王克东科研成果_王克东专利信息_南方科技大学物理系   课题组网站王克东科研信息|王克东校企合作信息|王克东联系方式
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姓名 王克东 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 物理系   课题组网站
学位 学历
职称 副教授 联系方式 深圳市南山区学苑大道1088号南方科技大学慧园1栋404办公室
邮箱 wangkd@sustech.edu.cn    
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 王克东 副教授 物理系   课题组网站 王克东,男,汉族。现任南方科技大学物理系副教授,深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”入选者。主要从事表面物理研究工作。 于1999年,获得中国科技大学物理系学士学位,2005年,获得中国科技大学理化科学中心博士学位。2003年5月至2004年5月,香港科技大学物理系,研究助理。2005年7月至2005年11月,合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室, 访问学者。 2005年11月至2006年11月,香港科技大学物理系,副研究员。 2006年11月至2007年10月,香港中文大学物理系,博士后。2007年10月至2008年7月,香港科技大学物理系,副研究员。 2008年8月年至2013年7月,香港中文大学物理系,研究助理教授。2013年8月至今, 南方科技大学物理系,副教授。 个人简介 研究领域 ◆ 高分辨超高真空低温/变温扫描隧道显微术(STM),原子分子操纵; ◆ STM研究表面和表面纳米结构的电子学和动力学性质; ◆ 掺杂多环芳烃有机超导体; ◆ 新型能源材料的表面研究   学习经历 ◆ 1995.9-1999.7         中国科技大学物理系,学士; ◆ 1999.9-2005.7        中国科技大学理化科学中心,博士,导师:侯建国院士。   工作经历 ◆2003.5 -2004.5      Research Assistant, 香港科技大学物理系; ◆ 2005.7 -2005.11     Visiting Scholar, 合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室; ◆ 2005.11-2006.11    Research Associate, 香港科技大学物理系; ◆ 2006.11-2007.10    Postdoctoral Fellow, 香港中文大学物理系; ◆ 2007.10-2008.7      Research Associate, 香港科技大学物理系; ◆ 2008.8-2013.7              Research Assistant Professor, 香港中文大学物理系; ◆ 2013.8-现在          副教授,南方科技大学物理系。   获奖情况 ◆ 2005.7        中科院院长特别奖; ◆ 2005.9        安徽省高等学校省级优秀科技成果一等奖(参与); ◆ 2006.7        中科院50篇优秀博士论文; ◆ 2007.11       全国百篇优秀博士论文; ◆2015.1           深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”B类。   实验室主要设备 ◆变温扫描隧道显微镜/原子力显微镜 (50-600K,Omicron); ◆低温强磁场扫描隧道显微镜(15T,300mK,UNISOKU)。   代表文章 1. Xuefeng Wu#, Fangfei Ming#*, Tyler S. Smith, Guowei Liu, Fei Ye, Kedong Wang*, Steven Johnston, and Hanno H. Weitering* “Superconductivity in a hole-doped Mott-insulating triangular adatom layer on a silicon surface” Physical Review Letters 125, 117001 (2020);  2. Guowei Liu, Xiji Shao, Chaoqiang Xu, Xuefeng Wu*, Kedong Wang* “STM Studies of Potassium doped Picene Films on Au(111) Surface J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 22025−22034 (2020); 3. Que, Yande#; Liu, Bin#; Zhuang, Yuan; Xu, Chaoqiang; Wang, Kedong*; Xiao, Xudong* “Band-Aligned Graphene Nanoribbons on Long-Range Ordered Rare Earth - Gold Intermetallic Compounds” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 5044 (2020); 4. Jiepeng Liu, Xuefeng Wu, Fangfei Ming, Kedong Wang* and Xudong Xiao*, “Superconductivity of individual Pb islands on Si(111): pseudogap, critical region, density of states, and island size” Superconductor Science and Technology 26 , 085009 (2013); 5. Fangfei Ming, KedongWang, Shuan Pan, Jiepeng Liu, Xieqiu Zhang, Jinlong Yang, and Xudong Xiao*, “Assembling and Disassembling Ag Clusters on Si(111)-(7X7) by Vertical Atomic Manipulation” ACS Nano 5 , 7608-7616 (2011); 6. Fangfei Ming, Kedong Wang, Xieqiu Zhang, Jiepeng Liu, Aidi Zhao, Jinlong Yang, and Xudong Xiao*, “Identifying the Numbers of Ag Atoms in their Nanostructures Grown on Si(111)-(7×7) Surface” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 , 3847-3853 (2011); 7. Kedong Wang*, Xieqiu Zhang, M.M.T.Loy, T.