LinJian科研成果_LinJian专利信息_南方科技大学Department of Ocean Science and EngineeringLinJian科研信息|LinJian校企合作信息|LinJian联系方式
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姓名 LinJian 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 Department of Ocean Science and Engineering
学位 学历
职称 Chair Professor 联系方式 ContactAddress 310,SouthBuilding,CollegeofEngineering,SouthUniversityofScienceandTechnology,1088XueyuanAvenue
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Home People Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us Lin Jian Google Scholar Chair Professor Department of Ocean Science and Engineering Chair Professor Jian Lin, an internationally renowned geophysicist, member of European Academy of Sciences, member of Academia Europaea,member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,has made fundamental contributions to global ocean sciences and earthquake research. He led and engaged extensively in international ocean sciences as a Senior Scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), a faculty member of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography, and a Distinguished Research Fellow of the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was elected a Fellow of American Geophysical Union (AGU); Fellow of Geological Society of America (GSA); Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); Henry Bigelow Chair Award for Excellence in Oceanography; and Culpeper Young Scientist Award. He had published a series of papers in top international journals such as Nature and Science, one of his earthquake research papers was ranked by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) as the most-cited paper in a decade. He had published a series of papers in top international journals such as Nature and Science, one of his earthquake research papers was ranked by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) as the most-cited paper in a decade. Personal Profile Jian Lin Chair Professor Department of Ocean Science and Engineering Southern University of Science and Technology 310, South Building, College of Engineering, South University of Science and Technology, 1088 Xueyuan Avenue Tel 86+0755-88015256     EDUCATION   Ph.D., Brown University, Geophysics 1988   M.S., Brown University, Geophysics 1984   B.S., University Sci-Tech of China, Geophysics, with Highest Distinction 1982   PROFESSIONAL HISTORY   Southern University of Science and Technology,Chair Professor 2020-   Chair, InterRidge Program Office and Steering Committee (InterRidge coordinates and promotes international, multi-disciplinary research of deep-sea geological, hydrothermal, and biological processes at global mid-ocean ridges. Its program office is hosted at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA, in 2007-2009.) 2007-2009   Faculty Chair, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Summer Student Fellow/Minority Fellow Program 2005-2007   Tenured Scientist Executive Committee, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Member 2004-2007   Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Senior Scientist, 2005-2019   MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography, Joint Committee in Marine Geology Geophysics, Member, 2002-2006   Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg, France, Visiting Professor and Scientist, 2009   Univ. of Paris CNRS, France, Visiting Professor and Scientist, 1999   Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Associate Scientist Tenured, 1996   Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Associate Scientist, 1992-1996   Southern California Earthquake Center, Visiting Fellow, 1991-1992   Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Assistant Scientist, 1988-1992   U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park CA, Visiting Scientist, 1987-2014   HONORS AWARDS   Guo Mo-Ruo Medal for Distinguished Academic Achievements, Univ. Sci-Tech of China, 1982   Charles E. Culpeper Young Scientist Award, Culpeper Foundation/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1989   Fellowship, NSF Southern California Earthquake Center, 1992   Faculty Co-author, Ruth Paul Fye Best Student Paper Award w/ student G. Ito, MIT/WHOI, 1996   Faculty Co-author, Outstanding Student Paper Award w/ student G. Ito, 1995; w/ student M. Behn, 2000; w/ student E. Van Ark, 2002, w/ student Yen Joe Tan, 2013, American Geophysical Union 2013   Scientist Fellowship, French Ministry for Education and Research, 1999, 2009   Top Author/Top Paper in Earthquake Research, 1993-2003, ISI Essential Science Indicators 2003   Elected Fellow of Geological Society of America 2007   Elected Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2008   Awarded Henry Bryant Bigelow Chair for Excellence in Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 2009   Delivered Distinguished Ocean Sciences Lecture, AOGS-Western Pacific AGU Joint Assembly, Singapore 2012   IODP Ocean Discovery Distinguished