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姓名 于光 性别 于光
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 经济与管理学院
学位 于光 学历 于光
职称 联系方式 86414144
邮箱 yug@hit.edu.cn    
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基本信息 科学研究 论文专著 招生要求 荣誉称号 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 学术兼职 名称 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院“技术、政策、管理(TPM)”国家哲学社会科学创新基地信息管理学科主要成员 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院“信息管理与信息系统”科技创新团队信息管理和信息计量学研究方向负责人 国家自然科学基金项目管理学部同行评议人 教育部、黑龙江省社会科学基金研究项目评审专家 教育部学位中心通讯评审专家 黑龙江省教育评估监测专家、图书期刊审读专家 多种国际SCI收录期刊JIS、Scientometrics、Journal of Operation Management等同行评议人,The Georgian National Science Foundation 项目评议人 教育经历和工作经历 名称 教育经历 1981.9—1985.8 哈尔滨工业大学 动力工程系 本科生 1987.9—1990.3 哈尔滨工业大学 动力工程系 硕士研究生 2002.9—2007.12 哈尔滨工业大学 管理学院管理科学与工程 博士研究生 工作经历 1985.8—1987.8 沈阳新光机械厂研究所 技术员 1990.4—1996.10 哈尔滨工业大学图书馆 馆员 1996.10—至今 哈尔滨工业大学图书馆 副研究馆员、研究馆员 2001.7—至今 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院教育经济与管理 硕士导师 2008.9—至今 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院管理科学与工程教授博士导师 学生就业情况 名称 研究领域 名称 信息管理和数据挖掘,网络信息计量学和科学计量学 现在进行的研究内容: 1)基于社交媒体大数据的异常人群发现和预测管理研究2)社交网络的灾害信息挖掘、监测和预警方法研究3)基于科技文献引文网络的科研评价理论和方法研究 科研项目 名称 (1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目 48万 题目:社交媒体抑郁症人群的分级识别及在线干预系统研究,2018.01-2021.12编号:71774041,负责人 (2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目 48万 题目:社交媒体多圈层谣言传播模型及多模态识别阻断研究,2021.01-2024.12 编号:72074060 ,负责人 (3) 国家自然科学基金重点项目--子项目负责人 40万 题目:在线社会网络中企业舆情管理的理论与方法,2016-2019,编号:71531013,第二负责人 (4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目 44万 项目名称:群体性突发事件的动态模糊粗糙集预警模型研究,编号: 71171068,2012-2015,负责人 (5) 国家自然科学基金面上项目 25万 项目名称:科技信息传播过程对科学发展影响的科学计量学研究,编号: 70973031,2010-2012,负责人 (6)国家自然科学基金面上项目 16万 项目名称:科技期刊系统出版延时的控制方法及其对科技发展影响的科学计量评价,2006.1-2008.12,项目编号70571020,负责人 (7) 2007年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目 20万 项目名称:科技发展和科技期刊系统关系的信息计量学研究,2008.1-2009.12,负责人 (8) 黑龙江省经济社会发展重点研究课题 题目:黑龙江省社会科学成果鉴定评价研究,2015.11-2016.10,编号:15004,负责人,2万元 (9) ISTIC-THOMSON REUTERS科学计量学联合实验室开放基金 1万 项目名称:期刊影响因子操纵行为的模式识别方法研究,编号:IT2010007,2011.1- 2011.12,负责人 (10) 信息产业部项目 项目名称:地址信息备案管理系统,2007.1-2008.12,卡号:HGQQ25500166,排序2,主要参加人 (11) 黑龙江省“十五”教育科研规划项目 项目名称:高等教育中Internet利用体系研究,2003.1-2003.12,编号0124010,负责人 (12) 哈尔滨工业大学校基金基础研究项目 2万 项目名称:科技文献发表延时过程的动态数学模型及其控制方法研究,2001.1-2002.12,编号HIT200081,负责人 (13) 黑龙江省自然科学基金项目 2万 项目名称:科技文献信息老化(失效)研究及动态模型建立,2000.1-2001.12,项目编号:G9703,排序2,主要参加人 (14) 哈尔滨工业大学国家基础力学教学基地重点共建教学项目 项目名称:国防信息素质教育,2002.1-2002.12,负责人 获奖情况 名称 (1) 2007年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划” (2) 2008 Emerald出版集团与欧洲管理发展基金会(EFMD)管理学信息科学领域(Information Science)优秀博士论文高度赞扬奖(Highly Commended Awards) (3) 黑龙江省科技情报优秀成果一等奖,1998年,省级 (4) 全国科技信息优秀成果三等奖;国家级,1996年 (5) 中科院科学技术进步二等奖;中国科学院,1996年 论著成果 名称 期刊论文(SCI/SSCI、EI收录) 1. Tang, J., Yu, G., & Yao, X. (2021, December). Emotional Contagion in the Online Depression Community. In Healthcare (Vol. 9, No. 12, p. 1609). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. 2. Chao F, Wang X and Yu G* (2021) The Influence of the Debunker’s Identity and Emotional Expression on the Sharing Behavior of Debunking Information. Front. Psychol. 12:783415. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.783415 3. Wang X, Chao F and Yu G* (2021) Evaluating Rumor Debunking Effectiveness During the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: Utilizing User Stance in Comments on Sina Weibo. Fronters in Public Health 2021,9:770111. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.770111 4. Wang, Xin;Chao, Fan;Yu Guang*;Kaihang Zhang. Factors influencing fake news rebuttal acceptance during the COVID-19 pandemic and the moderating effect of cognitive ability. Computers in Human Behavior,Available online, 31 December 2021, 107174. In Press, Journal Pre-proof. 5. Yao, X., Yu, G., Tang, J., & Zhang, J. (2021). Extracting depressive symptoms and their associations from an online depression community. Computers in human behavior, 120, 106734. 6. Tang, J., Yao, X., & Yu, G. (2021). Exploring the Online Behavior of Users of Online Depression-Focused Communities: Comparing Communities with Different Management Types. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 14, 1707. 7. Bai, H., Yu, H., Yu, G., Rocha, A., & Huang, X. (2021). Analysis on an Auto Increment Detection System of Chinese Disaster Weibo Text. JUCS-Journal of Universal Computer Science, 27, 230. SCI 8. Bai, Hua; Yu, Hualong; Yu, Guang; Huang Xing. A novel emergency situation awareness machine learning approach to assess flood disaster risk based on Chinese Weibo, NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS Early Access: NOV 2020 ,IF=4.774, WOS:000565172800001 , (NSFC) 71774041,71531013 9. Yan, Yongjie; Yu, Guang; Yan, Xiangbin. Online Doctor Recommendation with Convolutional Neural Network and Sparse Inputs. Computational intelligence and neuroscience Volume: ? 2020 Article Number: 8826557 Published: ? OCT 15 2020. (NSFC) 71561013,71774041,71531013, WOS:000587810900001 10. Yu,Gunag, Weibin; Wang, Zheng; Yu, Tian; Pak, CholMyong ; Yu, Guang*. Research on citation mention times and contributions using a neural network. SCIENTOMETRICS Early Access: SEP 2020,(NSFC) 71704035, 71531013. WOS:000571691800004 11. Yu, Yongtian; Yu, Guang; Yan, Xiangbin*; et al. Quantifying and analysing the stages of online information dissemination in different enterprise emergencies: The idea of system cybernetics. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE, Number: 0165551520948443 Early Access: AUG 2020,(NSFC) 71531013,71774041. WOS:000567234100001 12. Ji, Peinan; Yan, Xiangbin; Yu, Guang. The Impact of Enterprise IT Investment on Corporate Performance: Evidence from China. JOURNAL OF GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT 2020 23(3):176-190. 71531013,71490720,71401047, WOS:000549726000001 13. Tang, Jingyun; Yu, Guang*; Yao, Xiaoxu;A Comparative Study of Online Depression Communities in China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH Volume: ? 17 Issue: ? 14 Article Number: 5023 Published: ? JUL 2020 (NSFC) 71774041, 71531013,WOS:000557230700001 14. Yu, Guang; Wang, Weibin; Pak, Cholmyong*; et al. Research on the Relevancy of Scientific Literature Based on the Citation-Mention Frequency. IEEE ACCESS, vol.7: ? 181750-181757 , ?2019. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 71704035,71531013 15. Bai, Lijuan; Yan, Xiangbin*; Yu, Guang, Impact of consumer engagement on firm performance. MARKETING INTELLIGENCE & PLANNING 卷: ? 38 期: ? 7 页: ? 847-861 出版年: ? OCT 5 2020 , SFC 71531013 WOS:000528612300001 16. Yu, Yongtian; Yu, Guang*; Li, Tong; et al. Empirically Analyzing the Role of a Peak in Online Emergency Information Dissemination. IEEE ACCESS 卷: ? 8 页: ? 132841-132849 出版年: ?2020. 