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姓名 季天瑶 性别
学校 华南理工大学 部门 电力学院
学位 教授 学历 教授
职称 教授 联系方式
邮箱 tyji@scut.edu.cn    
软件产品登记测试全国受理 软件著作权666元代写全部资料全国受理 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理

更新日期:2023年6月9日 姓 名 季天瑶 性 别 女 出生年月 1981年9月 籍贯 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士 技术职称 教授 导师类别 博导 行政职务 Email tyji@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 电力学院 邮政编码 通讯地址 单位电话 个人简介 She has extensive experience in signal processing and its application in electrical engineering. She received a BSc degree, a BA degree and an MSc degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2003 and 2006, respectively, then moved to the University of Liverpool in pursuit of a PhD degree. After graduation in 2009, she worked as a research associate at the University of Liverpool for two years. In 2012, she moved to Guangzhou to work as an associate professor/professor at South China University of Technology. She teaches two courses at the university; C++ Programming Language and Electrical Circuits and Electronics. Her research interests include signal and information processing, mathematical morphology, intelligent computing, and their applications in power systems. 工作经历 2020.9至今:华南理工大学电力学院,教授2012.1-2020.8:华南理工大学电力学院,副教授2010.1-2011.12:英国利物浦大学电气工程及电子系,副研究员 教育经历 2006.10-2009.12:英国利物浦大学电气工程及电子系,博士2003.9-2006.7:西安交通大学信息与通信工程专业,硕士1999.9-2003.7:西安交通大学信息工程专业/英语专业,双学士 社会、学会及学术兼职 IEEE Senior Member《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》青年编委中国电机工程学会高级会员 研究领域 信号与信息处理、电力市场 科研项目 主持:基于高维数学形态学和沃尔什变换的电力系统信号异常识别方法研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目基于高维数学形态学和形态学小波的电力系统故障信号特征提取, 国家自然科学基金青年项目基于分数阶信号处理的风电场电气设备故障诊断方法研究, 广东省自然科学基金项目考虑相关性的可再生能源发电预测及主动配电网在线建模, 广东省自然科学基金项目基于经验模式分解的公共机构终端用电设备波形识别, 教育部留学回国人员基金项目考虑新能源随机功率注入的电力系统经济调度方法研究, 电网安全与节能国家重点实验室开放基金基于随机信号处理和数学形态学的电能质量分析方法研究, 中央高校基本科研项目基于大数据分析的断路器状态监测和故障诊断方法研究, 中央高校基本科研项目基于深度学习的非平稳时间序列预测方法及其在风速下行风险分析中的应用, 中央高校基本科研项目参与:基于大数据分析的输变电设备状态评估系统开发, 863计划项目子课题面向跨境互联的多能互补新型能源系统关键技术研究, 国家重点研发计划战咯性国际科技创新合作重点专项子课题智能能源网核心技术, 广东省引进创新团队项目面向大规模异构能源系统的综合管理平台及其应用示范, 广东省重点专项项目 发表论文 期刊论文:1. Ji, T.Y., Lu, Z., Wu, Q.H., Optimal soft morphological filter for periodic noise removal using a particle swarm optimizer with passive congregation, Signal Processing, 87(11), November 2007, pp. 2799-2809. (SCI)2. Ji, T.Y., Lu, Z., Wu, Q.H., Ji, Z., Baseline normalisation of ECG signals using empirical mode decomposition and mathematical morphology, Electronics Letters, 44(2), January 2008, pp. 82-83. (SCI)3. Ji, T.Y., Lu, Z., Wu, Q.H., Detection of power disturbances using morphological gradient wavelet, Signal Processing, 88(2), February 2008, pp. 255-267. (SCI)4. Lu, Z., Ji, T.Y., Tang, W.H, Wu, Q.H., Optimal harmonic estimation using a particle swarm optimizer, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 23(2), April 2008, pp. 1166-1174. (SCI)5. Lu, Z., Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., Morphological transform for removal of exponentially decaying DC-offset, Electronics Letters, 44(9), April 24 2008, pp. 595-U104. (SCI)6. Lu, Z., Tang, W.H., Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., A morphological scheme for inrush identification in transformer protection, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 24(2), April 2009, pp. 560-568. (SCI)7. Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., Disturbance detection using an improved hit-or-miss transform, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 8(1) the special issue of Stochastic Systems and Applications, 2009, pp. 61-67. (EI)8. Lu, Z., Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., EHV transmission line protection using a morphological lifting scheme, Electric Power Systems Research, 79(10), October 2009, pp. 1384-1392. (SCI)9. Wu, Q.H., Ji, T.Y., Li, M.S., Lu, Z., Distributed optimal power flow using bacterial swarming algorithm, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 9(4), May 2010, pp. 409-416. (EI)10. Li, M.S., Ji, T.Y., Tang, W.J., Wu, Q.H., Saunders, J.R., Bacterial foraging algorithm with varying population, Biosystems, 100(3), June 2010, pp. 185-197. (SCI)11. Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., Jiang, L., Tang, W.H., Disturbance detection, location and classification in phase space, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 5(2), February 2011, pp. 257-265. (SCI) 12. Ji, T.Y., Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Jiang, L., Optimal estimation of harmonics in dynamic environment using an adaptive bacterial swarming algorithm, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 5(6), June 2011, pp. 609-620. (SCI)13. Ji, T.Y., Tang, W.H., Wu, Q.H., Detection of power transformer winding deformation and variation of measurement connections using a hybrid winding model, Electric Power Systems Research, 87, June 2012, pp. 39-46. (SCI)14. Ji, T.Y., Tang, W.H., Wu, Q.H., Partial discharge location using a hybrid transformer winding model with morphology-based noise removal, Electric Power Systems Research, 101, August 2013, pp. 9-16. (SCI)15. Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., Broadband noise suppression and feature identification of ECG waveforms using mathematical morphology and embedding theorem, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 112(3), December 2013, pp. 466-480. (SCI)16. Assala, P.D.S., Chen, H.Y.*, Ji, T.Y., Overvoltage identification in electric power distribution networks based on mathematical morphology and feed-forward ANN, Engineering Intelligent Systems, 22(1), March 2014, pp.49-57. (EI)17. Zhang, L.L., Wu, Q.H.*, Ji, T.Y., Jiang, L., Skewness-based differential protection scheme for EHV/UHV transmission lines, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 29(3), June 2014, pp. 1518-1520. (SCI)18. He, B.T., Li, M.S*, Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., Optimal coordinated control of PSS and SVC for transient stability improvement using PBO, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21(4), August 2014, pp. 135-145. (EI)19. Zhang, L.L., Li, M.S., Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H.*, Jiang, L., Zhan, J.P., Morphology singular entropy-based phase selector using short data window for transmission lines, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 29(5), October 2014, pp. 2162-2171. (SCI)20. Zhang, Z.W., Tang, W.H.*, Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., Finite-element modeling for analysis of radial deformations within transformer windings, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 29(5), October 2014, pp. 2297-2305. (SCI)21. Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H.*, Ji, T.Y., Rao, H., Stochastic multi-objective optimization for economic-emission dispatch with uncertain wind power and distributed loads, Electric Power Systems Research, 116, November 2014, pp. 367-373. (SCI)22. Fan, X.M.*, Guan, L., Xia, C.J., Ji, T.Y., IDA-PB control design for VSC-HVDC transmission based on PCHD model, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 25(10), October 2015, pp. 2133-2143. (SCI)23. Wu, J.L., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Multistep wind power forecast using mean trend detector and mathematical morphology based local predictor, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 6(4), October 2015, pp. 1216-1223. (SCI)24. Chen, Y., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Exponentially decaying DC offset removal for phasor measurement using second-order differential, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 10(6), November 2015, pp. 726-728. (SCI)25. Yi, L., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Wu, T., Application of hit-or-miss wavelet transform and principal component analysis on power disturbance identification, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, 22(4), December 2015, pp. 127-135. (EI) 26. Zhang, Y., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Application of morphological max-lifting scheme for identification of induction motor stator inter-turn short circuit, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 1(4), December 2015, pp. 92-100. 27. Chen, J.J., Wu, Q.H., Ji, T.Y., Wu, P.Z., Li, M.S.