布日期:2024-05-11 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 孙伟 性别 学历:博士研究生
学校 华侨大学 部门 性别:男
学位 电子邮箱:wsun@hqu.edu.cn 学历 入职时间:2021-12-28
职称 教授 联系方式 wsun@hqu.edu.cn
邮箱 wsun@hqu.edu.cn    
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个人简介 研究职位招聘附在最后 Great Opportunities with more details listed at the end,LOL 研究方向 Research  v 碳纤维加固混凝土 FRP reinforced concrete。 v 新型混凝土结构 Novel concrete structures。 v 3D打印技术在土木工程中的应用 3D printing technology。 v 新型智能建筑材料开发 Smart construction materials。 v 有限元模拟与设计 FE simulation。 教育经历 Eduction v 博士, 结构工程, 德克萨斯大学 University of Texas at Austin, Ph.D.。 v 硕士, 结构工程, 沈阳建筑大学 Shenyang Jianzhu University M.S.。 v 学士, 土木工程, 沈阳建筑大学 Shenyang Jianzhu University B.S.。 职业经历 Employment v 2021-今,闽江学者特聘教授,华侨大学 Professor at Huaqiao University。 v 2018.10-2020.10, 玛丽居里研究员, 南安普顿大学, Marie-Curie Fellow at Univ. of Southampton。 v 2015.9-2018.09, 副教授, 硕导,兰州大学 Associate Professor at Lanzhou University。 v 2015.1-2015.7, 土木工程师, Ensoft, Inc, Civil Enigineer at Ensoft Inc。 v 2008.3-2009.7, 助理工程师, 中建八局大连分公司。 v 2006.12-2007.12, 助研, 新加坡国立大学。 主要科研项目 Projects v 2018.10-2020.9, PI, Towards low impact and innovative new concrete structures: Exploitation of FRP fabric reinforcement. IF Marie-Sklodowska Curie Fellowship for Dr. Sun, W (grant numbers: 793224). Horizon 2020 – European Commission v 2017.1-2019.12, 项目负责人 PI,碳纤维布加固混凝土结构中碳纤维锚固的力学性能与设计原理研究。国家青年基金 [grant numbers 51608244]。 v 2016.1-2017.12, 项目负责人PI,CFRP-混凝土界面力学性能的研究与应用。中央高校基金 [grant numbers lzujbky-2016-k14]。 主要文章 Selected papers from more than 30 peer-reviwed publications 1. W. Sun, S. Liu*, C. Zhang. An effective improvement for enhancing the strength and feasibility of FRP spike anchors. Composite Structures. 2020, online, 112449. 2. W. Sun*, T. He, S. Liu. Developing an anchored CFRP reinforcement for efficiently and readily strengthening reinforced concrete structures. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2019, 176, 107199. 3. W. Sun*, H.F. Liu. Impacts of configurations on the strength of FRP anchors. Composite Structures. 2018, 194: 150-163. 4. W. Sun*, X. Peng, H. Liu, H. Qi. Numerical Studies on the Entire Debonding Propagation Process of FRP Strips Externally Bonded to the Concrete Substrate. Construction and Building Materials. 2017, 149: 218-235. 5. W. Sun, W. M. Ghannoum, J. O. Jirsa*. Behavior of Anchored Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Used for Strengthening Concrete Structures. ACI Material Journal. 2016, 113.2: 163-172.  Dr Sun’s group is looking for outstanding post-doc researchers to join and contribute to the research projects.  Eligibility: 1. Having obtained a PhD degree in related areas from renowned universities. 2. Good research potential and capability; high standard of ethics and academic integrity. 3. At least one paper in internationally leading academic journal. Remuneration: 1. No less than RMB 180,000 yuan of annual salary, 2. Plus up to RMB 70,000 yuan bonus per year upon academic achievements, 3. Plus additional bonus for each successful applicant of external fund,  4. Plus RMB 80,000 of subsidy by Xiamen municipal government according to credentials. Supports: 1. Research program fund provided by supervisors, 2. Plus an up to RMB 100,000 yuan of kick-off fund by Huaqiao University, 3. Recommendation to tenure/tenure-track position at HQU upon completion of postdoctoral work, 4. Preferential policy of renting fully furnished apartment. Enrollment of children in preferred local schools. Fine medical services.