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姓名 | 郑志刚 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 华南理工大学 | 部门 | 材料科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 副研究员 | 学历 | 副研究员 |
职称 | 副研究员 | 联系方式 | 广州市天河区华南理工大学8号楼213 |
邮箱 | mszgzheng@scut.edu.cn | ||
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更新日期:2018年7月23日 姓 名 郑志刚 性 别 男 出生年月 1994年3月 籍贯 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士 技术职称 副研究员 导师类别 硕导 行政职务 Email mszgzheng@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 材料科学与工程学院 邮政编码 510640 通讯地址 广州市天河区华南理工大学8号楼213 单位电话 15986309322 工作经历 (1) 2016.7-2017.7, 加拿大麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University),化学与生物化学学院,访问学者(2) 2011.11-至今, 华南理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,副研究员(3) 2009.3-2011.10, 华南理工大学,博士后,合作导师: 夏伟(4)1999.9-2002.7, 太原重型机械厂,锻压车间,技术员 教育经历 (1)2005/9 - 2008/12,华南理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,博士,导师:曾德长(2)2002/9 - 2005/7,广西大学,物理学院,硕士,导师:庄应洪(3)1995/9 - 1999/7,太原理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,学士 研究领域 磁性材料及器件 科研项目 1.广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2018A030313615,Fe2P型磁热材料宽温区大制冷能力的多场调控研究,2018/05/01- 2021/04/30,主持2. 广州市科技计划项目, 201707010056, 直接铸造大磁熵变Fe2P型磁热材料和及其应用特性的研究,2017/05/01 - 2019/04/30,主持3. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2016A030313494,巨磁热效应锰铁基磁制冷材料的制备和及其机理研究,2016/06/01 -- 2019/06/01,主持4.广州市科技计划项目/产学研协同创新重大专项, 201604016103, 高Bs低损耗非晶纳米晶铁基磁粉芯及其器件的关键技术研发, 2016/05/01-2018/08/31, 主持5. 广东省科技计划项目, 2013B090500017, 宽频低损铁基非晶磁粉芯的研制及其产业化, 2014/03/01-2016/06/30,主持 发表论文 [1] J. W. Lai, Z. G. Zheng, B. Huang, H. Y. Yu, Z. G. Qiu, Y. L. Mao, S. Zhang, F. M. Xiao, D. C. Zeng, K. Goubitz, E. Brück. Microstructure formation and magnetocaloric effect of the Fe2P-type phase in (Mn,Fe)2(P, Si, B) alloys[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2018, 735: 2567-2573. [2] Xiaoyan Sun, Zhongwu Liu, Hongya Yu, Zhigang Zheng, Dechang Zeng. Facile synthesis of BiFeO3 nanoparticles by modified microwave-assisted hydrothermal method as visible light driven photocatalysts[J]. Materials Letters. 2018, 219: 225-228. [3] Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng, Z. G. Qiu. The room temperature large magnetocaloric effects with a wide temperature span in Gd70Y30-xFex alloys[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2018, 465: 19-24. [4] Li Ji, Zhigang Zheng, Zhaoguo Qiu, Dechang Zeng, Hongya Yu, Bo Xu. Effect of V addition on the performance of Fe 73.5Cu1B13Si9.5Nb3-xVx soft magnetic alloys[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2018, 766: 391-397. [5] J. W. Lai, Z. G. Zheng, H. Y. Yu, D. C. Zeng, F. M. Xiao, T. Sun, R. H. Tang. Tuning Magnetocaloric Effect to Near-Room Temperature for MnCo1−xGe0.5Si0.5 Alloys[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2017, 26: 2346-2349. [6] B. Li, Z. G. Zheng, H. Y. Yu, D. C. Zeng. Improved permeability of Fe based amorphous magnetic powder cores by adding Permalloy[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2017, 438: 138-143. [7] Z. G. Zheng, Z. R. Zhu, H. Y. Yu, D. C. Zeng, Y. H. Li, A. He, Y. Mozharivskyj. Large magnetic entropy change and magnetic phase transitions in rapidly quenched bulk Mn-Fe-P-Si alloys[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017, 725: 1069-1076. [8] 毛宇龙,郑志刚,檀竹才,余红雅,曾德长. Gd1-xHoxCo2的结构及磁热效应[J]. 