*, Evolutionary predator and prey strategy for global optimization, Information Sciences, 327, January 2016, pp. 217-232. (SCI)28. Wu, W.C., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Using mathematical morphology to discriminate between internal fault and inrush current of transformers, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 10(1), January 2016, pp. 73-80. (SCI)29. Zhang, Y., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Identification of power disturbances using generalized morphological open-closing and close-opening undecimated wavelet, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 63(4), April 2016, pp. 2330-2339. (SCI)30. Chen, Y., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Wang, X.J., Power system harmonic estimation based on Park transform, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 11(3), May 2016, pp. 560-574. (SCI)31. Chen, J.J., Ji, T.Y., Wu, P.Z., Li, M.S.*, A variant of group search optimizer for global optimization, Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 16(2), June 2016, pp. 219-230.   (EI)32. Zhang, L. L., Wu, Q. H.*, Ji, T. Y., Zhang, A. Q., Identification of inrush currents in power transformers based on higher-order statistics, Electric Power Systems Research, 146, May 2017, pp. 161-169. (SCI)33. Ji, T. Y., Shi, M. J., Li, M. S.*, Zhang, L. L., Wu, Q. H., Current transformer saturation detection using morphological gradient and morphological decomposition and its hardware implementation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64(6), June 2017, pp. 4721-4729. (SCI)34. Zhang, L. L., Li, M. S., Ji, T. Y.*, Zeng, J., Identifying magnetizing inrush in power transformers based on symmetry of current waveforms, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 12(6), November 2017, 959-960.(SCI)35. Shang, X. Y., Li, Z. G.*, Ji, T. Y., Wu, P. Z., Wu, Q. H., Online area load modeling in power systems using enhanced reinforcement learning, Energies, 10(1852), November 2017, pp. 1-17. (SCI)36. Chen, Z. X., Zhang, Y. J.*, Ji, T. Y., Cai, Z. X., Li, L. C., Xu, Z. H., Coordinated optimal dispatch and market equilibrium of integrated electric power and natural gas networks with P2G embedded, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 4, December 2017, pp. 1-14. (SCI)37. Hong, D.Y., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Interval forecast for daily peak load in suburban areas based on influence factors analysis, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, 25(1), January 2018, 27-38. (EI)38. Zhang, A.Q., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Zhang, L.L., An identification method based on mathematical morphology for sympathetic inrush, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 33(1), February 2018, pp. 12-21.  (SCI)39. Xie, Z. Q., Ji, T. Y.*, Li, M. S., Wu, Q. H., Quasi-Monte Carlo based probabilistic optimal power flow considering the correlation of wind speeds, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33(2), March 2018, pp. 2239-2247. (SCI)40. Liu, L., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Chen, Z.M., Wu, Q.H., Short-term local prediction of wind speed and wind power based on singular spectrum analysis and locality-sensitive hashing, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 6(2), March 2018, pp. 317-329.(SCI)41. Yu, D., Chen, Z. M., Xiahou, K. S., Li, M. S.*, Ji, T. Y., Wu, Q. H., A radically data-driven method for fault detection and diagnosis in wind turbines, International Journal of Electrical Power Energy Systems, 99, July 2018, pp. 577-584. (SCI)42. Jiang, C. X., Jing, Z. X.*, Cui, X. R., Ji, T. Y., Wu, Q. H., Multiple agents and reinforcement learning for modelling charging loads of electric taxis, Applied Energy, 222, 15 July 2018, pp. 158-168. (SCI)43. Li, M. S., Lin, Z. J., Ji, T. Y.*, Wu, Q. H., Risk constrained stochastic economic dispatch considering dependence of multiple wind farms using pair-copula, Applied Energy, 226, 15 September 2018, pp. 967-978. (SCI)44. Jiang, C. X., Jing, Z. X.*, Ji, T. Y., Wu, Q. H., Optimal location of PEVCSs using MAS and ER approach, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 12(20), 15 November 2018, pp. 4377-4387. (SCI)45. Ji, T. Y., Hong, D. Y., Zheng, J. H.