JiangJiping科研成果_JiangJiping专利信息_南方科技大学School of Environmental Science and EngineeringJiangJiping科研信息|JiangJiping校企合作信息|JiangJiping联系方式
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姓名 JiangJiping 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 School of Environmental Science and Engineering
学位 学历
职称 Research Associate Professor (Ph.D. Supervisor) 联系方式 ContactAddress building2,wisdomvalley,SUSTech,
邮箱 jiangjp@sustech.edu.cn    
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Home Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us Jiang Jiping Google Scholar ResearcherID Research Associate Professor (Ph.D. Supervisor) School of Environmental Science and Engineering Jiping Jiang received Ph.D. degree in Environmental Science and Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2013. He had oversea study experience at University of New South Wales, Australia during 2011-2012. Prior to his current appointment, he was a lecturer of the School of Environment at Harbin Institute of Technology. His research interests include environmental informatics, surface water quality modelling, planning and management, and climate change impacts on aquatic environment.   Dr. Jiang has published about 40 peer-reviewed international and Chinese journal papers such as Water Res. and J. Hazard. Mater. with over 1200 citations (Google Scholar) and H-index 14, and carried out more than 26 research projects (10 as principal investigator) and 3 engineering projects. 8 national software copyrights and 2 patent were approved. He was invited as reviewers for water-related international journals, including “Water Res.”, “Sci. Total Environ.”, “J. Hydrol.”, “J. Hydroinform.”, and severed as Guest Editor of SCI&SSCI journal “Sustainability” and the corresponding reviewer for National Science Foundation of China.   Welcome oversea students join me as visiting students, master graduate students, or PhD candidates. Personal Profile Jiping Jiang received Ph.D. degree in Environmental Science and Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2013. He had oversea study experience at University of New South Wales, Australia during 2011-2012. Prior to his current appointment, he was a lecturer of the School of Environment at Harbin Institute of Technology. His research interests include environmental informatics, surface water quality modelling, planning and management, and climate change impacts on aquatic environment. Dr. Jiang has published about 40 peer-reviewed international and Chinese journal papers such as Water Res. and J. Hazard. Mater. with over 1300 citations (Google Scholar) and H-index 15, and carried out more than 20 research projects (10 as principal investigator) and 3 engineering projects. 6 national software copyrights and 1 patent were approved,and 5 are pending. He was invited as reviewers for water-related international journals, including “Water Res.”, “Sci. Total Environ.”, “J. Hydrol.”, “J. Hydroinform.”, and severed as Guest Editor of SCI&SSCI journal “Sustainability” and the corresponding reviewer for National Science Foundation of China. Welcome oversea students join me as visiting students, master graduate students, or PhD candidates. Present Employment 09/2017-present: Research Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology Education 2008-2013:Ph.D. Environmental Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology 2011-2012:PhD Joint Training Program, University of New South Wales 2006-2008:B.S. Environmental Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology 2002-2006:B.S. Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology Work Experience 09/2017-present, Research Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, South University of Science and Technology of China 07/2013-09/2017, Lecturer, School of Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology Honors and Awards National Postgraduate Scholarship, 2012 CSC Scholarship, 2010 Services Journal Guest Editor: Sustainability, 2017-present, Journal Reviewer: J. Hydrol., Sci. Total Environ., J. Hydroinf., Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Grant Reviewer: National Science Foundation of China Membership European Geosciences Union (EGU) Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) International Water Association (IWA) International Environmental Modelling & Software Society (iEMSs) Modeling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand (MSSANZ) Personal Profile Research Environmental system analysis, Hydroinfomatics, Water quality modeling,sponge city Publications Read More A. Peer-reviewed SCI Papers (selected) 1) Jiping Jiang*, Feng Han, Yi Zheng, Nannan Wang, Yixing Yuan. Inverse uncertainty characteristics of pollution source identification for river chemical spill incidents by stochastic analysis. