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姓名 余卫宇 性别
学校 华南理工大学 部门 电子与信息学院
学位 副教授 学历 副教授
职称 副教授 联系方式
邮箱 yuweiyu@scut.edu.cn    
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更新日期:2018年9月3日 姓 名 余卫宇 性 别 男 出生年月 1972年1月 籍贯 台山市 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 群众 最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 工学博士 技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导 行政职务 Email yuweiyu@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 电子与信息学院 邮政编码 510640 通讯地址 单位电话 个人简介 男, 通信与信息处理博士,副教授。主要从事图像处理与模式识别,深度学习等方面研究。近年发表SCI,EI论文50多篇,参与国家重点研发计划2项,其中课题负责人1项,主持广东省自然科学基金1项,参与国家重点/面上项目3项,中美计算机研究中心项目1项,国家重点实验室项目3项,承担与企业单位项目10多项。参编教材1部。已公开或受理专利30项,软件著作权10多项。 工作经历 2005-至今 华南理工大学电子与信息学院 教育经历 2002.9-2005,7   华南理工大学 电子与通讯工程博士毕业1999.9-2002.7   华南理工大学 信号与信息处理硕士毕业1990.9-2004.9   广东工学院 自动化专业本科毕业 研究领域 图像处理和模式识别深度学习互联网智能医疗分析 科研项目 [1] 数字家庭网络安全管理关键技术研究 ,国家自然科学基金重点项目U0835001.主要参与人[2]图象感知语义信息的研究,苏州大学江苏省计算机信息处理技术重点实验室. 负责人.[3]一种视频的感知信息和情感内容的分析和模型的研究, 广东省自然科学博士启动基金,负责人.[4]视频情感内容建模的研究,北京大学视觉与听觉信息处理国家重点实验室开放基金,负责人.[5]一种图象/图象序列语义与感知信息的表达与分析模型的研究,国家自然科学基金.主要参与人[6]一种盲图象恢复与重构的理论研究,广东省自然科学基金,主要完成者. [7]蜂群算法的理论研究及在图像处理中的应用, 华南理工大学中央高校课题,负责人.[8]楼宇群智能能耗分析和管理,广州科创节能科技有限公司. 负责人[9]重叠类圆物体计数系统的开发,佛山凯新自动化控制设备有限公司.负责人[10] 安卓webapp设备调用API开发, 广州力麒智能科技有限公司,负责人[11]深度学习理论研究及在图像处理中的应用,中美计算机科学研究中心课题. 负责人[12] 房间扫码入驻系统, 广州信升互联网科技有限公司. 负责人[13] 高导热多层铝基刚挠结合板开发, 广东省大亚湾区创新创业科研团队 核心成员[14]千城汇云端酒店管理系统,广州互联智客科技有限公司,负责人[15]三维可视化精确放疗计划系统集成解决方案研究.子课题 3DV+TPS 的集成优化与兼容性调试,国家重点研发计划, 负责人.[16] 基于虚拟现实(VR)技术的 ROV 辅助作业系统研发与应用.国家重点研发计划, 参与[17] 手机回收机云平台管理系统,佛山蓝海人才计划,核心成员 发表论文 部分论文[1]Weiyu Yu, Dan Hu, Na Tian and Zhili Zhou. A novel search method based on artificial bee colony algorithm for block motion estimation.EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing. September 2017. (SCI)[2]Jia Chen, Weiyu Yu, Jing Tian, Li Chen, Zhili Zhou. Image contrast enhancement using an artificial bee colony algorithm. Available online 9 September 2017. (SCI)[3]Zhao zhi,Feng jiuchao, Yu weiyu,Ren ziliang,Peng bao,Zhou lizhi. A Distributed Sparse Signal Reconstruction Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network. Journal of Information SCIence and Engineering. (SCI)  [4]Ye lvshan, Yuan dongzhi and Yu Weiyu. Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm compared with Genetic Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problem. ISPACS 2017, Xiamen.China.(EI)[5]Yonghao Xiao, Weiyu Yu. A Grayscales Transformation Enhancement Based on Improved Retinex. ISPACS 2017, Xiamen.China.(EI)[6]Jia Chen, Weiyu Yu, Jing Tian, Li Chen. Adaptive Image Contrast Enhancement Using Artificial Bee Colony Optimization. ICIP2017.(EI)[7]Zhi Zhao, Pin Peng,Weiyu Yu. A Distributed Sparse Signal Reconstruction Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network. ICCCS2017, Nanjing.[8]Mengjiao Wang, Weiyu Yu and Jiuchao Feng. An adaptive denoising algorithm for chaotic signals based on complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition. Int. J. Information and Communication Technology, Vol.11, No.4,2017.[9]Jia Chen, Chu-Yi Li and Wei-Yu Yu. Adaptive image enhancement based on artificial bee colony algorithm. CEIE2016, Guangzhou.[10]Yu Weiyu, Hu Dan, Li Chuyi. Using Artificial Bees Colony Algorithm for License Plate Recognition.6th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology.ICSET2016.[11]Jie Yang,Dan Hu and Yu Weiyu. Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Image Restoration. ICCEAE2016.