发布日期:2024-04-06 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646
姓名 | MingwuLi | 性别 | |
学校 | 南方科技大学 | 部门 | Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering |
学位 | 学历 | ||
职称 | Assistant Professor | 联系方式 | ContactAddress CollegeofEngineering,NorthTower,Room821 |
邮箱 | limw@sustech.edu.cn | ||
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Home People Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us Mingwu Li Google Scholar Assistant Professor Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Dr. Li received the B.Eng. degree in engineering mechanics from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 2013, the M.Eng. degree in computational mechanics from the Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, in 2016, and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA, in 2020. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland until Nov. 2022. He joined SUSTech as an assistant professor in Jan. 2023. His research interests include dynamics and control, including model reduction, complex system, multibody dynamics, computational optimization and control, and flow-induced vibrations. Recently, he focused on developing exact reduced-order models for high-dimensional nonlinear systems and utilizing the reduced-order models for the design and control of nonlinear dynamics. Personal Profile Personal Profile Research Nonlinear vibration and control, Model order reduction, Computational optimization and control, Complex system, Multibody system dynamics Teaching Theory of Vibration (2023 Fall) Advanced Numerical Analysis (2024 Spring) Publications Read More Open source packages COCO (Continuation Core for nonlinear analysis):https://sourceforge.net/p/cocotools/wiki/Home/ SSMTool 2.x (Exact nonlinear model reduction via SSM):https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7630873 COCO-Forward (Shooting methods combined with continuation):https://github.com/mingwu-li/forward COCO-fmincon (Optimal design of dynamical systems):https://github.com/mingwu-li/coco_fmincon COCO-Tor: (Tori and quasi-periodic orbits):https://github.com/mingwu-li/torus_collocation COCO-DDAE: (Differential-delay-algebraic equations) :https://github.com/mingwu-li/ddae_constructor Recent publications: Mingwu Li*, Shobhit Jain, George Haller: Model reduction for constrained mechanical systems using spectral submanifolds. Nonlinear Dynamics 02/2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-023-08300-5 Mingwu Li, Hao Yan*, Lin Wang: Nonlinear model reduction for a cantilevered pipe conveying fluid: A system with asymmetric damping and stiffness matrices. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 04/2023 Hao Yan, Mingwu Li*, Lin Wang*: Bifurcation and stability analysis of static equilibrium configuration of curved pipe conveying fluid. European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids 01/2023 Mingwu Li*, George Haller: Nonlinear analysis of forced mechanical systems with internal resonance using spectral submanifolds, Part II: Bifurcation and quasi-periodic response. Nonlinear Dynamics 10/2022 Mingwu Li*, Shobhit Jain, George Haller: Nonlinear analysis of forced mechanical systems with internal resonance using spectral submanifolds, Part I: Periodic response and forced response curve. Nonlinear Dynamics 10/2022 Zaid Ahsan, Harry Dankowicz*, Mingwu Li, Jan Sieber: Methods of Continuation and their Implementation in the COCO Software Platform with Application to Delay Differential Equations. Nonlinear Dynamics (feature article) 01/2022 Mingwu Li*, Harry Dankowicz: A unified analytical framework for optimal control problems on networks with input homogeneity. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 05/2021. Mingwu Li*, Harry Dankowicz: Optimization with Equality and Inequality Constraints Using Parameter Continuation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 06/2020; 375:1-20. News More ICDVC 2022+1 BEST ORAL PRESENTATION AWARD 2023-04-12 Join us We have 3 opening positions for postdoc. Research topics are listed below: 1. Tuning nonlinear dynamics of complex structures via structural optimization (topology optimization).2. Model reduction for flexible multibody dynamics with applications in soft robotics.3. Reduced-order modeling for complex structures such as rotating machinery, wind turbine, and MEMS devices.4. Other topics in dynamics and control, computational mechanics, and computational mathematics (to be discussed). The post-doctoral term is for two years. The annual salary is 330,000 RMB (about 48.000USD), including 150,000 RMB living allowance from Guangdong province and 60,000 RMB living allowance from Shenzhen city, and all major fringe benefits. Excellent candidates can apply for the "SUSTech President Outstanding Post-Doctoral Fellowship", which will provide an annual salary of more than 500,000 RMB (including the living allowance of Guangdongprovince and Shenzhen city). Other benefits from the Shenzhen city (such as housing allowances) are available to all post-doctoral associates at SUSTech. If you have relevant experiences and are interested in the listed research topics above, please send me your CV and representative research publications to: limw@sustech.edu.cn Read More Contact Us Contact Address College of Engineering, North Tower, Room 821 Office Phone 0755-88011433 Email limw@sustech.edu.cn