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姓名 | 赵天寿 | 性别 | |
学校 | 南方科技大学 | 部门 | |工学院, 机械与能源工程系 |
学位 | 学历 | ||
职称 | 讲席教授 | 联系方式 | 广东省深圳市南山区学苑大道1088号南方科技大学工学院北楼413 |
邮箱 | zhaots@sustech.edu.cn | ||
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 赵天寿 Google Scholar ResearcherID 讲席教授 |工学院, 机械与能源工程系 赵天寿,中国科学院院士、能源科学与工程热物理专家。1983年毕业于天津大学热物理工程系,1986年获该校硕士学位,1995年获得美国夏威夷大学博士学位。现任南方科技大学讲席教授、美国机械工程师学会(ASME) Fellow、英国皇家化学学会(RSC) Fellow、曾获Croucher资深研究成就奖、何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖、国家自然科学二等奖、香港科大工程学杰出研究成就奖。入选Clarivate/Thomson Reuters 全球高被引科学家和最有影响力科学思想名录。任国际期刊International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer主编与Energy & Environmental Science顾问编委。 赵院士长期致力热质传递理论和电池储能技术的研究。针对国家对可再生能源利用的重大需求,围绕燃料电池、液流电池、金属空气等流体电池储能装置中能量传递与转换关键科学问题,建立了电池储能系统中热质传递和电化学能量转换的耦合理论,提出了热、质、电子及离子协同传输方法,突破了高功率流体电池设计的关键技术。提出了以可充放电的液态能量载体储电的新方法,发明了充、放电装置彼此独立的新型储能系统,取得了系统效率与输出功率的同时跃升,将在解决风光电并网难题、实现可再生能源规模利用、解决空气污染与气候变化问题等方面将发挥重要作用。 个人简介 个人简介 研究领域 ◆ 能源工程:燃料电池以及先进电池储能装置中能量传递与转换 ◆ 传热传质:电池储能系统中热质传递和电化学能量转换的耦合理论 ◆先进数值模拟技术:多组分/多相传输的格子玻尔兹曼方法、计算流体动力学 教学 MEE5406 储能原理与技术,本研合上,春季学期 学术成果 查看更多 赵院士在国际权威学术期刊发表SCI论文410余篇,SCI引用21,000余次,h-因子达81,38篇为ESI高被引论文。出版英文专著5部、中英文专著章节9篇。受邀在美国机械工程师学会、国际可持续能源技术等重要国际学术会议上作主题/特邀报告70次。 著作及章节 1.S. Zhao, 2009, Micro Fuel Cells-Principle and Applications, Elsevier,ISBN: 0123747139. 2.An, T.S. Zhao, 2018, Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells-Principles, Materials and Systems, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-71371-7. 3.Ni, T.S. Zhao, 2013, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: From Materials to System Modeling, RSC,ISBN: 978-1-84973-654-1. 4.X. Liang, T.S. Zhao, 2012, Catalysts for Alcohol-Fuelled Direct Oxidation Fuel Cells, RSC, ISBN: 978-1-84973-405-9. 5.S. Zhao, K.D. Kreuer, T. Nguyen, 2007, Advances in Fuel Cells, Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978-0-08-045394-1. 6.S. Zhao, Q. Liao, 2004, “Singe-Phase and Phase-Change Heat Transfer in Porous Structures,” Heat Transfer Enhancement, (in Chinese, 81 pages). 7.S. Zhao, Z.X. Liang, J.B. Xu, 2009, Fuel Cells-Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells Overview, Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources,Pages 362-369,Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52093-7. 8.S. Zhao, C. Xu, 2009, Fuel Cells-Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells: Overview Performance and Operational Conditions, Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Pages 381-389, Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52093-7. 9.S. Zhao, R. Chen, 2009, Fuel Cells-Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells: Experimental Systems, Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Pages 428-435, Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52093-7. 10.S. Zhao, W.W. Yang, 2009, Fuel Cells-Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells: Modeling, Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Pages 436-445,Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52093-7. 11.S. Zhao, P. Cheng, 1998, “Heat Transfer in Oscillatory Flows,” Annual Review of Heat Transfer, Volume IX, pp. 359-420, Edited by L.T. Chang. 12.赵天寿,石泳, 2013,“微纳米尺度流体流动与传热的格子-玻尔兹曼模拟”(436)《10000个科学难题.物理卷》科学出版社. 13.赵天寿,陈蓉,2013,“燃料电池中与电化学反应耦合的热传输问题”(440)《10000个科学难题. 物理卷》科学出版社. 14.赵天寿,杨卫卫, 2013,“燃料电池中多相多组分传输过程的模拟” (442)《10000个科学难题. 物理卷》科学出版社. 期刊论文 1.T.S. Zhao, C. Xu, R. Chen, W.W. Yang, 2009, “Mass transport phenomena in direct methanol fuel cells,” Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 35 (2009) 275–292. 2.T.S. Zhao, R. Chen, W.W. Yang, C. Xu, 2009, “Small direct methanol fuel cells with passive supply of reactants,” Journal of Power Sources 191 (2009) 185–202. 3.T.S. Zhao, W.W. Yang, R. Chen, Q.X. Wu, 2010, “Toward operating direct methanol fuel cells with highly concentrated fuel,” Journal of Power Sources 195 (2010) 3451–3462. 4.T.S. Zhao, Y.S. Li, S.Y. Shen, 2010, “Anion-exchange membrane direct ethanol fuel cells: Status and Perspectives,” Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China, 2010, 4(4): 443–458. 5.O.C. Esan, X. Shi, Y. Dai, L. An*, and T.S. Zhao*, Operation of liquid e-fuel cells using air as oxidant, Applied Energy 311(2022), 118677 6.Y.H. Wan, J. Sun, Q.P. Jian, X.Z. Fan*, T.S. Zhao*,A detachable sandwiched polybenzimidazole-based membrane for high-performance aqueous redox flow batteries,2022, 526, 231139 7.Q.L. Yue, C.X. He, J. Sun, J.B. Xu, T.S. Zhao* , A passive thermal management system with thermally enhanced water adsorbents for lithium-ion batteries powering electric vehicles, Applied Thermal Engineering, 207(2022) 118156 8.Y.W. Dai, J. Yu, P. Tan*, C. Cheng, T. Liu, S.Y. Zhao, Z.P. Shao, T.S. Zhao*, M. Ni*, Microscale-decoupled charge-discharge reaction sites for an air electrode with abundant triple-phase boundary and enhanced cycle stability of Zn-Air batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 525, 231108 9.L.C. Zhang, C. Zhao, Y.K. Lin, M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, A high-performance lithiated silicon–sulfur battery enabled by fluorinated ether electrolytes, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9(2021),25426 10.G.S. Nambafu, E.P. Delmo, U.B. Shahid, C. Zhang, Q. Chen, T.S. Zhao, P. Gao, K. Amine, and M.H. Shao, Pyromellitic diimide based bipolar molecule for total organic symmetric redox flow battery, Nano Energy (2022), 106963. 