*, Wu, Q. H., Wind power forecast with error feedback and its economic benefit in power system dispatch, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 12(21), 27 November 2018, pp. 5730-5738. (SCI)46. Li, Q. H., Zhang, Y. J.*, Ji, T. Y., Lin, X. M., Cai, Z. X., Volt/var control for power grids with connections of large-scale wind farms: A review, IEEE Access, 6(1), December 2018, pp. 26675-26692. (SCI)47. Li, Q. H., Zhang, Y. J.*, Ji, T. Y., Robust optimal reactive power dispatch with feedback and correction against uncertainty of transmission line parameters, IEEE Access, 6(1), December 2018, pp. 39452-39465. (SCI)48. Liu, Z. H., Yang, J. H., Zhang, Y. J., Ji, T. Y., Zhou, J. H., Cai, Z. X., Multi-objective coordinated planning of active-reactive power resources for decentralized droop-controlled islanded microgrids based on probabilistic load flow, IEEE Access, 6(1), December 2018, pp. 40267-40280. (SCI)49. Hong, D. Y., Ji, T. Y.*, Li, M. S., Wu, Q. H., Ultra-short-term forecast of wind speed and wind power based on morphological high frequency filter and double similarity search algorithm, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 104, January 2019, pp. 868-879. (SCI)50. Yu, Y., Chen, Z.M., Li, M.S.*, Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., Forecasting a short-term wind speed using a deep belief network combined with a local predictor, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 14(2), February 2019, pp. 238-244.51. Ji, T. Y., Yi, L., Tang, W. H.*, Shi, M. J., Wu, Q. H., Multi-mapping fault diagnosis of high voltage circuit breaker based on mathematical morphology and wavelet entropy, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 5(1), March 2019, pp. 130-138.(SCI)52. Xue, Z. Y., Xiahou, K. S.*, Li, M. S., Ji, T. Y., Wu, Q. H., Diagnosis of multiple open-circuit switch faults based on long short-term memory network for DFIG-based wind turbine systems, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 47(3), March 2019, pp. 275-287. 53. Li, M. S., Yu, D., Chen, Z. M53. Xue, Z.Y., Chen Z.M., Ji, T.Y., Li, M.S.*, Wu, Q.H., Estimation of low frequency oscillation parameters using singular value decomposition combined group search optimizer, Electric Power Components and Systems, 47(3), March 2019, pp. 275-287. ., Xiahou, K. S., Ji, T. Y.*, Wu, Q. H., A data-driven residual-based method for fault diagnosis and isolation in wind turbines, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 10(2), April 2019, pp. 895-904. (SCI)54. Xie, C. X., Ji, T. Y.*, Lei, Z., Li, M. S., Wu, Q. H., PQ disturbance identification and parameter estimation using mathematical morphology and numerical integral, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, 26(2), April 2019, pp. 67-77.  (EI)55. Chen, Z. X., Zhang, Y. J.*, Ji, T. Y., Li, C. B., Xu, Z. H., Cai, Z. X., Economic dispatch model for wind power integrated system considering the dispatchability of power to gas, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 13(9), 3 April 2019, pp. 1535-1544. (SCI)56. Xie, C. X., Ji, T. Y.*, Li, M. S., Wu, Q. H., Parameter estimation of mixed disturbances of transient oscillation, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, 26(3), 2019, pp. 127-138.  (EI)57. Chen, Z.X., Zhu, G.L., Zhang, Y.J.*, Ji, T.Y., Liu, Z.W., Lin, X.M., Cai, Z.X., Stochastic dynamic economic dispatch of wind-integrated electricity and natural gas systems considering security risk constraints, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 5(3), September 2019, pp. 324-334. (SCI)58. Ji, T. Y., Ye, X. Z., Li, M. S.*, Wu, Q. H., Yang, X. Y., Operating mechanism for profit improvement of a smart microgrid based on dynamic demand response, IET Smart Grid, 2(3), 3 October 2019, pp. 364-370. (EI)59. Ji, T. Y., Liu, L., Wang, T. S., Lin, W. B., Li, M. S.*, Wu, Q. H., Non-intrusive load monitoring using additive factorial approximate maximum a posteriori based on iterative fuzzy c-means, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10(6), November 2019, pp. 6667-6677.  (SCI)60. Liu, Z.H., Yi, Y.Q., Yang, J.H., Tang, W.H., Zhang, Y.J.*, Xie, X.Y., Ji, T.Y., Optimal planning and operation of dispatchable active power resources for islanded multi-microgrids under decentralised collaborative dispatch framework, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 14(3), 23 January 2020, pp. 408-422.  (SCI)61. Li, M.S., Deng, W.M., Xiahou, K.S., Ji, T.Y.*, Wu, Q.H., A data-driven method for fault detection and isolation of the integrated energy based district heating system, IEEE Access, 8, 6 February 2020, pp. 23787-23801. (SCI)62. Lin, Z.J., Chen, H.Y.*, Wu, Q.W., Li, W.W., Li, M.S., Ji, T.Y., Mean-tracking model based stochastic economic dispatch for power systems with high penetration of wind power, Energy, 193, 15 February 2020, pp. 1-13. (SCI)63. Chen, Z.M., Li, M.S.*, Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., Real-time recognition of power quality disturbance-based deep belief network using embedded parallel computing platform, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 15(4), April 2020, pp. 519-526.  (SCI)64. Ji, T. Y., Ye, X. Z., Shi, M. J., Li, M. S.∗, Wu, Q. H., Typical current modeling of high voltage circuit breaker and feature extraction towards condition analysis and fault diagnosis, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 14(8), 2 April 2020, pp. 1521-1527. (SCI)65. Zhu J.S., Jing, Z.X.*, Ji, T.Y., Larik, N.A., Energy-economy coupled simulation approach and simulator based on individual-based model, Energies, 13(11), 2771, 1 June 2020, pp. 1-18.   (SCI)66. Huang, M.C., Wu, Q.H., Ji, T.Y., Zhang, L.L.*, Transformer inrush identification based on improved mathematical gradient with dissociative structuring element, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 15(7), July 2020, pp. 1126-1127.    (SCI)67. Xue, Z.Y., Xiahou, K.S.*, Li, M.S., Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., Diagnosis of multiple open-circuit switch faults based on long short-term memory network for DFIG-based wind turbine systems, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 8(3), September 2020, pp.2600-2610.  (SCI)68. Li, M.S., Zhang, Z.Y., Ji, T.Y.*, Wu, Q.H., Ultra-short term wind speed prediction using mathematical morphology decomposition and long short-term memory, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 6(4), December 2020, pp. 890-900. (SCI)69. Lin, Z.J., Chen, H.Y.*, Wu, Q.W., Huang, J.P., Li, M.S., Ji, T.Y., A data-adaptive robust unit commitment model considering high penetration of wind power generation and its enhanced uncertainty set, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 129, July 2021, 106797. (SCI)70. Yang, Y.Y., Ji, T.Y.*, Jing, Z.X., Selective learning for strategic bidding in uniform pricing electricity spot market, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 7(6), November 2021, pp. 1334-1344. (SCI)71. Chen, D.P., Jing, Z.X., Li, Z.G.*, Xu, H.D., Ji, T.Y., Exact relaxation of complementary constraints for optimal bidding strategy for electric vehicle aggregators, IET Renewable Power Generation, 8 November 2021, pp. 1-15. (SCI)72. Mo, C., Ji, T.Y., Zhang, L.L.*, Wu, Q.H., Equivalent statistics based inrush identification method for differential protection of power transformer, Electric Power Systems Research, 203(107664), February 2022, pp. 1-10. (SCI)73. Ji, T.Y., Wang, J., Li, M.S.*, Wu, Q.H., Short-term wind power forecast based on chaotic analysis and multivariate phase space reconstruction, Energy Conversion and Management, 254(115196), 15 February 2022, pp. 1-15. (SCI)74. Ji, T.Y., Jiang, Y.Z., Li, M.S.*, Wu, Q.H., Ultra-short-term wind speed and wind power forecast via selective Hankelization and low-rank tensor learning-based predictor, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 140(107994), September 2022, pp. 1-19. (SCI) 出版专著和教材 Wu, Q.H., Lu, Z., Ji, T.Y., Protective Relaying of Power Systems Using Mathematical Morphology, Springer-Verlag, London, 2009.吴青华主编, 季天瑶、樊利民、贺小勇、李梦诗编写, 《电气工程基础双语教材——电路与电子技术》, 中国电力出版社, 北京, 2017年. 教学活动 电路与电子技术(全英)C++程序设计基础电力经济与管理 我的团队 广东省引进创新团队“智能能源网及其自动化”团队。 内容来自集群智慧云企服 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理