YangLei科研成果_YangLei专利信息_南方科技大学School of Environmental Science and EngineeringYangLei科研信息|YangLei校企合作信息|YangLei联系方式
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发布日期:2024-04-06 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 YangLei 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 School of Environmental Science and Engineering
学位 学历
职称 Assistant Professor 联系方式 ContactAddress Northtower602,CollegeofEngineering,1088XueyuanAvenue,Shenzhen518055,P.R.China
邮箱 leiy3@sustech.edu.cn    
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Home People Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us Yang Lei Google Scholar ResearcherID Assistant Professor School of Environmental Science and Engineering Yang Lei (1989) was a Marine Sklodowska-Curie Fellow. He obtained PhD with Prof Cees Buisman from Wageningen University in 2019 on “electrochemical phosphorus removal and recovery”. Afterward, he worked on electrochemical P recovery at a large-scale in Wetsus as a post-doctoral researcher. In this period, he received the NWO Take-off Grant. In 2021, he joined SUSTech as an assistant professor. Currently, he is leading the Environmental Electrochemistry Laboratory at SUSTech. The mission of his lab is to initiate innovation in addressing the water-food-energy nexus challenge. His team works on energy-efficient wastewater treatment and resource recovery. Personal Profile Personal Profile Research Wastewater treatment and resource recovery; Environmental electrochemistry Teaching Environmental Electrochemistry: Fundamentals and Applications; Water Reuse in Industry Publications Read More Selected/Recent Publications: Zhan, Zhengshuo, Runhua Wang, Michel Saakes, Renata D. van der Weijden, Cees JN Buisman, and Yang Lei*. “Basket anode filled with CaCO3 particles: A membrane-free electrochemical system for boosting phosphate recovery and product purity.” Water Research, 231 (2023): 119604. Wang, Yicheng, Philipp Kuntke,  Michel Saakes, Renata D. van der Weijden,  Cees JN Buisman and Yang Lei*. “ Electrochemically mediated precipitation of phosphate minerals for phosphorus removal and recovery: Progress and perspective” Water Research, 209 (2022): 117891. (ESI highly cited article) Lei, Yang*, Zhengshuo Zhan, Michel Saakes, Renata D. van der Weijden*, and Cees JN Buisman. “Electrochemical Recovery of Phosphorus from Wastewater using Tubular Stainless-steel Cathode for a Scalable Long-term Operation” Water Research, 199 (2021): 117199. Lei, Yang*, Emilio Geraets, Michel Saakes, Renata D. van der Weijden*, and Cees JN Buisman. “Electrochemical removal of phosphate in the presence of calcium at extremely low current density: Precipitation or adsorption?” Water Research, 169 (2020): 115207. Lei, Yang*, Michel Saakes, Renata D. van der Weijden*, and Cees JN Buisman. “Electrochemically mediated calcium phosphate precipitation from phosphonates: Implications on phosphorus recovery from non-orthophosphate” Water Research, 169 (2020): 115206. Lei, Yang*, Santosh Narsing, Michel Saakes, Renata D. van der Weijden*, and Cees JN Buisman. “Calcium carbonate packed electrochemical precipitation column: New concept of phosphate removal and recovery” Environmental Science & Technology, 53, no. 18 (2019): 10774-10780. Lei, Yang, Bingnan Song, Michel Saakes, Renata D. van der Weijden*, and Cees JN Buisman. “Interaction of calcium, phosphorus and natural organic matter in electrochemical recovery of phosphate.” Water Research, 142 (2018): 10-17. Lei, Yang, Jorrit Christiaan Remmers, Michel Saakes, Renata D. van der Weijden*, and Cees JN Buisman. “Is there a precipitation sequence in municipal wastewater induced by electrolysis?” Environmental Science & Technology, 52, no. 15 (2018): 8399-8407. Lei, Yang, Bingnan Song, Renata D. van der Weijden*, Michel Saakes, and Cees JN Buisman. “Electrochemical induced calcium phosphate precipitation: importance of local pH.” Environmental Science & Technology, 51, no. 19 (2017): 11156-11164. Lei, Yang, Chuh-Shun Chen, Yao-Jen Tu, Yao-Hui Huang*, and Hui Zhang*. “Heterogeneous degradation of organic pollutants by persulfate activated by CuO-Fe3O4: mechanism, stability, and effects of pH and bicarbonate ions.” Environmental Science & Technology 49, no. 11 (2015): 6838-6845. (ESI highly cited article, >500)   Join us Read More Contact Us Contact Address North tower 602, College of Engineering, 1088 Xueyuan Avenue, Shenzhen 518055, P.R. China Office Phone Email leiy3@sustech.edu.cn

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