11.Y. Lei, B.W. Zhang, B.F. Bai, X. Chen, T.S. Zhao, A transient model for vanadium redox flow batteries with bipolar membranes, Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 496, 229829. 12.B. Liu, C.W. Tang, F.K. Sheong, G.C. Jia, T.S. Zhao, Artificial Bipolar Redox-Active Molecule for Symmetric Nonaqueous Redox Flow Batteries, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2022, 10, 1, 613–621 13.X.D. Peng, C. Xiong, Y.K. Lin, C. Zhao, T.S. Zhao, Honeycomb‐like hierarchical porous silicon composites with dual protection for ultrastable Li‐ion battery anodes, SmartMat, 2021, 2: 579-590 14.C.K. Ho, C.Y.V. Li, L. Gao, K.Y. Chan, J.W. Chen, J.Y. Tang, J.F. Olorunyomi, C.Z. Liao, T.S. Zhao, Protonated Emeraldine Polyaniline Threaded MIL-101 as a Conductive High Surface Area Nanoporous Electrode. ACS Energy Letters, 2021, 6, 3769-3779. 15.Y. X. Ren, L. Wei, H. R. Jiang, C. Zhao, and T. S. Zhao, On-Site Fluorination for Enhancing Utilization of Lithium in a Lithium–Sulfur Full Battery. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(48), 53860-53868. 16.Q.L. Yue, C.X. He, M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, 2021, Advances in thermal management systems for next-generation power batteries, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 181, 121853 17.J. Sun, M.C. Wu, X.Z. Fan, Y.H. Wan, C.Y.H. Chao, T.S. Zhao, 2021, Aligned microfibers interweaved with highly porous carbon nanofibers: A Novel electrode for high-power vanadium redox flow batteries, Energy Storage Materials, 43 (2021) 30-41 18.C.X. He, Q.L. Yue, M.C. Wu, Q. Chen, and T.S. Zhao, A 3D electrochemical-thermal coupled model for electrochemical and thermal analysis of pouch-type lithium-ion batteries, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 181 (2021), 121855. 19.G.S. Nambafu, S.Kumar, C. Zhang, T.S. Zhao, Q. Chen, K. Amine, and M.H. Shao, An Organic Bifunctional Redox Active Material for Symmetric Aqueous Redox Flow Battery, Nano Energy (2021), 106422. 20.Y.K. Lin, M.C. Wu, J. Sun, L.C. Zhang, Q.P. Jian, T.S. Zhao, A High-Capacity, Long-Cycling All-Solid-State Lithium Battery Enabled by Integrated Cathode/Ultrathin Solid Electrolyte, Advanced Energy Materials, 2021, 2101612 21.L. Wei, Z.X. Guo, J. Sun, X.Z. Fan, M.C. Wu, J.B. Xu, T.S. Zhao, A convection-enhanced flow field for aqueous redox flow batteries, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 179(201), 121747 22.X. Shi, X.Y. Huo, O.C. Esan, X. Su, Y. Dai, Y.Ma, L. An, and T.S. Zhao, A liquid e-fuel cell operating at − 20 ◦C, Journal of Power Sources, 506(2021),230198 23.L.C. Zhang, C. Zhao, Q.P. Jian, M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, A high-performance lithiated silicon–sulfur battery with pomegranate-structured electrodes, Journal of Power Sources, 506(2021),230174 24.Q.P. Jian, Z.X. Guo, L.C. Zhang, M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao. A hierarchical porous tin host for dendrite-free, highly reversible zinc anodes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 425(2021), 130643 25.S.B. Wan, X.W. Liang, H.R. Jiang, J. Sun, N. Djilali, T.S. Zhao, A coupled machine learning and genetic algorithm approach to the design of porous electrodes for redox flow batteries, Applied Energy, 298(2021), 117177 26.O.C. Esan, X. Shi, X. Su, Y. Dai, L. An, and T.S. Zhao, A computational model of a liquid e-fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources, 501(2021), 230023 27.B. Liu, C.W. Tang, H.R. Jiang, G.C. Jia, T.S. Zhao, Carboxyl-Functionalized TEMPO Catholyte Enabling High-Cycling-Stability and High-Energy-Density Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Batteries, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,9(2021), 18, 6258–6265 28.Y.K. Lin, K. Liu, C. Xiong, M.C. Wu, T.S.Zhao. A composite solid electrolyte with an asymmetric ceramic framework for dendrite-free all-solid-state Li metal batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9(2021), 9665-9674 29.Y. Lei, B.W. Zhang, B.F. Bai, X. Chen, T.S. Zhao, A transient model for vanadium redox flow batteries with bipolar membranes, Journal of Power Sources, 496(2021), 229829 30.B. Liu, C.W. Tang, H.R. Jiang, G.C. Jia, T.S. Zhao, 2020, An aqueous organic redox flow battery employing a trifunctional electroactive compound as anolyte, catholyte and supporting electrolyte, Journal of Power Sources, 477(2020), 228985. 31.J. Sun, H.R. Jiang, C. Zhao, X.Z. Fan, C. Chao, T.S. Zhao, 2020, Holey aligned electrodes through in-situ ZIF-8-assisted-etching for high-performance aqueous redox flow batteries, Science Bulletin, 66(9), 904-913. 32.J. Sun, M.C. Wu, H.R. Jiang, X.Z. Fan, T.S. Zhao, 2021, Advances in the design and fabrication of high-performance flow battery electrodes for renewable energy storage, 2021, 2, 100016 33.Y.H. Wan, J. Sun, H.R. Jiang, X.Z. Fan, T.S. Zhao. A highly-efficient composite polybenzimidazole membrane for vanadium redox flow battery. Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 489, 229502 34.J.T. Yu, T.S. Zhao, D. Pan. Tuning the Performance of Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Batteries via First-Principles Calculations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020, 11 (24), 10433–10438. 35.B. Liu, C.W. Tang, C. Zhang, G.C. Jia, T.S. Zhao. Cost-Effective, High-Energy-Density, Nonaqueous Nitrobenzene Organic Redox Flow Battery, Chemistry of Materials, 2021, 33 (3), 978–986 36.R.H. Zhang, M.C. Wu, X.Z. Fan, H.R. Jiang, T.S. Zhao. A Li-S battery with ultrahigh cycling stability and enhanced rate capability based on novel ZnO yolk-shell sulfur host. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2021, 55, 136-144. 37.Y.K. Lin, K. Liu, M.C. Wu, C. Zhao, T.S. Zhao, Enabling Solid-State Li Metal Batteries by In Situ Forming Ionogel Interlayers, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2020, 3, 5712−5721 38.B. Yang , H.R. Jiang , J. Xie , T.Z. Zhao, Y.C. Lu,Diphenyl ditelluride as a low-potential and fast-kinetics anolyte for nonaqueous redox flow battery applications, Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 35,761-771 39.Q.P. Jian, M.C. Wu, H.R. Jiang, Y.K. Lin, T.S. Zhao. A trifunctional electrolyte for high-performance zinc-iodine flow batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 484, 229238 40.C. Zhao, G.L. Xu, Z. Yu, L.C. Zhang, I.H. Hwang, Y.X. Mo, …, K. Amine, T.S. Zhao. “A high-energy and long-cycling lithium–sulfur pouch cell via a macroporous catalytic cathode with double-end binding sites”, Nature Nanotechnology, 2021, 16, 166-173 41.Q.L. Yue, C.X. He, H.R. Jiang, M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, 2020, “A hybrid battery thermal management system for electric vehicles under dynamic working conditions”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 164, 120528 42.L.C. Zhang, C. Zhao, M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, 2020, “An energy-dense, flowable suspension of hollow carbon nanoshell-hosted sulfur as an electroactive material for flow batteries”, Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 478, 228750 43.Q.P. Jian, Y.H. Wan, J. Sun, M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, 2020, “A dendrite-free zinc anode for rechargeable aqueous batteries”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020,8, 20175-20184 44.L. Wei, X.Z. Fan, H.R. Jiang, K. Liu, M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, 2020, “Enhanced cycle life of vanadium redox flow battery via a capacity and energy efficiency recovery method”, Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 478, 228725. 45.K. Liu, M.C. Wu, H.R. Jiang, Y.K. Lin, T.S. Zhao, 2020, “An ultrathin, strong, flexible composite solid electrolyte for high-voltage lithium metal batteries”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2020,8, 18802-18809 46.C. Xiong, Z.Y. Wang, …, T.S. Zhao, 2020, “Bifunctional Effect of Laser-Induced Nucleation-Preferable Microchannels and in-situ formed LiF SEI in MXene for Stable Lithium-Metal Batteries”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 14, 14114-14125 47.C. Xiong, G.Y. Zhu, H.R. Jiang, Q. Chen, T.S. Zhao, 2020, “Achieving Multiplexed Functionality in a Hierarchical MXene-based Sulfur Host for High-rate, High-loading Lithium-Sulfur Batteries”, Energy Storage Materials, 2020, 33, 147-157. 48.L. Zeng, Y.X. Ren, L. Wei, X.Z. Fan, T.S. Zhao, 2020, “Asymmetric porous polybenzimidazole membranes with high conductivity and selectivity for vanadium redox flow batteries”, Energy Technology, 2020, 8(10), 2000592. 49.J. Sun, H.R. Jiang, M.C. Wu, X.Z. Fan, C.Y.H. Chao, T.S. Zhao, 2020 “A novel electrode formed with electrospun nano-and micro-scale carbon fibers for aqueous redox flow batteries”, Journal of Power Sources, 470 (2020), 228441. 50.J. Sun, H.R. Jiang, M.C. Wu, X.Z. Fan, C.Y.H. Chao, T.S. Zhao, 2020, “Aligned hierarchical electrodes for high-performance aqueous redox flow battery”, Applied Energy, 271 (2020), 115235. 51.K. Liu, M.C. Wu, L. Wei, Y.K. Lin, T.S. Zhao, 2020, “A composite solid electrolyte with a framework of vertically aligned perovskite for all-solid-state Li-metal batteries”, Journal of Membrane Science, 610 (2020), 118265. 52.J. Sun, H.R. Jiang, B.W. Zhang, C.Y.H. Chao, T.S. Zhao, 2020, “Towards uniform distributions of reactants via the aligned electrode design for vanadium redox flow batteries”, Applied Energy, 259 (2020) 114198. 53.Q. He, J. Yu, H.R. Xu, D.Q. Zhao, T.S. Zhao, M. Ni, 2020, “Thermal effects in H2O and CO2 assisted direct carbon solid oxide fuel cells”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45 (2020) 12459-12475. 54.Y.X. Ren, H.R. Jiang, C. Xiong, C. Zhao, T.S. Zhao, 2020, “An in situ encapsulation approach for polysulfide retention in lithium–sulfur batteries”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8 (2020) 6902-6907. 