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2018 12(5):6-21 (SCI) 2) Afed Khan, Peng Wang, Jiping Jiang*, Bin Shi. Long-term trends and probability distributions of river water quality variables and their relationships with climate elasticity characteristics. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2018(190):648-664 (SCI) 3) Bin Shi1, Jiping Jiang1,*, Bellie Sivakumar, Yi Zheng, Peng Wang*. Quantitative design of emergency monitoring network for river chemical spills based on discrete entropy theory. Water Research. 2018. 134(2018):140-152. (SCI, IF=6.942, JCR-Q1) 4) Afed Khan, Jiping Jiang*, Peng Wang. Land use impacts on surface water quality by statistical approaches. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 4(2):231-250. DOI:10.22034/gjesm.2018.04.02.010 (Review Paper) 5) Afed Khan, Jiping Jiang*, Peng Wang, Ashish Sharma, Jehanzeb Khan. How terrestrial determinants impact the response of water quality to climate drivers? – An elasticity perspective on water-land-climate nexus. Sustainability.2017 9(11), 2118. (SSCI & SCI) 6) Afed Khan, Jiping Jiang*, Peng Wang, Yi Zheng. Influences of topographic and socio-economic attributes on the climate sensitivity of global river water quality. Environmental Research Letter.2017.12:104012. (SCI, IF=4.404, JCR-Q1) 7) Bin Shi, Peng Wang, Jiping Jiang*, Rentao Liu. Applying high-frequency surrogate measurements and a wavelet-ANN model to provide early warnings of rapid surface water quality anomalies. Science of the Total Environment 2018, 610-611(2018):1390-1399. (SCI, IF=4.900, JCR-Q1) 8) Jiping Jiang*, Ashish Sharma, Sivakumar Bellie, Peng Wang*. A global assessment of climate–water quality relationships in large rivers: An elasticity perspective. Science of the Total Environment 2014, 468-469(0):877-891. (SCI, IF=4.900, JCR-Q1, Google Scholar cited by 22) 9) Jiping Jiang, Peng Wang*, Wu-seng Lung, Liang Guo, Mei Li. A GIS-based generic real-time risk assessment framework and decision tools for chemical spills in the river basin. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2012, 227–228 (0): 280-291. (SCI, IF =6.065, JCR-Q1, ISI cited by 40,Google Scholar cited by 50) 10) Bin Shi, Jiping Jiang*, Rentao Liu, Afed Ullah Khan, Peng Wang*. Engineering risk assessment for emergency disposal project of sudden water pollution incidents. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017. 24(17): 14819-14833. (SCI, IF=2.741) 11) Rentao Liu, Jiping Jiang*, Liang Guo, Bin Shi, Jie Liu, Peng Wang*. Screening of pollution control and clean-up materials of river chemical spills by the multiple case-based reasoning method with a difference-driven revision strategy. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016, 23(11): 11247–11256. (SCI, IF=2.741) 12) Qingsong Liu, Tong Zheng, Peng Wang*, Jiping Jiang, Nan Li. Adsorption isotherm, kinetic and mechanism studies of some substituted phenols on activated carbon fibers. Chemical Engineering Journal 2011. 157(2–3): 348-356. (SCI, IF=4.181; ISI cited by 429; ESI highly cited paper) 13) Jie Liu, Liang Guo, Jiping Jiang, Dexun Jiang, Peng Wang*.Emergency material allocation with time-varying supply-demand based on dynamic optimization method for river chemical spills. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2018. 25(18):17343-17353 14) Jie Liu, Liang Guo, Jiping Jiang, Dexun Jiang, Peng Wang*. Emergency material allocation and scheduling for the application to chemical contingency spills under multiple scenarios. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017, 24(1):956-968. (SCI, IF=2.760) 15) Jie Liu, Liang Guo, Jiping Jiang, Dexun Jiang, Rentao Liu, Peng Wang*. A two-stage optimization model for emergency material reserve layout planning under uncertainty in response to emergency environmental accidents: Application in emergency management system. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2016, 310(5):30-39. (SCI, IF=4.529) 16) Nannan Wang, Tong Zheng, Jiping Jiang, Peng Wang*, Cu(II)-Fe(II)-H2O2 oxidative removal of 3-nitroaniline in water under microwave irradiation, Chemical Engineering Journal. 