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姓名 孙小卫 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 电子与电气工程系
学位 学历
职称 讲席教授 联系方式 第二科研楼501室
邮箱 sunxw@sustech.edu.cn    
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 孙小卫 ResearcherID 讲席教授 电子与电气工程系 孙小卫现为南方科技大学讲席教授,电子与电气工程系主任。就职于南科大前,孙教授为新加坡南洋理工大学正教授,微电子中心主任。2009年,被授予新加披南洋理工大学科技与创新奖,2013年荣获加拿大国立科学研究院雅克-博利厄杰出研究主席奖。孙教授现为亚太材料学院院士,是美国光学学会 (OSA)、国际光学工程师学会 (SPIE)、国际信息显示学会 (SID)、英国皇家物理学会 (loP) 会士 (Fellow),是美国电机及电子工程师学会 (IEEE) 的杰出演讲人 (Distinguished Lecturer)。创立了能源光子学学会 (Society for Energy Photonics) 并担任主席,共同创立了新加坡 – 中国科学技术促进协会并任职副主席。目前主要研究基于纳米晶的高品质显示和照明,在学术期刊共发表文章500多篇,H-指数为71。 个人简介   教育经历 1986.09–1990.07  中国      天津大学     光电子技术   学士 (Bachelor) 1990.09–1992.07  中国      天津大学     光学仪器     硕士(Master) 1992.07–1994.09  中国      天津大学     光学仪器     博士(Ph.D.) 1994.09–1998.12  中国      香港科技大学    电机及电子工程      博士(Ph.D.) 工作经历 2016.01–至今 中国 南方科技大学工学院 执行院长/讲座教授 2013.01–2014.03 中国 南方科技大学电子与电气工程系 系负责人/讲座教授 2011.09–2015.12 新加坡 南洋理工大学电机及电子工程学院 教授 2005.10–2011.08 新加坡 南洋理工大学电机及电子工程学院 副教授(终身) 1998.12–2005.10 新加坡 南洋理工大学电机及电子工程学院 助理教授   所获荣誉 2017 - 深圳市龙岗区优秀专家 2017 - 美国光学学会 (OSA)会士 2017 - 美国光学学会深圳分会主席 2017 - SID北京分会 技术委员会委员 2016 - 信息显示学会(SID)主席 2015 - 电子与电气工程协会纳米技术委员会广东省分会主席 2013 - 深圳市海外高层次人才 2013年 亚太材料学会院士(APAM Academician) 2013年 雅克-博利厄(Jacques-Beaulieu)杰出研究主席奖 2011年 国际信息显示学会会士(SID Fellow) 2011年 国际光学工程师学会会士(SPIE Fellow) 2009年 英国皇家物理学会会士(IoP Fellow) 2009年 新加坡南洋科技与创新奖   代表著作与论文 1. Zhenghui Wu, Pai Liu, Wenda Zhang, Kai Wang, and Xiao Wei Sun*, "Development of InP Quantum Dot-Based Light-Emitting Diodes", ACS Energy Letters, vol. 5, pp. 1095−1106, 2020. 2. Zuoliang Wen, Chaojian Zhang, Ziming Zhou, Bing Xu, Kai Wang, Kie Leong Teo*, Xiao Wei Sun*, "Ultrapure Green Light-Emitting Diodes Based on CdSe/CdS Core/Crown Nanoplatelets", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 56, pp. 3200106, 2020. 3. Bingxin Zhao, Xiaoli Zhang, Xue Bai, Hongcheng Yang, Shang Li, Junjie Hao, Haochen Liu, Rui Lu, Bing Xu, Liduo Wang, Kai Wang* and Xiao Wei Sun*, "Surface modification toward luminescent and stable silica-coated quantum dots color filter", SCIENCE CHINA Materials, vol. 62, pp. 1463–1469, 2019. 4. Haodong Tang, Jialin Zhong, Wei Chen, Kanming Shi, Guanding Mei, Yuniu Zhang, Zuoliang Wen, Peter Müller-Buschbaum, Dan Wu*, Kai Wang*, and Xiao Wei Sun*, "Lead Sulfide Quantum Dot Photodetector with Enhanced Responsivity through a Two-Step Ligand-Exchange Method", ACS Appl. Nano Mater., vol. 2, pp. 6135−6143, 2019. 5. Xiangwei Qu, Nan Zhang, Rui Cai, Bonan Kang*, Shuming Chen, Bing Xu, Kai Wang, and Xiao Wei Sun*, "Improving blue quantum dot light-emitting diodes by a lithium fluoride interfacial layer", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 114, pp. 071101, 2019. 6. Nan Zhang, Haodong Tang, Kanming Shi, Weigao Wang, Weiqiao Deng, Bing Xu, Kai Wang*, and Xiao Wei Sun*, "High-performance all-solution-processed quantum dot near-infrared-to-visible upconversion devices for harvesting photogenerated electrons", Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 115, pp. 221103, 2019. 7. Ziming Zhou, Kai Wang*, Zhe Zhang, Chaojian Zhang, Haochen Liu, Yang Zhang, Zuoliang Wen, Shang Li, Junjie Hao, Bing Xu, Stephen John Pennycook, Kie Leong Teo*, and Xiao Wei Sun*, "Highly Polarized Fluorescent Film Based on Aligned Quantum Rods by Contact Ink-Jet Printing Method", IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 11, pp. 2200211, 2019. 