杨玉坤科研成果_杨玉坤专利信息_南方科技大学|商学院, 信息系统与管理工程系杨玉坤科研信息|杨玉坤校企合作信息|杨玉坤联系方式
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姓名 杨玉坤 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 |商学院, 信息系统与管理工程系
学位 学历
职称 助理教授 联系方式 商学院455
邮箱 yangyk@sustech.edu.cn    
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 杨玉坤 Google Scholar 助理教授 |商学院, 信息系统与管理工程系 2021年加入南方科技大学商学院,担任助理教授、博士生导师。佐治亚州立大学计算机信息系统学博士。主要研究领域是电子平台及其生态系统的治理、区块链、众筹、开放式创新等。研究成果发表在多个国际著名期刊和会议上。多篇商业案例被收录于国际知名案例库。  个人主页:https://www.yukun-yang.com/ 个人简介 教育背景 2016-2021:佐治亚州立大学 计算机信息系统 博士 2012-2013:香港城市大学 商务资讯系统 硕士 2008-2012:河南大学 财务管理 学士   荣誉和奖励 佐治亚州立大学查尔斯威廉奖学金,2021 佐治亚州立大学博士研究生全额奖学金,2016-2021 个人简介 研究领域 开放式创新,电子平台及其生态系统的治理,区块链,众筹,开源社区 教学 南方科技大学: ● 高级管理系统分析与设计(本科生) ● 管理学前沿与实践(本科生)  佐治亚州立大学: ● JAVA编程入门(本科生)  香港城市大学: ● 亚洲咨询管理(研究生) ● 管理信息系统(MBA) ● 信息系统项目(研究生) 学术成果 查看更多  期刊论文 Yu-Kai Lin*, Arun Rai*, and Yukun Yang* (2022). “Information Control for Creator Brand Management in Subscription-based Crowdfunding,” Information Systems Research (UTD-24, FT50), 33(3), 846-866 (*equal contributions) 会议论文 Wenwen Li, Yao Li, and Yukun Yang (2023). “Modeling the Evolution of Interhospital Transfer: A Longitudinal Network Analysis,” Academy of Management Proceedings 2023 (Best Paper Award). Boston, Massachusetts. (*equal contributions) Yukun Yang and Likoebe Maruping (2022). “A Theoretical Framework of Algorithmic Orchestration of Open Innovation on Digital Platforms,” Academy of Management Proceedings 2022. Seattle, Washington. Yukun Yang and Likoebe Maruping (2021). “Network Effects in Public Blockchain Ecosystems: A Layer-Subsystem Perspective,” Academy of Management Proceedings 2021. Yukun Yang and Maheshwar Boodraj (2020). “Managing Code Debt in Open Source Software Development Projects: A Digital Options Perspective,” Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Americas Conference on Information Yu-Kai Lin, Arun Rai, and Yukun Yang (2019). “Getting Behind Closed Doors: Developing Fan Engagement in Subscription-based Crowdfunding,” Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Information Systems and Seattle, Washington. 专著章节 Likoebe M. Maruping, and Yukun Yang (2020). “Governance in Digital Open Innovation Platforms,” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Oxford University Press. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190224851.013.267 受邀报告 “Modeling the Evolution of Interhospital Transfer: A Longitudinal Netwrok Analysis,” Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, United States, October 2023. “From Open to Balkanized Data Flows: Toward a Framework for Collaboration in the Age of Digital Platforms,” Strategic Management Review Special Issue Virtual Conference, September 2023. “Modeling the Dynamics of Decentralized Governance Mechanisms in the Public Blockchain Ecosystem,” Digital Platform and Entrepreneurship Workshop, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, September 2023. “Value Co-creation in Public Blockchain Ecosystems: A Layer-Subsystem Perspective,” ISME Summer Workshop, Shenzhen, China, August 2022. “Value Co-creation in Public Blockchain Ecosystems: A Layer-Subsystem Perspective,” MIS Quarterly Virtual Author Development Workshop, June 2022. “A Theoretical Framework of Algorithmic Orchestration of Open Innovation on Digital Platforms” at Digital Platform Management Seminar, China Information Economics Society, April 2022. 案例发表 Su, N., Fang, , Yang, Y. (2016), “Didi Kuaidi,” Ivey Publishing Number 9B16M060, 8 pages, Richard Ivey School of Business. Su, N., Fang, , Yang, Y. (2016), “Didi, Kuaidi, and Uber in China,” Ivey Publishing Number 9B16M059, 10 pages, Richard Ivey School of Business. Wade, , Shan, J., Fang, Y., Yang, Y. (2016), “Uber Takes in China,” IMD Publishing Number IMD-7-1907, 15 pages, IMD Business School. Su, N., Fang, , Yang, H., Yang, Y., Qiu, X. (2015), “The Entrepreneur’s Dilemma: Alibaba, Tencent, And Amazon as E-Commerce Platform,” Ivey Publishing Number 9B15E015, 20 pages, Richard Ivey School of Business. Su, N., Fang, , Yang, Y. (2015), “Tencent: WeChat Red Envelope Initiate,” Ivey Publishing Number 9B15M045, 9 pages, Richard Ivey School of Business. Su, , Fang, Y., Yang, Y., Yin, J. (2014), “Tencent: Innovating in China’s Mobile Payment Industry,” Ivey Publishing Number 9B14M149, 14 pages, Richard Ivey School of Business. 加入团队 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 商学院455 办公电话 电子邮箱 yangyk@sustech.edu.cn 内容来自集群智慧云企服