赵前程科研成果_赵前程专利信息_南方科技大学深港微电子学院   课题组网站赵前程科研信息|赵前程校企合作信息|赵前程联系方式
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姓名 赵前程 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 深港微电子学院   课题组网站
学位 学历
职称 助理教授 联系方式 广东省深圳市南山区智园崇文园区3号楼
邮箱 zhaoqc@sustech.edu.cn    
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 赵前程 ResearcherID 助理教授 深港微电子学院   课题组网站 赵前程博士,于2012年本科毕业于浙江大学,2017年博士毕业于美国加州大学尔湾分校。2017-2019年在美国苹果公司任信号完整性工程师,2019-2021年在美国加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校担任博士后研究员,于2021年加入南方科技大学深港微电子学院,任助理教授,副研究员。赵前程博士长期从事硅光集成光电子器件的研究,拥有丰富的硅光芯片设计、加工和测封经验,研究领域主要包括:超低损耗片上互联、超高Q值谐振腔、激光稳定性、非线性集成光子器件等。赵前程博士在国际学术期刊发表多篇高水平文章,包括Nature Communications, Optica, APL Photonics, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Optics Express等,并编撰学术专著1部。  赵前程课题组常年招聘博士后、科研助理,招收博士生、硕士生、本科实习生,有意应聘者请将简历(格式PDF)发送至以下邮箱,以“招聘岗位_应聘者姓名”为题。联系方式:zhaoqc@sustech.edu.cn 个人简介 个人简介 研究领域 低损耗集成光路 片上激光稳频 非线性集成光子器件 微纳加工 教学 主讲课程: SME205 电磁场与电磁波 (本科) SME5018 高级微纳光学 (研究生) 学术成果 查看更多 摘选的近期期刊论文 Yatao Yang, Yifan Wang, Yongxian Yan, Weiren Cheng, Qiancheng Zhao*, and Yi Li*, “On-Chip Single-Molecule Fluorescence Enhancement via Slotted Gallium Phosphide Nanodisks at Anapole States,” Advanced Optical Materials, 2301444, 2023, [doi: 1002/adom.202301444] (IF 9.93) Weiren Cheng#, Zhaoting Geng#, Zhuoyu Yu, Yihan Liu, Yatao Yang, Pengzhuo Wu, Houling Ji, Xiaolun Yu, Yifan Wang, Changjing Bao, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, “Wafer-scale inverted gallium phosphide-on-insulator rib waveguides for nonlinear photonics,” OL, 48(14), 3781–3784, 2023, [doi: 1364/OL.494949] (IF 3.56) Houling Ji, Zhaoting Geng, Weiren Cheng, Pengzhuo Wu, Zhuoyu Yu, Yihan Liu, Xiaolun Yu, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, “High-power two-color Kerr frequency comb generation on the gallium phosphide-on-insulator platform at SWIR and MIR spectra,” JOSA B 40(8), 1976–1985, 2023, [doi: 1364/JOSAB.492194] (IF 2.05) Zhaoting Geng#, Houling Ji, Zhuoyu Yu, Weiren Cheng, Pengzhuo Wu, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, “Dispersion-flattened Concentric Structure for Microcomb Bandwidth Broadening in GaP-OI Resonators.” JOSA B, 40(3), 673-618, 2023, [doi: 1364/JOSAB.477493] (IF 2.18) Yongxian Yan#, Tao Zhu#, Qiancheng Zhao, Rodrigo Berté*, and Y. Li*. “Launching directional hypersonic surface waves in monolithic gallium phosphide nanodisks: two holes are better than one.” Nanoscale (2023) [doi: 1039/D2NR05729H] (IF 6.89) Qiancheng Zhao#, Mark W. Harrington, Andrei Isichenko, Kaikai Liu, Ryan O. Behunin, Scott B. Papp, Peter T. Rakich, Chad W. Hoyt, Chad Fertig, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*. “Integrated Reference Cavity with Dual-mode Optical Thermometry for Frequency Correction.” Optica, vol. 8, no. 10, (2021). [doi:1364/OPTICA.432194] (IF 9.78) Nitesh Chauhan#, Andrei Isichenko, Kaikai Liu, Jiawei Wang, Qiancheng Zhao, Ryan O. Behunin, Peter T. Rakich, Andrew M. Jayich, Chad Fertig, Chad W. Hoyt, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*. “Visible light photonic integrated Brillouin laser”. Nat Commun 12, 4685 (2021) [doi:1038/s41467-021-24926-8] (IF 12.12) Matthew Puckett#, Kaikai Liu#, Nitesh Chauhan, Qiancheng Zhao, Naijun Jin, Haotian Cheng, Jianfeng Wu, Ryan O. Behunin, Peter T. Rakich, Karl D. Nelson, Daniel J. Blumenthal*. “422 Million intrinsic quality factor planar integrated all-waveguide resonator with sub-MHz linewidth.” Nat Commun 12, 934 (2021) [doi: 1038/s41467-021-21205-4] (IF 12.12)  Qiancheng Zhao#, Ryan O. Behunin, Peter T. Rakich, Nitesh Chauhan, Andrei Isichenko, Jiawei Wang, Chad W. Hoyt, Chad Fertig, Mu hong Lin, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*. “Low-loss Low Thermo-Optic Coefficient Ta2O5 on crystal quartz planar optical waveguides,” APL Photonics 