-C.Chiang, and Xudong Xiao*, “Pseudogap mediated by quantum-size effects in lead islands”. Physical Review Letters 102 , 076801 (2009); 8. Kedong Wang, Gang Chen, Chun Zhang, M.M.T.Loy, and Xudong Xiao*, “Intermixing of Intrabasin and Interbasin Diffusion of a Single Ag Atom on Si(111)-7×7”. Physical Review Letters 101 , 266107 (2008); 9. Jin Zhao, Changgan Zeng, Xin Cheng, Kedong Wang, Guanwu Wang, Jinlong Yang*, J.G. Hou* and Qingshi Zhu, “Single C59N Molecule as a Molecular Rectifier”. Physical Review Letters 95 , 045502 (2005); 10. Chun Zhang, Gang Chen, Kedong Wang, Hongwei Yang, Tao Su, C. T. Chan, M. M. T. Loy and Xudong Xiao*, “Experimental and theoretical investigation of single Cu, Ag and Au atoms adsorbed on Si(111)-7×7”. Physical Review Letters 94 , 176104 (2005); 11. Kedong Wang, Chun Zhang, M. M. T. Loy and Xudong Xiao*, “Time-Dependent Tunneling Spectroscopy for Studying Surface Diffusion Confined in Nanostructures”. Physical Review Letters 94 , 036103 (2005); 12. Kedong Wang, Jin Zhao, Shangfeng Yang, Lan Chen, Qunxiang Li, BingWang, Shihe Yang, Jinlong Yang*, J.G. Hou* and Qingshi Zhu, “Unveiling metal-cage hybrid states in a single endohedral metallofullerene”. Physical Review Letters 91 , 185504 (2003); 10.J.G. Hou*, BingWang, Jinlong Yang, Kedong Wang, Wei Lu, Zhenyu Li, Haiqian Wang, D.M. Chen and Qingshi Zhu, “Disorder and Suppression of Quantum Confinement Effects in Pd Nanoparticles” Physical Review Letters 90 , 246803 (2003); 个人简介 研究领域 ◆ 高分辨超高真空低温/变温扫描隧道显微术(STM),原子分子操纵; ◆ 表面和表面纳米结构的电子学和动力学性质; ◆ 掺杂多环芳烃有机超导体; ◆ 新型能源材料的表面研究。 教学 主讲课程:大学物理B(上)(公共基础课),大学物理B(下)(公共基础课),热力学与统计物理(本科专业必修),分析力学(本科专业必修),晶体结构与对称群(公共选修),低温物理(专业选修课),现代材料分析技术(专业选修课)  参讲课程:物理实验仪器原理和应用(物理系研究生课程),物理学前沿选讲(物理系选修),研究型物理实验(专业选修实验课),表面物理(专业选修课) 学术成果 查看更多 52. Chaoqiang Xu, Yande Que, Yuan Zhuang, Kedong Wang, and Xudong Xiao*, “Construction of a gigahertz-bandwidth radio-frequency scanning tunneling microscope based on a commercial low-temperature system” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 103706 (2019); 51. Yani Chen, Peipei Wang, Minghui Wu, Jinlong Ma, Shihao Wen, Xuefeng Wu, Gaomin Li, Yue Zhao, Kedong Wang, Liyuan Zhang, Li Huang, Wu Li, and Mingyuan Huang*,“Raman spectra and dimensional effect on the charge density wave transition in GdTe3”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 151905 (2019); 50. Chaoqiang Xu, Yande Que, Yuan Zhuang, Bin Liu, Yaping Ma, Kedong Wang, and Xudong Xiao,“Manipulating the Edge of a Two-Dimensional MgO Nanoisland”, J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 19619−19624 (2019); 49. Mengmeng Zhang, Dongyang Wang, Cheng Chang, Tao Lin, Kedong Wang and Li-Dong Zhao, “Oxygen adsorption and its influence on the thermoelectric performance of polycrystalline