55.B. Chen, H.R. Xu, Y. Zhang, …, T.S. Zhao, M. Ni, 2019, “Combined methane reforming by carbon dioxide and steam in proton conducting solid oxide fuel cells for syngas/power co-generation”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019),15313-15321 56.Z.H. Zhang, B.F. Bai, L. Zeng, L. Wei, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “Aligned Electrospun Carbon Nanofibers as Electrodes for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries”, Energy Technology, 7 (2019) 1900488. 57.K. Liu, R. Zhang, J. Sun, M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “Polyoxyethylene (PEO) vertical bar PEO-Perovskite vertical bar PEO Composite Electrolyte for All-Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries”, ACS Applied materials & Interfaces, 11 (2019) 46930-46937. 58.C. Xiong, Y.X. Ren, H.R. Jiang, M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “Artificial Bifunctional Protective layer Composed of Carbon Nitride Nanosheets for High Performance Lithium–Sulfur Batteries”, Journal of Energy Storage, 26 (2019) 101006 59.L. Wei, C. Xiong, H.R. Jiang, X.Z. Fan, T.S. Zhao, 2020, “Highly catalytic hollow Ti3C2Tx MXene spheres decorated graphite felt electrode for vanadium redox flow batteries”, Energy Storage Materials, 25 (2020) 885-892. 60.Y.X. Ren, L. Zeng, C. Zhao, C. Xiong, Q. Chen, T.S. Zhao, 2020, “A safe and efficient lithiated silicon-sulfur battery enabled by a bi-functional composite interlayer”, Energy Storage Materials, 25 (2020) 217-223. 61.L. Zeng, J. Sun, T.S. Zhao, … 2020, “Balancing the specific surface area and mass diffusion property of electrospun carbon fibers to enhance the cell performance of vanadium redox flow battery”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45, 12565-12576 62.R.H. Zhang, C. Chi, M.C. Wu, K. Liu, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “A long-life Li–S battery enabled by a cathode made of well-distributed B4C nanoparticles decorated activated cotton fibers”, Journal of Power Sources, 451(2020), 227751 63.M.C. Wu, R.H. Zhang, K. Liu, J. Sun, K.Y. Chan, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “Mesoporous carbon derived from pomelo peel as a high-performance electrode material for zinc-bromine flow batteries”, Journal of Power Sources, 442(2019), 227255 64.H.R. Jiang, B.W. Zhang, J. Sun, X.Z. Fan, W. Shyy, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “A gradient porous electrode with balanced transport properties and active surface areas for vanadium redox flow batteries”, Journal of Power Sources, 440(2019), 227159 65.W.L. Gu, M.C. Wu, J. Sun, J.B. Xu*, T.S. Zhao*, 2019, “Atomically Dispersed Fe-Nx Active Sites within Hierarchical Mesoporous Carbon as Efficient Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7 (2019) 20132-20138. 66.K. Liu, Y. Li, R.H. Zhang, M.C. Wu, B.L. Huang, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “Facile Surface Modification Method To Achieve an Ultralow Interfacial Resistance in Garnet-Based Li Metal Batteries”, ACS Applied Enegy Materials, 2 (2019) 6332–6340. 67.Y.X. Ren, L. Zeng, H.R. Jiang, W.Q. Ruan, Q. Chen*, T.S. Zhao*, 2019, Rational design of spontaneous reactions for protecting porous lithium electrodes in lithium–sulfur batteries, Nature Communications, 10 (2019) 3249 68.L. Wei, H.R. Jiang, Y.X. Ren, M.C. Wu, J.B. Xu, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “Investigation of an aqueous rechargeable battery consisting of manganese tin redox chemistries for energy storage”, Journal of Power Sources, 437(2019), 226918 69.H.R. Jiang, J. Sun, L. Wei, M.C. Wu, W. Shyy, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “A high power density and long cycle life vanadium redox flow battery”, Energy Storage Materials, 24 (2020) 529-540. 70.R.H. Zhang, M.C. Wu, X.Z. Fan, H.R. Jiang, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “Superior cycling life of Li–S batteries with high sulfur loading enabled by a bifunctional layered-MoO3 cathode”, Journal of Power Sources, 436(2019), 226840 71.M.C. Wu, H.R. Jiang, R.H. Zhang, L. Wei, K.Y. Chan, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “N-doped graphene nanoplatelets as a highly active catalyst for Br2/Br- redox reactions in zinc-bromine flow batteries,” Electrochimica Acta 318 (2019) 69-75. 72.K. Liu, R.H. Zhang, M.C. Wu, H.R. Jiang, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “Ultra-stable lithium plating/stripping in garnet-based lithium-metal batteries enabled by a SnO2 nanolayer”, Journal of Power Sources, 433(2019), 226691 73.L.Wei, L.Zeng, M.C.Wu, X.Z.Fan, T.S.Zhao, 2019, “Seawater as an alternative to deionized water for electrolyte preparations in vanadium redox flow batteries,” Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113344. 74.L. Wei, L. Zeng, M.C. Wu, H.R. Jiang, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “An aqueous manganese-copper battery for large-scale energy storage applications,” Journal of Power Sources 423 (2019) 203-210. 75.L. Shi, A. Xu, D. Pan, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “Aqueous proton-selective conduction across two-dimensional graphyne,” Nature Communications 10 (2019) 1165. 76.H.R. Jiang, L. Wei, X.Z. Fan, W. Shyy, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “A novel energy storage system incorporating electrically rechargeable liquid fuels as the storage medium,” Science Bulletin 64 (2019) 270-280. 