LIQi科研成果_LIQi专利信息_南方科技大学Department of Mechanics and Aerospace EngineeringLIQi科研信息|LIQi校企合作信息|LIQi联系方式
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姓名 LIQi 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering
学位 学历
职称 Research Assistant Professor 联系方式 ContactAddress Room205,Block7,chuangyuan
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Home People Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us LI Qi Research Assistant Professor Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering 2016 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2011 B.S. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Peking University 2017– 2018 Post-doctoral Fellow Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2016-2017 Research Associate Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2018-2018 Part-time Lecturer School of Engineering The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Personal Profile Personal Profile Research Gas/Liquid dynamics in micro/nano systems: Multiscale modeling and understanding of dynamics of rarefied gas: Molecular dynamics, stochastic simulation methods DSMC, and perturbation method of asymptotic analysis. Particle-surface & liquid-surface interaction simulations and models. Hybrid methods involving simulation approaches at different length scales. Multiphysics of gas/liquid transport, which may include phase transfer and chemical reaction.  Phonon transport in micro/nano structured materials: Modeling and understanding of phonon dynamics and transport at multiscale levels: atomic to mesoscale simulations. Phonon transport in novel nanomaterials: 2D materials, amorphous materials, polymers, disorder structured materials, and thermal metamaterials. Publications Read More Journal Articles: [J1] Liang, Q. Li. ” Accurate modeling of Knudsen diffusion in nanopores using a physical based boundary model”, Journal of applied physics, 126, 084304, 2019. [J2] Yu, Q. Li, and W. Ye, “Investigation of wave interference effect in Si/Ge superlattices with interfering Monte Carlo method”. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 128: 270-278, 2018 [J3] Liang, Q. Li, and W. Ye. “A physical-based gas–surface interaction model for rarefied gas flow simulation”. Journal of Computational Physics, 352: 105-122, 2018. [J4] Li, and W. Ye. “An interfering Monte Carlo method for partially coherent phonon transport in superlattices”. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 107: 534- 543, 2017. [J5] Li, T. Liang, and W. Ye, “Knudsen torque: A rotational mechanism driven by thermal force”. Physical Review E, 90(3): 033009, 2014. [J6] Li, T. Liang, and W. Ye. “Shape-dependent orientation of thermophoretic forces in microsystems”. Physical Review E, 88(3): 033020, 2013. [J7] Liang, Q. Li, and W. Ye. “Performance evaluation of Maxwell and Cercignani-Lampis gas-wall interaction models in the modeling of thermally driven rarefied gas transport”. Physical Review E, 88(1): 013009, 2013. Conference Proceedings: [C1] Q. Li, T. Liang, and W. Ye. “Knudsen torque on heated micro beams.” Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. vol. 1628, pp. 705-711, 2014. [C2] T. Liang, Q. Li, and W. Ye. “On the Maxwell gas-wall interaction model for micro/nano gas flows.” Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. vol. 1501, No. 1, pp. 1175-1181, 2012. News More SUSTech open 2020 Global Scientist Interdisciplinary Forum 2020-01-07 ESS holds partial solar eclipse observation activity on campus 2020-01-07 SUSTech rings in the next decade with the Voice of SUSTech 2020-01-07 People Read More PrevNext UpDown Join us Founded in December 2015, the Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) is one of departments in the College of Engineering. It aims to establish a world-leading department in mechanics and aerospace engineering, covering various research areas such as fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, aeroacoustics, mechanics, combustion, material, and system control. The Department will learn from the best practice of peer departments over the world in order to develop into an international research institution that attends to the national strategic needs in mechanics and aerospace, cultivates outstanding innovative talents, and conducts frontier fundamental research and applied research with social impact. The goal of the Department is to become a top-tier international leader through introducing an innovative education system which emphasizes IUR (Industry-University-Research) in close association with the Chinese aerospace industry. The specific objectives are: 1) to nurture innovative talents (learning); 2) to research and develop key technologies (research); and 3) to provide technical services (production) for the national aerospace industry.The MAE Department has attracted a team of high-caliber experts worldwide with diversified background in both academia and industry. So far, the department has 20 faculty members, including two Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, one Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, one Fellow with dual-fellowship in Royal Society' of Canada and Canadian Academy of Engineering. All faculty members have extensive experience of studying and working overseas. The MAE Department started to enroll undergraduate and postgraduate students in fall 2016, and has 55 postgraduates (Master and PhD) at present. The Department has bachelor' s degree programs in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering. Read More Contact Us Contact Address Room205,Block7, chuangyuan Office Phone Email

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