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姓名 谭唤书 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 力学与航空航天工程系
学位 学历
职称 助理教授 联系方式 工学院大楼北楼730
邮箱 tanhs@sustech.edu.cn    
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 谭唤书 Google Scholar 助理教授 力学与航空航天工程系 谭唤书博士,2020年12月加入南方科技大学任助理教授(复杂流动及软物质研究中心/力学与航空航天工程系双聘),博士生导师。他2011年在重庆交通大学获得理论与应用力学学士学位,2014年在上海大学上海市应用数学和力学研究所获得流体力学硕士学位。2014年至2018年,他在荷兰特文特大学的Physics of Fluids课题组进行博士研究并获得博士学位。2018年至2020年在美国加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校化学工程学院Squires课题组进行博士后研究。  谭唤书博士,在多组分流体动力学领域开展了一系列原创研究,以第一作者和通讯作者在PNAS、Nature Commun.、Sci.Adv.、JFM等高水平学术期刊发表多篇论文,撰写Soft Matter系列英文专著一章节,相关工作被《Science Daily》、《Phys.org》等国际科学媒体报道。他加入南方科技大学后,建立了多组分流体实验室并为实验室独立PI,其研究关注多组分流体系统中的复杂流动现象及其潜在的应用。 个人简介 教育背景 2007.09 - 2011.06,重庆交通大学,土木建筑学院,理学学士 2011.09 - 2014.05,上海大学,上海市应用数学和力学研究所,工学硕士 2014.10 - 2018.08,荷兰特文特大学,Physics of Fluids课题组,博士   工作经历 2018.09 - 2018.10,荷兰特文特大学,Physics of Fluids课题组,博士后 2018.11 - 2020.10,美国加州大学圣塔芭芭拉校区,化学工程学院,博士后 2020.12至今,南方科技大学,复杂流动及软物质研究中心、力学与航空航天工程系,助理教授 个人简介 研究领域 多组分流体力学 非平衡界面流动 液液相分离 微流控及微纳加工技术 微液滴&微气泡 教学 高等连续介质力学(研究生) 学术成果 查看更多 [19]. P.R. Shah, H. Tan, D. Taylor, X. Tang, N. Shi, A. Mashat, A. Abdel-Fattah, T. Squires. 2022. Temperature dependence of diffusiophoresis via a novel microfluidic approach. Lab on a Chip, 22(10), 1980-1988. [18]. H. Tan*, C. Diddens, X. Zhang, D. Lohse*. 2022. Chapter: Evaporation of Ternary Sessile Drops. In D. Brutin & K. Sefiane Editor (Ed.), Drying of Complex Fluid Drops. The Royal Society of Chemistry Press. [17]. H. Tan*, A. Banerjee, N. Shi, X. Tang, A. Abdel-Fattah, T. M. Squires*. 2021. A two-step strategy for delivering particles to targets hidden within microfabricated porous media. Science Advances, 7(33), eabh0638. [16]. L. T. Raju, O. Koshkina, H. Tan, A. Riedinger, K. Landfester*, D. Lohse, X. Zhang*. 2021. Particle size determines the shape of supraparticles in self-lubricating ternary droplets. ACS Nano, 15(3), 4256-4267. [15]. S. Lyu, H. Tan, Y. Wakata, X. Yang, D. Lohse, C. Sun*. 2021. On explosive boiling of a Leidenfrost multicomponent drop. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(2), e2016107118. [14]. A. Banerjee, H. Tan, T.M. Squires*. 2020. Drop-in additives for suspension manipulation: Colloidal motion induced by sedimenting soluto-inertial beacons. Physical Review Fluids, 5, 073701. [13]. H. Tan*, C. Diddens, A. A. Mohammed, J. Li, M. Versluis, X. Zhang*, D. Lohse*. 2019. Microdroplet nucleation by dissolution of a multicomponent drop in a host liquid. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 870, 217-246. [12]. H. Tan, S. Wooh*, H. Butt, X. Zhang*, D. Lohse*. 2019. Porous supraparticle assembly through self-lubricating evaporating colloidal ouzo drops. Nature Communications, 10(1), 478. [11]. X. Li, Y. Wang*, B. Zeng, Y. Li, H. Tan, H. Zandvliet, X. Zhang*, D. Lohse*. 2018. Entrapment and dissolution of microbubbles inside microwells. Langmuir, 34(36), 10659-10667. [10]. Y. Li, P. Lv, C. Diddens, H. Tan, H. Wijshoff, M. Versluis, D. Lohse*. 2018. Evaporation-triggered segregation of sessile binary droplets. Physics Review Letter, 120(22), 224501. [09]. L. Mandemaker, M. Filez, G. Delen, H. Tan, X. Zhang, D. Lohse, B.M. Weckhuysen*. 