71531013 ,71774041 WOS:000554367800001 17. Ji, Peinan; Yan, Xiangbin*; Yu, Guang. The impact of information technology investment on enterprise financial performance in China.CHINESE MANAGEMENT STUDIES 卷: ? 14 期: ? 3 页: ? 529-542 出版年: ?2020.WOS:000543376100001 18. Yu, Yongtian; Yu, Guang; Li, Tong; et al. Quantitative Characterization and Identification of the Company-Related Disinformation Channel Among Media. IEEE ACCESS 卷: ? 8 页: ? 29196-29204 出版年: ?2020. 2017YFB1400500, NSFC 71531013,71774041. WOS:000525401500078 19. Wang, Zheng; Yu, Guang; Tian, Xianyun; etc. A Study of Users with Suicidal Ideation on Sina Weibo, TELEMEDICINE AND E-HEALTH, 2019, 16(1) ; JAN 1 文献号: 54. IF=2.031通讯作者 20. Yu, Xiao; Yu, Hua; Tian, Xian-Yun; Yu, Guang, ect. Recognition of college students from Weibo with deep neural networks, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING AND CYBERNETICS 卷: 8 期: 5 页: 1447-1455 出版年: OCT 2017 IF-1.699 21. Tian, Xianyun;He, Fang;Batterham, Philip; Wang, Zheng; Yu, Guang, An Analysis of Anxiety-Related Postings on Sina Weibo , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 卷: 14 期: 7 文献号: 775 出版年: JUL 2017 通讯作者 22. Zhang, Guijie; Feng, Yuqiang; Yu, Guang; 等.Analyzing the time delay between scientific research and technology patents based on the citation distribution model, SCIENTOMETRICS 卷: 111 期: 3 页: 1287-1306 出版年: JUN 2017 23. Pak, CholMyong; Yu, Guang; Wang, Weibin A study on the citation situation within the citing paper: citation distribution of references according to mention frequency, SCIENTOMETRICS 卷: 114 期: 3 页: 905-918 出版年: MAR 2018通讯作者Pei, Jiayin; Yu, Guang; Tian, Xianyun; Donnelley, Maureen Renee. A new method for early detection of mass concern about public health issues, Journal of Risk Research, 2017,卷: 20 期: 4 页: 516-532 . EI 20154401478327 SSCI,IF=1.34 24. Tian, Xianyun; Yu, Guang; He, Fang, An analysis of sleep complaints on Sina Weibo, Computers in Human Behavior, v62: 230-235, SEP 2016. IF=2.88 通讯作者 SCI,EI 25. Han, Jin; Tian, Xianyun; Yu, Guang; 等.Disclosure Pattern of Self-Labeled People Living with HIV/AIDS on Chinese Social Networking Site: An Exploratory Study, Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking, V.19(8):516-523, AUG 2016. IF=2.188,通讯作者 26. Zhang, Guijie; Yu, Guang; Feng, Yuqiang; 等.Improving the publication delay model to characterize the patent granting process , SCIENTOMETRICS 卷: 111 期: 2 页: 621-637 出版年: MAY 2017 27. Bai, Hua; Yu, Guang, A Weibo-based approach to disaster informatics: incidents monitor in post-disaster situation via Weibo text negative sentiment analysis, NATURAL HAZARDS 83(2): 1177-1196 出版年: SEP 2016 IF= 1.746 28. Pei, Jiayin ; Yu, Guang; Shan, Peng, Social media coverage of public health issues in China: A content analysis of Weibo news posts, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, v 448, p 111-120, 2016, Information Technology: New Generations - 13th International Conference on Information Technology. EI 20162602544932 29. Huang, Baocheng; Yu, Guang,Research and application of public opinion retrieval based on user behavior modeling,NEUROCOMPUTING (IF=2.083),2015, v:167( 9):596-603, SCI、EI 30. 黄宝成、于光 ,Research and Application of Personalized Modeling Based on Individual Interest in Mining ,Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014(2014), 2014/8/1 ,EI,SCI, IF= 1.274 31. 黄宝成、于光 ,Karimi, Hamid Reza ,The Finding and Dynamic Detection of Opinion Leaders in Social Network ,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1(1), 2014/10/1 ,EI,SCI, IF= 0.644 32. 