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姓名 | 武经 | 性别 | |
学校 | 南方科技大学 | 部门 | 机械与能源工程系 |
学位 | 学历 | ||
职称 | 研究助理教授 | 联系方式 | 南方科技大学工学院北楼531A |
邮箱 | wuj@sustech.edu.cn | ||
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 武经 研究助理教授 机械与能源工程系 武经,2015年获得韩国汉阳大学机电一体化专业博士学位,后于新加坡南洋理工大学机器人研究中心(NTU-RRC)担任博士后研究员至2020年回国,现担任南方科技大学机械与能源工程系研究助理教授。从事机器人相关领域的研发十余年,主要从事移动机器人系统相关开发。研究方向为机械设计, 串并联机械臂运动学分析、动力学分析,机械臂轨迹规划, 移动机器人导航.发表期刊与国际会议/EI等高水平论文27篇。多次参加国内外机器人大赛,并于2017年亚马逊机器人挑战赛(Amazon Robotic Challenge2017)中取得团队三项总分第一的成绩。在机器人相关邻域参与新加坡国家级项目5项,中国国家自然科学基金项目1项,担任其中3项项目技术总负责人。在建筑机器人,医疗机器人以及仓储机器人等领域有丰富的开发经验。 个人简介 个人简介 研究领域 ◆串、并联机器人的运动学分析,动力学分析以及运动规划;机械臂轨迹优化; ◆移动机器人的定位与导航研究。 ◆物流机器人相关:基于视觉的物体识别,物流分拣 ◆建筑机器人相关:自适应模块化移动平台,多传感建筑质检系统,建筑喷涂与优化 学术成果 查看更多 [J10] Jing Wu, Rui-Jun Yan, Kyoo-Sik Shin, Chang-Soo Han and I-Ming Chen. “A 3-DOF Quick-Action Parallel Manipulator based on Four Linkage Mechanisms with High-Speed Cam,” Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 115, pp. 168-196, 2017. (Link) [J09] Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu*, Ji Yeong Lee, Abdul Manan Khan, Chang-Soo Han, Erdal Kayacan and I Ming Chen. “A Novel Method for 3D Reconstruction: Division and Merging of Overlapping B-spline surfaces,”Computer-Aided Design, vol. 81, pp. 14-23, 2016. [通讯作者] (Link) 国际期刊 SCI (合作作者) [J08] Rui-Jun Yan, Erdal Kayacan, I-Ming Chen, Lee Kong Tiong and Jing Wu. “QuicaBot: Quality Inspection and Assessment Robot,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineer ing, vol.16, pp.506-517,2019. [J07] Ming-Lei Shao, Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu, Dong-Ik Shin, Kyoo-Sik Shin, Chang-Soo Han and Ji Yeong Lee. “Sensor-based Exploration for two-identical-link Mobile Robots by the General ized Voronoi Graph,” Proc. IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, vol. 230,no. 4, pp. 655-664, 2016. (Link) [J06] Dong-Hyung Kim, Youn-Sung Choi, Sang-Ho Kim, Jing Wu, Chao Yuan, Lu-Ping Luo, Ji Yeong Lee, Chang-Soo Han. “Adaptive rapidly-exploring random tree for efficient path planning of high-degree-of-freedom articulated robots,” Proc. IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, vol. 229, no. 18, pp. 3361-3367, 2015. (Link) [J05] Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu, Ji Yeong Lee and Chang-Soo Han. “Representation of 3D environment map using B-spline surface with two mutually-perpendicular LRFs,” Mathematical Problem in Engineering, vol. 2015, Article ID 690310, 14 pages, 2015. (Link) [J04] Lu-Ping Luo, Chao Yuan, Rui-Jun Yan, Quan Yuan, Jing Wu, Kyoo-Sik Shin and Chang-Soo Han “Trajectory planning for energy minimization of industry robotic manipulators using the Lagrange interpolation method,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufactur ing, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 911-917, 2015. (Link) [J03] Chao Yuan, Lu-Ping Luo, Quan Yuan, Jing Wu, Rui-Jun Yan, Hyeong-Guk Kim, Kyoo-Sik Shin and Chang-Soo Han. “Development and evaluation of a 6-axis force/moment sensor for robot foot,” Measurement, vol. 70, no. 2015, pp. 110-122, 2015. (Link) [J02] Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu, Ming-Lei Shao, Kyoo-Sik Shin, Ji Yeong Lee and Chang-Soo Han. “Mutu ally converted arc-line segment-based SLAM with summing parameters,” Proc. IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, vol. 229, no. 11, pp. 2094-2114, 2015. (Link) [J01] Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu, Quan Yuan, Chao Yuan, Lu-Ping Luo, Kyoo-Sik Shin, Ji Yeong Lee and Chang-Soo Han. “Natural corners-based SLAM with partial compatibility algorithm,” Proc. IMechE, Part I: Journal of System and Control Engineering, vol. 228, no. 8, pp. 591-611, 2014. (Link) 国内期刊 [DJ03] Rui-Jun Yan, Youn-Sung Choi, Jing Wu and Chang-Soo Han. “Data association of robot local ization and mapping using partial compatibility test,” Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 129-138, 2016. (In Korean) [DJ02] Rui-Jun Yan, Youn-Sung Choi, Jing Wu and Chang-Soo Han. “Arc/line segments-based SLAM by updating accumulated sensor data,” Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, vol.21, no. 10, pp. 936-943, 2015. (In Korean) [DJ01] Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu, Chao Yuan and Chang-Soo Han. “Extraction of different types of geometrical features from raw sensor data of two-dimensional LRF,” Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 265-275, 2015. 