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姓名 王琳 性别
学校 华南理工大学 部门 材料科学与工程学院
学位 研究员 学历 研究员
职称 研究员 联系方式 广州市番禺区大学城华南理工大学B12
邮箱 wanglin3@scut.edu.cn    
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更新日期:2023年3月20日 姓 名 王琳 性 别 男 出生年月 1985年2月 籍贯 山东济南市 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士 技术职称 研究员 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务 Email wanglin3@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 材料科学与工程学院 邮政编码 510006 通讯地址 广州市番禺区大学城华南理工大学B12 单位电话 15521122720 个人简介 王琳,工学博士,研究员,博士生/硕士生导师,广东省杰出青年基金获得者,入选青年珠江学者、香江学者。本科毕业于山东大学,博士毕业于华南理工大学,曾在美国休斯顿大学、香港科技大学从事研究工作。主要从事生物医用材料表面功能化研究,研究方向包括抗菌植入材料、抗粘附材料、血液净化材料等。共发表SCI论文69篇,其中以通讯/第一(含共同第一)作者在Nature Communications、ACS Nano、Advanced Science、Biomaterials等期刊发表SCI论文33篇。申请中国发明专利33项,其中授权20项;授权美国专利2项。获中国专利银奖(排名第4)、广东专利金奖(排名第4)、香江学者奖(排名第1)、香江学者年会最佳口头报告奖(排名第1)。受邀担任期刊Smart Materials in Medicine客座编辑,以及中国生物材料学会医用金属材料分会委员、骨修复材料与器械分会委员,广东省生物医学工程学会第十届理事会理事、胸心血管外科分会和青年学术分会常务委员。 工作经历 2012.11-2014.11  华南理工大学 博士后2014.12-2020.08  华南理工大学 助理研究员/副研究员2016.02-2018.02  香港科技大学  香江学者2020.9至今            华南理工大学 研究员 教育经历 2010年9月-2011年10月 美国休斯顿大学 联合培养博士研究生 导师:Prof. Chengzhi Cai 2007年9月-2012年9月  华南理工大学 材料学博士 导师:王迎军 院士2003年9月-2007年7月  山东大学 工学学士 获奖、荣誉称号 青年珠江学者,广东省杰出青年科学基金获得者,广州市珠江科技新星,香江学者 社会、学会及学术兼职 广东省生物医学工程学会理事广东省生物医学工程学会胸心血管外科分会常务委员广东省生物医学工程学会青年学术分会常务委员中国生物材料学会骨修复材料与器械分会委员中国生物材料学会医用金属材料分会委员Adv. Funct. Mater., Small, Biomater. Sci.等期刊审稿人 研究领域 生物适配抗菌功能化表面,抗菌生物医用材料,抗粘附高分子生物医用材料,血液净化材料 科研项目 主持1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,60万,2018.01.01-2021.12.31;2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,25万,2014.01.01-2016.12.31;3. 国家重点研发计划子课题,122.28万,2018.09.01-2021.06.30;4. 国家重点研发计划子课题,134万,2020-2023;5. 国家重点研发计划子课题,35万,2017.07.01-2020.12.31;6. 广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目,100万,2019-2023;7. 广东省青年珠江学者,2019-2022;8. 广州市科技项目(珠江科技新星),30万,2018.04.01-2021.03.31;9. 香江学者计划,10万,2016.02.01-2018.02.01;10. 中国博士后面上项目,5万,2013.06.01-2014.11.01,第一。参与1. 国家自然科学基金广东联合基金重点项目,255万(直接经费),2019.01.01-2022.12.31; 2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,290万,2013.01-2017.12;3. 广州市科技项目(重点项目),200万,2018.04.01-2021.03.31。 发表论文 2023年69. Xiong, X.;  Chen, Y.;  Wang, Z.;  Liu, H.;  Le, M.;  Lin, C.;  Wu, G.;  Wang, L.;  Shi, X.;  Jia, Y.-G.; Zhao, Y., Polymerizable rotaxane hydrogels for three-dimensional printing fabrication of wearable sensors. Nature communications 2023, 14 (1), 1331-1331. (通讯作者)68. Ma, Z.;  Wang, H.;  Shi, Z.;  Yan, F.;  Li, Q.;  Chen, J.;  Cui, Z.-K.;  Zhang, Y.;  Jin, X.;  Jia, Y.-G.; Wang, L., Inhalable GSH-Triggered Nanoparticles to Treat Commensal Bacterial Infection in In Situ Lung Tumors. ACS nano 2023. (通讯作者)67. Lin, C.;  Liu, H.;  Huang, W.;  Shi, Z.;  Wang, L.;  Chen, Y.;  Yang, J.;  Wu, G.; Jia, Y.-G., Sustainable metal-free polyurethane elastomers from bile acids: self-healing properties and biocompatibility. Materials Today Chemistry 2023, 27.2022年66. Guo, K.;  Zhang, M.;  Cai, J.;  Ma, Z.;  Fang, Z.;  Zhou, H.;  Chen, J.;  Gao, M.; Wang, L., Peptide-Engineered AIE Nanofibers with Excellent and Precisely Adjustable Antibacterial Activity. Small 2022, 18 (17). (通讯作者)65. Chen, K.