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姓名 | 王琦 | 性别 | |
学校 | 南方科技大学 | 部门 | |工学院, 计算机科学与工程系 课题组网站 |
学位 | 学历 | ||
职称 | 副教授,研究员 | 联系方式 | 广东省深圳市南山区西丽学苑大道1088号南方科技大学计算机系科学与工程系 |
邮箱 | wangqi@sustech.edu.cn | ||
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 王琦 Google Scholar ResearcherID 副教授,研究员 |工学院, 计算机科学与工程系 课题组网站 王琦博士于2007年在中国科学技术大学信息安全专业获得学士学位,于2011年在香港科技大学计算机科学与工程系获得博士学位。他曾受德国洪堡基金会遴选于德国马格德堡大学代数与几何学系进行博士后研究。他的研究方向包括:密码学及其应用、纠错编码、组合设计等。具体地说,他主要研究纠错码、密码学中的组合数学问题、区块链等分布式环境下的密码学基础问题、应用与隐私保护等。目前他主持国家自然科学基金委面上项目一项,青年项目一项,科技部重点研发计划子项目一项,参与国家自然科学基金委重点项目一项,已结题主持深圳科技创新委员会基础研究项目一项。 个人简介 个人简介 研究领域 密码学及应用、纠错编码、组合数学 教学 CS201 离散数学 CS403 密码学与网络安全 CS315/EE364 信息论与编码 CS102: 计算机编程基础 CS209: 计算机系统设计 学术成果 查看更多 Book Chapters [B1] Koji Momihara, Qi Wang and Qing Xiang, “Cyclotomy, difference sets, sequences with low correlation, strongly regular graphs, and related geometric substructures,” In Kai-Uwe Schmidt, Arne Winterhof (Eds.) {em Combinatorics and Finite Fields, RICAM Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics}, vol. 23, pp. 173-198, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2019. Refreed Journal Papers [J29] Q. Wang, “Steiner systems S(2,4,2m) supported by a family of extended cyclic codes,” Advances in Mathematics of Communications (AMC), to appear. [J28] M. Zhao, C. Ma, Y. Feng, and Q. Wang, “Two classes of LDPC codes from the space of Hermitian matrices over finite fields,” Advances in Mathematics of Communications (AMC), to appear. [J27] G.Wang and Q. Wang, “Q-ary non-overlapping codes: a generating function approach,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT), vol. 68, pp. 5154-5164, 2022. [J26] C. Tang, Q. Wang, and C. Ding, “The subfield codes and subfield subcodes of a family of MDS codes,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT), vol. 68, pp. 5792-5801, 2022. [J25] K. Liu, Q. Wang, and H. Yan, “A class of binary cyclic codes with optimal parameters,” Cryptography and Communications (CCDS), vol. 14, pp. 663-675, 2022. [J24] X. Du, R. Wang, C. Tang, and Q. Wang, “Infinite families of 2-designs from linear codes,” Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing (AAECC), vol. 22, pp. 193-211, 2022.. [J23] Y. Huang, C. Li, Q. Wang, and Z. Du, “Parameters and characterizations of hulls of some projective narrow-sense BCH codes,” Designs Codes and Cryptography (DCC), vol. 90, pp. 87-106, 2022. [J22] X. Du, R. Wang, C. Tang, and Q. Wang, “Infinite families of 2-designs from two classes of binary cyclic codes with three nonzeros,” Advances in Mathematics of Communications (AMC), vol. 16, pp. 157-168, 2022. [J21] Z. Gu, Z. Zhou, Q. Wang, and P. Fan, “New construction of optimal type-II binary Z-complementary pairs,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT), vol. 67, pp. 3497-3508, 2021. [J20]* J. Michel and Q. Wang, “Placement delivery arrays from combinations of strong edge colorings,” IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM), vol. 68, pp. 5953-5964, 2020. [J19]* K.H. Leung and Q. Wang, “New nonexistence results on (m,n)-generalized bent functions,” Designs Codes and Cryptography (DCC), vol. 88, pp. 755-770, 2020. [J18] C. Xiang, X. Ling, and Q. Wang, “Combinatorial t-designs from quadratic functions,” Designs Codes and Cryptography (DCC), vol. 88, pp. 553-565, 2020. [J18] Can Xiang, Xin Ling and Qi Wang, “Combinatorial t-designs from quadratic functions,” Designs Codes and Cryptography, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-019-00696-9, published online. [J17] Jerod Michel and Qi Wang, “Partial geometric designs from group actions,” Designs Codes and Cryptography, vol. 87, no. 11, pp. 2655-2670, 2019. [J16] Haode Yan, Zhengchun Zhou, Jian Weng, Jinming Wen, Tor Helleseth, and Qi Wang, “Differential spectrum of Kasami power permutations over odd characteristic finite fields,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 6819-6826, 2019. [J15] Jerod Michel and Qi Wang, “Almost