77.L. Zeng, T.S. Zhao, L. Wei, H.R. Jiang, M.C. Wu, 2019, “Anion exchange membranes for aqueous acid-based redox flow batteries: Current status and challenges,” Applied Energy 233 (2019) 622-643. 78.B.W. Zhang, Y. Lei, B.F. Bai, A. Xu, T.S. Zhao, “A two-dimensional mathematical model for vanadium redox flow battery stacks incorporating nonuniform electrolyte distribution in the flow frame,” Applied Thermal Engineering 151 (2019) 495-505. 79.H.R. Jiang, Y.K. Zeng, M.C. Wu, W.Shyy, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “A uniformly distributed bismuth nanoparticle-modified carbon cloth electrode for vanadium redox flow batteries,” Applied Energy 240 (2019)226-235. 80.A. Xu, L. Shi, L. Zeng, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “First-principle investigations of nitrogen-, boron-, phosphorus-doped graphite electrodes for vanadium redox flow batteries,” Electrochimica Acta 300 (2019) 389-395. 81.B.W. Zhang, Y. Lei, B.F. Bai, T.S. Zhao 2019, “A two-dimensional model for the design of flow fields in vanadium redox flow batteries,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 135 (2019) 460-469. 82.C. Xiong, T.S. Zhao, Y.X. Ren, H.R. Jiang, X.L. Zhou, 2019, “Mathematical modeling of the charging process of Li-S batteries by incorporating the size-dependent Li2S dissolution,” Electrochimica Acta 296 (2019) 954-963. 83.R.H. Zhang, T.S. Zhao, H.R. Jiang, M.C. Wu, L. Zeng, 2019, “V2O5-NiO composite nanowires: A novel and highly efficient carbon-free electrode for non-aqueous Li-air batteries operated in ambient air,” Journal of Power Sources 409 (2019)76-85. 84.H.R. Jiang, W.Shyy, Y.X. Ren, R.H. Zhang, T.S. Zhao, 2019, “A room-temperature activated graphite felt as the cost-effective, highly active and stable electrode for vanadium redox flow batteries,” Applied Energy 233-234 (2019)544-553. 85.H.R. Jiang, W.Shyy, M.C. Wu, R.H. Zhang, T.S. Zhao, 2018, “A bi-porous graphite felt electrode with enhanced surface area and catalytic activity for vanadium redox flow batteries,” Applied Energy 233-234 (2018)105-113. 86.X.H. Yan, X.L. Zhou, T.S. Zhao, H.R. Jiang, L, Zeng, 2018, “A highly selective proton exchange membrane with highly ordered, vertically aligned, and subnanosized 1D channels for redox flow batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 406 (2018)35-41. 87.J. Sun, L. Zeng, H.R. Jiang, C.Y.H. Chao, T.S. Zhao, 2018, “Formation of electrodes by self-assembling porous carbon fibers into bundles for vanadium redox flow batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 405 (2018)106-113. 88.L. Shi, A. Xu, T.S. Zhao, 2018, “Three-Dimensional Carbon-Honeycomb as Nanoporous Lithium and Sodium Deposition Scaffold,” J. Phys. Chem. C. 2018, 122, 37, 21262-21268 89.M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, R.H. Zhang, L. Wei, H.R. Jiang, 2018, “Carbonized tubular polypyrrole with a high activity for the Br2/Br- redox reaction in zinc-bromine flow batteries,” Electrochimica Acta 284 (2018) 569-576. 90.Y.X. Ren, H.R. Jiang, T.S. Zhao, L. Zeng, C. Xiong, 2018, “Remedies of capacity fading in room-temperature sodium-sulfur batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 396 (2018)304-313. 91.L. Zeng, T.S. Zhao, L. Wei, Y.K. Zeng, X.L. Zhou, 2018, “Mn3O4 nanoparticles‐decorated carbon cloths with a superior catalytic activity toward the V(II)/V(III) redox reaction in vanadium redox flow batteries,” Energy Technology 6 (2018) 1228-1236. 92.Y.X. Ren, T.S. Zhao, M. Liu, H.R. Jiang, C. Xiong, 2018, “A Li2S-Based Sacrificial Layer for Stable Operation of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries,” Energy Technology 6 (2018) 1-11. 93.H.R. Jiang, W. Shyy, L. Zeng, R.H. Zhang, T.S. Zhao, 2018, “Highly efficient and ultra-stable boron-doped graphite felt electrodes for vanadium redox flow batteries,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 13244 – 13253. 94.A. Xu, L. Shi, T.S. Zhao, 2018, “Thermal effects on the sedimentation behavior of elliptical particles,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 126 (2018) 753-764. 95.R.H. Zhang, T.S. Zhao, M.C. Wu, H.R. Jiang, L. Zeng, 2018, “Mesoporous ultrafine Ta2O5 nanoparticle with abundant oxygen vacancies as a novel and efficient catalyst for non-aqueous Li-O2 batteries,” Electrochimica Acta 271 (2018) 232-241. 96.M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, L. Wei, H.R. Jiang, R.H. Zhang, 2018, “Improved electrolyte for zinc-bromine flow batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 384 (2018) 233-239. 97.Y. Lei, B.W. Zhang, Z.H. Zhang, B.F. Bai, T.S. Zhao, 2018, “An improved model of ion selective adsorption in membrane and its application in vanadium redox flow batteries,” Applied Energy 215 (2018) 591-601. 98.L. Wei, M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, Y.K. Zeng, Y.X. Ren, 2018, “An aqueous alkaline battery consisting of inexpensive all-iron redox chemistries for large-scale energy storage,” Applied Energy 215 (2018) 98-105. 99.L. Zeng, T.S. Zhao, R.H. Zhang, J.B. Xu, 2018, “NiCo2O4 nanowires@MnOx nanoflakes supported on stainless steel mesh with superior electrocatalytic performance for anion exchange membrane water splitting,” Electrochemistry Communications 87 (2018) 66-70. 