Lecturer 2016-2017   Distinguished Scholar Scheme, CUHK, Hong Kong 2017   Elected Fellow of American Geophysical Union 2020   Elected Member (Academician), European Academy of Sciences 2022   Elected Member (Academician), Russian Academy of Natural Sciences 2022   Elected Member (Academician), Academia Europaea  2023   PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT   Associate Editor-in-Chief, Acta Oceanogica Sinica 2016-   Editorial Advisory Board, EOS, Transections of American Geophysical Union, 2013-   Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2017-; 1992-1994   Editor, AGU Geophysical Monograph 148, Mid-Ocean Ridges: Hydrothermal Interactions Between the Lithosphere and Oceans, 2003-2004   Senior Guest Editor, Deep-Sea Research II, 2005-2006   Invited Editor, Chinese Science Bulletin (CSB), 2003-2004   Editorial Board,             Advances in Earth Sciences, 2008-2009           Science in China (Series D - Earth Sciences), 2008-           Earthquake Science, 2008-           National Science Review, 2013-   Theme Editor, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Geosystems (G3), 2009-   American Geophysical Union             Chair, Tectonophysics Spring Meeting Committee, 1992-1993           Maurice Ewing Medal Committee, 1996-1998           History of Geophysics Committee, 1999-2000           Chair, Tectonophysics Outstanding Student Paper Selection Committee, 2000           AGU Index Committee, 2003-2006           Chair, Tectonophysics Meeting Committee, AGU 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, 2005-2006           Advisory Board for the AGU Natural Hazards Focus Group, 2011-   National Research Council/National Academies Committee, Review of the Tsunami Warning and Forecast System and Overview of the Nation's Tsunami Preparedness, 2008-2010   National Science Foundation             Ocean Sciences Review Panel, 1995-1996           Committee on Polar Aerogeophysical Research Facility, Polar Program, 1996-1998           National Science Foundation of China, Geophysics Review Panel, 2006           National Science Foundation of China, South China Sea Deep Science Program Review Panel, 2011-   U.S. RIDGE (Ridge Inter-Disciplinary Global Experiments) Program             Steering Committee, 1995-1999           RIDGE Relevancy Review Panel, 1996           RIDGE Post-doc Fellow Review Panel, 1998   InterRidge (Initiative for International Cooperation in Ocean Ridge Research) Program             Steering Committee, Chair, 2007-2009           Steering Committee, Ad-hoc Member, 1999-2004           Co-chair, Circum-Antarctic Ridges Working Group, 2012-           Chair, Hotspot-Ridge Interactions Working Group, 2000-           Chair, 4-D Architecture of Oceanic Lithosphere Working Group, 1998-1999   Ocean Drilling Program, Tectonics Review Panel, Liaison to Lithosphere Panel 1994-1996   U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program Review Panel, 1993   Southern California Earthquake Center, 1991-1998   International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS)/UNESCO, Year of the Planet Earth 2005-07 Initiative, Ocean Science Task Team 2004   Sea Education Association Overseer, 2010-2011 Trustee, 2011-   Professional Societies             American Geophysical Union, 1982-           Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, 1986-           Geological Society of America, 1992-           American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1994-           Seismological Society of America, 2000-           Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 2008-           International Professionals for Advancement of Chinese Earth Sciences (IPACES), Associate Chair, 2002-2003 Chair, 2003-2004           Woods Hole Diversity Advisory Committee [weblink], Member and Website Group Chair, 2004-           Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Diversity Committee, Co-chair, 2010           Advisory Committee, State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji Univ., 2005-           Advisory Committee, Ocean Science Center of the China Ocean Mineral Resources RD Association, Shanghai, 2008-           Advisory Committee, Key Laboratory of Marginal Sea Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, 2012-   Convener/Co-convener             InterRidge Symposium, “Ridge Segmentation—Progress Towards Predictive Models” (w/ Searle Sinton), Durham, UK 1993           U.S. RIDGE Workshop, “Experimental Approaches to Ridge Segment Structure and Dynamics” (w/ Karson Sinton), Boston, MA 1994           InterRidge Workshop, “4-D Architecture of the Oceanic Lithosphere” (w/ Parson Mevel), Boston, MA 1994           IPACES Workshop, “Asian Tectonics: From Continents to Margins to Arcs” (w/ Feng Chen), Shanghai, China 2002           1st InterRidge Theoretical Institute, “The Thermal Regime of Oceanic Crust and Dynamics of Hydrothermal Circulation” (w/ German), Pavia, Italy 2002           Deep Ocean Exploration