SnSe”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7, 10507-10513 (2019); 48. Xiji Shao, Lin Li, Xingqiang Shi, Yaping Ma, Xuefeng Wu, Kedong Wang*, “The shielding effects of C60 cage on the magnetic moments of Transition Metal atoms inside corner holes of Si(111)-(77)”, Nanoscale 11, 6228–6234 (2019); 47. Xian Tang, Liang Hu, Touwen Fan, Le Zhang, Liping Zhu, Hui Li, Haoliang Liu, Jiyuan Liang, Kedong Wang, Zhongjun Li, Shuangchen Ruan, Yupeng Zhang, Dianyuan Fan, Weicheng Chen, Yu-Jia Zeng,* and Han Zhang*,“Robust Above-Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Few-Layer Antimonene Triggered by Nonmagnetic Adatoms”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 1808746 (2019); 46. Xuhang Ma, Yaping Ma, Shihang Yang, Chunlei Yang, Tao Lin, Kedong Wang*, Xudong Xia*, “Pre-incorporation of Na into flexible Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film solar cells”, Solar Energy 173, 1080–1086 (2018); 45. Jianmin Li, Yaping Ma, Guilin Chen, Junbo Gong, Xiaomin Wang, Yifan Kong, Xuhang Ma, Kedong Wang, Weimin Li, Chunlei Yang, and Xudong Xiao*, “Effects of Ammonia-Induced Surface Modification of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 on High-Efficiency Zn(O,S)-Based Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells”, Sol. RRL, 1800254, (2018); 44. Cheng Chang, Minghui Wu, Dongsheng He, Yanling Pei, Chao-Feng Wu, Xuefeng Wu, Hulei Yu, Fangyuan Zhu, Kedong Wang, Yue Chen, Li Huang, Jing-Feng Li, Jiaqing He*, Li-Dong Zhao*, “3D charge and 2D phonon transports leading to high out-of-plane ZT in n-type SnSe crystals” Science 360, 778–783 (2018); 43. Yaping Ma, Wenjie Li, Ye Feng, Zhaohui Li, Xuhang Ma, Xiaoru Liu, Xuefeng Wu, Yi Zhang, Chunlei Yang, Xinhui Lu, Kedong Wang*, Xudong Xiao*,“Band bending near grain boundaries of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 thin films and its effect on photovoltaic performance”, Nano Energy 51, 37–44 (2018); 42. Chaoqiang Xu, Yande Que, Yuan Zhuang, Zhijun Lin, Xuefeng Wu, Kedong Wang, and Xudong Xiao*, “Growth Behavior of Pristine and Potassium Doped Coronene Thin Films on Substrates with Tuned Coupling Strength” J. Phys. Chem. B 122, 601 (2018); 41. Qin Liu, Xiji Shao, Fangfei Ming, Kedong Wang* and Xudong Xiao*, “Adsorption and spin-related properties of multi-Coatoms assembled in the half unit cells of Si(111)-(7×7)”, New Journal of Physics 19, 023048 (2017); 40. Qin Liu, Qiang Fu, Xiji Shao, Xuhang Ma, Xuefeng Wu, Kedong Wang*, Xudong Xiao*, “Diffusion of single Au, Ag and Cu atoms inside Si(111)-(7×7) half unit cells: A comparative study”, Applied Surface Science 401, 225–231 (2017); 39. Xuefeng Wu, Chaoqiang Xu, Kedong Wang, and Xudong Xiao*. “Charge Transfer, Phase Separation, and Mott−Hubbard Transition in Potassium-Doped Coronene Films”, J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 15446−15452 (2016); 38. Qin Liu, Yanhua Lei, Xiji Shao, Fangfei Ming, Hu Xu, Kedong Wang* and Xudong