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姓名 | SanbaiLi | 性别 | |
学校 | 南方科技大学 | 部门 | School of Environmental Science and Engineering |
学位 | 学历 | ||
职称 | Research Associate Professor | 联系方式 | ContactAddress 1088XueyuanAvenue,Shenzhen518055,P.R.China |
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Home People Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us Sanbai Li Google Scholar ResearcherID Research Associate Professor School of Environmental Science and Engineering Sanbai Li is a Research Associate Professor of the School of Environmental Science & Engineering at SUSTech. He obtained a Ph.D. in Mechanics from Peking University and served as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of California Irvine. He has a strong enthusiasm for developing novel codes/algorithms for multi-physics coupling of fractured porous media. Involved scientific problems are gas/liquid fluid-driven fracture propagation, efficient development of unconventional resources (geothermal energy, tight/shale oil/gas, gas hydrate, coal-bed methane, etc.), the evolution of Karst aquifers, and geological sequestration of carbon dioxide. He serves as Associate Editor in the Editorial Board for SPE Journal. He has published 10+ peer-review, high-impact papers in top journals, including Water Resources Research, SPE Journal, JGR: Solid Earth, and GRL. He serves as a technical reviewer for several journals, such as SPE Journal, AAPG Bulletin, Journal of Hydrology, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, FUEL, etc. He was awarded as Outstanding Technical Editor of Society of Petroleum Engineers’ journals, including SPE Journal (2019, 2021) and SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering (2019). He got the “President Scholarship of Peking University” in 2017. Personal Profile Brief Biography Sanbai Li is a Research Associate Professor of the School of Environmental Science & Engineering at SUSTech. He obtained a Ph.D. in Mechanics from Peking University and served as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of California Irvine. He has strong enthusiasm for developing novel codes/algorithms for multi-physics coupling of fractured porous media. His research focuses on geological sequestration of carbon dioxide, efficient development of unconventional resources (geothermal energy, tight/shale oil/gas, gas hydrate, coal-bed methane, etc.), the evolution of Karst aquifers, and gas/liquid fluid driven fracture propagation. He is currently an Associate Editor in the Editorial Board of SPE Journal. He has published 10+ peer-reviewed, high-impact papers in top journals, including Geophysical Research Letters, SPE Journal, JGR: Solid Earth, and Water Resources Research. He serves as a technical reviewer for several journals, such as SPE Journal, AAPG Bulletin, Fuel, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, etc. He was awarded as 2019 Outstanding Technical Editor Award of the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ journals, including SPE Journal (2019/2021) and SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering (2019). He got the “President Scholarship of Peking University” in 2017. Education 2013-2017:Ph.D., Mechanics, Peking University 2010-2013:M.S., Groundwater Sciences and Engineering, Beijing Normal University 2006-2010:B.S., Geological Engineering, Central South University Experience 2020.7-Date:Southern University of Science & Technology, Research Associate Professor 2020.8-Date:Society of Petroleum Engineers, Associate Editor of SPE Journal 2019.7-2020.7:University of California Irvine, Postdoctoral Research Fellow 2017.7-2019.7:Northeastern University (CN), Assistant Professor 2011.9-2013.7:Sinopec, Reservoir Modeling Engineer Awards and Honors 2021:SPE Outstanding Technical Reviewer Award - SPE Journal 2021:Outstanding Reviewer - South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology 2019:SPE Outstanding Technical Reviewer Award - SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 2018:Outstanding Reviewer-Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering 2018:Second prize of teaching Basic Skills Competition, Northeastern University (CN) 2017:Present Scholarship of Peking University Peer-reviewed Papers (* corr-auth) [18] Li S. & D. Zhang*, Development of 3-D curved fracture swarms in shale rock driven by rapid fluid pressure buildup: Insights from numerical modeling. Geophysical Research Letters, 2021, 48(8): e2021GL092638. [17] Li S., S. Wang*, & H. Tang. Stimulation mechanism and design of enhanced geothermal systems: A comprehensive review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021. [16] Zheng S., S. Li*, & D. Zhang*. Fluid and heat flow in enhanced geothermal systems considering fracture geometrical and topological complexities: An extended embedded discrete fracture model. Renewable Energy, 2021, 179: 163-178. [15] Li S., A. Firoozabadi*, & D. Zhang*, Hydromechanical modeling of nonplanar three-dimensional fracture propagation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 2020, 125(8): e2020JB020115. [14] Li S., Z., Kang, X.