100.H.R. Jiang, W. Shyy , M. Liu , Y.X. Ren, T.S. Zhao, 2018, “Borophene and defective borophene as potential anchoring materials for lithium–sulfur batteries: a first-principles study,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (2018) 2107-2114. 101.M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, R.H. Zhang, H.R. Jiang, L. Wei, 2018, “A zinc bromine flow battery with improved design of cell structure and electrodes,” Energy Technology 6 (2018) 333-339. 102.R.H. Zhang, T.S. Zhao, M.C. Wu, P. Tan, H.R. Jiang, 2018, “Paramecium-Like Iron Oxide Nanotubes as a Cost-Efficient Catalyst for Nonaqueous Lithium-Oxygen Batteries,” Energy Technology 6 (2018) 263-272. 103.Z.F. Pan, L. An, T.S. Zhao, Z.K. Tang, 2018, “Advances and challenges in alkaline anion exchange membrane fuel cells,” Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 66 (2018) 141-175. 104.G. Zhao, L. Shi, J.B. Xu, X.H. Yan, T.S. Zhao, 2018, “Role of phosphorus in nitrogen, phosphorus dual-doped ordered mesoporous carbon electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media,” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 43 (2018) 1470-1478. 105.H.R. Jiang, M.C. Wu, Y.X. Ren, W. Shyy, T.S. Zhao, 2018, “Towards a uniform distribution of zinc in the negative electrode for zinc bromine flow batteries,” Applied Energy 213 (2018) 366-374. 106.L. Zeng, T.S. Zhao, L. Wei, 2018, “Revealing the Performance Enhancement of Oxygenated Carbonaceous Materials for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries: Functional Groups or Specific Surface Area?,” Advanced Sustainable Systems 2018, 1700148. 107.A. Xu, L. Shi, T.S. Zhao, “Lattice Boltzmann simulation of shear viscosity of suspensions containing porous particles,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 116 (2018) 969-976. 108.X.H. Yan, A. Xu, L. Zeng, P. Gao, T.S. Zhao, “A paper-based microfluidic fuel cell using hydrogen peroxide as fuel and oxidant,” Energy Technology 2018, 6 (1), 140-143. 109.A. Xu, T.S. Zhao, L. Shi, J.B. Xu, ” Lattice Boltzmann simulation of mass transfer coefficients for chemically reactive flows in porous media,” J. Heat Transf.-Trans. ASME 2018, 140 (5), 052601. 110.Z.H. Zhang, T.S. Zhao, B.F. Bai, L. Zeng, L. Wei, “A highly active biomass-derived electrode for all vanadium redox flow batteries,” Electrochimica Acta 248 (2017) 197-205. 111.X.H. Yan, P. Gao, G. Zhao, L. Shi, J.B. Xu, T.S. Zhao, “Transport of highly concentrated fuel in direct methanol fuel cells,” Applied Thermal Engineering 126 (2017) 290-295. 112.R.H. Zhang, T.S. Zhao, P. Tan, M.C. Wu, H.R. Jiang, “Ruthenium dioxide-decorated carbonized tubular polypyrrole as a bifunctional catalyst for non-aqueous lithium-oxygen batteries,” Electrochimica Acta 257 (2017) 281-289. 113.M. Liu, Y.X. Ren, H.R. Jiang, C. Luo, F.Y. Kang, T.S. Zhao, “An efficient Li2S-based lithium-ion sulfur battery realized by a bifunctional electrolyte additive,” Nano Energy 40 (2017) 240-247. 114.P. Tan, H.R. Jiang, X.B. Zhu, L. An, C.Y. Jung, M.C. Wu, L. Shi, W. Shyy, T.S. Zhao, “Advances and challenges in lithium-air batteries,” Applied Energy 204 (2017) 780-806. 115.X. Gao, T.S. Zhao, Z.G. Li, “Fluid breakup in carbon nanotubes: An explanation of ultrafast ion transport,” Physics of Fluids 29 (2017) 092003. 116.L. Shi, A. Xu, G.H. Chen, T.S. Zhao,”Theoretical understanding of mechanisms of proton exchange membranes made of 2D crystals with ultrahigh selectivity,” Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 (2017) 4354-4361. 117.H.R. Jiang, W. Shyy, M.C. Wu, L. Wei, T.S. Zhao, “Highly active, bi-functional and metal-free B4C-nanoparticle-modified graphite felt electrodes for vanadium redox flow batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 365 (2017) 34-42. 118.Y.X. Ren, T.S. Zhao, M. Liu, Y.K. Zeng, H.R. Jiang, 2017, “A self-cleaning Li-S battery enabled by a bifunctional redox mediator,” Journal of Power Sources 361 (2017) 203-210. 119.Y.X. Ren, T.S. Zhao, M. Liu, L. Wei, R.H. Zhang, 2017, “High-performance nitrogen-doped titania nanowire decorated carbon cloth electrode for lithium-polysulfide batteries,” Electrochimica Acta 242 (2017) 137-145. 120.A. Xu, W. Shyy, T.S. Zhao, 2017, “Lattice Boltzmann modeling of transport phenomena in fuel cells and flow batteries,” Acta Mechanica Sinica 33 (2017) 555-574. 121.H.R. Jiang, T.S. Zhao, Y.X. Ren, R.H. Zhang, M.C. Wu, 2017, “Ab initio prediction and characterization of phosphorene-like SiS and SiSe as anode materials for sodium-ion batteries,” Science Bulletin 62 (2017) 572-578. 122.M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, H.R. Jiang, Y.K. Zeng, Y.X. Ren, 2017, “High-performance zinc bromine flow battery via improved design of electrolyte and electrode,” Journal of Power Sources 355 (2017) 62-68. 123.Y.K. Zeng, T.S. Zhao, X.L. Zhou, J. Zou, Y.X. Ren, 2017, “A hydrogen-ferric ion rebalance cell operating at low hydrogen concentrations for capacity restoration of iron-chromium redox flow batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 352 (2017) 77-82. 