Xiao*, “Controllable dissociations of PH3 molecules on Si(001)”, Nanotechnology 27, 135704 (2016); 37. Xiji Shao, Kedong Wang, Rui Pang, and Xingqiang Shi, “Lithium Intercalation in Graphene/MoS2 Composites: First-Principles Insights” J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 25860−25867 (2015); 36. Fangfei Ming, Guohua Zhong, Qin Liu, Kedong Wang, and Xudong Xiao, “Mapping potential energy landscape of a probing atom in a complex surface environment”, Physical Review B, 92, 201414(R) (2015); 35. Chang Liu, Guang Bian, Tay-Rong Chang, Kedong Wang, Su-Yang Xu, Ilya Belopolski, Irek Miotkowski, Helin Cao,Koji Miyamoto, Chaoqiang Xu, Christian E. Matt, Thorsten Schmitt, Nasser Alidoust, Madhab Neupane,Horng-Tay Jeng, Hsin Lin, Arun Bansil, Vladimir N. Strocov, Mark Bissen, Alexei V. Fedorov, Xudong Xiao,Taichi Okuda, Yong P. Chen, and M. Zahid Hasan, , “Tunable spin helical Dirac quasiparticles on the surface of three-dimensional HgTe”, Physical Review B 92, 115436 (2015); 34. Xuefeng Wu, Chaoqiang Xu, Kedong Wang*, Xudong Xiao*, “Systematic investigation of pseudogaps in In, Al and Pb islands”, Physical Review B 92, 035434 (2015); 33. Qin Liu, Guohua Zhong, Fangfei Ming, Kedong Wang* and Xudong Xiao*, “Controlling adsorption and spin configurations of Co atoms on Si(111)-(7 × 7)”, Physical Review B 91, 155417 (2015); 32. Jiepeng Liu, Xuefeng Wu, Fangfei Ming, Kedong Wang*, and Xudong Xiao, “Superconductivity of individual Pb islands on Si(111): pseudogap, critical region, density of states, and island size”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26, 085009 (2013); 31. Fangfei Ming, Guohua Zhong, Qin Liu, Kedong Wang, Zhengyu Zhang, and Xudong Xiao, “Probing the generalized magicity of Ag nanoclusters constructed on Si(111) by atomic manipulation”, Physical Review B 88, 125432 (2013); 30. Xieqiu Zhang, Kedong Wang, Wenjin Chen, M. M. T. Loy, J. N. Wang, and Xudong Xiao, “Electrical transport through a scanning tunneling microscope tip and a heavily doped Si contact”, Journal of Applied Physics 114, 013701 (2013); 29. Fangfei Ming, Kedong Wang, Shuan Pan, Jiepeng Liu, Xieqiu Zhang, Jinlong Yang, and Xudong Xiao, “Assembling and Disassembling Ag Clusters on Si(111)-(7X7) by Vertical Atomic Manipulation”, ACS Nano 5, 7608-7616 (2011); 28. Shuan Pan, Qin Liu, Fangfei Ming, Kedong Wang, and Xudong Xiao, “Interface effects on the quantum well states of Pb thin films”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 485001 (2011); 27. Jiepeng Liu, Xuefeng Wu, Fangfei Ming, Xieqiu Zhang, Kedong Wang, Bing Wang and Xudong Xiao, , “Size-dependent superconducting state of individual nano-size Pb islands grown on Si(111) by tunneling spectroscopy”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 265007 (2011); 26. Fangfei Ming, Kedong Wang, Xieqiu Zhang, Jiepeng Liu, Aidi Zhao, Jinlong Yang, and Xudong Xiao, “Identifying the Numbers of Ag Atoms in their Nanostructures Grown on