功能材料. 2017, 48(6): 6086-6091. [9] JiLiang Zhang, Guangcun Shan, ZhiGang Zheng, Chan Hung Shek. Structure and magnetic behaviors of Gd6FeBi2 compound[J]. Intermetallics. 2016, 68: 51-56.[10] Z. G. Zheng, Z. C. Tan, H. Y. Yu, J. L. Zhang, D. C. Zeng, V. Franco. Structural, magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of Mn1.2Fe0.8P1-xSixB0.03 compounds[J]. Materials Research Bulletin. 2016, 77: 29-34.[11] Zhi Gang Zheng, J. S. Zhang, H. Y. Yu, B. Li, D. C. Zeng, F. M. Xiao, T. Sun, R. H. Tang. Enhanced Electrical Resistivity and Soft Magnetic Properties in Ca-Doped Fe-B-Cu Alloy Ribbons[J]. Materials Science Forum. 2016, 873: 23-27.[12] J. W. Lai, Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, R. Montemayor, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng. Magnetocaloric effect of nonstoichiometric La1−xFe11.4+xSi1.6 alloys with first-order and second-order magnetic transitions[J]. Intermetallics. 2015, 63: 7-11.[13] J. W. Lai, Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, V. Franco, R. Montemayor, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng. Table-like magnetocaloric effect of Fe88−xNdxCr8B4 composite materials[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2015, 390: 87-90.[14] 朱忠仁,余红雅,郑志刚,钟喜春,刘仲武,曾德长. 铜模铸造法制备Mn1.15Fe0.85P0.55Si0.45化合物及其磁相变研究[J]. 功能材料. 2015, 46(8): 8119-8123.[15] D. Y. Qian, M. Hussain, Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, X. X. Gao, Z. W. Liu. Compositional optimization for nanocrystalline hard magnetic MRE–Fe–B–Zr alloys via modifying RE and B contents[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2015, 384: 87-92.[16] J. Wang, Z. W. Liu, Z. G. Zheng, H. Y. Yu, G. P. Tang, D. C. Zeng. Effect of rare earth additions on microstructure, thermal stability and crystallization behavior of melt spun Fe80.65Cu1.35Si2B14RE2 (RE=Y, Gd, Tb and Dy) soft magnetic alloys[J]. Materials Letters. 2015, 159: 76-79.[17] X. C. Zhong, H. C. Tian, S. S. Wang, Z. W. Liu, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng. Thermal, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Fe80−xMxB10Zr9Cu1 (M=Ni, Ta; x=0, 3, 5) amorphous alloys[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015, 633: 188-193.[18] H. Y. Yu, Z. R. Zhu, J. W. Lai, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng, J. L. Zhang. Enhance magnetocaloric effects in Mn1.15Fe0.85P0.52 Si0.45 B0.03 alloy achieved by copper-mould casting and annealing treatments[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015, 649: 1043-1047.[19] J. L. Zhang, Z. G. Zheng, G. C. Shan, S. Bobev, C. H. Shek. Abnormal thermal expansion, multiple transitions, magnetocaloric effect, and electronic structure of Gd6Co4.85[J]. Journal of Applied Physics. 2015, 118(13): 133903.[20] Lizhong Zhao, Zhigang Zheng, Xi Chen, Zhaoguo Qiu, Jiawei Lai, Gang Wang, Zhongwu Liu, Raju V. Ramanujan. Magnetic Characteristics for the Mould-Cast Hard Magnetic Nd70 − xFe30Alx (x = 0 – 10) Alloys[J]. Ieee Transactions On Magnetics. 2015, 51(8): 2100406.[21] J. X. Min, X. C. Zhong, V. Franco, H. C. Tian, Z. W. Liu, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng. Structure, magnetic properties and giant magnetocaloric effect of Tb4Gd1Si2.035Ge1.935Mn0.03 alloy[J]. Intermetallics. 