8. Wenda Zhang, Weidong Zhuang*, Ronghui Liu, Xianran Xing, Xiangwei Qu, Haochen Liu, Bing Xu, Kai Wang, and Xiao Wei Sun*, "Double-Shelled InP/ZnMnS/ZnS Quantum Dots for Light-Emitting Devices", ACS Omega, vol. 4, pp. 18961−18968, 2019. 9. Rui Cai, Xiangwei Qu, Haochen Liu, Hongcheng Yang, Kai Wang, and Xiao Wei Sun*, "Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes Based on FAPb1−xSnxBr3 Nanocrystals Synthesized at Room Temperature", IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 18, pp. 1050-1056, 2019. 10. Yijie Yang, Chaojian Zhang, Xiangwei Qu, Wenda Zhang, Mikita Marus, Bing Xu, Kai Wang, and Xiao Wei Sun*, "High Quantum Yield Colloidal Semiconducting Nanoplatelets and High Color Purity Nanoplatelet QLED", IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 18, pp. 220-225, 2019. 11. M. Marus, A. Hubarevich, W. J. Fan, H. Wang, A. Smirnov, K. Wang, H. Huang*, and X. W. Sun*, "Optical haze of randomly arranged silver nanowire transparent conductive films with wide range of nanowire diameters", AIP Advances vol. 8, pp. 035201, 2018. 12. Xiaoli Zhang, Weigao Wang, Bing Xu, Haochen Liu, Huafeng Shi, Haitao Dai, Xinhai Zhang, Shuming Chen*, Kai Wang*, and Xiao Wei Sun*, "Less-Lead Control toward Highly Efficient Formamidinium-Based Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, vol. 10, pp. 24242−24248, 2018. 13. Wenda Zhang, Weidong Zhuang*, Xianran Xing*, Bing Xu, Dan Wu, Haochen Liu, Kai Wang*, Ronghui Liu and Xiao Wei Sun*, "Alloyed multi-shell quantum dots with tunable dual emission", J. Mater. Chem. C, vol. 6, pp. 11280-11286, 2018. 14. Xiaoli Zhang, Huafeng Shi, Rui Cai, Wenda Zhang, Haochen Liu, Yue Yang, Haitao Dai, Xinhai Zhang, Kai Wang, and Xiao Wei Sun*, "Formamidinium-Based Quasi-2D Perovskite Nanoplates With Dimensionally Tuned Optical Properties", IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 17, pp. 1165-1170, 2018. 15. Xiaoli Zhang, Weigao Wang, Bing Xua, Sheng Liu, Haitao Daic, Dun Biand, Shuming Chen*, Kai Wang*, Xiao Wei Suna*, "Thin film perovskite light-emitting diode based on CsPbBr3 powders and interfacial engineering", Nano Energy, vol.37, pp. 40-45, 2017. 16. X. Zhou, J. Wenger, F. N. Viscomi, L. Le Cunff, J. Beal, S. Kochtcheev, X. Yang, G. P. Wiederrecht, G. C. des Francs, A. S. Bisht, S. Jradi, R. Caputo, H. V. Demir, R. D. Schaller, J. Plain, A. Vial, X. W. Sun*, and R. Bachelot, "Two-Color Single Hybrid Plasmonic Nanoemitters with Real Time Switchable Dominant Emission Wavelength," Nano Letters, vol. 15, pp. 7458-7466, 2015. 17. Y. Zhao, S. T. Tan, H. V. Demir, and X. W. Sun*, "Highly stable and high power efficiency tandem organic light-emitting diodes with transition metal oxide-based charge generation layers," Organic Electronics, vol. 23, pp. 70-75, 2015. 18. Y. Gao, T. Van Duong, X. Zhao, Y. Wang, R. Chen, E. Mutlugun, K. E. Fong, S. T. Tan, C. Dang, X. W. Sun*, H. Sun, and H. V. Demir, "Observation of polarized gain from aligned colloidal nanorods," Nanoscale, vol. 7, pp. 6481-6486, 2015. 19. X. Yang, E. Mutlugun, Y. Zhao, Y. Gao, K. S. Leck, Y. Ma, L. Ke, S. T. Tan, H. V. Demir, and X. W. Sun, "Solution Processed Tungsten Oxide Interfacial Layer for Efficient Hole-Injection in Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes," Small, vol. 10, pp. 247-252, 2014. 