-T. Feng, Z., Pan, Huang, X., & Zhang, D.* Three-dimensional hydro-chemical model for dissolutional growth of fractures in karst aquifers, Water Resources Research, 2020, 56 (3): e2019WR025631. [13] Fan H., S. Li *, X.-T. Feng, et al. A high-efficiency 3D boundary element method for estimating stress/displacement perturbation of complex fracture networks. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 2020, 187: 106815. [12] Li S., X.-T. Feng, D. Zhang*, & H. Tang. Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of stimulation and production for fractured geothermal reservoirs, Applied Energy, 2019, 247: 40-59 [11] Li S. & D. Zhang*. How effective is carbon dioxide as an alternative fracturing fluid? SPE Journal, 2019. 02(24): 857-876 [10] Li S. & D. Zhang*. A fully coupled model for hydraulic fracture growth during multi-well fracturing treatments: enhancing fracture complexity. SPE Production & Operations, 2018. 33 (02): 235-250. [9] Li S., D. Zhang * & Li, X. A new approach to the modeling of hydraulic fracturing treatments in naturally fractured reservoirs. SPE Journal, 2017, 22(04): 1064-1081. [8] Li S., X. Li, & D. Zhang*. A fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical, three-dimensional model for hydraulic stimulation treatments. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2016, 34: 64-84. [7] Zeng J., H. Li, S. Li, & D. Zhang*. Evaluating the transport performance of novel-shaped proppant in slickwater fracturing with the multi-scale modeling framework, SPE Journal, 2021 (Revision) [6] Tang H.*, S. Wang, R. Zhang, S. Li, Y.S. Wu, & L. Zhang. Analysis of stress interference among multiple hydraulic fractures using a fully three-dimensional displacement discontinuity method, Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 2019, 179: 378-393. [5] Tang H., S. Li, &D. Zhang*. The effect of heterogeneity on hydraulic fracturing in shale. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 2018, 162: 292-308. [4] Li, X., D. Zhang* & S. Li. A multi-continuum multiple flow mechanism simulator for unconventional oil and gas recovery. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2015, 26: 652-669. [3] Li S. & D. Zhang. A fully coupled model for hydraulic fracture growth during multi-well fracturing treatments: enhancing fracture complexity, SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Texas, USA, 2017. SPE-182674-MS. [2] Li S., D. Zhang, & X. Li. A new approach to the modeling of hydraulic fracturing treatments in naturally fractured reservoirs, SPE Asia Pacific Hydraulic Fracturing Conference, Beijing, China, 2016. SPE-181828-MS. [1] Li S., X.-T. Feng, & Z. Pan. 3D numerical analysis using a coupled geomechanics and fluid-heat flow model for heat extraction from enhanced geothermal reservoirs, ISRM 14TH International Conference of Rock Mechanics, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, 2019. Scholarly Service: 2020-Date SPE Journal, Associate Editor in the Editorial Board 2018-Date American Geophysical Union (AGU), Member 2014-Date Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Member Technical Reviewer of professional journals: SPE Journal AAPG Bulletin Journal of Hydrology SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering Fuel Computational Geosciences Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering Geomechanics and Geophysics for GeoEnergy and GeoResources Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment Petroleum Science Energy Science & Engineering Applied Sciences Journal of Energy Engineering Geofluids Journal of Geophysics and Engineering Energy Engineering Advances in Civil Engineering Open Geosciences, etc. Personal Profile Research (1) Geomechanics and hydraulic fracturing (2) Modeling of gas/liquid fluid-driven fracture propagation (3) Mechanisms & numerical algorithms for coupled geomechanics and fluid flow within porous media (4) High-efficient development of unconventional resources, such as geothermal energy, shale oil/gas, gas hydrate, etc. (5) Modeling of reactive flow through porous media Publications Read More 1. Li S. & D. Zhang*, Three-dimensional thermoporoelastic modeling of hydrofracturing and fluid circulation in hot dry rock. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 2023, 2. Wang S., S. Li* & YS. Wu. An analytical solution of pressure and displacement induced by recovery of poroelastic reservoirs and its applications. SPE Journal, 2022, 3. Li S., S. Wang*, & H. Tang. Stimulation mechanism and design of enhanced geothermal systems: A comprehensive review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022, 155: 111914. 4. Fan H., J. Shao, S. Li*. Geomechanical model for frictional contacting and intersecting fracture networks: An improved 3-D displacement discontinuity method. SPE Journal, 2022, 5. Li S. & D. Zhang*, Development of 3-D curved fracture swarms in shale rock driven by rapid fluid pressure buildup: Insights from numerical modeling. Geophysical Research Letters, 2021, 48: e2021GL092638. 6. Zheng S., S. Li*, & D. Zhang*. Fluid and heat flow in enhanced geothermal systems considering fracture geometrical and topological complexities: An extended embedded discrete fracture model. Renewable Energy, 2021, 179: 163-178. 7. Li S., A. Firoozabadi*, & D. Zhang*, Hydromechanical modeling of nonplanar three-dimensional fracture propagation using an iteratively coupled approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2020, 125(8): e2020JB020115. 8. Li S., Z., Kang, X.-T. Feng, Z., Pan, Huang, X., & Zhang, D.* Three-dimensional hydro-chemical model for dissolutional growth of fractures in karst aquifers, Water Resources Research, 2020, 56 (3): e2019WR025631. 9. Fan H., S. Li*, X.-T. Feng, et al. A high-efficiency 3D boundary element method for estimating stress/displacement perturbation of complex fracture networks. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 2020, 187: 106815. 10. Li S., X.-T. Feng, D. Zhang*, & H. Tang. Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of stimulation and production for fractured geothermal reservoirs, Applied Energy, 2019, 247: 40-59 11. Li S. & D. Zhang*. How effective is carbon dioxide as an alternative fracturing fluid? SPE Journal, 2019. 02(24): 857-876 12. Li S. & D. Zhang*. A fully coupled model for hydraulic fracture growth during multi-well fracturing treatments: enhancing fracture complexity. SPE Production & Operations, 2018. 33 (02): 235-250. 13. Li S., D. Zhang* & Li, X. A new approach to the modeling of hydraulic fracturing treatments in naturally fractured reservoirs. SPE Journal, 2017, 22(04): 1064-1081. 14. Li S., X. Li, & D. Zhang*. A fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical, three-dimensional model for hydraulic stimulation treatments. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2016, 34: 64-84. 15. Wang D., S. Li, D. Zhang, & Z. Pan*. Understanding and predicting proppant bedload transport in hydraulic fracture via numerical simulation, Powder Technology, 2023, 417: 118232. 16. Zeng J., H. Li, S. Li, & D. Zhang*. Evaluating the transport performance of novel-shaped proppant in slickwater fracturing with the multi-scale modeling framework, SPE Journal, 2022, 17. Tang H.*, S. Wang, R. Zhang, S. Li, Y.S. Wu, & L. Zhang. Analysis of stress interference among multiple hydraulic fractures using a fully three-dimensional displacement discontinuity method, Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 2019, 179: 378-393. 18. Tang H., S. Li, &D. Zhang*. The effect of heterogeneity on hydraulic fracturing in shale. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 2018, 162: 292-308. 19. Li, X., D. Zhang* & S. Li. A multi-continuum multiple flow mechanism simulator for unconventional oil and gas recovery. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2015, 26: 652-669. 20. Li S. & D. Zhang. A fully coupled model for hydraulic fracture growth during multi-well fracturing treatments: enhancing fracture complexity, SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Texas, USA, 2017. SPE-182674-MS. 21. Li S., D. Zhang, & X. Li. A new approach to the modeling of hydraulic fracturing treatments in naturally fractured reservoirs, SPE Asia Pacific Hydraulic Fracturing Conference, Beijing, China, 2016. SPE-181828-MS. 22. Li S., X.-T. Feng, & Z. Pan. 3D numerical analysis using a coupled geomechanics and fluid-heat flow model for heat extraction from enhanced geothermal reservoirs, ISRM 14TH International Conference of Rock Mechanics, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, 2019. Join us Read More Contact Us Contact Address 1088 Xueyuan Avenue, Shenzhen 518055, P.R. China Office Phone Email 内容来自集群智慧云企服