2015, 57: 68-72.[22] Jing Liu, Y. P. Zeng, H. Y. Yu, D. L. Jiao, Z. G. Zheng, Z. W. Liu, G. Q. Zhang. Development of FePt–Si–N nanocomposite thin films for magnetic recording[J]. Applied Surface Science. 2014, 300: 124-128.[23] D. Y. Feng, Z. W. Liu, G. Wang, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng, Z. Li, G. Q. Zhang. Zr and Si co-substitution for SmCo7 alloy with enhanced magnetic properties and improved oxidation and corrosion resistances[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014, 610: 341-346.[24] Jiliang Zhang, Zhigang Zheng, Chan Hung Shek. Significantly enhanced magnetic properties of a powder of amorphous Fe70MnxMo3Cr4-6W8-10Si4-5B3-5 particles achieved by annealing treatments below the crystallization temperature[J]. Journal of Applied Physics. 2014, 115(23): 233912.[25] D. Y. Feng, Z. W. Liu, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng, G. Q. Zhang. Improving the structure, magnetic properties and thermal stability of rapidly quenched TbCu7-type SmCo6.4Si0.3Zr0.3 alloy by carbon addition[J]. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 2014, 446: 63-66.[26] J. X. Min, X. C. Zhong, Z. W. Liu, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng. Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects of Gd–Mn–Si ribbons in amorphous and crystalline states[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014, 606: 50-54.[27] Z. W. Liu, D. Y. Qian, L. Z. Zhao, Z. G. Zheng, X. X. Gao, R. V. Ramanujan. Enhancing the coercivity, thermal stability and exchange coupling of nano-composite (Nd,Dy,Y)–Fe–B alloys with reduced Dy content by Zr addition[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014, 606: 44-49.[28] XiChun Zhong, HuaCun Tian, PengFei Tang, ZhongWu Liu, ZhiGang Zheng, DeChang Zeng. Structure, magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects of Fe50Mn15−x Co x Ni35 alloys[J]. Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy. 2014, 57(3): 437-441.[29] J. W. Lai, Z. G. Zheng, R. Montemayor, X. C. Zhong, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng. Magnetic phase transitions and magnetocaloric effect of MnCoGe1−xSix[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2014, 372: 86-90.[30] D. D. Hu, X. Liao, H. L. Ma, Z. G. Zheng, Z. W. Liu. Preparation of Ferrimagnetic CoFe2O4 and Ferroelectric BiFeO3 Thin Films by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis[J]. Journal of Surfaces and Interfaces of Materials. 2014, 2(3): 213-219.[31] J. L. Zhang, Z. G. Zheng, W. H. Cao, C. H. Shek. Magnetic behavior of Gd4Co3 metallic glass[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2013, 326: 157-161.[32] Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, J. L. Zhang, Z. W. Liu, V. Franco, D. C. Zeng. Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in GdCo9Si2 compound with multiple magnetic phase transitions[J]. Journal of Applied Physics. 2013, 113(17): 17A-938A.[33] X. C. Zhong, J. X. Min, Z. W. Liu, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng, V. Franco, R. V. Ramanujan. Low hysteresis and large room temperature magnetocaloric effect of Gd5Si2.05-xGe1.95-xNi2x (2x = 0.08, 0.1) alloys[J]. Journal of Applied Physics. 2013, 113: 17A-916A.