[12]Hu yao, Hu Dan, Li Chuyi, Yu Weiyu.Gabor Feature based Convolutional Neural Network for Object Recognition in Natural Scene. ICISCE 2016.Beijing.[13]Dan Hu, Yan Wang, Shaohui Qian, Weiyu Yu. Saliency Region Detection via Local and Global Features. 2015 International Conference on Computer SCIence and Intelligent Communication.[14]Weiyu Yu. Scene Depth Information Based Image Saliency Detection. Electronic and Automation Control Conference. IAEAC 2015.[15]Yongchang Chen, Weiyu Yu and Jiuchao Feng. A visual cryptography copyright protection method based on artificial bee colony algorithm. Int. J. Computer Applications in Technology, Vol. 49, Nos. 3/4, 2014.(EI)[16]Siqi Wu,Zhihui Hu, Weiyu Yu, Jiuchao Feng. An Improved Image Enhancement Approach Based on Retinex Theory.ITA2013.(EI)[17]yu weiyu,Yang jie, Yang yang. Multi-threshold Image Segmentation based on K-means and Firefly Algorithm. ICMT2012.(EI)[18]Chen yongchang,Yu weiyu, Feng jiuchao.Robust Image Hashing Using Invariants of Tchebichef Moments,OptiK,2014.(SCI)[19]Yonghao Xiao, Zhuobin He,Weiyu Yu. Noisy Image Segmentation based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 687-691, p 3652-3655, 2014 (EI)[20]Siqi Wu, Yao Hu, Weiyu Yu, JiuChao Feng. A Novel Color-Image Enhancement Approach for Night-Vision Images. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 556-562,2014.p4750-4754.(EI)[21]Hu Zhihui, Yu Weiyu, Lv Shanxiang, Feng Jiuchao.Multi-level threshold image segmentation using artificial bee colony algorithm. 5th Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation. ICMTMA 2013, p707-711.[22]Weiyu YU, Jing TIAN, Yongchang CHEN, Jiuchao FENG. A Novel Image Interpolation Approach for Vertical Pixel Mixture CCD. Journal of Computational Information Systems 8: 13 (2012) p1-8.[23]Yongchang Chen, Weiyu Yu, Jiuchao Feng. A Reliable SVD-DWT Based Watermarking Scheme with Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications(JDCTA),Vol.6,No.22,2012.p430-439.[24]Yonghao Xiao, Weiyu Yu, Yunfei Cao, Haishu Tan. Clustering based on improved bee colony algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, v46, n3, p 276-282, 2013.(EI)[25]Xiaoling Chen, Riming Wang, Yunfei Cao, Weiyu Yu. A Novel Evaluation Method based on Entropy for Image Segmentation. Procedia Engineering. v29, p3959-3965, 2012 International Workshop on Information and Electronics Engineering. (EI)[26]Yun-fei Cao, Wei-yu Yu*, Yong-hao Xiao, Yong-chang Chen and Jiu-chao Feng. Image Segmentation Using Artificial Bee Colony and Fast FCM Algorithms. Advanced SCIence Letters. (SCI)[27]Yonghao Xiao,Cao Yunfei,Weiyu Yu,Jing Tian. Multi-level threshold selection based on artificial bee colony algorithm and maximum entropy for image segmentation. Int. J. Computer Applications in Technology. (EI)[28]J. Tian, W. Yu, L. Chen, and L. Ma. Image edge detection using variation-adaptive ant colony optimization, LNCS Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence, Vol. 6960, 2011.(EI)[29]Cao Yunfei, Weiyu Yu*,Yonghao Xiao,Jing Tian Multi-level Threshold Image Segmentation based on PSNR using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. Applied mechanics and materials. (EI)[30]Tian Jing,Chen Li,Ma Lihong, Yu Weiyu. Phase-driven spatially variant regularization for image resolution enhancement. AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications.2011. (SCI)[31]Tian Jing,Ma Lihong, Yu Weiyu. Ant colony optimization for wavelet-based image interpolation using a three-component exponential mixture model. Int. J. of Expert Systems with Applications, 2011. (SCI)[32]Tian Jing, Chen Li, Ma Lihong, Yu Weiyu. Multi-focus image fusion using a bilateral gradient-based sharpness criterion. Optics Communications, v 284, n.1, p:80-87, Jan.2011. (SCI)[33]Yonghao Xiao, Weiyu Yu, Yongchang, Chen Jing Tian. An effective approach for removing heavy salt-peppers noise based on bee colony optimization. International Journal of Computational SCIence and Engineering.2011.