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姓名 | 欧阳新平 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 华南理工大学 | 部门 | 化学与化工学院 |
学位 | 教授 | 学历 | 教授 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 16号楼 |
邮箱 | ceouyang@scut.edu.cn | ||
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更新日期:2023年2月28日 姓 名 欧阳新平 性 别 男 出生年月 1966年6月 籍贯 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 群众 最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 工学博士 技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务 Email ceouyang@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 化学与化工学院 邮政编码 510640 通讯地址 16号楼 单位电话 020-87114722 个人简介 主持、参加国家、部、省、市及企业合作项目32项,其中主持国家重点研发课题、国家自然科学基金等科研项目19项,发表论文150多篇,其中SCI/EI收录105篇,出版专著1部,获国家发明专利授权65件,先后获国家技术发明二等奖1次,中国专利优秀奖2次,教育部提名国家技术发明二等奖1次,广东省科学技术奖一等奖2次,广东省科技进步二等奖2次,广东省专利金奖1次,广州市科技进步二等奖1次。广东省绿色精细化学产品工程研究中心副主任,全国生物质能源产业联盟理事,中国化工学会精细化工专业委员会委员,《精细化工》期刊编委。 工作经历 1994~今 华南理工大学 教育经历 1996~1999 华南理工大学博士研究生2004~2005 加拿大滑铁卢大学 获奖、荣誉称号 2016年: “一种高磺化度高分子量木质素基高效减水剂及其制备方法”, 中国专利优秀奖2011年:“碱木质素的改性及其资源化高效利用”,广东省科技奖励一等奖2009年:“木素系加气混凝土用高效砂浆外加剂及其制备方法”,第十一届中国专利优秀奖2008年:“改性木素磺酸盐水处理剂及其制备方法”,第六届国际发明专利博览会金奖2007年:“木质素磺酸盐资源化高效利用的改性技术”,国家技术发明二等奖 社会、学会及学术兼职 中国化工学会精细化工专业委员会委员中国生物质能源产业联盟理事广东省化工学会精细化工专业委员会委员《精细化工》期刊编委 研究领域 1. 木质素解聚制备芳香类化学品和液体燃料前驱体2. 木质纤维素预处理和分离3. 生物质基工业分散剂 科研项目 1. “废弃生物质固定CO2生产化学品新路线”,国家重点研发项目子课题,2022-20252. “无机融盐水合物催化植物类有机固废解聚分离机制”,国家重点研发课题,2020-2023 3.“基于亲疏水调控的无机融盐水合物解离木质纤维素体系的构建与机理”,国家自然科学基金,2021-20244. “基于结构修饰的木质素解聚制备高收率单酚类化合物及其机理研究”,国家自然科学基金,2018-20225. “定向解聚耦合凝胶柱层析分离制备木质素模型化合物”,国家自然科学基金,2016-20206. “微波对碱木质素化学反应活性调控机理研究”,国家自然科学基金,2010-20137. “劣质原油的分子结构特性及电脱盐工艺研究”,中石化科技开发项目,2021-20238. “预拌湿混砂浆专用改性剂”,广东省科技项目,2013-20159. “降低再造烟叶木质素气息技术及转化应用研究”,中烟广东公司科技项目,2015-2017 发表论文 以通讯作者发表的部分论文1. Constructing single-atom Ni on N-doped carbon viachelation-anchored strategy for the hydrogenolysis of lignin, AIChE J, 2023;69:e17872. Microwave-assisted fractionation of poplar sawdust into high-yield noncondensed lignin and carbohydrates in methanol/p-toluenesulfonic acid. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 454, 140237-1402463. Enhanced production and separation of shortchain glucan oligomers from corn stover in an unacidified LiBr molten salt hydrate via preextraction of hemicellulose, Green Chemistry, 2022, 24, 8812-88194. Highly efficient fractionation of cornstalk into noncondensed lignin, xylose, and cellulose in formic acid. Journal of Agricultrual and Food Chemistry. 2022, 70, 15430−154385. Preparation of a Pt/NbPWO Bifunctional Catalyst for the Hydrogenolysis of Alkali Lignin to Aromatic Monomers, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica. 2022, 38(10), 2204037-22040456. Production of water-soluble sugar from cellulose and corn stover via molten salt hydrate impregnation and separation. Cellulose, 2022, 29, 879–8917. Fabricating nickel phyllosilicate-like nanosheets to prepare a defect-rich catalyst for the one-pot conversion of lignin into hydrocarbons under mild conditions, Green Chemistry, 2022, 24, 846–8578. Mild hydrodeoxygenation of lignin-derived bio-oils to hydrocarbons over bifunctional ZrP2O7-Ni12P5 catalysts, Fuel, 2022, 313: 123044 - 1230429. Extraction of Noncondensed Lignin from Poplar Sawdusts with p-Toluenesulfonic Acid and Ethanol, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69, 10838−1084710. Liquid−Liquid Equilibrium Data for Cyclohexane−Ethanol−Solvent Ternary Systems and Their Correlation with the Nonrandom Two-Liquid Model, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2021, 66, 4384−439011. Adsorption-Enhanced Glucan Oligomer Production from Cellulose Hydrolysis over Hyper-Cross-Linked Polymer in Molten Salt Hydrate, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2021, 13, 52082–5209112. Separation of short-chain glucan