2018. Time-resolved in situ liquid-phase atomic force microscopy and infrared nanospectroscopy during the formation of metal–organic framework thin films. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9(8), 1838-1844. [08]. C. Diddens*, H. Tan, P. Lv, M. Versluis, J. Kuerten, X. Zhang, D. Lohse*. 2017. Evaporating pure, binary and ternary droplets: thermal effects and axial symmetry breaking. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 823, 470-497. [07]. H. Tan, C. Diddens, M. Versluis, H. Butt, D. Lohse*, X. Zhang*. 2017. Self-wrapping of an ouzo drop induced by evaporation on a superamphiphobic surface. Soft Matter, 13(15), 2749-2759. Inside cover of the issue [06]. H. Tan*, S. Peng, C. Sun, X. Zhang, D. Lohse. 2016. 3D spherical-cap fitting procedure for (truncated) sessile nano- and micro-droplets &-bubbles. European Physical Journal E, 39(11), 106. Cover of the issue. [05]. S. Peng, I. Devic, H. Tan, D. Lohse, X. Zhang*. 2016. How a surface nanodroplet sits on the rim of a microcap. Langmuir, 32(23), 5744-5754. [04]. H. Tan, C. Diddens, P. Lv, J. Kuerten, X. Zhang*, D. Lohse*. 2016. Evaporation-triggered microdroplet nucleation and the four life phases of an evaporating Ouzo drop. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(31), 8642-8647. [03]. X. Zhang*, Z. Lu, H. Tan, L. Bao, Y. He, C. Sun, D. Lohse. 2015. Formation of surface nanodroplets under controlled flow conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(30), 9253-9257. [02]. H. Tan, Y.X. Huang*, J. Meng. 2014. Hilbert statistics of vorticity scaling in two-dimensional turbulence. Physics, of Fluids, 26(1), 015106. [01]. H. Tan, Y.X. Huang*, J. Meng. 2013. Hilbert-based vorticity statistics in two-dimensional turbulence. European Turbulence Conference–14. 新闻动态 更多新闻 欢迎课题组新成员! 2023-09-26 欢迎课题组新成员! 2023-09-01 欢迎美国佛罗里达大学Prof. S. Balachandar! 2023-07-13 团队成员 查看更多 PrevNext UpDown 加入团队 课题组常年招收研究助理教授、博士后、博士和硕士研究生,以及2024级南方科技大学-广东以色列理工学院联合培养硕士研究生。欢迎联系!请有意向者将个人简历发送至邮箱:tanhs@sustech.edu.cn ,邮件标题请注明“姓名+申请类别”。 **A:研究助理教授**============================================================================================================================ **B:优秀博士后**============================================================================================================================岗位职责:1.与课题组负责人共同研究制定计划,参与课题组科研项目研究工作并在规定的时间内完成合理的研究目标,同时可以相对独立地开展课题研究并发表具有国际竞争力的高水平学术论文 ;2.可以以负责人身份依托课题组申请博士后科学基金、国家自然科学基金委青年项目及其他国家、省、市各级课题; 3.协助课题组负责人,指导博士生、硕士生、本科生; 4.协助课题组团队科研项目申报,或积极申请相关领域项目。薪酬福利:(1)博士后聘用期两年,年薪33万元起,含广东省生活补贴15万元及深圳市生活补贴6万元,并按深圳市有关规定参加社会保险及住房公积金。博士后福利费参照学校教职工标准发放。(2)特别优秀候选人可以申请校长卓越博士后,年薪可达50万元以上。(含广东省及深圳市在站生活补贴)。(3)在站期间,可依托学校申请深圳市公租房,未依托学校使用深圳市公租房的博士后,可享受两年税前2800元/月的住房补贴。(4)拥有优良的工作环境和境内外合作交流机会,博士后在站期间享受两年共计2.5万学术交流经费资助。(5)课题组协助符合条件的博士后申请“广东省海外人才支持项目”。即在世界排名前200名的高校(不含境内,排名以上一年度泰晤士、USNEWS、QS和上海交通大学的世界大学排行榜为准)获得博士学位,在广东省博士后设站单位从事博士后研究,并承诺在站2年以上的博士后,申请成功后省财政给予每名进站博士后资助60万元生活补贴(与广东省及深圳市在站博士后生活补贴不同时享受);对获得本项目资助,出站后与广东省用人单位签订工作协议或劳动合同,并承诺连续在粤工作3年以上的博士后,省财政给予每人40万元住房补贴。(6)博士后出站选择留深从事科研工作,且与本市企事业单位签订3年以上劳动(聘用)合同的,可以申请深圳市博士后留深来深科研资助。深圳市政府给予每人每年10万元科研资助,共资助3年(以深圳市最新申报要求为准)。