王军科研成果_王军专利信息_南方科技大学前沿与交叉科学研究院   课题组网站王军科研信息|王军校企合作信息|王军联系方式
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姓名 王军 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 前沿与交叉科学研究院   课题组网站
学位 学历
职称 研究副教授 联系方式 深圳市南山区学苑大道1088号南方科技大学创园1栋503
邮箱 wangj9@sustech.edu.cn    
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 王军 研究副教授 前沿与交叉科学研究院   课题组网站 王军博士已在储能领域工作10年。其主要研究方向包括锂离子电池高压正极材料、钠离子电池、电解液以及固态电池。王军博士已在Advanced Energy Materials, Nature Communications, Chemistry of Materials等国际一流期刊发表学术论文近50篇;申请PCT专利3项以及中国专利17项。王军博士获得2项校企联合项目资助。 个人简介 个人简介 研究领域 1. 锂离子电池正负极材料与电解液; 2. 储能钠离子电池; 3. 固态电池; 4. 电化学离子输运机制。 教学 无 学术成果 查看更多 通讯作者论文 序号 作者列表 题目 期刊名称 卷期号 1 T. Risthaus, L. F. Chen, J. Wang*, J. K. Li, D. Zhou, L. Zhang, D. Ning, X. Cao, X. Zhang*, G. Schumacher, M. Winter, E. Paillard, J. Li* P3 Na0.9Ni0.5Mn0.5O2 cathode material for sodium ion batteries Chem. Mater. 2019, 31, 5376-5383 2 T. Risthaus, D. Zhou, X. Cao, X. He, B. Qiu, J. Wang*, L. Zhang, Z. Liu, E. Paillard, G. Schumacher, M. Winter and J. Li* A high-capacity P2 Na2/3Ni1/3Mn2/3O2 cathode material for sodium ion batteries with oxygen activity J. Power Sources 2018, 395, 16-24 3 T. Risthaus, J. Wang*, A. Friesen, R. Krafft, M. Kolek, J. Li* Synthesis of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode materials with different additives: effects on structural, morphological and electrochemical properties J. Electrochem. Soc. 2016, 163, A2103-A2108 4 T. Risthaus, J. Wang*, A. Friesen, A. Wilken, D. Berghus, M. Winter, J. Li* Synthesis of spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 with secondary plate morphology as cathode material for lithium ion batteries J. Power Sources 2015, 293, 137-142 第一作者作者论文 序号 作者列表 题目 期刊名称 卷期号 1 J. Wang, X. He, E. Paillard, N. Laszczynski, J. Li*, S. Passerini* Lithium- and manganese-rich oxide cathode materials for high-energy lithium ion batteries Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 6, 1600906 2 J. Wang, X. He, D. Zhou, F. Schappacher, X. Zhang, H. Liu, M. C. Stan, X. Cao, R. Kloepsch, M. S. Sofy, G. Shumacher, J. Li* O3-type Na[Fe1/3Ni1/3Ti1/3]O2 cathode material for rechargeable sodium ion batteries J. Mater. Chem. A 2016, 4, 3431-3437 3 J. Wang, B. Qiu, X. He, T. Risthaus, H. Liu, M. C. Stan, S. Schulze, Y. Xia, Z. Liu, M. Winter, J. Li* Low-cost orthorhombic Nax[FeTi]O4 (x = 1 and 4/3) compounds as anode materials for sodium-ion batteries Chem. Mater. 2015, 27, 4374-4379 4 J. Wang, X. He, R. Kloepsch, S. Wang, B. Hoffmann, S. Jeong, Y. Yang, J. Li* Increased capacity of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2–Li[Li1/3Mn2/3]O2 cathodes by MnOx-surface modification for lithium-ion batteries Energy Technol. 2014, 2, 188-193 5 J. Wang, X. He, E. Paillard, H. Liu, S. Passerini, M. Winter, J. Li* Improved rate capability of layered Li-rich cathode for lithium ion battery by electrochemical treatment ECS Electrochem. Lett. 2013, 2, A78-A80 6 J. Wang, B. Qiu, H. Cao, Y. Xia, Z. Liu* Electrochemical properties of 0.6Li[Li1/3Mn2/3]O2–0.4LiNixMnyCo1−x−yO2 cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries J. Power Sources 2012, 218, 128-133 7 J. Wang, M. Zhang, C. Tang, Y. Xia, Z. Liu* Microwave-irradiation synthesis of Li1.3NixCoyMn1−x−yO2.4 cathode materials for lithium ion batteries Electrochim. Acta 2012, 80, 15-21 8 J. Wang, G. Yuan, M. Zhang, B. Qiu, Y. Xia, Z. Liu* The structure, morphology, and electrochemical properties of Li1+xNi1/6Co1/6Mn4/6O2.25+x/2 (0.1 <= x <= 0.7) cathode materials Electrochim. Acta 2012, 66, 61-66 9 J. Wang, X. Yao, X. Zhou, Z. Liu* Synthesis and electrochemical properties of layered lithium transition metal oxides J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 2544-2549 10 J. Wang, W. Wang, B. Song, R. Wu, J. Li, Y. Sun, Y. Zheng, J. Jian* One-step route to wurtzite-structured ZnS thin nanorods in pure ethylenediamine or mixed solvent J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2010, 10, 3131-3137 11 J. Wang, S. Bo, W. Wen-Jun, W. Rong, S. Yan-Fei, Z. Yu-Feng, J. Ji-Kang* Synthesis and characterization of zinc sulfide hollow microspheres Powder Diffract. 