国际会议 (第一作者) [C12] Jing Wu, Rui-Jun Yan, Chao Yuan, Yong Seok Lee, Kyoo-Sik Shin and Chang-Soo Han. “High Speed Cam Design for Quick-Action Linkage System,” International Conference on Control, Au tomation and Systems (ICCAS), pp. 494-498, 2014. (Link) [C11] Jing Wu, Rui-Jun Yan and Kyoo-Sik Shin. “Design of a 5 th-polynomial high speed cam-based intermittent four-bar linkage mechanism,” International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), pp. 584-586, 2013. (Link) [C10] Jing Wu, Rui-Jun Yan, Kyoo-Sik Shin and Chang-Soo Han. “Design of a special cam-based high speed manipulator system,” International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB), pp. 535-538, 2013. 国际会议 (合作作者) [C10] Albert Causo, ZHENG-HAO CHONG,Ramamoorthy Luxman,YUAN YIK KOK, YI ZHAO, Wee-Ching Pang, Meixuan Ren, Yee Seng Teoh, Jing Wu, Hendra Suratno Tju,I-Ming Chen. “A Robust Robot Design for Item Picking,” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2018), accept and in press. [C09] Chao Yuan, Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu, Sang Ho Kim, Kyoo-Sik Shin and Chang-Soo Han. “Design and Evaluation of a Three-axis Force/Torque Sensor for Humanoid Robot Balance Control,” International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), pp. 227-232, 2014. (Link) [C08] Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu, Chao Yuan, Ji-Yeong Lee and Chang-Soo Han. “Natural Corners-based Two-Dimensional (2D) SLAM with Partial Compatibility Algorithm in Indoor Environment,”International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), pp. 756-761, 2014. (Outstand ing paper award)(Link) [C07] Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu, Ji-Yeong Lee and Chang-Soo Han. “NURBS Curve Extraction from 2D Laser Sensor Data and 3D Simulated Data,” International Conference on Manufacturing Engineer ing and Process (ICMEP), pp. 1124-1129, 2014. (Link) [C06] Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu and Ji-Yeong Lee. “Occlusion avoidance in corners-based SLAM with different data association algorithms,” International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Am bient Intelligence (URAI), pp. 301-302, 2013. (Link) [C05] Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu and Ji-Yeong Lee. “Motion planning of unicycle-like robot using single RRT with branch and bound algorithm,” International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), pp. 599-601, 2013. (Link) [C04] Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu, Ji-Yeong Lee and Chang-Soo Han. “3D point cloud map construction based on line segments with two mutually perpendicular laser sensors,” International Con ference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), pp. 1114-1116, 2013. (Link) [C03] Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu, Ming-Lei Shao, Ji-Yeong Lee and Chang-Soo Han. “Arc/line segments extraction from unknown indoor environment with laser sensor,” International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB), pp. 500-503, 2013. [C02] Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu, Sung-Jin Lim, Ji-Yeong Lee and Chang-Soo Han. “Natural Corners based SLAM in Unknown Indoor Environment,” International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), pp. 259-261, 2012. (Link) [C01] Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu, Wei-Jun Wang, Sung-Jin Lim, Ji-Yeong Lee and Chang-Soo Han. “Natural corners extraction algorithm in 2D unknown indoor environment with laser sensor,”International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), pp. 983-987, 2012. (Link) 国内会议 [DC01] Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu, Ji-Yeong Lee and Chang-Soo Han. “Features extraction from raw sensor data obtained by using laser sensor in natural environment,” 28th ICROS Anual Conference, pp. 391-392, 2013. (Link) 新闻动态 更多新闻 ARS Lab秋季开学小聚 2022-09-09 喜讯|机械系武经老师获批2022年国自然青年科学基金项目 2022-09-09 祝dkw生日快乐---来自ARSL的祝福 2022-08-19 加入团队 欢迎志同道合的你加入我们E-mail:wuj@sustech.edu.cn 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 南方科技大学工学院北楼531A 办公电话 电子邮箱 wuj@sustech.edu.cn 内容来自集群智慧云企服