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姓名 | WeishuLiu | 性别 | |
学校 | 南方科技大学 | 部门 | Department of Materials Science and Engineering |
学位 | 学历 | ||
职称 | Professor | 联系方式 | ContactAddress No1088,xueyuanRd.,Xili,NanshanDistrict,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China518055 |
邮箱 | liuws@sustech.edu.cn | ||
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Home People Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us Weishu Liu ResearcherID Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering Dr. Liu Weishu is currently a professor of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Southern University of Science and Technology, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC). Graduated from The University of Science and Technology of Beijing, Dr. Liu has been engaged in the research of thermoelectric materials, thermoelectric interface, thermoelectric devices and systems in Washington University, Boston College, University of Houston and Sheetak Company. At present, Dr. Liu has published more than 150 academic papers in Science, PNAS, Energy Environ. Sci., AEM, AFM, Nano Energy, Acta Mater. and other academic journals, with a total citations of more than 12000 times and H-index 55 and also has applied for 38 patents, containing 17 Chinese patents, 2 Japanese PCT patents and 1 USA patent and participated in the compilation of 3 English monographs. He has presided over 1 general project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 key sub-project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and 5 horizontal projects of other ministries and enterprises. He has won the 12th batch of "National Distinguished Experts (Youth Project)","Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award" in 2012 and the first Tencent "Science Exploration Award" in 2019, "Academic Contribution Award" of China Materials Society in 2024. He is a member of the Council of Thermoelectric Materials and Application Branch of China Materials Research Society and Vice Chairman of Materials Science Branch of Chinese Society of Physical Vision. Personal Profile Dr. Weishu Liu is currently a professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. He got his Ph.D degree from University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) at Jan. 2009. From 2009 to 2012 he worked as a post-doctoral researcher at University of Washington and Boston College. Later, he joined in the Texas Center of Superconductor at University of Houston (TcSUH) as a senior associate researcher II. And then, he moved a company, Sheetak Inc., as a principal materials scientist. Dr. Liu’s research interesting is thermoelectric materials and devices. He has published more than 100 journal papers, with a total citation of >8000 times and an H-index 44. He has applied 36 patents, with licenses inclusing 18 Chinese patents, 1 world patent and 3 USA patents. He wrote 5 book chapter in the topic of thermoelectric materials and devices. He is invited as a young advisory board member of InforMat(Wiley), a young editorial board member of eScience(Elsevier), also a young editorial board memeber of Materials China (Chinese Materials Research Society).He is an PI of the NSFC project, one Co-PI of the Key Research and Development Plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and PI of three other projects of other ministries and enterprises, and won the 2012 Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award and 2019 the Tencent Explorer. Education Background 1999.09-2003.07 B.S. in Non-metal Materials, Chongqing University, China 2003.09-2009.01 M.S.-Ph.D.in Non-metal Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China Working Experience 2016.9-present Southern University of Science and Technology, Associate Professor, ShenZhen, China 2012.01-2015.01 Sheetak Inc.Principal MaterialsScientist, Austin, TX 2012.01-2015.01 University of Houston,Research Assistant II, Houston, USA 2009.12-2012.12 Boston College, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Boston, USA 2009.02-2009.11 University of Washington, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Seattle,USA Major Recognition 2021: Outstanding Advisor of Residential College, SUSTech (南科大优秀书院导师) 2021: Shenzhen National-Level Talent (深圳市国家级领军人才) 2020: President Young Professional Research Medal, SUSTech (校长青年科研奖) 2019: Tencent X-Explorer Prize(腾讯科学探索奖) 2017: Nanshan District Leading Scholar level-B 2017: Shenzhen Peacock Talent level-B 2012: Third Prize of Beijing Science and Technology Award, Beijing 2009: President Medal of University of Science and Technology Beijing. Teaching Teaching:Thermodynamics and Kinetics (SUSTech, MSE-5006, 2019 Spring) Teaching:Thermodynamics of Materials (SUSTech, MSE-311, 2018 Fall) Teaching: Physics of Materials (SUSTech, MSE-328, 2018 Spring) Researching Interesting Fundamental scientific issues between thermoelectric transport and material structures; Orderingregulation of multi-scale defect structures in thermoelectric materials; Key technologies of thermoelectric interface material design and its application in high power thermoelectric generators; Small sized and flexible thermoelectric devices for power generation, thermal management and temperature sensing E-skin temperature simulation and IoT self-powered system and smart environment etc. Personal Profile Research 1. Thermoelectric materials near room temperature. 2. Ionic thermoelectric materials 3. Magnetic thermoelectric materials 4. Micro-distributed thermoelectric power supply 5. Electronic skin Teaching 1. MSE328 《Physics of Materials》2017 Spring, 2018 Spring 2. MSE311 《Thermodynamics of Materials》2017 Fall, 2018 Fall,2019 Fall 3. 《Thermodynamics and Kinetics》, 2019 Spring Publications Read More News More Researchers achieve high magneto-thermoelectric performance in type II nodal-line topological semimetal 2022-11-29 Researchers make progress in new thermoelectric nanocomposites 2022-11-29 SUSTech Weishu Liu’s team discovers leaf-inspired flexible thermoelectric generator for low power consumption sensors 2022-11-29 Join us Read More Contact Us Contact Address No 1088,xueyuan Rd., Xili, Nanshan District,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China 518055 Office Phone 0755-88018955 Email liuws@sustech.edu.cn
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