-F.;  Zhang, Y.;  Lin, J.;  Chen, J.-Y.;  Lin, C.;  Gao, M.;  Chen, Y.;  Liu, S.;  Wang, L.;  Cui, Z.-K.; Jia, Y.-G., Upper Critical Solution Temperature Polyvalent Scaffolds Aggregate and Exterminate Bacteria. Small 2022, 18 (11). (通讯作者)64. Hu, G.;  Chen, J.;  Fan, Y.;  Zhou, H.;  Guo, K.;  Fang, Z.;  Xie, L.;  Wang, L.; Wang, Y., A promoted copper-catalysed Azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) for broad spectrum peptide-engineered implants. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 427. (通讯作者)63. Le, M.;  Huang, W.;  Ma, Z.;  Shi, Z.;  Li, Q.;  Lin, C.;  Wang, L.; Jia, Y.-G., Facially Amphiphilic Skeleton-Derived Antibacterial Cationic Dendrimers. Biomacromolecules 2022. (通讯作者)62. He, F.;  Yuan, X.;  Lu, T.;  Wang, Y.;  Feng, S.;  Shi, X.;  Wang, L.;  Ye, J.; Yang, H., Preparation and characterization of novel lithium magnesium phosphate bioceramic scaffolds facilitating bone generation. J. Mat. Chem. B 2022, 10 (21), 4040-4047. (通讯作者)61. Tong, X.;  Bian, D.;  Hao, L.;  Wang, L.;  Ma, L.;  Gao, M.; Wang, Y., Fluorescent In Situ 3D Visualization of Dynamic Corrosion Processes of Magnesium Alloys. ACS applied bio materials 2022, 5 (5), 2340-2346.60. Wang, Y.;  Xiong, X.;  Lin, C.;  Huang, W.;  Chen, Y.;  Wang, L.;  Liu, S.; Jia, Y.-G., Natural Dual-Crosslinked Self-Healing Hydrogels for In Situ Wound Healing. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2022, 307 (9).59. Xie, M.;  Zheng, Z.;  Pu, S.;  Jia, Y.-G.;  Wang, L.; Chen, Y., Macroporous Adhesive Nano-Enabled Hydrogels Generated from Air-in-Water Emulsions. Macromolecular Bioscience 2022, 22 (4).2021年58. Fang, Z.;  Chen, J.;  Zhu, Y.;  Hu, G.;  Xin, H.;  Guo, K.;  Li, Q.;  Xie, L.;  Wang, L.;  Shi, X.;  Wang, Y.; Mao, C., High-throughput screening and rational design of biofunctionalized surfaces with optimized biocompatibility and antimicrobial activity. Nature Communications 2021, 12 (1). (通讯作者)57. Chen, J.;  Hu, G.;  Li, T.;  Chen, Y.;  Gao, M.;  Li, Q.;  Hao, L.;  Jia, Y.;  Wang, L.; Wang, Y., Fusion peptide engineered "statically-versatile" titanium implant simultaneously enhancing anti-infection, vascularization and osseointegration. Biomaterials 2021, 264. (通讯作者)56. Hao, L.;  Li, T.;  Wang, L.;  Shi, X.;  Fan, Y.;  Du, C.; Wang, Y., Mechanistic insights into the adsorption and bioactivity of fibronectin on surfaces with varying chemistries by a combination of experimental strategies and molecular simulations. Bioactive Materials 2021, 6 (10), 3125-3135. (通讯作者)55. Xin, H.;  Chen, J.;  Li, T.;  Hu, G.;  Fang, Z.;  Zhou, H.;  Guo, K.;  Wang, L.; Wang, Y., One-step preparation of the engineered titanium implant by rationally designed linear fusion peptides with spacer-dependent antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and osteogenic activities. