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姓名 胡玉秀 性别
学校 南方科技大学 部门 语言中心
学位 学历
职称 英语教师 联系方式 南方科技大学智园3栋202
邮箱 huyx@sustech.edu.cn    
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 胡玉秀 英语教师 语言中心 胡玉秀老师于 2011年博士毕业于香港大学语言学系, 之后便投身于中国高校英语教育的事业当中。在10余年的教学实践中,胡老师共教授近十门英语课程,教学工作量1000多个学时。此外,胡老师主持参加了多项教改项目; 发表教学教改文章11篇。胡老师研究方向为二语习得、语言课程发展、大学英语教学。 个人简介 个人简介 研究领域 二语习得 课程发展 大学英语教学 教学 共教授六门课程: 《大学英语-读写》 《学术英语》 《托福》 《学术写作》 《工程英语》 《英语阅读技巧》 学术成果 查看更多 学术兼职 审稿人 2020 TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo in Denver, Colorado, USA. 副编辑 Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2 学术成果 Hu, Yuxiu (To appear)[Chinese]. A Discussion on the Possibility of Error Detection with OT-LFG. Education Circle. Hu, Yuxiu (2018). The Development of Engineering English Curriculum in a non-English speaking country. Presented at TESOL Convention 2018 in Chicago. Hu, Yuxiu & Xu, Siqun (2016) [Chinese]. A Preliminary Discussion on the Interactivity Research in the Environment of Web-based Instruction. Education Circle. Vol. 30 No. 134: 134-136. Hu, Yuxiu (2016). A Longitudinal Study on the Extent of Mandarin Influence on the Acquisition of English. International Journal of Language Studies (IJLS). Vol. 10 No. 4: 59-76. Hu, Yuxiu & Adams, Bodomo (2015). Are the Most Interactive Learners on Web-based Learning Systems the Best Output Performers? Journal of Information Technology and Application in Education (JITAE). Vol. 4: 8-17. Hu, Yuxiu (2013). Error Detection and Feedback with OT-LFG for Computer-assisted Language Learning. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2013 at The University of Hong Kong. May 10-11, 2013. Bodomo, Adams & Yuxiu, Hu (2013). Ubiquitous Conversations. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal. 5(1), 1-14. Bodomo, Adams & Yuxiu, Hu. (2011). Constructing a Conversational Learning Community: A case study of knowledge construction and interactivity enhancement in web-based learning and Teaching. Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering. 1(8), 29-34. Hu, Yuxiu and Adams, Bodomo. (2009). Harbinglish: L1 Influence on the Learning of English By High School Students in Harbin, China. Asian EFL Journal. 11(3). Hu, Yuxiu & Adams, Bodomo. (2008). Mandarin Influence on the Acquisition of English: Error Analysis and Classification. Paper presented at Annual Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. Dec. 6th, 2008. Hu, Yuxiu & Adams, Bodomo. (2008). An empirical study on the extent of L1influence on the acquisition of L2. Paper presented at The 33rd Annual Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia 2008 at The University of Sydney. Sydney, July 4-6, 2008. Hu, Yuxiu & Adams, Bodomo. (2007). Harbinglish: L1 Influence on the Learning of English Among High School Students in China’s Harbin. Paper presented at The Second Pearl River Delta English Studies Graduate Student Conference at Shenzhen University. June 15-18, 2007. 团队成员 查看更多 PrevNext UpDown 加入团队 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 南方科技大学智园3栋202 办公电话 电子邮箱 huyx@sustech.edu.cn

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