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发布日期:2024-04-06 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 赵琪 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 计算机科学与工程系
学位 学历
职称 研究助理教授 联系方式 工学院南楼343A
邮箱 zhaoq@sustech.edu.cn    
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 赵琪 研究助理教授 计算机科学与工程系 赵琪,博士,南方科技大学计算机科学与工程系研究助理教授/副研究员、硕士生导师 I am a Research Assistant Professor with the Swarm Intelligence Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, China since 2021. I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Computer Science and Technology with the same laboratory during 2019 and 2021. I obtained the PhD degree in Management Science and Engineering from Beijing University of Technology, China in 2019 and was a Joint PhD student in Computer Science with the University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia during 2017 and 2018. 个人简介 个人简介 研究领域 Automated Machine Learning, Evolutionary Computation, Optimization 学术成果 查看更多 AutoOpt: A general framework of automatically designing metaheuristic optimization algorithms with diverse structures Zhao Q, Yan B, Chen X, Hu T, Cheng S, Shi Y* arXiv Preprint, https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00998 AutoOptLib: Automatically tailoring metaheuristic optimizers via automated algorithm design Zhao Q, Yan B, Hu T, Chen X, Duan Q, Yang j, Shi Y* arXiv Preprint, https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.06536 Automated design of metaheuristic algorithms: A survey Zhao Q, Duan Q, Yan B, Cheng S, Shi Y* Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2024, https://openreview.net/forum?id=qhtHsvF5zj (Awarded with Survey Certificate) Gridless evolutionary approach for line spectral estimation with unknown model order Yan B, Zhao Q, Zhang J*, Zhang J A, Yao X IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2024, 54(2): 935-947. Evolutionary robust clustering over time for temporal data Zhao Q, Yan B, Yang J, Shi Y* IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2023, 53(7): 4334-4346. Evolutionary dynamic multi-objective optimization via learning from historical search process Zhao Q, Yan B, Shi Y*, Middendorf M IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022, 52(7): 6119-6130. Adaptive sorting-based evolutionary algorithm for many-objective optimization Liu C, Zhao Q*, Yan B, Elsayed S, Ray T, Sarker R IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2019, 23(2): 247-257. 加入团队 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 工学院南楼343A 办公电话 电子邮箱 zhaoq@sustech.edu.cn

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