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 424. (通讯作者)54. Yang, K.;  Peng, Y.;  Wang, L.; Ren, L., Polymyxin B engineered polystyrene-divinylbenzene microspheres for the adsorption of bilirubin and endotoxin. Rsc Advances 2021, 11 (63), 39978-39984. (通讯作者)53. Jia, Y.-G.;  Chen, K.-F.;  Gao, M.;  Liu, S.;  Wang, J.;  Chen, X.;  Wang, L.;  Chen, Y.;  Song, W.;  Zhang, H.;  Ren, L.;  Zhu, X.-X.; Tang, B. Z., Visualizing phase transition of upper critical solution temperature (UCST) polymers with AIE. Science China-Chemistry 2021, 64 (3), 403-407.52. Xie, R.;  Yao, H.;  Mao, A. S.;  Zhu, Y.;  Qi, D.;  Jia, Y.;  Gao, M.;  Chen, Y.;  Wang, L.;  Wang, D.-A.;  Wang, K.;  Liu, S.;  Ren, L.; Mao, C., Biomimetic cartilage-lubricating polymers regenerate cartilage in rats with early osteoarthritis. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2021, 5 (10), 1189-1201.2020年51. Liu, X.;  Wei, Y.;  Xuan, C.;  Liu, L.;  Lai, C.;  Chai, M.;  Zhang, Z.;  Wang, L.; Shi, X., A Biomimetic Biphasic Osteochondral Scaffold with Layer-Specific Release of Stem Cell Differentiation Inducers for the Reconstruction of Osteochondral Defects. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2020, 9 (23). (通讯作者)50. Chen, J.;  Shi, X.;  Zhu, Y.;  Chen, Y.;  Gao, M.;  Gao, H.;  Liu, L.;  Wang, L.;  Mao, C.; Wang, Y., On-demand storage and release of antimicrobial peptides using Pandora's box-like nanotubes gated with a bacterial infection-responsive polymer. Theranostics 2020, 10 (1), 109-122. (通讯作者)49. Wang, J.;  Gao, M.;  Cui, Z.-K.;  Jia, Y.-G.;  Liu, S.;  Chen, K.-F.;  Chen, X.;  Zhang, Y.;  Fang, Z.;  Chen, Y.;  Wang, K.;  Zhang, H.;  Wang, L.; Ren, L., One-pot quaternization of dual-responsive poly(vinyl alcohol) with AIEgens for pH-switchable imaging and killing of bacteria. Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2020, 4 (9), 2635-2645. (通讯作者)48. Xu, M.;  Li, Q.;  Fang, Z.;  Jin, M.;  Zeng, Q.;  Huang, G.;  Jia, Y.-G.;  Wang, L.; Chen, Y., Conductive and antimicrobial macroporous nanocomposite hydrogels generated from air-in-water Pickering emulsions for neural stem cell differentiation and skin wound healing. Biomaterials Science 2020, 8 (24), 6957-6968. (通讯作者)47. Xuan, C.;  Hao, L.;  Liu, X.;  Zhu, Y.;  Yang, H.;  Ren, Y.;  Wang, L.;  Fujie, T.;  Wu, H.;  Chen, Y.;  Shi, X.; Mao, C., Wet-adhesive, haemostatic and antimicrobial bilayered composite nanosheets for sealing and healing soft-tissue bleeding wounds. Biomaterials 2020, 252.2019年46. Wang, L.;  Chen, J.;  Zeng, X.;  Cheung, P. P.-H.;  Zheng, X.;  Xie, L.;  Shi, X.;  Ren, L.;  Huang, X.; Wang, Y., Mechanistic Insights and Rational Design of a Versatile Surface with Cells/Bacteria Recognition Capability via Orientated Fusion Peptides. Advanced Science 2019, 6 (9). (第一作者)45. Chen, J.;  Zhu, Y.;  Xiong, M.;  Hu, G.;  Zhan, J.;  Li, T.;  Wang, L.; Wang, Y., Antimicrobial Titanium Surface via Click-Immobilization of Peptide and Its in Vitro/Vivo Activity. Acs Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2019, 