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姓名 | LEEHsuChew | 性别 | |
学校 | 南方科技大学 | 部门 | Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering |
学位 | 学历 | ||
职称 | Research Assistant Professor | 联系方式 | ContactAddress Room919,NorthEngineeringBuilding |
邮箱 | leeh@sustech.edu.cn | ||
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Home People Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us LEE HsuChew Google Scholar Research Assistant Professor Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering HsuChew Lee earned his bachelor in 2010 and a master degree in 2012, majoring in Mechanical Engineering, from Purdue University, West Lafayette. In 2016, he obtained his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Calgary, Canada and became a postdoctoral researcher at Southern University of Science and Technology, China. Personal Profile Personal Profile Research My research interests span the areas of simulation of turbulent reacting and non-reacting flows, development of chemical kinetics, lattice Boltzmann method, and code development for parallel supercomputers. I am also drawn to problems with interesting physics, challenging mathematics and those with significant applications. Publications Read More H.C. Lee, P.Dai, M. Wan, A.N. Lipatnikov, 2023, “Displacement speed, flame surface density, and burning rate in highly turbulent premixed flames characterized by low Lewis numbers”, Accepted by Journal of Fluid Mechanics. H.C. Lee, P. Dai, M. Wan, V.A. Sabelnikov, A.N. Lipatnikov, 2023, “Transition from turbulence-dominated to instability-dominated combustion regime in lean hydrogen-air flames”, submitted to PoF. H.C. Lee, B. Wu, P. Dai, M. Wan, A. Lipatnikov, 2023, “Turbulent burning velocity and thermo-diffusive instability of premixed flames”, submitted to PRE. H.C. Lee, P. Dai, Z. Chen, X. Gan, 2023, “Detonation development in PRF/air mixtures under engine-relevant conditions”, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 39. H.C. Lee, P. Dai, M. Wan, A. Lipatnikov, 2022, “A DNS study of extreme and leading points in lean hydrogen-air turbulent flames – part I: Local thermochemical structure and reaction rates”, Combustion and Flame, 235 111712. H.C. Lee, P. Dai, M. Wan, A. Lipatnikov, 2022, “A DNS study of extreme and leading points in lean hydrogen-air turbulent flames – part II: Local velocity field and flame topology”, Combustion and Flame, 235 111712. H.C. Lee, X. Liu, P. Dai, Z. Chen, A. Abdelsamie, M. Wan, 2022 “Effects of Lewis and Karlovitz numbers on transport equations for enstrophy and turbulent kinetic energy”, ACTA Mechanica Sinica, 38, 121573. (Featured as front cover) H.C. Lee, P. Dai, M. Wan, A. Lipatnikov, 2022, “Lewis number and preferential diffusion effects in lean hydrogen–air highly turbulent flames”, Physics of Fluids, 34(3), 035131. H.C. Lee, P. Dai, M. Wan, A. Lipatnikov, 2022, “Influence of equivalence ratio on turbulent burning velocity and extreme fuel consumption rate in lean hydrogen-air turbulent flames”, Fuel, 327, 124969. H.C. Lee, P. Dai, M. Wan, A. Lipatnikov, 2022, “A numerical support of leading point concept”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47(55), 23444-23461. H.C. Lee, P. Dai, M. Wan, A. Lipatnikov, 2021, “Influence of molecular transport on burning rate and conditioned species concentrations in highly turbulent premixed flames” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 928. Wang, Z. Li, H.C. Lee, P. Dai, X. Gan, 2020, “A computational study on the transient ignition and NTC behavior of non-premixed dimethyl ether/air counterflow under elevated pressure”, Energy & Fuel, 34, 6383-6391. H.C. Lee, S. Bawazeer, A.A. Mohamad, 2018, “Boundary conditions for Lattice Boltzmann method with multi-speed lattices”, Computer & Fluids, 162, 152-159. H.C. Lee, L.Y. Jiang, A.A. Mohamad, 2017, “A detailed chemical kinetics for the combustion of H2/CO/CH4/CO2 fuel mixtures”, Fuel, 193, 294-307. S. Lee, T. Tjahjowidodo, H.C. Lee, B. Lai, 2017, “Investigation of a robust tendon- sheath mechanism for flexible membrane wing application in mini-UAV”, Mech Syst Signal Process, 85,252-266. H.C. Lee, A.A. Mohamad, L.Y. Jiang, 2015, “Comprehensive Comparison of Chemical Kinetics Mechanisms for Syngas/Biogas Mixtures”, Energy & Fuel, vol. 29(9), pp 6126-6145. H.C. Lee, A.A. Mohamad, L.Y. Jiang, 2014, “A review on the laminar flame speed and ignition delay time of syngas mixtures”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 39(2), pp 1105-1121. News More SUSTech Annual Research Symposium 2019 comes to a successful close 2019-11-14 SUSTech wins Shenzhen “Talent Bole Award” for 4th consecutive year 2019-11-14 Global Scientist Interdisciplinary Forum2020 2019-10-24 People Read More PrevNext UpDown Join us Founded in December 2015, the Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) is one of departments in the College of Engineering. It aims to establish a world-leading department in mechanics and aerospace engineering, covering various research areas such as fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, aeroacoustics, mechanics, combustion, material, and system control. The Department will learn from the best practice of peer departments over the world in order to develop into an international research institution that attends to the national strategic needs in mechanics and aerospace, cultivates outstanding innovative talents, and conducts frontier fundamental research and applied research with social impact. The goal of the Department is to become a top-tier international leader through introducing an innovative education system which emphasizes IUR (Industry-University-Research) in close association with the Chinese aerospace industry. The specific objectives are: 1) to nurture innovative talents (learning); 2) to research and develop key technologies (research); and 3) to provide technical services (production) for the national aerospace industry. Read More Contact Us Contact Address Room 919, North Engineering Building Office Phone Email leeh@sustech.edu.cn 内容来自集群智慧云企服 请访问正版网址 www.jiqunzhihui.net