20. X. Yang, K. Dev, J. Wang, E. Mutlugun, C. Dang, Y. Zhao, S. Liu, Y. Tang, S. T. Tan, X. W. Sun*, and H. V. Demir, "Light Extraction Efficiency Enhancement of Colloidal Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes Using Large-Scale Nanopillar Arrays," Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 24, pp. 5977-5984, 2014. 21. J. Wang, L. Zhang, L. Yu, Z. Jiao, H. Xie, X. W. Lou, and X. W. Sun*, "A bi-functional device for self-powered electrochromic window and self-rechargeable transparent battery applications," Nature Communications, vol. 5, 2014. 22. X. Yang, Y. Tang, S. T. Tan, M. Bosman, Z. Dong, K. S. Leck, Y. Ji, H. V. Demir, and X. W. Sun, "Facile Synthesis of Luminescent AgInS2–ZnS Solid Solution Nanorods," Small, vol. 9, pp. 2689-2695, 2013. 23. X. Yang, D. Zhao, K. S. Leck, S. T. Tan, Y. X. Tang, J. Zhao, H. V. Demir, and X. W. Sun*, "Full Visible Range Covering InP/ZnS Nanocrystals with High Photometric Performance and Their Application to White Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes," Advanced Materials, vol. 24, pp. 4180-4185, 2012. 24. S. W. Liu, Y. Divayana, X. W. Sun*, Y. Wang, K. S. Leck, and H. V. Demir, "Improved performance of organic light-emitting diodes with MoO3 interlayer by oblique angle deposition," Optics Express, vol. 19, pp. 4513-4520, 2011. 25. T. Erdem, S. Nizamoglu, X. W. Sun*, and H. V. Demir, "A photometric investigation of ultra-efficient LEDs with high color rendering index and high luminous efficacy employing nanocrystal quantum dot luminophores," Optics Express, vol. 18, pp. 340-347, 2010. 26. J. Dai, C. X. Xu, and X. W. Sun*, "ZnO-Microrod/p-GaN Heterostructured Whispering-Gallery-Mode Microlaser Diodes," Advanced Materials, vol. 23, pp. 4115-+, 2011. 27. R. Chen, B. Ling, X. W. Sun*, and H. D. Sun, "Room Temperature Excitonic Whispering Gallery Mode Lasing from High-Quality Hexagonal ZnO Microdisks," Advanced Materials, vol. 23, pp. 2199-+, 2011. 28. X. W. Sun*, J. Z. Huang, J. X. Wang, and Z. Xu, "A ZnO nanorod inorganic/organic heterostructure light-emitting diode emitting at 342 nm," Nano Letters, vol. 8, pp. 1219-1223, 2008. 个人简介 研究领域 半导体材料与器件、有机电子、电子显示技术。 学术成果 查看更多 1. Zhenghui Wu, Pai Liu, Wenda Zhang, Kai Wang, and Xiao Wei Sun*, “Development of InP Quantum Dot-Based Light-Emitting Diodes”, ACS Energy Letters, vol. 5, pp. 1095−1106, 2020. 2. Zuoliang Wen, Chaojian Zhang, Ziming Zhou, Bing Xu, Kai Wang, Kie Leong Teo*, Xiao Wei Sun*, “Ultrapure Green Light-Emitting Diodes Based on CdSe/CdS Core/Crown Nanoplatelets”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 56, pp. 3200106, 2020. 3. Bingxin Zhao, Xiaoli Zhang, Xue Bai, Hongcheng Yang, Shang Li, Junjie Hao, Haochen Liu, Rui Lu, Bing Xu, Liduo Wang, Kai Wang* and Xiao Wei Sun*, “Surface modification toward luminescent and stable silica-coated quantum dots color filter”, SCIENCE CHINA Materials, vol. 62, pp. 1463–1469, 2019. 4. Haodong Tang, Jialin Zhong, Wei Chen, Kanming Shi, Guanding Mei, Yuniu Zhang, Zuoliang Wen, Peter Müller-Buschbaum, Dan Wu*, Kai Wang*, and Xiao Wei Sun*, “Lead Sulfide Quantum Dot Photodetector with Enhanced Responsivity through a Two-Step Ligand-Exchange Method”, ACS Appl. Nano Mater., vol. 2, pp. 6135−6143, 2019. 