designs and their links with balanced incomplete block designs,” Designs Codes and Cryptography, vol. 87, no. 9, pp. 1945-1960, 2019. [J14] Jerod Michel and Qi Wang, “Almost difference sets in nonabelian groups,” Designs Codes and Cryptography, vol. 87, no. 6, pp. 1243-1251, 2019. [J13] Jerod Michel and Qi Wang, “Some new balanced and almost balanced quaternary sequences with low autocorrelation,” Cryptography and Communications, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 191-206, 2019. [J12] Changli Ma, Qi Wang and Meng Zhao, “LDPC codes based on the space of symmetric matrices over finite fields,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 4332-4343, 2017. [J11] Qi Wang, “Some cyclic codes with prime length from cyclotomy of order $4$,” Cryptography and Communications, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 85-92, 2017. [J10] Cunsheng Ding, Alexander Pott, and Qi Wang, “Skew Hadamard difference sets from Dickson polynomials of order $7$,” Journal of Combinatorial Designs, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 436-461, 2015. [J9] Alexander Pott and Qi Wang, “Difference balanced functions and their generalized difference sets,” Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, vol. 131, no. 4, pp. 61-70, 2015. [J8] Cunsheng Ding, Qi Wang and Maosheng Xiong, “Three new families of zero-difference balanced functions with applications,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 2407-2413, 2014. [J7] Qi Wang and Yue Zhou, “Sets of zero-difference balanced functions and their applications,” Advances in Mathematics of Communications}, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 83-101, 2014. [J6] Cunsheng Ding, Alexander Pott, and Qi Wang, “Constructions of almost difference sets from finite fields,” Designs Codes and Cryptography, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 581-592, 2014. [J5] Gohar Kyureghyan, Petter Mueller, and Qi Wang, “On the size of Kakeya sets in finite vector spaces,” The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 20, no. 3, #P36, 2013. [J4] Qi Wang, “The linear span of the frequency hopping sequences in optimal sets,” Designs Codes and Cryptography, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 331-344, 2011. [J3] Qi Wang and Xiaoni Du, “The linear complexity of binary sequences with optimal autocorrelation,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 6388-6397, 2010. [J2] Qi Wang, “The linear complexity of binary sequences with three-level autocorrelation,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 4046-4052, 2010. [J1] Qi Wang, “Optimal sets of frequency hopping sequences with large linear spans,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 1729-1736, 2010. Refereed Conference Articles [C21] Y. Liu, Q. Wang, and S.M. Yiu, “Towards practical homomorphic time-lock puzzles: applicability and verifiability,” The 27th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS’22), Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep. 26-30, 2022. [C20] R. Li, Q. Wang, Q. Wang, D. Galindo, and M. Ryan, “SoK: TEE-assisted confidential smart contract,” The 22nd Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS’22), Sydney, Australia, Jul. 11-15, 2022. [C19] Q. Wang, R. Li, Q. Wang, S. Chen, and Y. Xiang, “Exploring unfairness on proof of authority: order manipulation attacks and remidies,” The 17th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS’22), Nagasaki, Japan, May 30-June 2, 2022. [C18] X. Zhang, Q. Wang, R. Li and Q. Wang, “Frontrunning block attack in PoA Clique: a case study,” The 4th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC’22), online, May 2-5, 2022. [C17]* G. Wang and Q. Wang, “On the size distribution of Levenshtein balls with radius one,” The Twelfth International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC’22), Rostock, Germany, Mar. 7-11, 2022. [C16] Y. Liu, Q. Wang, and S.M. Yiu, “Making private