杨东辉、于光 , A Social Recommender System Based on Exponential Random Graph Model and Sentiment Similarity.,Applied Mechanics and Materials, 1(488), pp 1326-1330, 2014/6/1 ,EI 杨东辉、于光,Static analysis and exponential random graph modelling for micro-blog network,JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 卷: 40 期: 1 页: 3-14 出版年: FEB 2014 (SCI、SSCI、EI收录) 35. Yu, Tian; Yu, Guang; Li, Peng-Yu; Citation impact prediction for scientific papers using stepwise regression analysis, SCIENTOMETRICS, 2014 101(2): 1233-1252 36. Tian Yu, Guang Yu. Analysis on features of scientific papers and the relationships with their citation impact, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science,2014, 19(1)37-50(SSCI录用) 37.Yu, Tian; Yu, Guang; Wang, Ming-Yang, Classification method for detecting coercive self-citation in journals, JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2014,8(1): 123-135(SSCI录用) 38. Wang, Mingyang; Yu, Guang; An, Shuang; Discovery of factors influencing citation impact based on a soft fuzzy rough set model. SCIENTOMETRICS, 93(3): 635-644 DEC 2012. (SCI、SSCI 收录) 39. Wang, Mingyang; Yu, Guang; Xu, Jianzhong. Development a case-based classifier for predicting highly cited papers. Journal of Informetrics, 6(4): 586-599. 2012 (SSCI 收录) 40. Yu, Guang ; Wan, Kefeng, A prediction model of online collective behavior based on graphic mining, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 2012, 7(7): 1-8(EI收录) 41. Wang, Mingyang; Yu, Guang; Yu, Daren, The Preferential Attachment Mechanism Basing on Weighted Past Citations. International Journal Of Modern Physics B, 2011, 25(15): 2055-2061(SCI、EI收录) 42. Yu, Guang; Yang, Dong-Hui; He, Hui-Xin, An automatic recognition method of journal impact factor manipulation. Journal of Information Science, 2011, 37(3): 235-245, (SCI、SSCI、EI收录) 43. Wang, Mingyang; Yu, Guang; Yu, Daren, Mining typical features for highly cited papers. SCIENTOMETRICS,2011, 87(3): 695-706 (SCI、SSCI 收录) 44. 于光, 王名扬, 于达仁 Characterizing knowledge diffusion of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology by citation analysis, Scientometrics.2010, 84(1): 81-97(SCI、SSCI 收录) 45. 于光, 杨东辉, 王亮, Reliability-Based Citation Impact Factor and the Manipulation of Impact Factor, Scientometrics. 2010, 83(1): 259-269 (SCI、SSCI 收录) 46. 于光, 李一军, Identification of citing and cited processes of scientific journals based on the citation distribution model. Scientometrics, 2010,82(2)249-261(SCI、SSCI 收录) 47. Wang, Mingyang; Yu, Guang; Yu, Daren, Effect of the age of papers on the preferential attachment in citation networks, Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 388 (19): 4273-4276, 2009 (SCI、EI 收录) 48. 于光, 李一军, 于达仁, Simulation study of the inventory effect of the scientific paper publishing process. Journal of Information Science, 2009, Vol. 35, No. 4, 414-425 (SCI、SSCI、EI 收录) 49. 于光, 于达仁, Design and simulation on the publication delay control system, Scientometrics, 2008, 76 (3): 407–427 (SCI、SSCI 收录) 50. 于光, 王亮, The self-cited rate of scientific journals and the manipulation of their impact factors, Scientometrics,2007,73(3): 321-330(SCI、SSCI 收录) 51. 于光, 李一军, Parameter identification of the observed citation distribution, Scientometrics, 2007,71(2):339-348(SCI、SSCI 收录) 52. 