5 (2), 1034-1044. (通讯作者)44. Liu, S.;  Li, K.;  Chen, S.;  Yang, J.;  Jia, Y.;  Wang, L.; Ren, L., 3D printing dental composite resins with sustaining antibacterial ability. Journal of Materials Science 2019, 54 (4), 3309-3318.2018年43. He, J.;  Chen, J.;  Hu, G.;  Wang, L.;  Zheng, J.;  Zhan, J.;  Zhu, Y.;  Zhong, C.;  Shi, X.;  Liu, S.;  Wang, Y.; Ren, L., Immobilization of an antimicrobial peptide on silicon surface with stable activity by click chemistry. J. Mat. Chem. B 2018, 6 (1), 68-74. (通讯作者)42. Zhan, J.;  Wang, L.;  Zhu, Y.;  Gao, H.;  Chen, Y.;  Chen, J.;  Jia, Y.;  He, J.;  Fang, Z.;  Zhu, Y.;  Mao, C.;  Ren, L.; Wang, Y., Temperature-Controlled Reversible Exposure and Hiding of Antimicrobial Peptides on an Implant for Killing Bacteria at Room Temperature and Improving Biocompatibility in Vivo. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10 (42), 35830-35837. (共一作者)41. Chen, J.;  Gao, M.;  Wang, L.;  Li, S.;  He, J.;  Qin, A.;  Ren, L.;  Wang, Y.; Tang, B. Z., Aggregation-Induced Emission Probe for Study of the Bactericidal Mechanism of Antimicrobial Peptides. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10 (14), 11436-11442. (共一作者)40. Chu, M.;  Gao, H.;  Liu, S.;  Wang, L.;  Jia, Y.;  Gao, M.;  Wan, M.;  Xu, C.; Ren, L., Functionalization of composite bacterial cellulose with C-60 nanoparticles for wound dressing and cancer therapy. Rsc Advances 2018, 8 (33), 18197-18203.39. Liu, S.;  Zhong, C.;  Wang, W.;  Jia, Y.;  Wang, L.; Ren, L., alpha-Cyclodextrins Polyrotaxane Loading Silver Sulfadiazine. Polymers 2018, 10 (2).38. Song, J.;  Zhu, G.;  Gao, H.;  Wang, L.;  Li, N.;  Shi, X.; Wang, Y., Origami meets electrospinning: a new strategy for 3D nanofiber scaffolds. Bio-Design and Manufacturing 2018, 1 (4), 254-264.2017年37. Chen, J.;  Zhu, Y.;  Song, Y.;  Wang, L.;  Zhan, J.;  He, J.;  Zheng, J.;  Zhong, C.;  Shi, X.;  Liu, S.;  Ren, L.; Wang, Y., Preparation of an antimicrobial surface by direct assembly of antimicrobial peptide with its surface binding activity. J. Mat. Chem. B 2017, 5 (13), 2407-2415. (通讯作者)36. Liu, S.;  Zhong, C.;  Chen, J.;  Zhan, J.;  He, J.;  Zhu, Y.;  Wang, Y.;  Wang, L.; Ren, L., Thermoresponsive Self-Assembled beta-Cyclodextrin-Modified Surface for Blood Purification. Acs Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2017, 3 (6), 1083-1091. (通讯作者)35. Zhao, X.;  Long, K.;  Liu, Y.;  Li, W.;  Liu, S.;  Wang, L.; Ren, L., To prepare the collagen-based artificial cornea with improved mechanical and biological property by ultraviolet-A/riboflavin crosslinking. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2017, 134 (38). (通讯作者)34. Li, S.;  Wang, L.;  Yu, F.;  Zhu, Z.;  Shobaki, D.;  Chen, H.;  Wang, M.;  Wang, J.;  Qin, G.;  Erasquin, U. J.;  Ren, L.;  Wang, Y.; Cai, C., Copper-catalyzed click reaction on/in live cells. Chemical Science 2017, 8 (3), 2107-2114.33. Lin, S.;  Koh, J.