Institute Workshop, “Seafloor Geodesy: Prospects and Challenges”, (w/ Hirth McGuire), Woods Hole, MA 2002           InterRidge Symposium/Workshop, “Ridge-Hotspot Interaction: Recent Progresses and Prospects for Enhanced International Collaboration”, (w/ Dyment), Brest, France 2003           InterRidge Workshop, “Opportunities and Contributions of Asian Countries to InterRidge Next Decade Initiative”, (w/ Chen), Beijing, China 2003           Summer Theoretical Institute, “International Advanced Research in Marine Geo-Biosciences”, (w/ Yang Liu), Qingdao, China 2004           Deep Ocean Exploration Institute Workshop, “Interactions between Tsunamis and Underwater Geological Processes”, (w/ Stephen, ten Brink, Jin, and Goodman), Woods Hole, MA 2006           Elisabeth and Henry Morss Jr. Colloquium, “Lessons from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami", (w/ Jin), Woods Hole, MA 2006           Qingdao Ocean Sciences Summer School, "International Advances in Deep-Sea Marine Geo-Biological Research", 2008           InterRidge Science and Policy Workshop, "Deep-Sea Mining of Seafloor Massive Sulfides: A Realty for Science and Society in the 21st Century", Woods Hole, MA 2009           Tongji Ocean Sciences Summer Short Course: "Oceanic Lithosphere Evolution and Dynamics", Shanghai, China 2010           Second International Ocean Sciences Summer School Ph.D. Forum, "Multidisciplinary Research of Geo-Bio-Chemical Interactions in the Ocean and at the Seafloor" 2011           3rd International Ocean Sciences Summer School, Guangzhou, China 2015           3rd InterRidge Theoretical Institute: "Magmatic and Tectonic Processes of Mid-Ocean Ridges”", Hangzhou, China 2015           International Workshop on Circum-Antarctic Ridges, Incheon, Korea 2015           Working Group on Tectonics and Volcanism: "South China Sea Deep Science Program" 2015           International Workshop on "Himalaya and South China Sea Tectonics", Beijing, 2016           IODP Workshop on "Tectonic Evolution from Continental Rifting to Seafloor Spreading, South China Sea", Shanghai 2017           International Symposium on "Multi-disciplinary Science of the Northern Indian Ocean", Karachi, Pakistan 2018           First International Symposium on "Indian Ocean Earth Sciences", Guangzhou 2019   OCEANOGRAPHIC EXPEDITIONS   Shipboard Geophysicist, SEABEAM mapping, gravity, and magnetics of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, R/V Conrad, 1989   Shipboard Geophysicist, TOBI sonar and rock dredging of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, British RRS Darwin, 1992   Co-principal Investigator, Hydrosweep mapping, HMR1 sonar, gravity, and magnetics of the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, R/V Ewing, 1992   Co-chief Scientist, Hydrosweep, HMR1, gravity, and magnetics of the eastern flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, R/V Ewing, 1996   Co-chief Scientist, Ocean bottom seismic refraction and multi-channel reflection experiments on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, R/V Ewing, 1996   Shipboard Geophysicist, SIMRAD mapping and rock dredging of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of Azores, French R/V L’Atalante, 1998   Geophysicist and Logging Scientist, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 184, South China Sea tectonics and links to East Asian monsoon, R/V JOIDES Resolution, 1999   Co-chief Scientist, Rock dredging, SEABEAM mapping, gravity, and magnetics of the Southwest Indian Ridge, R/V Knorr, 2000/2001   Co-chief Scientist, Rock dredging and geophysical survey of the Southwest Indian Ridge, R/V Melville 2003   US Chief Scientist, Deep-towed geological mapping and water column survey of hydrothermal vents at the East Pacific Rise , R/V DaYangYiHao (Ocean #1) 2005   US Chief Scientist, Deep-towed geological mapping and water column survey of hydrothermal vents at the Southwest Indian Ridge and coring of sediments in the 2004 mega-earthquake and tsunami region off Sumatra, Indonesia, R/V DaYangYiHao (Ocean #1) [Interviews: A 'Book' of Ancient Sumatran Tsunamis. Worlds Apart, But United by the Oceans. Uncharted Territory] 2005/2006   Lead US Co-PI and Coordinator, High-resolution geological mapping, near-bottom photography, and water column survey of hydrothermal vents at the Southwest Indian Ridge using WHOI's autonomous underwater vehicle ABE (Autonomous Benthic Explorer) and geological sampling using TV-guided graber, R/V DaYangYiHao [ Interviews: Scientists Discover First Seafloor Vents on Ultraslow-Spreading Ridges, A Ridge Too Slow 2007   Lead US Co-PI and Coordinator, Investigation of seafloor geology and hydrothermal vents at the equatorial East Pacific Rise and western Galapagos Spreading Center using WHOI's autonomous underwater vehicle ABE, R/V DaYangYiHao, 2008   Geophysicist, Investigation of the aftershocks of the 27 Feb. 2010 magnitude 8.8 Chile earthquake using ocean bottom seismometers, F/V