于光, 李一军, A scientometric assessment of the information loss caused by publication delays of Chinese science journals, Journal of information science, 2006, 32 (1): 78-87(SCI、SSCI、EI 收录) 53. 于光, 郭蕊, 李一军The Influence of Publication Delays on Three ISI Indicators, Scientometrics, 2006, 69(3):511-527(SCI、SSCI 收录) 54. 于光, 郭蕊, 于达仁, The Influence of the Publication Delay on Journal Rankings According to the Impact Factor, Scientometrics, 2006, 67 (2):201-211(SCI、SSCI 收录) 55. Wang, Mingyang; Yu, Guang; Yu, Daren, Measuring the preferential attachment mechanism in citation networks Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications: 387(18)4692-4698, JUL 15 2008 (SCI、EI 收录) 56. Yu, G; Guo, R; Yu, DR, The influence of the publication delay on journal rankings according to the impact factor, SCIENTOMETRICS , 2006, 67(2): 201-211 (SCI、SSCI 收录) 57. Yu, G; Li, YJ, A scientometric assessment of the information loss caused by the delays in publication of Chinese science journals, Journal of Information Science, 32(1): 78-87, 2006 (SCI、SSCI、EI收录) 58. Yu, G; Wang, XH; Yu, DR. The influence of publication delays on impact factors, SCIENTOMETRICS, 64(2): 235-246, 2005 (SCI、SSCI 收录) 59. Yu, G; Yu, DR; Li, YJ, A simulation study of the periodicals' publication delay control process, SCIENTOMETRICS,63(1): 25-38 , APR 2005 (SCI、SSCI 收录) 60. Yu, G; Yu, D; Li, Y, The universal expression of periodical average publication delay at steady state, SCIENTOMETRICS, 60(2):121-129 , 2004 (SCI、SSCI 收录) 61. Yu, G; Rong, YH; Li, YJ, Mathematical model of delay in the secondary literature publishing process, SCIENTOMETRICS,58(3): 673-685, 2003 (SCI、SSCI 收录) 62. Yu, G; Yu, DR; Rong, YH, The mathematical models of the periodical literature publishing process, Information Processing & Management, 36(3): 401-414, 2000 (SCI、SSCI、EI收录) EI或ISTP 收录论文 1. Wang, X., Yu, G., & Yu, Y*. (2021). Exploring the marketing strategy for the promotion of a new mobile game: love and producer on sina weibo. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 11(1), 1-17. 2. Wang, Xin; Yu, Guang*; Yu, Yong-tian, Sentiment Classification Regarding the Negative Brand Affect of Enterprise Weibo Comments. 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining (FSDM), Kitakyushu, JAPAN. OCT 18-21, 2019. FUZZY SYSTEMS AND DATA MINING V (FSDM 2019) , ? Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2019, 320:48-54. NSFC 71774041,71531013. WOS:000569644600006,CPCI 3 Yu Yong-tian; Yu Guang; Zhao Yue-qi. Exploring an Innovative Student Satisfaction Study on Social Media: A Method Combing Satisfaction Theory with Natural Language Processing Technology. 会议: 25th Annual International Conference on Management Science and Engineering 会议地点: Frankfurt, GERMANY 会议日期: AUG 17-20, 2018. 2018 25TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT SCIENCE & ENGINEERING 丛书: International Conference on Management Science and Engineering-Annual Conference Proceedings 页: 434-440 出版年: 2018. EI/ISTP收录 4. Bai Li-juan; Yan Xiang-bin; Yu Guang; 等. CEO Media Appearance and Corporate Performance: Evidence from Social Media in China. 会议: 25th Annual International Conference on Management Science and Engineering. 会议地点: Frankfurt, GERMANY 会议日期: AUG 17-20, 2018. 2018 25TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT SCIENCE & ENGINEERING 丛书: International Conference on Management Science and Engineering-Annual Conference Proceedings 页: 441-447 出版年: 2018, EI/ISTP收录 5. Ji, Pei-Nan; Bai, Li-Juan; Jiang, Yang ; Yu, Guang; Wang, Guan-Qi. Measurement and Importance Identification of Regional Systemic Risk in China. 