JasonPhippsMorgan科研成果_JasonPhippsMorgan专利信息_南方科技大学Department of Ocean Science and EngineeringJasonPhippsMorgan科研信息|JasonPhippsMorgan校企合作信息|JasonPhippsMorgan联系方式
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姓名 JasonPhippsMorgan 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 Department of Ocean Science and Engineering
学位 学历
职称 Chair Professor 联系方式 ContactAddress Room611,Building9,InnovationPark,SUSTech
邮箱 jason@sustech.edu.cn    
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Home People Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us Jason Phipps Morgan Chair Professor Department of Ocean Science and Engineering Jason Phipps Morgan, Chair Professor of Department of Ocean Science and Engineering He received Bachelor of Science in Physics and Ph.D. in Geophysics from Brown University. In the past, he has worked in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of London, Cornell University, Kiel University and other world-class institutions for a long time, with profound teaching and research experience. Personal Profile Jason Phipps Morgan is one of today's most well-known geophysicists. His specialist area is Geodynamic, i.e. the investigation of natural movement processes in the Earth's inner mantle through surface observations, seismic methods and numeric simulations.  Editor of several academic journals(Terra Nova; Frontiers in Earth Science; Geology; JGR) Major Successful Past Large Proposals: SFP574“Volatiles in Subduction Zones”(GEOMAR-Uni. Kiel); TIPTEC(GEOMAR,in collaboration with GFZ-Potsdam); PLUME(SIO,in collaboration with Woods Hole,U. oregon,U. Hawaii,and Carnegie); MELT(Mantle Electromagnetic and Seismic Tomography Experiment on the East Pacific Rise); M2MBFS(“MoHole to Bend Fault”) Patents: 1.Highly Incompressible Mixed Pressure- Velocity Finite Elements for Viscous and Plastic Flow 2.Quasi-cubic spline-like interpolation on unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes. Honors: Cecil and Ida Green Scholar (1985);James B. Macelwane Award, AGU (1995);Professeur, College de France (1996);Royal Society Wolfson Foundation Merit Award (2013);A.E.H. Love Award, EGU (2016);Fellow, American Geophysical Union Personal Profile Research During my scientific career, I have remained extremely curious about how the Earth works, with a particular fascination for the dynamics of deformation, melting, and phase transformations in scenarios ranging from mantle flow, melting, and melt migration beneath ridges, hotspots, and arcs, to hydrothermal flow and reactions at ridges and trenches, to carbon sequestration-related fluid flow and reactions in terrestrial and subseafloor environments. I started by working on geodynamic models of mid-ocean ridge processes linked to the genesis of oceanic crust and uppermost mantle. This work also involved collecting new observations with marine geophysical techniques, and led me to spend more than two years of my life participating in deep-water research expeditions. In the 1990s I started to explore how ridge processes are linked to larger scale mantle flow, work that led me to try to build quantitative geochemical models for the evolution of Earth's mantle as a byproduct of plume, ridge, arc, and hydrosphere processes. This led me to start focused work on plume-ridge and plume-lithosphere interactions, and study of the potential dynamics of a plume-fed asthenosphere that has continued to the present. In the 2000s I also started to work on subduction zone dynamics, in particular to study of the processes associated with plate bending and unbending, and, more recently, with the subduction channel that forms the plate interface region responsible for the generation of large earthquakes - and more! In the future, I plan to combine continuing theoretical work that explores and models geodynamic processes with a renewed emphasis on gathering new ship based geophysical observations in the deep ocean basins. In particular, I anticipate that there will be the opportunity to work with colleagues on developing innovative observational techniques that can improve our community’s ability to make marine seismic and other geophysical observations, with the particular goal of improving our ability to ‘routinely’ image the sub-oceanic lithosphere and upper mantle at a regional scale. With these new observations, I am hopeful that we will be able to more rapidly figure out the large-scale dynamics of the fascinating planet that call home. Teaching Geodynamics Computational Geodynamics Marine Geology Marine Geophysics Structure and Dynamics of Earth’s Interior Introduction to Earth Sciences Frontiers in Earth Sciences. Publications Read More Till Oct 2019, Jason has published 119 articles in total and cited nearly 10000 times on Google Scholar, h- index :50 i10 index: 97 Honors: Cecil and Ida Green Scholar (1985); James B. Macelwane Award, AGU (1995); Professeur, College de France (1996); Royal Society Wolfson Foundation Merit Award (2013); A.E.H. Love Award, EGU (2016); Fellow, American Geophysical Union News More SUSTech students succeed in underwater robot contest 2019-11-12 SUSTech hosts IWGOA 2019 2019-11-12 NAE Fellow gives an insightful lecture on archaea in nitrogen cycle Chris Edwards 2019-11-12 People Read More PrevNext UpDown Join us Read More Contact Us Contact Address Room 611, Building 9, Innovation Park, SUSTech Office Phone (0755)88015265 Email jason@sustech.edu.cn

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