Gardar, 2010   Geophysicist, Investigation of marine geophysics, geochemistry, and hydrothermal vents of the Southeast Indian Ridge, Korean icebreaker R/V Aaron, 2011   Co-principle Investigator, First deep-tow magnetic survey of the South China Sea, R/V HaiYangLiuHao (Ocean #6), 2012   Co-Chief Scientist, Investigation of underwater earthquake faults and marine archeological sites, Aegean Sea, off Crete, Greece, T/V Theni, 2013   Co-Chief Scientist, IODP Expedition 349, South China Sea tectonics: Opening of the South China Sea and its implications for southeast Asian tectonics, climates, and deep mantle processes since the late Mesozoic, R/V JOIDES Resolution, 2014   Co-Principal Proponent and Petrophysicist, IODP Expedition 368, South China Sea Rifted Margin, R/V JOIDES Resolution, 2017   Chief Scientist, Seismic and multidisciplinary investigation of Makran margin, northern Indian Ocean, R/V Shiyan3 2018   Co-Principal Proponent and Petrophysicist, IODP Expedition 368X, Return to Hole U1503, South China Sea Rifted Margin, R/V JOIDES Resolution 2018 EARTHQUAKES INVESTIGATED   Geodetic modeling of crustal deformation caused by the 1987 Whittier Narrows, California, and 1954 Fairview Peak-Dixie Valley, Nevada, earthquakes (work conducted at USGS)     Investigation of viscoelastic and static stress changes caused by the 1857 Fort Tejon, San Andreas, 1957 Gobi, Mongolia, 1960 Chile, 1972 San Fernando, 1983 Coalinga, 1985 Kettleman Hills, 1992 Landers, 1994 Northridge, 1995 Chile, 1999 Hector Mine, 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, 2003 San Simeon, California, 2003 Zemmouri, Algeria, 2008 Wenchuan, China, 2010 Haiti, 2010 Chile earthquakes, and 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami (work conducted at USGS and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) Fragmented Structure of Seafloor Faults May Dampen Effects of Earthquakes     Investigation of earthquakes on oceanic transform faults and mid-ocean ridges in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans (work conducted at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)     Coulomb 3, a graphic-rich software of calculating deformation and stress change for earthquake, tectonic, and volcano research and teaching.   Personal Profile Research Computational geodynamics and marine geophysics; earthquake mechanics and processes; structural and thermal evolution of oceanic lithosphere; oceanic crust accretion; upper mantle thermal regime and melting; oceanic hotspots and mid-ocean ridges; tectonics of rifted margins; fault mechanics;deep ocean high technology development. Teaching Supervisor of postgraduate students:Qiushi Yan、Shuqiao Zhong、Shirong Lin、Changxue Du、Yuebing Min、Yizhi Li、Yu Song、Ziwei Chen、Junze Xu、Qihan Huang、Qinglan Wang、Ze Wang、Hao Tian、Youkun Wang  Supervisor of doctoral students:Shuqiao Zhong、Guanzhi Wang  Supervisor of post-docs: LaiYin Guo 2020、 Caicai Zha 2020、Yiming Luo 2020、 WenJie Xiao 2020、Hao Wu 2020、Jinyu Tian 2021  Teaching Experience: 《OCE100 Principal to Oceanography》 《OCE201 Introduction to Oceanography》 《OCE210 Intelligent Ocean Exploration》 《OCE5023 Global Plate Tectonics》   Publications Read More He led and engaged extensively in international ocean sciences as a Senior Scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), a faculty member of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography, and a Distinguished Research Fellow of the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was elected a member of European Academy of Sciences, a member of Academia Europaea , a member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Fellow of American Geophysical Union (AGU); Fellow of Geological Society of America (GSA); Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); Henry Bigelow Chair Award for Excellence in Oceanography; and Culpeper Young Scientist Award. Prof. Lin is a leading scientist in global oceanic plate tectonics and dynamics, pioneering influential research on mid-ocean ridges, hotspots, subduction zones, and tsunamis. He led as chief-scientist and geophysicist in more than twenty international oceanographic expeditions to the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic oceans, as well as marginal seas, including four ocean drilling expeditions in the South China Sea; the first high-resolution seismic experiment across the deepest ocean basin – Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench; discovery of the first hydrothermal vent systems on the southwest Indian Ridge; and multi-disciplinary study of the Makran Trench in the northern Indian ocean. Prof. Lin is also known for his influential work on earthquake interaction, and served on the U.S. National Academy of Sciences committee on tsunami warning system. One of his earthquake research papers was ranked by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) as the most-cited paper in a decade. 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