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姓名 唐传核 性别
学校 华南理工大学 部门 食品科学与工程学院
学位 教授 学历 教授
职称 教授 联系方式 广州市 天河五山
邮箱 chtang@scut.edu.cn    
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更新日期:2018年9月1日 姓 名 唐传核 性 别 男 出生年月 1973年1月 籍贯 浙江瑞安 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务 Email chtang@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 食品科学与工程学院 邮政编码 510640 通讯地址 广州市 天河五山 单位电话 02087113848 个人主页 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chuan-he_Tang2 个人简介 唐传核,男,工学博士、华南理工大学食品科学与工程学院教授、博导,教育部新世纪人才、广东省“珠江学者”特聘教授、农业与生物化学领域“中国高被引学者”(2014-2017)。目前是Springer期刊Food Biophys. (IF 2.051) 副主编,Elsevier期刊Food Res. Int. (IF 3.520)、JIA (IF 1.043)、中国农业科学等8个国内外期刊的编委, 超过70个SCI国际期刊的审稿人。长期从事植物蛋白质的基础及应用基础研究,在揭示其功能性质的分子机制及创制新型功能性食品方面获得了系列成果。迄今为止,发表SCI检索论文135篇,其中在食品及农业领域三大主流期刊J. Agric. Food Chem.、Food Hydrocolloids、Food Chem.上发表近80篇,ESI高被引论文4篇。所有论文的总引用次数超3400次,H-index为36。出篇学术专著2部。获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学二等奖1项(第一)、国家科技进步二等奖1项(第七);主持多项国家及省部级项目的研究;指导省(校)优秀博士论文2篇、省(校)优秀硕士论文10篇。 工作经历 2010/06-至今,华南理工大学,轻工与食品学院,博导、教授2010/08-2011/06,美国北卡州立大学,生物加工、食品与营养系,研究助理(博士后;合作教授: Allen E. Foegeding教授,Journal of Food Science主编)2006/09-2007/08,香港大学,生命科学学院,访问学者(合作教授: 马正勇教授)2005/12-2010/05,华南理工大学,轻工与食品学院,副教授2002/07-2005/11,华南理工大学,食品科学与工程系,讲师1998/03-1999/06,杭州娃哈哈集团公司,研发中心 教育经历 1999/09-2002/06,华南理工大学,食品科学与工程系,博士,导师:彭志英教授 1995/09-1998/02,无锡轻工大学(现江南大学),食品工程系,硕士,导师:葛文光副教授1991/09-1995/07,浙江工业大学,轻工系(食品科学与工程专业),本科 获奖、荣誉称号 (1)2017年: 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖二等奖(项目名称:植物蛋白质功能性质的分子基础及修饰调控机理),本人排名第一。(2)2014~2017年:农业及生物化学领域的“中国高被引用学者”(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)。(3)2011年:获国家科技进步二等奖1项(项目名称:大豆精深加工关键技术创新与应用),本人排名第七。(4)2011-2017: 广东省及华南理工大学优秀博士学位论文(2篇)及优秀硕士学位论文(10篇)指导教师。(5)2011年:入选广东省千百十人才工程培养计划。(6)2010年:入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划。 社会、学会及学术兼职 学术期刊编辑及编委: Food Biophysics (Springer; Since April 2016; IF 2.051) Associate EditorRecent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture (Bentham Science Publishers; Dec 1, 2014-April 30, 2018) Regional EditorFood Research International (Elsevier; Since Jan 2013; IF 3.520)Journal of Integrative Agriculture (Elsevier; 2017.1-2021.12; IF 1.043)Current Nutrition & Food ScienceInternational Journal of Food and Biosystems Engineering (Since Mar 2015)International Journal of Food Nutrition and Safety《中国农业科学》《食品安全质量检测学报》(Journal of Food Safety and Quality; in Chinese)Journal of Advanced Studies in Dairying, Foods and Home Economics (2012-2016)Walailak Journal of Science and TechnologyNutritional Science and Food Technology (Since April 2013)Applied Scientific Reports (Herbert Publications; Since Oct 2013)国际期刊审稿人:ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (ACS)ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Advanced Healthcare MaterialsAfrican Journal of BiotechnologyAfrican Journal of Food ScienceApplied Bioscience and BiotechnologyBBA - Proteins and ProteomicsBiomacromolecules (ACS)Carbohydrate PolymersColloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and engineering aspectsColloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Colloids and Interface Science CommunicationsCereal ChemistryComprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food SafetyCyTA-Journal of FoodEngineering in Life SciencesEuropean Food Research and TechnologyFood and Bioproducts ProcessingFood BiophsicsFood BioscienceFood ChemistryFood and Chemical