LI,BIN科研成果_LI,BIN专利信息_南方科技大学Institute for Quanfum Science and EngineeringLI,BIN科研信息|LI,BIN校企合作信息|LI,BIN联系方式
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姓名 LI,BIN 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 Institute for Quanfum Science and Engineering
学位 学历
职称 Research assistant professor 联系方式 ContactAddress
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Home People Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us LI, BIN Research assistant professor Institute for Quanfum Science and Engineering Bin (Silas) Li, research assistant professor in Shenzhen Institute of Quantum Science and Engineering (SIQSE). Dr. Li has been recognized as an Overseas High-Caliber Personnel of Shenzhen. He worked in the Chinese Academy of Sciences from 2007 to 2012 and obtained the PhD degree from the University of Hong Kong in 2016. Dr. Li has very rich research experiences in condensed matter physics, including the areas of surface physics, quantum thin films growth and characterizations, wide-bandgap semiconductors and ultrahigh vacuum techniques, etc. Dr. Li has published a series of papers on topological materials and related structures. In 2018, he was funded by the NSFC for the study of topological electronic structure transition induced by the interface effect. Since joining SUSTech, Dr. Li has contributed to the construction of ARPES and two MBE systems, and several cutting-edge research works have been being conducted on this platform currently. Personal Profile Personal Profile Research Molecular beam epitaxy and UHV characterization technics (ARPES, STM, LEED/Auger, etc.) The growth of topological matters, 2D materials, Magnetic materials, etc. The study of physical properties by magneto-, opto-, electro- technics and the developments of related systems Publications Read More Papers and Patents [1] Yipu Xia, Bo Wang, Junqiu Zhang, Yue Feng, Bin Li, Xibiao Ren, Hao Tian, Jinpeng Xu, Wingkin Ho, Hu Xu, Chang Liu, Chuanhong Jin and Maohai Xie*, Hole doping in epitaxial MoSe2 monolayer by nitrogen plasma treatment, 2D Materials, 5(4): 041005, (2018). [2] B. Li, W.G. Chen, X. Guo, W. K. Ho, X.Q. Dai, J.F. Jia, M. H. Xie*, Strain in Epitaxial High-Index Bi2Se3(221) Films Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy, Applied Surface Science 396, 1825-1830 (2017). [3] B. Li, Y. P. Xia, W. K. Ho, M. H. Xie*, Suspended Ga2Se3 Film and Epitaxial High-index Bi2Se3 on GaSb(001) by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy, Journal of Crystal Growth 459, 76-80 (2017). [4] B. Li, Q. S. Lu, S. G. Xu, Y. P. Xia, W. K. Ho, N. Wang, C. Liu*, M. H. Xie*, Induced robust topological order on an ordinary insulator hetero-structured with a strong topological insulator, arXiv:1611.04688 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]. [5] P. Shang, X. Guo, B. Zhao, X. Dai*, B. Li, J. Jia, Q. Li*, M. Xie*, Nanoclusters of CaSe in calcium-doped Bi2Se3 grown by molecular-beam epitaxy, Nanotechnology 27, 085601 (2016). [6] B. Li, X. Guo, W. K. Ho, M. H. Xie*, Strain in epitaxial Bi2Se3 grown on GaN and graphene substrates: A reflection high-energy electron diffraction study, Applied Physics Letters 107, 081604 (2015). [7] W. He, S. L. Lu, J. R. Dong*, Y. M. Zhao, X. Y. Ren, K. L. Xiong, B. Li, H. Yang, H. M. Zhu, Y. Chen, X. Kong, Structural and optical properties of GaInP grown on germanium by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, Applied Physics Letters 97, 121909 (2010). Join us Read More Contact Us Contact Address Office Phone Email 内容来自集群智慧云企服 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理