2009, 24, 24-28 第二作者作者论文 序号 作者列表 题目 期刊名称 卷期号 1 D. Xu#, Y. Kang#, J. Wang, S. Hu, Q. Shi, Z. Lu, D. He, Y. Zhao, Y. Qian*, H. Lou*, Y. Deng* Exploring synergetic effects of vinylene carbonate and 1,3-propane sultone on LiNi0.6Mn0.2Co0.2O2/graphite cells with excellent high-temperature performance J. Power Sources 2019, 437, 226929 2 J. Li, J. Wang, X. He*, L. Zhang, A. Senyshyn, B. Yan, M. Muehlbauer, X. Cao, B. Vortmann-Westhoven, V. Kraft, and J. Li* P2–type Na0.67Mn0.8Cu0.1Mg0.1O2 as a new cathode material for sodium-ion batteries: Insights of the synergetic effects of multi-metal substitution and electrolyte optimization J. Power Sources 2019, 416, 184-192 3 B. Qiu et al., J. Wang, Y. Xia*, D. Qian, H. Liu, S. Hy, Y. Chen, K. An, Y. Zhu, Z. Liu*, Y. S. Meng* Gas-solid interfacial modification of oxygen activity in layered oxide cathodes for lithium-ion batteries Nat. Comm. 2016, 7, 12108 4 X. He, J. Wang, B. Qiu, E. Paillard, C. Ma, X. Cao, H. Liu, M. C. Stan, H. Liu, T. Gallash, Y. S. Meng*, J. Li* Durable high-rate capability Na0.44MnO2 cathode material for sodium-ion batteries Nano Energy 2016, 27, 602-610 5 H. Liu, J. Wang, X. Zhang, D. Zhou, X. Qi, B. Qiu, J. Fang, R. Kloepsch, G. Schumacher, Z. Liu, J. Li* Morphological evolution of high-voltage spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries: the critical effects of surface orientations and particle size ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 4661-4675 6 X. He, J. Wang, R. Wang, B. Qiu, H. Frielinghaus, P. Niehoff, H. Liu, M. C. Stan, E. Paillard, M. Winter, J. Li* A 3D porous Li-rich cathode material with an in situ modified surface for high performance lithium ion batteries with reduced voltage decay J. Mater. Chem. A 2016, 4, 7230-7237 7 X. He, J. Wang, H. Jia, R. Kloepsch, H. Liu, K. Beltrop, J. Li* Ionic liquid-assisted solvothermal synthesis of hollow Mn2O3 anode and LiMn2O4 cathode materials for Li-ion batteries J. Power Sources 2015, 293, 306-311 8 G. A. Elia, J. Wang, D. Bresser, J. Li, B. Scrosati, S. Passerini*, J. Hassoun* A New, High Energy Sn–C/Li[Li0.2Ni0.4/3Co0.4/3Mn1.6/3]O2 Lithium-Ion Battery ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6, 12956-12961 9 B. Qiu, J. Wang, Y. Xia*, Y. Liu, L. Qin, X. Yao, Z. Liu* Effects of Na+ contents on electrochemical properties of Li1.2Ni0.13Co0.13Mn0.54O2 cathode materials J. Power Sources 2013, 240, 530-535 10 M. Zhang, J. Wang, Y. Xia*, Z. Liu* Microwave synthesis of spherical spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 as cathode material for lithium-ion batteries J. Alloys Compd. 2012, 518, 68-73 11 J. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Xia*, X. Zhou, Y. Saixi, Z. Liu* Synthesis and electrochemical performance of Li1+xNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2+δ (0 <= x <= 0.15) cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries Mater. Res. Bull. 2012, 47, 807-812 12 B. Qiu, J. Wang, Y. Xia*, Z. Wei, S. Han, Z. Liu* Temperature dependence of the initial coulombic efficiency in Li-rich layered Li[Li0.144Ni0.136Co0.136Mn0.544]O2 oxide for lithium-ions batteries J. Power Sources 2014, 268, 517-521 13 X. He, J. Wang, R. Kloepsch, S. Krueger, H. Jia, H. Liu, B. Vortmann, J. Li* Enhanced