5. Xiangwei Qu, Nan Zhang, Rui Cai, Bonan Kang*, Shuming Chen, Bing Xu, Kai Wang, and Xiao Wei Sun*, “Improving blue quantum dot light-emitting diodes by a lithium fluoride interfacial layer”, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 114, pp. 071101, 2019. 6. Nan Zhang, Haodong Tang, Kanming Shi, Weigao Wang, Weiqiao Deng, Bing Xu, Kai Wang*, and Xiao Wei Sun*, “High-performance all-solution-processed quantum dot near-infrared-to-visible upconversion devices for harvesting photogenerated electrons”, Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 115, pp. 221103, 2019. 7. Ziming Zhou, Kai Wang*, Zhe Zhang, Chaojian Zhang, Haochen Liu, Yang Zhang, Zuoliang Wen, Shang Li, Junjie Hao, Bing Xu, Stephen John Pennycook, Kie Leong Teo*, and Xiao Wei Sun*, “Highly Polarized Fluorescent Film Based on Aligned Quantum Rods by Contact Ink-Jet Printing Method”, IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 11, pp. 2200211, 2019. 8. Wenda Zhang, Weidong Zhuang*, Ronghui Liu, Xianran Xing, Xiangwei Qu, Haochen Liu, Bing Xu, Kai Wang, and Xiao Wei Sun*, “Double-Shelled InP/ZnMnS/ZnS Quantum Dots for Light-Emitting Devices”, ACS Omega, vol. 4, pp. 18961−18968, 2019. 9. Rui Cai, Xiangwei Qu, Haochen Liu, Hongcheng Yang, Kai Wang, and Xiao Wei Sun*, “Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes Based on FAPb1−xSnxBr3 Nanocrystals Synthesized at Room Temperature”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 18, pp. 1050-1056, 2019. 10. Yijie Yang, Chaojian Zhang, Xiangwei Qu, Wenda Zhang, Mikita Marus, Bing Xu, Kai Wang, and Xiao Wei Sun*, “High Quantum Yield Colloidal Semiconducting Nanoplatelets and High Color Purity Nanoplatelet QLED”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 18, pp. 220-225, 2019. 11. M. Marus, A. Hubarevich, W. J. Fan, H. Wang, A. Smirnov, K. Wang, H. Huang*, and X. W. Sun*, “Optical haze of randomly arranged silver nanowire transparent conductive films with wide range of nanowire diameters”, AIP Advances vol. 8, pp. 035201, 2018. 12. Xiaoli Zhang, Weigao Wang, Bing Xu, Haochen Liu, Huafeng Shi, Haitao Dai, Xinhai Zhang, Shuming Chen*, Kai Wang*, and Xiao Wei Sun*, “Less-Lead Control toward Highly Efficient Formamidinium-Based Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, vol. 10, pp. 24242−24248, 2018. 13. Wenda Zhang, Weidong Zhuang*, Xianran Xing*, Bing Xu, Dan Wu, Haochen Liu, Kai Wang*, Ronghui Liu and Xiao Wei Sun*, “Alloyed multi-shell quantum dots with tunable dual emission”, J. Mater. Chem. C, vol. 6, pp. 11280-11286, 2018. 14. Xiaoli Zhang, Huafeng Shi, Rui Cai, Wenda Zhang, Haochen Liu, Yue Yang, Haitao Dai, Xinhai Zhang, Kai Wang, and Xiao Wei Sun*, “Formamidinium-Based Quasi-2D Perovskite Nanoplates With Dimensionally Tuned Optical Properties”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 17, pp. 1165-1170, 2018. 15. Xiaoli Zhang, Weigao Wang, Bing Xua, Sheng Liu, Haitao Daic, Dun Biand, Shuming Chen*, Kai Wang*, Xiao Wei Suna*, “Thin film perovskite light-emitting diode based on CsPbBr3 powders and interfacial engineering”, Nano Energy, vol.37, pp. 40-45, 2017. 