(EI)[34]Jing Tian, WeiyuYu, LihongMa. Color filter array color reproduction using cycle-spinning. AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol.64, Iss.6, p:584-587.2010,5. (SCI)[35]Zhiding Yu, OscarC.Au, RuobingZou, Weiyu Yu, JingTian. An adaptive unsupervised approach toward pixel clustering and color image segmentation. Pattern Recognition, Vol.43, Iss.2, p:1889–1906, 2010,2. (SCI)[36]Jing Tian, Weiyu Yu, LihongMa. AntShrink:Ant colony optimization for image shrinkage.Pattern Recognition Letters,Vol.31,Iss.1,p1751-1758,2010.10 (SCI)[37]L. Ma, J. Tian, W. Yu. Visual saliency detection in image using ant colony optimisation and local phase coherence. Electronics Letters. Vol. 46 No. 15, July 2010. (SCI)[38]Yonghao Xiao, Weiyu Yu, Jing Tian. Image Segmentation based on Fuzzy Entropy and Bee Colony Algorithm. 6th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2010, v1, p 340-343, 2010. 8. (EI)[39]Weiyu Yu, Jing Tian, Yonghao Xiao. Color Reproduction for Noisy CFA Data Using Directional Cycle-spinning. Journal of systems engineering and electronics. 2011,6. (SCI)[40]Yu weiyu, Jing Tian. Rate-oriented perceptual image coding using contrast-based quantization. Chinese Optics Letters.Vol. 8, Iss.4, p:381-383,2010,4. (SCI)[41]Liu Rong; Yu Weiyu; Yang Lei.The Motion Control System Based on ARM and Multi-Sensor Information Fusion Technology.2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Control and Computer Engineering (ICMCCE)  Harbin,DEC 08-10, 2017.[42]Yu weiyu, Yang jie. A Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Image Restoration. Hualian, Taiwan.CECNet2017.[43]Lingjun Liu, Weiyu Yu. Adaptive hybrid wavelet regularization method for compressive imaging. ICCCS2017, Nanjing.Ye Lvshan; Yuan Dongzhi; Yu Weiyu. ARTIFICIAL BEE COLONY ALGORITHM WITH GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR JOB SHOP SCHEDULING PROBLEMInternational Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS),Xiamen,IEEE Circuits & Syst Soc; Huaqiao Univ2017 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLIGENT SIGNAL PROCESSING AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (ISPACS 2017) 出版专著和教材 电路分析基础  机械工业出版社电路分析基础学习指导  机械工业出版社 科研创新 专利1.发明专利 授权专利,一种基于单目深度图的视觉显著性区域的提取方法.2.授权专利,检测手机屏幕裂痕的装置.3.发明专利,已公开,一种图片相似度计算方法.4.发明专利,已公开,一种识别电子设备品牌型号的方法和系统.5.发明专利,已公开,一种基于信息一致性的稀疏信号重构方法6.发明专利,已公开,一种基于高斯混合模型和变分贝叶斯的粒子滤波方法7.发明专利,已公开,字符识别方法、装置、计算机设备和计算机可读存储介质.8.发明专利,授权专利,手机尺寸测量方法和系统9.发明专利,已公开,检测屏幕新旧度的方法和装置10.发明专利,已公开,一种基于深度残差网络和LSTM的图像理解方法11.发明专利,已公开,一种基于显著图和稀疏表示的图像超分辨率重构方法12.发明专利,已公开,一种基于双路分形网络和LSTM的视频描述方法13.发明专利,已公开,一种基于图像显著性和深度学习的交通道路标志识别方法14.发明专利,已公开,一种基于深度学习的图像高密度人群计数方法15.发明专利,已公开,一种基于Gabor特征具有分形结构的极深神经网络的动物分类方法16.发明专利,已公开,一种远程温度测量装置及方法 17.发明专利,已公开,一种电池组主动均衡电路及均衡方法软件著作权1 基于图像的手机屏幕划痕识别系统 登记号 2015SR1836482 基于图像的手机型号识别系统     登记号 2015SR1384893 类圆形物体计数软件             登记号2014R11L502534 基于改进的Arnold算法和Lorenz系统的数字图像加密系统 登记号 2016SR4006955 基于深度学习的手机与非手机识别软件  登记号 2016SR4005106 马克思主义原理课程安卓应用软件 登记号 2017SR044735 教学活动 近年来,主要讲授本科生课程  《电路》,《模拟电子基础》,《电路与模拟电子技术》研究生课程 《网络分析与综合》,《深度学习》其他课程《数字电路》,《计算机网络》,《传感器原理与应用》 指导学生情况 每年指导毕设设计4-6名 内容来自集群智慧云企服 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理