2015, 260(0):386-392. (SCI, IF=4.181) 17) Nannan Wang, Tong Zheng, Jiping Jiang, Wu-seng Lung, Xiaojun Miao, Peng Wang*, Pilot-scale treatment of p-Nitrophenol wastewater by microwave-enhanced Fenton oxidation process: Effects of system parameters and kinetics study, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 239:351-359 (SCI, IF=4.181, Google scholar cited by 35) 18) Jie Liu, Liang Guo, Jiping Jiang, Linlin Hao, Rentao Liu, Peng Wang*. Evaluation and selection of emergency treatment technology based on dynamic fuzzy GRA method for chemical contingency spills. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015, 299:306-315. (SCI, IF=4.529) 19) Yi Wang, Tong Zheng, Ying Zhao, Jiping Jiang, Yuanyuan Wang, Liang Guo, Peng Wang*. Monthly water quality forecasting and uncertainty assessment via boot strapped wavelet neural networks under missing data for Harbin, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2013, 20:8909-8923. (SCI, IF=2.757) 20) Ying Zhao*, Ashish Sharma, Bellie Sivakumar, Lucy Marshall, Peng Wang, Jiping Jiang, A Bayesian method for multi-pollution source water quality model and seasonal water quality management in river segments, Environmental Modelling & Software, 2014, 57: 216-226. (SCI, IF=4.538) B: Peer reviewed Chinese papers (selected) 1) Jiping Jiang*, Fujia Dong, Rentao Liu, Yixing Yuan. Analysis of algorithm parameters, impacts and comparison with Frequentist approaches for applying Bayesian inference on pollution source identification of tracer-experiment based river chemical spills. China Environmental Science. 2017. 37(10):3813-3825. (in Chinese) 2) Jiping Jiang*, Peng Wang, Jie Liu, Yixing Yuan. Methodological analysis on the research and practices on the early-warning and emergency response to river chemical spill incidents. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae. 2017. 37(9), 3621-3628.. (in Chinese) 3) Rentao Liu, Jiping Jiang*, Bin Shi, Jie Liu, Liang Guo, Peng Wang. Decision-making models of dynamically technology preparedness plan production for emergency response to chemical spills in surface waters, Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae.2017. 37(2):763-770. (in Chinese) 4) Rentao Liu, Liang Guo, Jiping Jiang, et al. A CBR-MADM based two-step screening model of emergency disposal technology for chemical spills. China Environmental Science 2015, 35(3):943-952. (in Chinese) 5) Yuanhua Cheng, Peng Wang, Jiping Jiang, et al. Contaminant point source identification of rivers chemical spills based on correlation coefficients optimization method. China Environmental Science 2011, 31 (11): 1802-1807. (in Chinese) 6) Jiping Jiang, Peng Wang*, Jun Nan, et al. Songhua River Monitoring System on Point Sources and Water Quality with SCADA and GIS. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 36(10):132-136. (in Chinese) 7) Tongho Ri, Jiping Jiang*, Liang Guo, et al. A case study on load reduction of a highly contaminated river during the period of total load control pattern updating: a case study on Ashi River. Environmental Science & Technology 2016. 6:168-173 .(in Chinese) 8) Bin Shi, Tao Qin, Jiping Jiang*, et al. Emergency treatment oriented early warning technology for river chemical spills: a case study at the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Environmental Science & Technology 2016. 6:135-140. (in Chinese) Software Copyrights (selected) 1) Intelligent Decision Support System for Technical Planning Response to Chemical Spill Incidents V1.0 (2017SR340762) 2) Point Source Monitoring and Early Warning / Emergency Response System V1.0, 2010SR016414 3) Emergency Response Oriented Hazardous Chemical Database Management System V1.0, 2010SR016484 4) Two Dimensional Stochastic Water Quality Modelling Software for Watershed Pollution Early Warning V1.0, 2010SR005049 5) Multimedia Environmental Fugacity Modelling Software V1.0, 2008SR00550 News More Research group's new paper "Deriving analytical expressions of the spatial information entropy index on riverine water quality dynamics" was published at top journal "Journal of Hydrology" 2024-01-09 Congratulation on Mr Meiyu LUO & Yang GU 's graduation! 2021-08-29 Congratulation on Miss Xiao YAN 's graduation! Well Done! 2020-07-06 Join us Read More Contact Us Contact Address building 2, wisdom valley, SUSTech, Office Phone Email jiangjp@sustech.edu.cn 内容来自集群智慧云企服 软件著作权666元代写全部资料全国受理