ToxicologyFood & FunctionFood Hydrocolloids (Awarded as Top Reviewers, 2007-2009)Food Research InternationalFood Science and Nutrition (Open Access, Wiley)     Food Science and Technology InternationalFood Reviews InternationalIndustrial Crops and ProductsIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (ACS)Innovative Food Science & Immerging TechnologiesInternational Journal of Biological MacromoleculesInternational Journal of NanomedicineInternational Journal of Food PropertiesInternational Journal of Food Sciences and NutritionInternational Journal of Food Science and TechnologyInternational Journal of Molecular SciencesJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (ACS)Journal of Agricultural Science and TechnologyJournal of Food BiochemistryJournal of Food EngineeringJournal of Food Process EngineeringJournal of Food ScienceJournal of Food Science and TechnologyJournal of Functional FoodsJournal of Integrative Agriculture (IIA)Journal of Physical ChemistryJournal of Plant PhysiologyJournal of Polymer ResearchJournal of Dairy ScienceJournal of Chemistry Journal of the Science of Food and AgricultureLangumirLWT-Food Science and Technology Molecular Nutrition and Food ResearchMoleculesNew Journal of Chemistry (RSC)Plant Foods for Human NutritionProcess BiochemistryQuality Assurance and Safety of Crops & FoodsRSC AdvancesTrends in Food Science and TechnologyWalailak Journal of Science and Technology (Tailand) 研究领域 植物蛋白结构与功能;功能性食品;生物活性物质包埋输送;食品纳米技术;食品胶体化学及功能。 科研项目 1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21872057,皮克林样球蛋白高效稳定温度响应高内相乳液亲水凝胶及构效机理,2019/01-2022/12、66万元、在研、主持。2)“十三五”国家重点研发计划“食品营养及生物活性物质的健康功能作用研究”,蛋白质及其水解物的营养、健康功能、2017/01-2020/12、430万元、在研、课题负责人。3) 国家重点实验室自主研究课题,2016C10、纤维素纳米晶体的高效制备及其稳定皮克林乳液包埋缓释载体的构建、2016/01-2017/12、10万元、已结题、主持。4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31471695、大豆蛋白纳米颗粒皮克林稳定剂的结构特征及其结构化乳液缓释输送载体的构建、2015/01-2018/12、86万元、在研、主持。5) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31171632、豆类蛋白自组装纤维纳米结构凝胶构建小肠靶向缓释输送载体研究、2012/01-2015/12、60万元、已结题、主持。6) 华工中央高校基本科研业务费培育项目,20152P04,植物蛋白功能新挖掘、2015/01-2016/12、20万元、在研、主持。7) 华工中央高校基本科研业务费滚动项目,2011ZG0019、豆类蛋白自组装纤维凝胶构建活性物质包埋缓释载体研究、2011/01-2012/12、10万元、已结题、主持。8) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持项目,NCET-10-0398、豆类蛋白的新型加工与利用、2010/01-2013/12、50万元、在研、主持。9) 华工中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目,2009220034、酶促蛋白乳液凝胶构建热敏活性物质包埋缓释载体的途径及机理、2010/01-2011/12、25万元、已结题、主持。10) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30972049、豆类7S贮藏球蛋白功能性质的分子机理研究-构象稳定性及其修饰途径、2010/01-2012/12、29万元、已结题、主持。 发表论文 2016年至今 (~2018.7.5)发表的SCI论文:1.  Tao Yang, Jie Zheng, Bi-Sheng Zheng, Fu Liu, Shujun Wang, Chuan-He Tang*. (2018). High Internal Phase Emulsions Stabilized by Starch Nanocrystals. Food Hydrocolloids, 82, 230-238.2.  Fu Liu, Jie Zheng , Cai-Huan Huang, Chuan-He Tang*, & Shi-Yi Ou *. (2018). Pickering high internal phase emulsions stabilized by protein-covered cellulose nanocrystals. Food Hydrocolloids, 82, 96-105.3. Zhou, F.Z., Zeng, T., Yin, S.W., Tang, C.H., Yuan, D.B., & Yang, X. Q. (2018). Development of antioxidant gliadin particle stabilized Pickering high internal phase emulsions (HIPEs) as oral delivery systems and the: In vitro digestion fate. Food and Function, 9(2),  959-970. 4. Fu-Zhen Zhou, Li Yan, Shou-Wei Yin, Chuan-He Tang, and Xiao-Quan Yang. (2018). Development of Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Gliadin/Proanthocyanidins Hybrid Particles (GPHPs) and the Fate of Lipid Oxidation and Digestion. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66, 1461-1471.5. Zhu, J. Y., Yin, S. W.*, Tang, C. H., & Yang, X. Q. (2018). Development and Characterization of Novel Antimicrobial Bilayer Films based on Polylactic acid (PLA) /Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Zein/Chitosan Colloid Particles. Carbohydrate Polymers, 181, 727-735.6. Qiu-Hong Chen, Jie Zheng, Yan-Teng  Xu, Fu Liu, Shou-Wei Yin, Chuan-He Tang*. (2018). Surface Modification Improves Fabrication of Pickering High Internal Phase Emulsions Stabilized by Cellulose Nanocrystals. Food Hydrocolloids,  75, 125–130.7. Xue-Feng Zhu, Jie Zheng, Fu Liu, Chao-Yin Qiu, Wei-Feng Lin*, Chuan-He Tang* (2018). Freeze-thaw stability of Pickering emulsions stabilized by heat-induced soy protein isolate (nano)particles. Influence of ionic strength before or after emulsification. Food Hydrocolloids, 74, 37-45.8. Zhu, J. Y., Yin, S. W., Tang, C. H., & Yang, X. Q. (2018).  Development and Characterization of polylactic acid (PLA)-Gliadin Bilayer/Trilayer Films as Carriers of Thymol. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 53, 608–618.20179. Jun-You Zhu, Chuan-He Tang, Shou-Wei Yin, Yu, Y. G., Zhu, J. H., & Xiao-Quan Yang. (2017). Development and characterization of multifunctional gelatin-lysozyme films via the oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) crosslinking approach. Food Biophysics, 9, 1-11.10. Xue-Feng Zhu, Jie Zheng, Fu Liu, Chao-Yin Qiu, Wei-Feng Lin*, Chuan-He Tang* (2017). Influence of Ionic Strength on the Characteristics of Heat-induced Soy Protein Particles and the Freeze-thaw Stability of the resultant Pickering Emulsions. Food and Function, 8, 2974 - 2981.11. D. Yuan, Y. Hu, T. Zeng, S. Yin, C. H. Tang and X. Yang. (2017). Development of Stable Pickering Emulsions/Oil Powders and Pickering HIPEs Stabilized by Gliadin/Chitosan Complex Particles. Food and Function, 8, 2220-2230.12. Tao Zeng, Zi-ling Wu, Jun-You Zhu, Shou-Wei Yin, Chuan-He Tang, Lei-Yan Wu, Xiao-Quan Yang. (2017). Development of Antioxidant Pickering High Internal Phase Emulsions (HIPEs) Stabilized by Protein/polysaccharide Hybrid Particles as Potential Alternative for PHOs. Food Chemistry, 231, 122-130.13. Chen, F. P., Ou, S.Y., Chen, Z.*, & Tang, C. H.* (2017). Soy soluble polysaccharide as a nano vehicle for curcumin. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65, 1707-1714.14. Zhu, X. F., Zhang, N., Lin, W. F.*, & Tang, C. H.* (2017). Freeze-thaw stability of Pickering emulsions stabilized by soy and whey protein particles. Food Hydrocolloids, 69, 173-184.15.  Wang, C., Fu, X., Tang, C. H., Huang, Q.*, & Zhang, B.* (2017). Octenylsuccinate starch spherulites as a stabilizer for Pickering emulsions. Food Chemistry, 227, 298-304.16. Liu, F., Ou, S. Y.*, & Tang, C. H.* (2017). Ca2+-induced soy protein nanoparticles as Pickering stabilizers: Fabrication and characterization. Food Hydrocolloids, 65, 175-186..17. Deng, X. X., Zhang, N., & Tang, C. H. * (2017). Soy protein isolate as a nano vehicle for enhanced water dispersibility and stability of β-carotene. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97, 2230-2237.18.  Tang, C. H.* (2017). Emulsifying properties of soy proteins: A critical review with emphasis on the role of conformational flexibility. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 57(12), 2636-2679.201619. Cao, W. J., Ou, S. Y., Lin, W. F., & Tang, C.H. * (2016). Food protein-based phytosterol nanoparticles: Fabrication and characterization. Food & Function, 7, 3973 - 3980.20. Wang, C., Tang, C. H., Fu, X., Huang, Q., & Zhang, B. (2016). Granular size of potato starch affects structural properties, octenylsuccinic anhydride modification and flowability. Food Chemistry, 212, 453-459.21. Chen, F. P., Ou, S.Y., & Tang, C. H.* (2016). Core-shell soy protein-soy polysaccharide (nano)particles as carriers for improved stability and sustained-release of curcumin. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64, 5053-5059.22. Ya-Qiong Hu • Shou-Wei Yin • Jian-Hua Zhu • Jun-Ru Qi • Jian Guo •Lei-Yan Wu • Chuan-He Tang • Xiao-Quan Yang. (2016). Fabrication and characterization of novel Pickering emulsions and Pickering high internal emulsions stabilized by gliadin colloidal particles. Food Hydrocolloids, 61, 102-112.23. Chen, S., Zhang, N., & Tang, C. H. * (2016). Influence of nanocomplexation with curcumin on emulsifying properties and emulsion oxidative stability of soy protein isolate at pH 3.0 and 7.0.  Food Hydrocolloids, 61, 102-112.24. Zhao, X. H., Zhang, N., & Tang, C. H.* (2016). Spray-drying microencapsulation of CoQ10 in olive oil for enhanced water dispersibility, stability and bioaccessibility: Influence of type of emulsifiers and/or wall materials. Food Hydrocolloids, 61, 20-30.25. Chen, F. P., Zhang, N., & Tang, C. H.* (2016). Food proteins as vehicles for enhanced water dispersibility, stability and bioaccessibility of coenzyme Q10. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 72, 125-133.26. Shi, W.-J., Tang, C.-H., Yin, S.-W., Yin, Y., Yang, X.-Q., Wu, L.-Y., & Zhao, Z.-G. (2016). Development and characterization of novel chitosan emulsion films via Pickering emulsions incorporation approach, Food Hydrocolloids, 52, 253-264.27. Shao, Y., & Tang, C. H.* (2016). Gel-like pea protein-stabilized emulsions at pH 3.0 as a potential GI-targeted and sustained-release delivery system for β-carotene. Food Research International, 79, 64-72.28. Liu, F., & Tang, C. H.* (2016). Reprint of “Soy glycinin as food-grade Pickering stabilizers:  Part. III. Fabrication of gel-like emulsions and their potential as sustained-release delivery systems for β-carotene”. Food Hydrocolloids, 60, 631-640. (This is a reprint of a previous paper; see 104)29. Liu, F., & Tang, C. H.* (2016). Soy glycinin as food-grade Pickering stabilizers: Part. II. Improvement of emulsification and interfacial adsorption by electrostatic screening. Food Hydrocolloids, 60, 620-630.30. Liu, F., & Tang, C. H.* (2016). Soy glycinin as food-grade Pickering stabilizers: Part. I. Structural characteristics, emulsifying properties, and interfacial adsorption/arrangement at interface. Food Hydrocolloids, 60, 606-619.31. Liu, F., & Tang, C. H.* (2016). Soy glycinin as food-grade Pickering stabilizers:  Part. III. Fabrication of gel-like emulsions and their potential as sustained-release delivery systems for β-carotene. Food Hydrocolloids, 56, 434-444. 出版专著和教材 专著:(1)2005年: 植物生物活性物质,北京:化学工业出版社,共57.4万字;(2)2004年:植物功能性食品,北京:化学工业出版社,共68.5万字。 科研创新 国家发明专利授权6项,申请10项。 教学活动 现主讲:1、博士生课程:    食品胶体导论2、硕士研究生(全日制):    食品波谱学3、硕士研究生(工程硕士):    食品波谱学 指导学生情况 目前,每年招博士研究生2名,硕士研究生3-4名。已指导博士研究生获广东省优秀博士学位论文1篇,华南理工大学优秀博士学位论文1篇(2017年;全校共10篇),广东省优秀硕士学位论文3篇,华南理工大学优秀硕士学位论文共7篇。 我的团队 兴华人才工程“食品胶体与功能性食品”团队,共5人,博士生导师2人,国外博士学位2人。

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