5.11 (2020): 116103. (Editor’s Pick) [doi: 1063/5.0024743] (IF 4.86)  Qiancheng Zhao#* and Ozdal Boyraz*. “Editorial for the Special Issue on Silicon Photonics Bloom.” Micromachines 2020, 11, 670. [doi: 3390/mi11070670] (IF 2.43)  Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan#, Qiancheng Zhao, Parinaz Sadri-Moshkenani, Md Shafiqul Islam, and Ozdal Boyraz*. “Graphene-incorporated plasmo-thermomechanical infrared radiation detection.” JOSA B 37, no. 3 (2020): 774-783. [doi: 1364/JOSAB.379154] (IF 2.18)  Qiancheng Zhao#, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan, Shiva Farzinazar, Jaeho Lee, and Ozdal Boyraz*, “Plasmo-thermomechanical radiation detector with on-chip optical readout,” Opt. Express 26, 29638-29650 (2018). [doi: 1364/OE.26.029638] (IF 3.67)  Qiancheng Zhao#, Parinaz Sadri-Moshkenani, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan, Rasul Torun and Ozdal Boyraz*, “On-Chip Bimetallic Plasmo-Thermomechanical Detectors for Mid-Infrared Radiation,” in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 29, no. 17, pp. 1459-1462, Sept.1, 1 2017. [doi: 1109/LPT.2017.2728373] (IF 2.45)  Qiancheng Zhao#, Caner Guclu, Yuewang Huang, Filippo Capolino, and Ozdal Boyraz*. “Experimental Demonstration of Directive Si 3 N 4 Optical Leaky Wave Antennas with Semiconductor Perturbations.” Journal of Lightwave Technology 34, no. 21 (2016). [doi: 1109/JLT.2016.2608801] (IF 4.29)   摘选的近期会议论文 Houling Ji#, Zhaoting Geng, Weiren Cheng, Zhuoyu Yu, Pengzhuo Wu, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao* “Design of Partially Etched GaP-OI Microresonators for Two-Color Kerr Soliton Generation at NIR and MIR,” in 2022 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), 2022, p. 1622–1625. [doi: 1109/ACP55869.2022.10089110] Zhaoting Geng#, Houling Ji, Zhuoyu Yu, Weiren Cheng, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, “Flexible Dispersion Engineering in Thin GaP-OI Frequency Comb Resonator Design,” in 2022 IEEE 7th Optoelectronics Global Conference, 2022, p. 218-221. [doi: 10.1109/OGC55558.2022.10050979] Qiancheng Zhao#*, Zhaoting Geng, Houling Ji, and Yi Li, “GaP-OI Resonator Design for Octave-spanning Kerr Soliton Frequency Comb Generation,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2022, p. JW3B.16. [doi: 1364/CLEO_AT.2022.JW3B.16] Zuyang Liu#, Qiancheng Zhao, Peixin Shi, Bill Mitchell, Haolan Zhao, Nicolas Le Thomas, Daniel J. Blumenthal, Roel Baets*, “Tantalum Pentoxide Slot Waveguides for Waveguide Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,” 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 2021, pp. 1-1, [doi: 1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9541703] Kaikai Liu#, Grant M. Brodnik, Mark W. Harrington, Andrei Isichenko, Qiancheng Zhao, John Dallyn, Ryan O. Behunin, Paul Morton, Scott Papp, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*, “Self-Similar Ultra-High Q Si3N4 Integrated Resonators for Brillouin Laser Linewidth Narrowing and Stabilization” In 2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), pp. 1-3. IEEE, 2021. [doi: 1364/OFC.2021.Th4B.2] Qiancheng Zhao#, Mark W. Harrington, Andrei Isichenko, Debapam Bose, Jiawei Wang, Kaikai Liu, Ryan O. Behunin, Peter T. Rakich, Chad W. Hoyt, Chad Fertig, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*, “Silicon Nitride Bus-Coupled Spiral-Ring Resonator for Dual-Mode Locking Temperature Stabilization”, in OFC, Optical Society of America, 2021, paper Th4B. [doi: 1364/OFC.2021.Th4B.5] Qiancheng Zhao#, Mark W. Harrington, Andrei Isichenko, Grant M. Brodnik, Kaikai Liu, Ryan O. Behunin, Peter T. Rakich, Chad W. Hoyt, Chad Fertig, Scott B. Papp, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*, “Laser Frequency Drift Stabilization using an Integrated Dual-Mode Locking Si3N4 Waveguide Reference Cavity”, in CLEO: Science and Innovations, Optical Society of America, 2021, paper STh2B.7. [doi: 1364/CLEO_SI.2021.STh2B.7] Jiawei Wang#, Kaikai Liu, Qiancheng Zhao, Andrei Isichenko, Ryan Q. Rudy, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*, “Independently Coupled and PZT Controllable Photonic Integrated Three-Resonator Photonic Molecule,” in CLEO: Science and Innovations, paper STu1F.7,Optical Society of America, 2021.