124.A. Xu, L. Shi, T.S. Zhao, 2017, “Accelerated lattice Boltzmann simulation using GPU and OpenACC with data management,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 109 (2017) 577-588. 125.Y.X. Ren, T.S. Zhao, H.R. Jiang, M.C. Wu, M. 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Jiang, 2017, “Highly catalytic and stabilized titanium nitride nanowire array-decorated graphite felt electrodes for all vanadium redox flow batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 341 (2017) 318-326. 135.Y.X. Ren, T.S. Zhao, P. Tan, Z.H. Wei, X.L. Zhou, 2017, “Modeling of an aprotic Li-O2 battery incorporating multiple-step reactions,” Applied Energy 187 (2017) 706-716. 136.X.L. Zhou, T.S. Zhao, L. An, Y.K. Zeng, L. Wei, 2017, “Critical transport issues for improving the performance of aqueous redox flow batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 339 (2017) 1-12. 137.G. Zhao, T.S. Zhao, J.B. Xu, L. Zeng, X.H. Yan, 2017, “Impact of pore size of ordered mesoporous carbon FDU-15-supported platinum catalysts on oxygen reduction reaction,” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 42 (2017) 3325-3334. 138.X.L. Zhou, T.S. Zhao, Y.K. Zeng, L. An, L. Wei, 2016, “A highly permeable and enhanced surface area carbon-cloth electrode for vanadium redox flow batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 329 (2016) 247-254. 139.M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, H.R. Jiang, L. Wei, Z.H. Zhang, 2016, “Facile preparation of high-performance MnO2/KB air cathode for Zn-air batteries,” Electrochimica Acta 222 (2016) 1438-1444. 140.Y.S. Li, T.S. Zhao, 2016, “A passive anion-exchange membrane direct ethanol fuel cell stack and its applications,” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 41 (2016) 20336-20342. 141.L. Shi, T.S. Zhao, A. Xu, J.B. Xu, 2016, “Ab initio prediction of a silicene and graphene heterostructure as an anode material for Li- and Na-ion batteries,”Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (2016) 16377-16382. 142.Y.X. Ren, T.S. Zhao, M. Liu, P. Tan, Y.K. Zeng, 2016, “Modeling of lithium-sulfur batteries incorporating the effect of Li2S precipitation,” Journal of Power Sources 336 (2016) 115-125. 143.L. Zeng, T.S. Zhao, L. Wei, Y.K. Zeng, Z.H. Zhang, 2016, “Highly stable pyridinium-functionalized cross-linked anion exchange membranes for all vanadium redox flow batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 331 (2016) 452-461. 144.H.R. Jiang, T.S. Zhao, M. Liu, M.C. Wu, X.H. Yan, 2016, “Two-dimensional SiS as a potential anode material for lithium-based batteries: A first-principles study,” Journal of Power Sources 331 (2016) 391-399. 145.C.Y. Jung, T.S. Zhao, L. Zeng, P. Tan, 2016, “Vertically aligned carbon nanotube-ruthenium dioxide core-shell cathode for non-aqueous lithium-oxygen batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 331 (2016) 82-90. 146.A. Xu, T.S. Zhao, L. Shi, X.H. Yan, 2016, “Three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann simulation of suspensions containing both micro- and nanoparticles,” Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 62 (2016) 560-567. 147.L. Shi, T.S. Zhao, A. Xu, Z.H. Wei, 2016, “Unraveling the Catalytic Mechanism of Rutile RuO2 for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction and Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Li-O2 Batteries,” ACS Catalysis 6 (2016) 6285-6293. 148.Y.K. Zeng, T.S. Zhao, X.L. Zhou, L. Wei, H.R. Jiang, 2016, “A low-cost iron-cadmium redox flow battery for large-scale energy storage,” Journal of Power Sources 330 (2016) 55-60. 149.P. Tan, W. Shyy, T.S. Zhao, R.H. Zhang, X.B. Zhu, 2016, “Effects of moist air on the cycling performance of non-aqueous lithium-air batteries,” Applied Energy 182 (2016) 569-575. 150.Y.K. Zeng, T.S. Zhao, X.L. Zhou, L. Zeng, L. Wei, 2016, “The effects of design parameters on the charge-discharge performance of iron-chromium redox flow batteries,” Applied Energy 182 (2016) 204-209. 151.M. Liu, D. Zhou, H.R. Jiang, Y.X. Ren, F.Y. Kang, T.S. Zhao, 2016, “A highly-safe lithium-ion sulfur polymer battery with SnO2 anode and acrylate-based gel polymer electrolyte,” Nano Energy 28 (2016) 97-105. 152.H.R. Jiang, P. Tan, M. Liu, Y.K. Zeng, T.S. Zhao, 2016, “Unraveling the Positive Roles of Point Defects on Carbon Surfaces in Nonaqueous Lithium–Oxygen Batteries,” J. Phys. Chem. C. 120 (2016) 18394-18402. 153.M. Liu, H.R. Jiang, Y.X. Ren, D. Zhou, F.Y. Kang, T.S. Zhao, 2016, “In-situ Fabrication of a Freestanding Acrylate-based Hierarchical Electrolyte for Lithium-sulfur Batteries,” Electrochimica Acta 213 (2016) 871-878. 154.X.L. Zhou, T.S. Zhao, L. An, Y.K. Zeng, X.B. Zhu, 2016, “Performance of a vanadium redox flow battery with a VANADion membrane,” Applied Energy 180 (2016) 353-359. 155.L. Wei, T.S. Zhao, L. Zeng, X.L. Zhou, Y.K. Zeng, 2016, “Copper nanoparticle-deposited graphite felt electrodes for all vanadium redox flow batteries,” Applied Energy 180 (2016) 386-391. 156.L. Wei, T.S. Zhao, L. Zeng, X.L. Zhou, Y.K. Zeng, 2016, “Copper nanoparticle-deposited graphite felt electrodes for all vanadium redox flow batteries,” Applied Energy 180 (2016) 386-391. 