[34] Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng, V. Franco, J. L. Zhang. Magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior of amorphous (Gd4Co3)1-xSix alloys[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2013, 343: 184-188.[35] X. C. Zhong, P. F. Tang, B. B. Gao, J. X. Min, Z. W. Liu, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng, H. Y. Yu, W. Q. Qiu. Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in amorphous and crystalline Gd55Co35Ni10 ribbons[J]. Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy. 2013, 56(6): 1096-1099.[36] Y. P. Zeng, Z. W. Liu, H. Y. Yu, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng, X. S. Gao. Large positive room temperature magnetoresistance in nanogranular FeCo–Si–N thin films[J]. Materials Letters. 2013, 110: 27-30.[37] D. Y. Feng, Z. W. Liu, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng, G. Q. Zhang. The structure, anisotropy and coercivity of rapidly quenched TbCu7-type SmCo7-xZrx alloys and the effects of post-treatments[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2013, 347: 18-25.[38] 闵继雄,钟喜春,郑志刚,刘仲武,曾德长,余红雅,邱万奇. Gd99.75Fe0.25合金的大磁热效应及应用特性研究[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程. 2013, 42(2): 362-365.[39] Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, H. Y. Yu, V. Franco, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng. The magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior in amorphous Gd60Co40-xMnx alloys[J]. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012, 111: 7A-922A.[40] X. C. Zhong, P. F. Tang, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng, Z. G. Zheng, H. Y. Yu, W. Q. Qiu, H. Zhang, R. V. Ramanujan. Large magnetocaloric effect and refrigerant capacity in Gd-Co-Ni metallic glasses[J]. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012, 111: 7A-919A.[41] 高贝贝,钟喜春,郑志刚,刘仲武,曾德长. 熔体快淬La1-xCex(Fe0.92Co0.08)11.4Si1.6 (x=0, 0.3)合金的结构和大磁熵变[J]. 材料研究学报. 2012, 26(5): 511-514.[42] X. C. Zhong, J. X. Min, Z. G. Zheng, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng. Critical behavior and magnetocaloric effect of Gd65Mn35- xGex (x= 0, 5, and 10) melt-spun ribbons[J]. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012, 112(3): 33903.[43] X. C. Zhong, B. B. Gao, Z. W. Liu, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng. Amorphous and crystallized (Gd4Co3)100-xBx alloys for magnetic refrigerants working in the vicinity of 200K[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2012(553): 152-156.[44] 万娟,郑志刚,王进,刘仲武. Fe-Si-B非晶磁粉芯的制备及其软磁性能[J]. 电子元件与材料. 2012(10): 45-48.[45] 唐鹏飞,钟喜春,郑志刚,余红雅,邱万奇,曾德长,刘仲武. Nb掺杂Gd合金的大磁热效应和显微硬度增强[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程. 2012(06): 1090-1093.[46] Z. W. Liu, Y. M. Li, J. Wang, X. C. Zhong, H. Y. Yu, D. C. Zeng. Improved soft magnetic properties and thermal stability for Fe[J]. Materials Science and Technology. 2012, 28(8): 987-990.[47] X. C. Zhong, P. F. Tang, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng, Z. G. Zheng, H. Y. Yu, W. Q. Qiu, M. Zou. Magnetic properties and large magnetocaloric effect in Gd–Ni amorphous ribbons for magnetic refrigeration applications in intermediate temperature range[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2011, 509: 6889-6892.