oligomers from molten salt hydrate and hydrolysis to glucose, Green Chemistry 2021, 23, 4114-412413. Improvement on the catalytic performances of butyl levulinate hydrogenation to γ-valerolactone over self-regenerated CuNiCoB/ Palygorskite catalyst, Molecular Catalysis, 2021, 504:111483-11149414. Hydrogenolysis of lignin to produce aromatic monomers over Fe-Pd bimetallic catalyst supported on HZSM-5, Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 213:106713-10672215. Beyond biodegradation: Chemical upcycling of poly(lactic acid) plastic waste to methyl lactate catalyzed by quaternary ammonium fluoride, Journal of Catalysis, Journal of Catalysis, 2021, 402, 61–7116. Metalloporphyrin as a biomimetic catalyst for the catalytic oxidative degradation of lignin to produce aromatic monomers, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2020,11:4481–448917.Impact of nitrogen species and content on the catalytic activity to C–O bond cleavage of lignin over N-doped carbon supported Ru-based catalyst, Fuel , 2020, 278: 118324-11833318. In Situ preparation of Ru@N-doped carbon catalyst for the hydrogenolysis of lignin to produce aromatic monomers, ACS Catalysis, 2019, 9, 5828−583619. Lignin removal from tobacco stem with laccase improved by synergistic action of weak alkali and Tween 80, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2019, 10:3343–335020. Facile Approach to Develop Hierarchical Roughness fiber@SiO2 Blocks for Superhydrophobic Paper, Materials, 2019, 12(9), 1393-140121. Lignosulfonate: A convenient fluorescence resonance energy transfer platform for the construction of a ratiometric fluorescence ph-sensing probe. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67, 1044−105122. Improving antioxidant activity of lignin by hydrogenolysis, Industrial and Crops Products, 2018, 25:228–235.23. Photoluminescent composites of lanthanide-based nanocrystalfunctionalized cellulose fibers for anticounterfeiting applications, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2018, 6, 13960−1396724. Effect of structural characteristics on the depolymerization of lignin into phenolic monomers. Fuel, 2018, 223:366-37225. Catalytic upgrading of biopolyols derived from liquefaction of wheat straw over a high-performance and stable supported amorphous alloy catalyst, Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 156: 130-139.26. Selective hydrogenation of furfural to furfuryl alcohol over acid activated attapulgite-supported NiCoB amorphous alloy catalyst, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57(2):498-511.27. Separation of aromatic monomers from oxidatively depolymerized products of lignin by combining Sephadex and silica gel column chromatography. Separation and Purification Technology, 2018,191: 250-25628. Oxidative Depolymerization of Lignin Improved by Enzymolysis Pretreatment with Laccase. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2018, 27:801-805. 出版专著和教材 专著:工业木质素高效利用的改性理论与技术,科学出版社,2014 科研创新 部分授权专利1: 一种弱碱、漆酶与表面活性剂协同脱除烟梗中木质素的方法,ZL201610032748.92. 用于木质素加氢解聚的分子筛负载钒基催化剂及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201710135115.53. 一种用于木质素加氢解聚的钌基复合氮化碳纳米催化剂及制备方法和在木质素解聚上的应用,专利号:ZL 201811273496.44. 一种用于木质素加氢解聚的HZSM-5负载型Fe-Pd双金属催化剂及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201811092058.85. 一种木质素基纳米花多孔碳载体负载Ru基催化剂及其制备方法和在木质素解聚中的应用,专利号:ZL201910166723.16. 一种微波协同金属卟啉催化氧化碱木质素制备单苯环化合物的方法,专利号:ZL201910166717.67. 一种改性介孔分子筛负载铂基催化剂及其制备方法,专利号:ZL20191066024.38. 一种在双相体系界面全组分解聚原生生物质制备平台化合物的方法, 专利号:ZL201910766949.59. 一种介孔结构磷化镍-磷酸锆复合催化剂及其制备方法与应用。专利号:ZL202011617774.010. Highly efficient lignin-based water-reducing agent with high degree of sulfonation and high molecular weight, and preparation method thereof,US20130096285A1
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