Si(111)-(7×7) Surface”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, 3847-3853 (2011); 25. Qin Liu, Kedong Wang, and Xudong Xiao, “Surface dynamics studied by time-dependent tunneling current”, Frontiers of Physics in China 5, 357-368 (2010); 24. Kedong Wang, Fangfei Ming, Qiang Huang, Xieqiu Zhang, and Xudong Xiao, “Study of CO diffusion on stepped Pt(111) surface by scanning tunneling microscopy”, Surface Science 604, 322-326 (2010); 23. Xieqiu Zhang, Jiepeng Liu, Baikui Li, Kedong Wang, Fangfei Ming, Jiannong Wang, and Xudong Xiao, “Effect of substrate doping concentration on quantum well states of Pb island grown on Si(111)”. Surface Science 604, 175-180 (2010); 22. Q.H. Yuan, Q.S. Li, K.D. Wang, and Z.F. Liu, “Theoretical investigation of an intermediate in the STM tip-induced atomic process on H/Si(100) surfaces”. Physical Review B 81, 205301(2010); 21. Kedong Wang, Xieqiu Zhang, M.M.T.Loy, T.-C.Chiang, and Xudong Xiao, “Pseudogap mediated by quantum-size effects in lead islands”. Physical Review Letters 102, 076801 (2009); 20. Kedong Wang*, Gang Chen, Chun Zhang, M.M.T.Loy, and Xudong Xiao*, “Intermixing of Intrabasin and Interbasin Diffusion of a Single Ag Atom on Si(111)-77”. Physical Review Letters 101, 266107 (2008); 19. Kedong Wang, Xieqiu Zhang, M.M.T. Loy and Xudong Xiao, “The role of Pb wetting layer conduction in tunneling spectroscopy of Pb nanoislands on Si(111)-7×7 surface”. Surface Science 602 , 1217-1222 (2008); 18. Xieqiu Zhang, Aidi Zhao, Kedong Wang and Xudong Xiao, “Kondo effect of single Co atoms adsorbed on Pb/Si(111) nanoislands”. Physical Review B 78, 035431 (2008); 17. Fengyun Chen, Kedong Wang and Bing Wang, “STM study of growth and structure of Dy@C82 monolayers on Au(111)”. Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society 26, 494-498 (2007); 16. J. G. Hou and Kedong Wang, “Study of single molecules and their assemblies by scanning tunneling microscopy”. Pure Appl. Chem. 78, 905-933 (2006); 15. Kedong Wang, Bin Li, Jinlong Yang and J.G. Hou, “Single C59N molecule as molecular rectifier”. Physics 35, 87-91 (2006); (in Chinese); 14. Bing Wang, Yunshen Zhou, Xunlei Ding, Kedong Wang, Xiaoping Wang, Jinlong Yang and J.G. Hou, “Conduction mechanism of Aviram-Ratner rectifiers with single pyridine-sigma-C-60 oligomers”. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 24505 (2006); 13. Jin Zhao, Changgan Zeng, Xin Cheng, Kedong Wang, Guanwu Wang, Jinlong Yang, J.G. Hou and Qingshi Zhu, “Single C59N Molecule as a Molecular Rectifier”. Physical Review Letters 95, 045502 (2005); 12. Chun Zhang, Gang Chen, Kedong Wang, Hongwei Yang, Tao Su, C. T. Chan, M. M. T. Loy and Xudong Xiao, “Experimental and theoretical investigation of single Cu, Ag and Au atoms adsorbed on Si(111)-7×7”. Physical Review Letters 94, 176104 (2005); 11. Kedong Wang, Chun Zhang, M. M. T. Loy and Xudong Xiao, “Time-Dependent Tunneling Spectroscopy for Studying Surface Diffusion Confined in Nanostructures”. Physical Review