PaiLiu科研成果_PaiLiu专利信息_南方科技大学Department of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringPaiLiu科研信息|PaiLiu校企合作信息|PaiLiu联系方式
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发布日期:2024-04-06 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 PaiLiu 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
学位 学历
职称 Research Assistant Professor 联系方式 ContactAddress NO.1TeachingBuilding
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Home Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us Pai Liu Research Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Dr. Liu graduated from Arizona State University with Master degree in Materials Science and Engineering in 2012. She obtained her PhD degree in Chemistry from Univeristy of Limerick. Pai joined SUStech in 2019, and her research interest is in semiconductor nanomaterials, quantum dots, and advanced polymer composites, which are mainly applied in next generation display, thin film photovoltaic devices. Personal Profile Personal Profile Research Research interest is in semiconductor nanomaterials, quantum dots, and advanced polymer composites, which are mainly applied in next generation display, thin film photovoltaic devices. Publications Read More 1. Liu, P.; Lou Y.; Ding, S., Zhang, W.; Wu Z.; Yang H.; Xu, B.; Wang, K.; and Sun, X. W. Green InP/ZnSeS/ZnS Core Multi-Shelled Quantum Dots Synthesized with Aminophosphine for Effective Display Applications. Adv. Fun. Mater.  Accepted. 2. Wang, F.; Sun, W.; Liu, P. †; Wang, Z.; Zhang, J.; Wei, J.; Li, Y.; Hayat, T.; Alsaedi, A. and Tan Z. Achieving Balanced Charge Injection of Blue Quantum Dots Light- Emitting Diodes through Transport Layer Doping Strategies. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 960–965. †共同第一作者 3. Liu, P.; Singh, S.; Guo, Y.; Wang, J.; Xu, H.; Silien, C.; Liu, N.; Ryan, K. M. Assembling Ordered Nanorod Superstructures and Their Application as Microcavity Lasers. Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 43884. 4. Liu, P., Singh, S., Bree, G., Ryan, K. M. Complete Assembly of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Nanorods at Substrate Interfaces Using a Combination of Self and Directed Organisation. Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 11587-11590. 5. Gill, E.; Liu, P.†; Ryan, K. M. Insights into the Electrophoretic Deposition of Colloidal II-VI Nanorods: Optimization for Vertically and Horizontally Aligned Assemblies. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2015, 162, D3019–D3024. †共同第一作者 6. Wang, J.; Liu, P.†; Ryan, K. M. A Facile Phosphine-Free Colloidal Synthesis of Cu2SnS3 and Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanorods with a Controllable Aspect Ratio. Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 13810–13813. †共同第一作者   Join us Read More Contact Us Contact Address NO.1 Teaching Building Office Phone Email 内容来自集群智慧云企服 发明专利4999元代写全部资料全国受理