[48] Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, H. Y. Yu, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng. Magnetic phase transitions and magnetocaloric properties of (Gd12-xTbx)Co7 alloys[J]. Journal of Applied Physics. 2011, 109: 7A-919A.[49] Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, K. P. Su, H. Y. Yu, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng. Magnetic properties and large magnetocaloric effects in amorphous Gd–Al–Fe alloys for magnetic refrigeration[J]. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2011, 54(7): 1-4.[50] Z. W. Liu, C. Chen, Z. G. Zheng, B. H. Tan, R. V. Ramanujan. Phase transitions and hard magnetic properties for rapidly solidified MnAl alloys doped with C, B, and rare earth elements[J]. Journal of Materials Science. 2011, 47: 2333-2338.[51] K. P. Su, Z. W. Liu, X. X. Shan, Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, H. Y. Yu, D. C. Zeng. Synthesis and Characterization of Core-shell Structured Bimagnetic Cobalt-coated Iron Nanoparticles[J]. Materials Science Forum. 2011, 688: 370-375.[52] 唐鹏飞,钟喜春,郑志刚,余红雅,邱万奇,刘仲武,曾德长. Gd55Fe30P15非晶条带的磁热效应[J]. 磁性材料与器件. 2011, 42(1): 12-15.[53] X. C. Zhong, M. Zou, H. Zhang, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng, K. A. Gschneidner, V. K. Pecharsky. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of R5Sn4 alloys, where R is Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er[J]. Journal of Applied Physics. 2011, 109(7): 7A-917A.[54] 郑志刚,余红雅,钟喜春,刘仲武,曾德长. 室温磁制冷工质金属Gd的防腐研究[J]. 磁性材料及器件. 2010, 41: 19-22.[55] 郑志刚,钟喜春,唐鹏飞,余红雅,邱万奇,刘仲武,曾德长. 熔体快淬Gd96V4合金的磁性能和磁热效应[J]. 材料研究与应用. 2010(4): 504-508.[56] Z. G. Zheng, H. Y. Yu, X. C. Zhong, D. C. Zeng, Z. W. Liu. Design and Performance Study of the Active Magnetic Refrigerator for Room Temperature[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2009, 32: 78-86.[57] Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, Y. H. Zhang, H. Y. Yu, D. C. Zeng. Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline ZnxMn1−xFe2O4 prepared by ball milling[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2008, 466(1-2): 377-382. 科研创新 [1] 曾德长,曾伟奇,郑志刚,余红雅. 一种Ni-Co-Mn-Sn磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 201810168569.7. [2] 曾德长,吉丽,郑志刚,余红雅,彭思远,徐波. 一种非晶合金带材及其制备方法与在染料废水处理中的应用[P]. 201711241713.7. [3] 余红雅,李蓓,郑志刚,曾德长. 一种FeSiB非晶磁粉芯及其制备方法[P]. 201710159417.6. [4] 曾德长,徐波,吉丽,郑志刚,余红雅. 一种交变永磁磁场睡眠治疗仪[P]. 201710766394.5. [5] 曾德长,徐静,余红雅,郑志刚,洪源,王刚,匡同春. 一种用于不锈钢的化学抛光液和抛光工艺[P]. 201610184472.6. [6] 曾德长,王进,郑志刚,余红雅,肖方明. 一种Fe-si-A1粉芯环形磁体及其制备方法[P]. 201610652825.0. [7] 曾德长,张顺,郑志刚,余红雅,肖方明. 一种双通道室温磁热效应直接测量仪与方法[P]. 201610967415.5. [8] 曾德长,吉丽,郑志刚,余红雅,徐波. 一种交变永磁磁场的睡眠治疗仪及其运行方法[P]. 201611214800.0. [9] 余红雅,邓晶,曾德长,郑志刚. 种晶界扩散Al-Cu合金提高钕铁硼磁体耐蚀性的方法[P]. 201611101093.2.[10] 曾德长,郑志刚,黄博微,余红雅,赖嘉威. 一种双循环往复式室温磁制冷系统[P]. 2015103579078.[11] 曾德长,李程聪,郑志刚,余红雅,王刚. 一种高矫顽力六角锶铁氧体的制备方法[P]. 2015104343819.[12] 余红雅,朱忠仁,郑志刚,曾德长,钟喜春,刘仲武. 一种Mn-Fe-P-Si磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 201410597188.2.[13] 郑志刚,余红雅,张家胜,刘仲武,曾德长. 一种Fe基非晶纳米晶软磁材料及其制备方法[P]. 201410505361.1. [14] 曾德长,檀竹才,郑志刚,钟喜春,刘仲武,余红雅. 一种MnFePSi基室温磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 201210335323.7. [15] 刘仲武,李伟,郑志刚,赵利忠. 一种提供钕铁硼辅助铸造磁场的永磁体系统 [P]. 201310455187X.[16] 曾德长,柏占,郑志刚,钟喜春,刘仲武,余红雅,邱万奇. 摆动式室温磁制冷机[P]. 201120321647.6. [17] 曾德长,柏占,郑志刚,钟喜春,刘仲武,余红雅,邱万奇. 摆动式室温磁制冷机[P]. 201110253057.9 内容来自集群智慧云企服 www.jiqunzhihui.net