Letters 94, 036103 (2005); 10. Kedong Wang, Chun Zhang, Mingde Lei and X.D. Xiao, “Time dependent tunneling spectroscopy for studying surface diffusion of single particles confined in nanostructures”. Physics, 34, 707-710 (2005); (in Chinese); 9. Zhou YS, Wang KD, Zhao FZ, Wang B, Hou JG, Wang S and Li YL, “Self-assembly of N-3-gamma-pyridyl Aza[60]fulleroid on Au(111)”. Chinese Science Bulletin 50, 406-411 (2005); 8. Bing Wang, Kedong Wang, Wei Lu, Jinlong Yang and J. G. Hou, “Size-dependent tunneling differential conductance spectra of crystalline Pd nanoparticles”. Phys. Rev. B 70, 205411 (2004); 7. Weihua Wang, Kedong Wang, Shangfeng Yang, Bing Wang, Shihe Yang, Jinlong Yang, J.G. Hou and Qingshi Zhu, “Detection of the metal atom inside a fullerene cage by scanning tunneling microscopy”. Physics, 33, 235-237 (2004); (in Chinese); 6. Kedong Wang, Jin Zhao, Shangfeng Yang, Lan Chen, Qunxiang Li, Bing Wang, Shihe Yang, Jinlong Yang, J.G. Hou and Qingshi Zhu, “Unveiling metal-cage hybrid states in a single endohedral metallofullerene”. Physical Review Letters 91, 185504 (2003); 5. Bing Wang, Kedong Wang, Wei Lu, Haiqian Wang, Zhenyu Li, Jinlong Yang and J. G. Hou, “Effects of discrete energy levels on single-electron tunneling in coupled metal particles”. Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 3767-3769 (2003); 4. Wei Lu, Bing Wang, Kedong Wang, Xiaoping Wang and J. G. Hou, “Synthesis and characterization of crystalline and amorphous palladium nanoparticles”. Langmuir 19, 5887-5891 (2003); 3. J.G. Hou, BingWang, Jinlong Yang, Kedong Wang, Wei Lu, Zhenyu Li, Haiqian Wang, D.M. Chen and Qingshi Zhu, “Disorder and Suppression of Quantum Confinement Effects in Pd Nanoparticles” Physical Review Letters 90, 246803 (2003); 2. Changgan Zeng, Bin Li, Bing Wang, Haiqian Wang, Kedong Wang, Jinlong Yang, J. G. Hou and Qingshi Zhu, “What can a scanning tunneling microscope image do for the insulating alkanethiol molecules on Au(111) substrates?”. Journal of Chemical Physics 117, 851 (2002); 1. Kedong Wang, Bing Wang, Jinlong Yang and J.G. Hou, “Novel topology of two-dimensional C60 domains”. Physics,30, 593-595 (2001). (in Chinese); 新闻动态 更多新闻 南科大王克东团队在超导领域研究取得重要进展 2020-11-25 金属掺杂多环芳烃类有机超导体相关研究简介 2020-01-06 团队成员 查看更多 PrevNext UpDown 加入团队 南方科技大学物理系王克东课题组计划招收博士后招聘人数:1人一、要求: 取得国内外物理、化学、电子、材料科学相关专业博士学位,有STM操作经验者。 对科研工作有高度的积极主动性。 熟悉材料表面研究及动力学性质。 具有良好的英文文献阅读及中英文科研写作能力。二、应聘材料:(1)详细的个人简历,含学习、工作和科研的经历,主要科研成果(如论文论著、成果证书或奖励)清单以及联系方式;(2)2-3名推荐人的姓名及有效联系方式;(3)其他可以证明工作能力的材料。三、福利待遇:1、拥有良好先进的科研条件、浓厚的学术氛围;2、薪酬福利不少于31万元(含市财政给予的生活补助18万元/年);特别优秀者可申请校长卓越博士后,薪酬福利可达40万元。3、可作为负责人申请博士后科学基金、国家自然科学基金及省、市各级课题; 4、出站后留深圳工作可申请30万元科研启动经费;5、符合市后备级人才条件的可以申请获得相应的住房补贴;6、海外博士留深工作可以申请孔雀计划160-200万住房补贴;7、享受五险一金、住房补贴、过节费、餐补等福利待遇。有意向者请将PDF格式详细简历、到岗时间、简要研究工作总结,邮件发送给王克东副教授:wangkd@sustech.edu.cn。邮件标题请注明应聘博士后+ 姓名。 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 深圳市南山区学苑大道1088号南方科技大学慧园1栋404办公室 办公电话 0755-88018207 电子邮箱 wangkd@sustech.edu.cn 内容来自集群智慧云企服