============================================================================================================================ **C:博士研究生和硕士研究生**============================================================================================================================期盼热爱科研探索且具有力学相关专业知识背景(力学、机械、热能、土木等)的小伙伴加入!============================================================================================================================ **D: 2024级南方科技大学-广东以色列理工学院联合培养硕士研究生项目**============================================================================================================================SUSTech-GTIIT Joint M.Sc. study opportunity:SUSTech: Southern University of Science and Technology.GTIIT: Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.-------------------------------------------------- Advisors: --------------------------------------------------------------Prof. Huanshu Tan, Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Department, SUSTech, Shenzhen.& Prof. Kumaran Kannaiyan, Mechanical Engineering (Robotics) Program, GTIIT, Shantou. ----------------------------------------------- Research Topic: ------------------------------------------------------“Nanofluid fuel (Colloidal) droplet evaporation using advanced diagnostics”Brief Intro: In the context of global energy transition, sustainable alternative aviation fuels is attracting a lot of interest. In this context, nanoscale additives are gaining attention as they offer several positive propulsion benefits. But, their influence on the droplet evaporation is not understood well yet. This serves as the motivation for this research project and aims to address the knowledge gap in this research direction.Background knowledge needed: Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat transfer, and Engineering Mathematics. ---------------------------------------------- Joint M.Sc. Program: ------------------------------------------------Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) and Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT) offers a unique study opportunity to students aspiring to pursue research in higher education in well reputed universities through a dual advisor system. What is offered to students: • MSc degree from a renowned university.• Research opportunities to work in established research groups/labs.• Scholarship to support your MSc study.• Study courses in an advanced education system, and exposure to state-of-the-art facilities.• Potential gateway to future research career (PhD).M.Sc. selection criteria:• Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or a relevant discipline with good GPA.• Good communication skills in English (Preferred). • On-site interview at SUSTech.• Willing to work in research labs at SUSTech and GTIIT. How to apply? • Through the SUSTech application portal. For more details: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Een9a8ah5n8j510_4Y-5uA ============================================================================================================================ 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 工学院大楼北楼730 办公电话 电子邮箱 tanhs@sustech.edu.cn

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