functions evaluation safer, faster and simpler,” The 25th International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography (PKC’22), Yokohama, Japan, Mar. 7-11, 2022. [C15] Y. Liu, Q. Wang, and S.M. Yiu, “Improved zero-knowledge argument of encrypted extended permutation,” The 17th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Inscrypt’21), virtual, Aug. 12-14, 2021. [C14] Y. Liu, Q. Wang, and S.M. Yiu, “Blind polynomial evaluation and data trading,” The 19th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS’21), online, Kamakura, Japan, Jun. 21-24, 2021. [C13] R. Li, Q. Wang, X. Zhang, Q. Wang, D. Galindo, and Y. Xiang, “An offline delegatable cryptocurrency system,” The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC’21), virtual, May 3-6, 2021. [C12] R. Li, Q. Wang, F. Liu, Q. Wang, and D. Galindo, “An accountable decryption system based on privacy-preserving smart contracts,” The 23rd International Conference on Information Security (ISC’20), Bali, Indonesia, Dec. 16-18, 2020. [C11] Y. Liu, Q. Wang, and S.M. Yiu, “An improvement of multi-exponentiation with encrypted bases argument: smaller and faster,” The 16th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Inscrypt’20), Guangzhou, China, Dec. 11-14, 2020. [C10] Q. Wang, R. Li, Q. Wang, and D. Galindo, “Transparent certificate revocation for CBE based on blockchain,” [Poster] The 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P’20), online, May 18-20, 2020. [C9] Feng Liu and Qi Wang, “IBRS: An efficient identity-based batch verification scheme for VANETs based on ring signature,” The 2019 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC’19), Los Angeles, California, USA, Dec. 4-6, 2019. [C8] Geyang Wang and Qi Wang, “An OACF-preserving operation based on Parker’s transformation,” The 9th International Workshop on Signal Design and its Applications in Communications (IWSDA’19), Dongguan, China, Oct. 20-24, 2019. [C7] Jerod Michel and Qi Wang, “Placement delivery arrays from combinations of strong edge colorings,” The 9th International Workshop on Signal Design and its Applications in Communications (IWSDA’19), Dongguan, China, Oct. 20-24, 2019. [C6] Rujia Li, David Galindo, and Qi Wang, “Auditable credential anonymity revocation based on privacy-preserving smart contracts,” The 3rd International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology} (CBT’19), Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 11737, Luxembourg, Sep. 26-27, 2019. [C5] Alexander Pott and Qi Wang, “Some results on difference balanced functions,” The International Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields (WAIFI’14), Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 9061, Springer, Heidelberg, Gebze, Turkey, Sep. 26-28, 2014. [C4] Gohar Kyureghyan and Qi Wang, “An upper bound on the size of Kakeya sets in finite vector spaces,” The International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC’13), Bergen, Norway, Apr. 15-19, 2013. [C3] Alexander Pott, Qi Wang, and Yue Zhou, “Sequences and functions derived from projective planes and their difference sets,” The International Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields (WAIFI’12), Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 7369, Springer, Heidelberg, Bochum, Germany, Jul. 16-19, 2012. [C2] Qi Wang and Xiaoni Du, “The linear complexity of binary sequences with optimal autocorrelation,” The 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT’10), Austin, Texas, USA, Jun. 13-18, 2010. [C1] Qi Wang, Yonglong Luo, and Liusheng Huang, “Privacy-preserving protocols for finding the convex hulls,” The 3rd International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES’08), Barcelona, Spain, Mar. 4-7, 2008. 加入团队 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 广东省深圳市南山区西丽学苑大道1088号南方科技大学计算机系科学与工程系 办公电话 +86-755-88018532 电子邮箱 wangqi@sustech.edu.cn 内容来自集群智慧云企服 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理