[doi: 1364/CLEO_SI.2021.STu1F.7] Kaikai Liu#, Matthew Puckett, Mark Harrington, Grant Brodnik,Qiancheng Zhao, Nitesh Chauhan, Jiawei Wang, Ryan Behunin, Karl Nelson, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*, “Milliwatt Threshold Ultra-Low Linewidth Photonic Integrated Si3N4 Brillouin Laser,” in CLEO: Science and Innovations, Optical Society of America, 2021, paper SF2O.1.[doi: 1364/CLEO_SI.2021.SF2O.1] Qiancheng Zhao#, Jiawei Wang, Nitesh Chauhan, Debapam Bose, Naijun Jin, Renan Moreira, Ryan Behunin, Peter Rakich, and Daniel Blumenthal*, “Low-loss D-shape Silicon Nitride Waveguides Using a Dielectric Lift-off Fabrication Process”, in CLEO: Science and Innovations, Optical Society of America, 2020. [doi: 1364/CLEO_SI.2020.STh1J.3] Qiancheng Zhao#, M. W. Khan, P. Sadri-Moshkenani, R. Regan, F. Capolino, and O. Boyraz*, “Demonstration of a Plasmo-Thermomechanical Radiation Detector with Si3N4 Waveguide Optical Readout Circuit,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper JW2A.175. [doi: 1364/CLEO_AT.2018.JW2A.175] Qiancheng Zhao#, Parinaz Sadri-Moshkenani, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan, Rasul Torun, Imam-Uz Zaman, and Ozdal Boyraz*, “Infrared Detection Using Plasmonically Enhanced Thermomechanically Actuated Nanowire Arrays,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper JTh2A.114. [doi: 1364/CLEO_AT.2017.JTh2A.114] Qiancheng Zhao#, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan, Parinaz Sadri-Moshkenani, Rasul Torun, Imam-Uz Zaman, Ozdal Boyraz*, “Plasmo-thermomechanical suspended nanowire array detectors for mid-infrared spectrum,” Proc. SPIE 10404, Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications VII, 104040L (30 August 2017). [doi: 1117/12.2274483] Parinaz Sadri-Moshkenani#, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan, Qiancheng Zhao, Ilya Krivorotov, Mikael Nilsson, Nader Bagherzadeh, Ozdal Boyraz*, “Plasmonic detection of possible defects in multilayer nanohole array consisting of essential materials in simplified STT-RAM cell,” Proc. SPIE 10346, Plasmonics: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications XV, 1034639 (25 August 2017) [doi: 1117/12.2277545] Qiancheng Zhao#, Mohsen Rajaei, and Ozdal Boyraz*, “Silicon Nitride on Silicon-on-Insulator: a Platform for Integration Active Control over Passive Components,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper JW2A.125. [doi: 1364/CLEO_AT.2016.JW2A.125] Qiancheng Zhao#, Mohsen Rajaei, Ilya Krivorotov, Mikael Nilsson, Nader Bagherzadeh, and Ozdal Boyraz*, “Optical Investigation of Radiation Induced Conductivity Changes in STT-RAM Cells,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper FM3B.2. [doi: 1364/CLEO_QELS.2016.FM3B.2] 新闻动态 更多新闻 科研动态 | 深港微电子学院赵前程课题组在绝缘体上磷化镓集成光学微腔色散调控领域取得部分研究进展 2023-03-20 “卓粤量子沙龙”|第十八期:片上集成光学参考腔 2022-05-11 勇于尝试,无悔选择 | 专访深港微电子学院赵前程助理教授 2021-12-22 团队成员 查看更多 PrevNext UpDown 加入团队 课题组长期招收博士、硕士、和本科生,也同样欢迎博士后和海内外访问学者以及交换生的加入。候选人将会参与集成光电子器件的研究,包括器件的设计、制备和测试。具体的研究课题将建立在候选人和课题组的共同兴趣的基础上。期望的申请人背景:- 勤奋上进和积极乐观的态度。- 有光学、物理、电子工程或相关专业的教育背景。- 熟练使用MATLAB/Python编程语言。- 有使用过Lumerical或者COMSOL经验者优先。有意应聘者请将详细简历发送至以下邮箱:zhaoqc@sustech.edu.cn(赵老师),邮件标题请注明"应聘岗位名称+姓名”;初步确认意向后,我们会邀请候选人来校访问面谈。 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 广东省深圳市南山区智园崇文园区3号楼 办公电话 电子邮箱 zhaoqc@sustech.edu.cn