electrochemical performance in lithium ion batteries of a hollow spherical lithium-rich cathode material synthesized by a molten salt method Nano Research 2014, 7, 110-118 其它 序号 作者列表 题目 期刊名称 卷期号 1 X. He, Y. Yang, M.S. Cristian, J. Wang, X. Hou, B. Yan, J. Li, T. Zhang, E. Paillard*, M. Swietoslawski, R. Kostecki*, M. Winter, J. Li* Uniform lithium electrodeposition for stable lithium-metal batteries Nano Energy In press 2 X. Wu, C. Luo, L. Du, Y. Xiao, S. Li, J. Wang, C. Wang, and Y. Deng* Exploiting Pulping Waste as an Ecofriendly Multifunctional Binder for Lithium Sulfur Batteries ACS Sustain. Chem. Engineer. 2019, 7, 8413-8418 3 L. Du, W. Wu, C. Luo, D. Xu, H. Guo, R. Wang, T. Zhang, J. Wang and Y. Deng* Lignin-derived nitrogen-doped porous carbon as a high-rate anode material for sodium ion batteries J. Electrochem. Soc. 2019, 166, A423-A428 4 H. Liu, X. Zhang, X. He, A. Senyshyn, A. Wilken, D. Zhou, O. Fromm, P. Niehoff, B. Yan, J. Wang, G. Schumacher, E. Paillard, M. Winter, J. Li* Truncated octahedral high-voltage spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode materials for lithium ion batteries: Positive influences of Ni/Mn disordering and oxygen vacancies J. Electrochem. Soc. 2018, 165, A1886-A1896 5 J. Zhao*, Q. Hu, J. Wang, P. Zhang, Y. Zhu, G. Wu, Y. Lv, L. Lv, Y. Zhao and M. Yang Effects of island-coated PVdF-HFP composite separator on the performance of commercial lithium-ion batteries Coatings 2018, 8, 437 6 X. He, B. Yan, X. Zhang, Z. Liu, D. Bresser, J. Wang, R. Wang, X. Cao, Y. Su, H. Jia, C. P. Grey, H. Frielinghaus*, D. G. Truhlar, M. Winter, J. Li* and E. Paillard* Fluorine-free water-in-ionomer electrolytes for sustainable lithium-ion batteries Nat. Comm. 2018, 9, 5320 7 X. He, R. Wang, M. C. Stan, E. Paillard, J. Wang, H. Frielinghaus, J. Li* In situ investigations on the structural and morphological changes of metal phosphides as anode materials in lithium-ion batteries Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 1601047 8 H. Liu, H. Hu, J. Wang, P. Niehoff, X. He, E. Paillard, D. Eder, M. Winter, J. Li* Hierarchical ternary MoO2/MoS2/heteroatom-doped carbon hybrid materials for high-performance lithium-ion storage ChemElectroChem 2016, 3, 922-932 9 X. Cao*, X. He, J. Wang, H. Liu, S. Röser, B. R. Rad, M. Evertz, B. Streipert, J. Li, R. Wagner* High voltage LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4/Li4Ti5O12 lithium ion cells at elevated temperatures: carbonate-versus ionic liquid-based electrolytes ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 25971-25978 10 H. Liu, R. Kloepsch, J. Wang, M. Winter, J. Li* Truncated octahedral LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode material for ultralong-life lithium-ion battery: positive (100) surfaces in high-voltage spinel system J. Power Sources 2015, 300, 430-437 11 M. Zhang, Y. Z. Liu, Y. Xia*, B. Qiu, J. Wang, Z. Liu* Simplified co-precipitation synthesis of spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 with improved physical and electrochemical performance J. Alloys Compd. 2014, 598, 73-78 12 X. Y. Yao, X. Xin, Y. M. Zhang, J. Wang, Z. Liu*, X. X. Xu* Co3O4 nanowires as high capacity anode materials for lithium ion batteries J. Alloys Compd. 2012, 521, 95-100 13 J. W. Hou, X. C. Yang*, X. Y. Lv, M. Huang, Q. Y. Wang, J. Wang Controlled synthesis of TiO2 mesoporous microspheres via chemical vapor deposition J. Alloys Compd. 2012, 511, 202-208 加入团队 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 深圳市南山区学苑大道1088号南方科技大学创园1栋503 办公电话 0755-88015462 电子邮箱 wangj9@sustech.edu.cn

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