157.L. Zeng, T.S. Zhao, L. Wei, Y.K. Zeng, Z.H. Zhang, 2016, “Polyvinylpyrrolidone-based semi-interpenetrating polymer networks as highly selective and chemically stable membranes for all vanadium redox flow batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 327 (2016) 374- 158.Y.K. Zeng, X.L. Zhou, L. Zeng, X.H. Yan, T.S. Zhao, 2016, “Performance enhancement of iron-chromium redox flow batteries by employing interdigitated flow fields,” Journal of Power Sources 327 (2016) 258-264. 159.X.L. Zhou, T.S. Zhao, L. An, Y.K. Zeng, L. Wei, 2016, “Modeling of ion transport through a porous separator in vanadium redox flow batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 327 (2016) 67-76. 160.X.H. Yan, H.R. Jiang, G. Zhao, L. Zeng, T.S. Zhao, 2016, “Preparations of an inorganic-framework proton exchange nanochannel membrane,” Journal of Power Sources 326 (2016) 466-475. 161.L. Shi, T.S. Zhao, A. Xu, J.B. Xu, 2016, “Ab initio prediction of borophene as an extraordinary anode material exhibiting ultrafast directional sodium diffusion for sodium-based batteries,” Science Bulletin 61 (2016) 1138-1144. 162.P. Tan, W. Shyy, M.C. Wu, Y.Y. Huang, T.S. Zhao, 2016, “Carbon electrode with NiO and RuO2 nanoparticles improves the cycling life of non-aqueous lithium-oxygen batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 326 (2016) 303-312. 163.M.C. Wu, T.S. Zhao, P. Tan, H.R. Jiang, X.B. Zhu, 2016, “Cost-effective carbon supported Fe2O3 nanoparticles as an efficient catalyst for non-aqueous lithium-oxygen batteries,” Electrochimica Acta 211 (2016) 545–551. 164.X.B. Zhu, T.S. Zhao, P. Tan, Z.H. Wei, M.C. Wu, 2016, “A high-performance solid-state lithium-oxygen battery with a ceramic-carbon nanostructured electrode,” Nano Energy 26 (2016) 565-576. 165.X.L. Zhou, Y.K. Zeng, X.B. Zhu, L. Wei, T.S. Zhao, 2016, “A high-performance dual-scale porous electrode for vanadium redox flow batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 325 (2016) 329-336. 166.H.R. Jiang, M.C. Wu, X.L. Zhou, X.H. Yan, T.S. Zhao, 2016, “Computational insights into the effect of carbon structures at the atomic level for non-aqueous sodium-oxygen batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 325 (2016) 91-97. 167.Y.K. Zeng, X.L. Zhou, L. An, L. Wei, T.S. Zhao, 2016, “A high-performance flow-field structured iron-chromium redox flow battery,” Journal of Power Sources 324 (2016) 738-744. 168.G. Zhao, T.S. Zhao, X.H. Yan, L. Zeng, J.B. Xu, 2016, “Ordered Mesoporous Carbon/Titanium Carbide Composites as Support Materials for Platinum Catalysts,” Energy Technology 4 (2016) 1064-1070. 169.L. Wei, T.S. Zhao, L. Zeng, X.L. Zhou, Y.K. Zeng, 2016, “Titanium Carbide Nanoparticle-Decorated Electrode Enables Significant Enhancement in Performance of All-Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries,” Energy Technology 4 (2016) 990-996. 170.L. Wei, T.S. Zhao, G. Zhao, L. An, L. Zeng, 2016, “A high-performance carbon nanoparticle-decorated graphite felt electrode for vanadium redox flow batteries,” Applied Energy 176 (2016) 74-79. 171.H.R. 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Kang, 2016, “Novel gel polymer electrolyte for high-performance lithium–sulfur batteries,” Nano Energy 22 (2016) 278-289. 176.X.H. Yan, T.S. Zhao, L. An, G. Zhao, L. Shi, 2016, “A direct methanol–hydrogen peroxide fuel cell with a Prussian Blue cathode,” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 41 (2016) 5135-5140. 177.X.H. Yan, R.Z. Wu, J.B. Xu, Z.T. Luo, T.S. Zhao, 2016, “A monolayer graphene – Nafion sandwich membrane for direct methanol fuel cells,” Journal of Power Sources 311 (2016) 188-194. 178.Y.Y. Huang, T.S. Zhao, L. Zeng, P. Tan, J.B. Xu, 2016, “A facile approach for preparation of highly dispersed platinum-copper/carbon nanocatalyst toward formic acid electro-oxidation,” Electrochimica Acta 190 (2016) 956–963. 179.P. Tan, L. Shi, W. Shyy, T.S. Zhao, 2016, “Morphology of the discharge product in non-aqueous lithium-oxygen batteries: furrowed toroid particles correspond to a lower charge voltage,” Energy Technology 4 (2016) 393-400. 180.Z.H. Wei, T.S. Zhao, X.B. Zhu, P. 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An, 2015, “A high-rate and long cycle life solid-state lithium-air battery,” Energy & Environmental Science, 2015, 8, 3745 – 3754. 185.Y.K. Zeng, T.S. Zhao, L. An, X.L. Zhou, L. Wei, 2015, “A comparative study of all-vanadium and iron-chromium redox flow batteries for large-scale energy storage,” Journal of Power Sources 300 (2015) 438-443. 186.L. Shi, A. Xu, T.S. Zhao, 2015, “Formation of Li3O4 nano particles in the discharge products of non-aqueous lithium-oxygen batteries leads to lower charge overvoltage,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 29859 – 29866. 187.Y. Lei, B.W. Zhang, B.F. Bai, T.S. Zhao, 2015, “A transient electrochemical model incorporating the Donnan effect for all-vanadium redox flow batteries,” Journal of Power Sources 299 (2015) 202-211. 188.A. Xu, T.S. Zhao, L. An, L. Shi, 2015, “A three-dimensional pseudo-potential-based lattice Boltzmann model for multiphase flows with large density ratio and variable surface tension,” Int. J. 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