16. X. Zhou, J. Wenger, F. N. Viscomi, L. Le Cunff, J. Beal, S. Kochtcheev, X. Yang, G. P. Wiederrecht, G. C. des Francs, A. S. Bisht, S. Jradi, R. Caputo, H. V. Demir, R. D. Schaller, J. Plain, A. Vial, X. W. Sun*, and R. Bachelot, “Two-Color Single Hybrid Plasmonic Nanoemitters with Real Time Switchable Dominant Emission Wavelength,” Nano Letters, vol. 15, pp. 7458-7466, 2015. 17. Y. Zhao, S. T. Tan, H. V. Demir, and X. W. Sun*, “Highly stable and high power efficiency tandem organic light-emitting diodes with transition metal oxide-based charge generation layers,” Organic Electronics, vol. 23, pp. 70-75, 2015. 18. Y. Gao, T. Van Duong, X. Zhao, Y. Wang, R. Chen, E. Mutlugun, K. E. Fong, S. T. Tan, C. Dang, X. W. Sun*, H. Sun, and H. V. Demir, “Observation of polarized gain from aligned colloidal nanorods,” Nanoscale, vol. 7, pp. 6481-6486, 2015. 19. X. Yang, E. Mutlugun, Y. Zhao, Y. Gao, K. S. Leck, Y. Ma, L. Ke, S. T. Tan, H. V. Demir, and X. W. Sun, “Solution Processed Tungsten Oxide Interfacial Layer for Efficient Hole-Injection in Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes,” Small, vol. 10, pp. 247-252, 2014. 20. X. Yang, K. Dev, J. Wang, E. Mutlugun, C. Dang, Y. Zhao, S. Liu, Y. Tang, S. T. Tan, X. W. Sun*, and H. V. Demir, “Light Extraction Efficiency Enhancement of Colloidal Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes Using Large-Scale Nanopillar Arrays,” Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 24, pp. 5977-5984, 2014. 21. J. Wang, L. Zhang, L. Yu, Z. Jiao, H. Xie, X. W. Lou, and X. W. Sun*, “A bi-functional device for self-powered electrochromic window and self-rechargeable transparent battery applications,” Nature Communications, vol. 5, 2014. 22. X. Yang, Y. Tang, S. T. Tan, M. Bosman, Z. Dong, K. S. Leck, Y. Ji, H. V. Demir, and X. W. Sun, “Facile Synthesis of Luminescent AgInS2–ZnS Solid Solution Nanorods,” Small, vol. 9, pp. 2689-2695, 2013. 23. X. Yang, D. Zhao, K. S. Leck, S. T. Tan, Y. X. Tang, J. Zhao, H. V. Demir, and X. W. Sun*, “Full Visible Range Covering InP/ZnS Nanocrystals with High Photometric Performance and Their Application to White Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes,” Advanced Materials, vol. 24, pp. 4180-4185, 2012. 24. S. W. Liu, Y. Divayana, X. W. Sun*, Y. Wang, K. S. Leck, and H. V. Demir, “Improved performance of organic light-emitting diodes with MoO3 interlayer by oblique angle deposition,” Optics Express, vol. 19, pp. 4513-4520, 2011. 25. T. Erdem, S. Nizamoglu, X. W. Sun*, and H. V. Demir, “A photometric investigation of ultra-efficient LEDs with high color rendering index and high luminous efficacy employing nanocrystal quantum dot luminophores,” Optics Express, vol. 18, pp. 340-347, 2010. 26. J. Dai, C. X. Xu, and X. W. Sun*, “ZnO-Microrod/p-GaN Heterostructured Whispering-Gallery-Mode Microlaser Diodes,” Advanced Materials, vol. 23, pp. 4115-+, 2011. 27. R. Chen, B. Ling, X. W. Sun*, and H. D. Sun, “Room Temperature Excitonic Whispering Gallery Mode Lasing from High-Quality Hexagonal ZnO Microdisks,” Advanced Materials, vol. 23, pp. 2199-+, 2011. 28. X. W. Sun*, J. Z. Huang, J. X. Wang, and Z. Xu, “A ZnO nanorod inorganic/organic heterostructure light-emitting diode emitting at 342 nm,” Nano Letters, vol. 8, pp. 1219-1223, 2008. 新闻动态 更多新闻 新时代,新征程,起航新梦想 ——电子与电气工程系2018年春季战略研讨会顺利召开 2018-03-25 团队成员 查看更多 PrevNext UpDown 加入团队 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 第二科研楼501室 办公电话 电子邮箱 sunxw@sustech.edu.cn