-J.;  Aung, T. T.;  Sin, W. L. W.;  Lim, F.;  Wang, L.;  Lakshminarayanan, R.;  Zhou, L.;  Tan, D. T. H.;  Cao, D.;  Beuerman, R. W.;  Ren, L.; Liu, S., Semisynthetic Flavone-Derived Antimicrobials with Therapeutic Potential against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2017, 60 (14), 6152-6165.32. Lin, S.;  Koh, J.-J.;  Thet Tun, A.;  Lim, F.;  Li, J.;  Zou, H.;  Wang, L.;  Lakshminarayanan, R.;  Verma, C.;  Wang, Y.;  Tan, D. T. H.;  Cao, D.;  Beuerman, R. W.;  Ren, L.; Liu, S., Symmetrically Substituted Xanthone Amphiphiles Combat Gram-Positive Bacterial Resistance with Enhanced Membrane Selectivity. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2017, 60 (4), 1362-1378.31. Lin, S.;  Sin, W. L. W.;  Koh, J.-J.;  Lim, F.;  Wang, L.;  Cao, D.;  Beuerman, R. W.;  Ren, L.; Liu, S., Semisynthesis and Biological Evaluation of Xanthone Amphiphilics as Selective, Highly Potent Antifungal Agents to Combat Fungal Resistance. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2017, 60 (24), 10135-10150.30. Liu, S.;  Chu, M.;  Zhu, Y.;  Li, L.;  Wang, L.;  Gao, H.; Ren, L., A novel antibacterial cellulose based biomaterial for hernia mesh applications. Rsc Advances 2017, 7 (19), 11601-11607.29. Song, J.;  Zhu, G.;  Wang, L.;  An, G.;  Shi, X.; Wang, Y., Assembling of electrospun meshes into three-dimensional porous scaffolds for bone repair. Biofabrication 2017, 9 (1).28. Tan, X.;  Zhan, J.;  Zhu, Y.;  Cao, J.;  Wang, L.;  Liu, S.;  Wang, Y.;  Liu, Z.;  Qin, Y.;  Wu, M.;  Liu, Y.; Ren, L., Improvement of Uveal and Capsular Biocompatibility of Hydrophobic Acrylic Intraocular Lens by Surface Grafting with 2-Methacryloyloxyethyl Phosphorylcholine-Methacrylic Acid Copolymer. Scientific Reports 2017, 7.27. Zhao, X.; Song, W.;  Li, W.;  Liu, S.;  Wang, L.; Ren, L., Collagen membranes crosslinked by beta-cyclodextrin polyrotaxane monoaldehyde with good biocompatibilities and repair capabilities for cornea repair. Rsc Advances 2017, 7 (46), 28865-28875.2016年26. Zheng, J.;  Wang, L.;  Zeng, X.;  Zheng, X.;  Zhang, Y.;  Liu, S.;  Shi, X.;  Wang, Y.;  Huang, X.; Ren, L., Controlling the Integration of Polyvinylpyrrolidone onto Substrate by Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation To Achieve Excellent Protein Resistance and Detoxification. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8 (29), 18684-18692. (通讯作者)25. Shi, L.;  Wang, L.;  Chen, J.;  Chen, J.;  Ren, L.;  Shi, X.; Wang, Y., Modifying graphene oxide with short peptide via click chemistry for biomedical applications. Applied Materials Today 2016, 5, 111-117. (共一作者)24. Gao, M.;  Chen, J.;  Lin, G.;  Li, S.;  Wang, L.;  Qin, A.;  Zhao, Z.;  Ren, L.;  Wang, Y.; Tang, B. Z., Long-Term Tracking of the Osteogenic Differentiation of Mouse BMSCs by Aggregation-Induced Emission Nanoparticles. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8 (28), 17878-17884.23. Gao, M.;  Wang, L.;  Chen, J.;  Li, S.;  Lu, G.;  Wang, L.;  Wang, Y.;  Ren, L.;  Qin, A.; Tang, B. Z., Aggregation-Induced Emission Active Probe for Light-Up Detection of Anionic Surfactants and Wash-Free Bacterial Imaging. Chemistry-a European Journal 2016, 22 (15), 5107-5112.22. Shi, L.;  Chen, J.;  Teng, L.;  Wang, L.;  Zhu, G.;  Liu, S.;  Luo, Z.;  Shi, X.;  Wang, Y.; Ren, L., The Antibacterial Applications of Graphene and Its Derivatives. Small 2016, 12 (31), 4165-4184.2015年21. Wang, L.;  Chen, J.;  Cai, C.;  Shi, L.;  Liu, S.;  Ren, L.; Wang, Y., Multi-biofunctionalization of a titanium surface with a mixture of peptides to achieve excellent antimicrobial activity and biocompatibility. J. Mat. Chem. B 2015, 3 (1), 30-33. (第一作者)20. Zhan, J.;  Wang, L.;  Liu, S.;  Chen, J.;  Ren, L.; Wang, Y., Antimicrobial Hyaluronic Acid/Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer Multi layer on Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) Prepared by a Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly Method. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7 (25), 13876-13881. (共一作者)19. Li, L.;  Ren, L.;  Wang, L.;  Liu, S.;  Zhang, Y.;  Tang, L.; Wang, Y., Effect of water state and polymer chain motion on the mechanical properties of a bacterial cellulose and polyvinyl alcohol (BC/PVA) hydrogel. Rsc Advances 2015, 5 (32), 25525-25531.18. Liu, S.;  Xie, R.;  Cai, J.;  Wang, L.;  Shi, X.;  Ren, L.; Wang, Y., Crosslinking of collagen using a controlled molecular weight bio-crosslinker: beta-cyclodextrin polyrotaxane multi-aldehydes. Rsc Advances 2015, 5 (57), 46088-46094.17. Long, K.;  Liu, Y.;  Li, W.;  Wang, L.;  Liu, S.;  Wang, Y.;  Wang, Z.; Ren, L., Improving the mechanical properties of collagen-based membranes using silk fibroin for corneal tissue engineering. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2015, 103 (3), 1159-1168.16. Wang, Y.;  Zhu, G.;  Li, N.;  Song, J.;  Wang, L.; Shi, X., Small molecules and their controlled release that induce the osteogenic/chondrogenic commitment of stem cells. Biotechnology Advances 2015, 33 (8), 1626-1640.15. Zhao, X.;  Liu, Y.;  Li, W.;  Long, K.;  Wang, L.;  Liu, S.;  Wang, Y.; Ren, L., Collagen based film with well epithelial and stromal regeneration as corneal repair materials: Improving mechanical property by crosslinking with citric acid. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications 2015, 55, 201-208.2014年14. Wang, L.;  Zhao, M.;  Li, S.;  Erasquin, U. J.;  Wang, H.;  Ren, L.;  Chen, C.;  Wang, Y.; Cai, C., "Click" Immobilization of a VEGF-Mimetic Peptide on Decellularized Endothelial Extracellular Matrix to Enhance Angiogenesis. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6 (11), 8401-8406. (第一作者)13. Wang, L.;  Chen, J.;  Shi, L.;  Shi, Z.;  Ren, L.; Wang, Y., The promotion of antimicrobial activity on silicon substrates using a "click" immobilized short peptide. Chemical Communications 2014, 50 (8), 975-977. (第一作者)12. Wang, L.;  Shi, L.;  Chen, J.;  Shi, Z.;  Ren, L.; Wang, Y., Biocompatibility of Si-incorporated TiO2 film prepared by micro-arc oxidation. 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