发布日期:2024-04-06 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646
姓名 | FanLiu | 性别 | |
学校 | 南方科技大学 | 部门 | School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Research Group |
学位 | 学历 | ||
职称 | Assistant Professor | 联系方式 | ContactAddress Room222,SouthWingofSchoolofEngineering,SouthernUniversityofScienceandTechnology,1088XueyuanBoulevard,NanshanDistrict,Shenzhen,China |
邮箱 | | ||
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Home Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us Fan Liu Google Scholar Assistant Professor School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Research Group Fan Liu (Senior Member, IEEE) is currently an Assistant Professor of the School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China. He received the Ph.D. and the BEng. degrees from Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), Beijing, China, in 2018 and 2013, respectively. He has previously held academic positions in the University College London (UCL), London, UK, first as a Visiting Researcher from 2016 to 2018, and then as a Marie Curie Research Fellow from 2018 to 2020. Dr. Liu's research interests lie in the general area of signal processing and wireless communications, and in particular in the area of Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC). He has 10 papers selected as IEEE ComSoc Best Readings. He is the founding Academic Chair of the IEEE ComSoc ISAC Emerging Technology Initiative (ISAC-ETI), an elected member of the IEEE SPS Sensor Array and Multichannel Technical Committee (SAM-TC), a founding member of the IEEE SPS ISAC Technical Working Group (ISAC-TWG), an Associate Editor of the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing and the IEEE Communications Letters, the Lead Guest Editor of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), and a Guest Editor of the IEEE Wireless Communications and IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. He has served as the organizer and Co-Chair for several workshops, special sessions and tutorials in flagship IEEE conferences, including ICC, GLOBECOM, ICASSP, SPAWC, and MobiCom. He is a TPC Co-Chair of the 2nd-4th IEEE Joint Communication and Sensing (JC&S) Symposium, and a Track Co-Chair for the IEEE WCNC 2024. He is a member of the IMT-2030 (6G) ISAC Task Group. He was listed in the World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University for citation impact from 2021 to 2023. He was the recipient of the 2023 IEEE Communications Society Stephan O. Rice Prize, 2023 IEEE ICC Best Paper Award, 2023 IEEE/CIC ICCC 2023 Best Paper Award, 2022 First Prize of Science and Technology Progress of China Institue of Communications, 2021 IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award, 2019 Best Ph.D. Thesis Award of Chinese Institute of Electronics, 2018 EU Marie Curie Individual Fellowship, and has been named as an Exemplary Reviewer for IEEE TWC/TCOM/COMML for 5 times. Personal Profile Personal Profile Research 1. Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) 2. Intelligent Sensing and Communications for Vehicular Network 3. MmWave and Massive MIMO Communications 4. MIMO Radar Signal Processing Teaching EE205 Signals and Systems EE5026 Optimization for Wireless Communication Systems Publications Read More My research spans the areas of signal processing for radar and wireless communications. My current research interests include Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) and its application to the Autonomous Vehicular Network. Over the past 5 years, I have significantly contributed to ISAC and have been in a world-leading position in this research area. In addition to that, I also have general research interests among the areas of massive MIMO precoding, UAV sensing and communications, and indoor positioning, etc. Join us We are hiring - I am looking for self-motivated students who want to pursue Ph.D and Master degrees in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, as well as undergraduates who wish to join my group as Research Interns. I also welcome applications of Research Assistant Professors, Post-Doctoral Researchers and Visiting Scholars. If you are with a solid background in Wireless Communications/Signal Processing and a strong grounding in mathematical skills, and are interested in working with me, please drop me an email with your CV by contacting: Read More Contact Us Contact Address Room 222, South Wing of School of Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, 1088 Xueyuan Boulevard, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China Office Phone Email