会议: 3rd Annual International Conference on Education and Development (ICED) , AUG 17-19, 2018. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT (ICED 2018) 丛书: Advances in Social Science Education and Humanities Research 卷: 234 页: 235-243 出版年: 2018, EI/ISTP收录 6. Ji, Peinan; Yu, Guang; Yan, Xiangbin, Research on the Systematic Risk of Real Estate Listed Companies in China: Based on Financial Perspective, International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM) 2017: REAL ESTATE AND URBANIZATION 页: 210-216 出版年: 2017,会议地点: Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA 会议日期: NOV 10-12, 2017. ISTP 7. Huang, Baocheng, Yu, Guang Research on the mining of opinion community for social media based on sentiment analysis and regional distribution, Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2016, p 6900-6905, August 3, 2016, Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2016; ISBN-13: 9781467397148; DOI:10.1109/CCDC.2016. 7532242; EI20163602766054 8. Li Shen; Yu Guang; Zhang Wanfeng; 等.Investigation on Regional Recognition of Open Access Journals. 会议: International Conference on Education, Management, Computer and Society (EMCS) 会议地点: Shenyang, PEOPLES R CHINA 会议日期: JAN 01-03, 2016. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION, MANAGEMENT, COMPUTER AND SOCIETY 丛书: ACSR-Advances in Comptuer Science Research 卷: 37 页: 640-643 出版年: 2016 9. Li Shen; Yu Guang; Zhang Wan-feng. Submission Preference of Economics and Management Discipline in Open Access Era-Investigation from Web of Science. 会议: 23rd Annual International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE) 会议地点: Olten, SWITZERLAND 会议日期: AUG 18-20, 2016 ; 2016 23RD ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, VOLS. I AND II 丛书: International Conference on Management Science and Engineering-Annual Conference Proceedings 页: 762-769 出版年: 2016 10. Pei, Jiayin; Yu, Guang; Shan, Peng Social media coverage of public health issues in china: A content analysis of Weibo news posts, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, v 448, p 111-120, April 1, 2016, EI 20161502226616 11 Pei, Jiayin; Yu, Guang; Shan, Peng, Social media coverage of public health issues in China: A content analysis of Weibo news posts, Source: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, v 448, p 111-120, 2016, Information Technology: New Generations - 13th International Conference on Information Technology; ISSN: 21945357; ISBN-13: 9783319324661; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32467-8_11; EI20162602544932 12. Yu, Guang; Yu, Tian; Wang, Liang,Assessing influence of scientific articles based on feature spaces of citations,会议: International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE) 会议地点: Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA 会议日期: JAN 18, 2016会议赞助商: Informat Technol & Ind Engn Res Ctr,2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (ICMSE 2016) 页: 41-48 出版年: 2016, ISTP 13. Huang, Baocheng ; Yu, Guang, Research on the mining of opinion community for social media based on sentiment analysis and regional distribution, Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2016, p 6900-6905, August 3, 2016, Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2016, EI20163602766054 14. Li Peng-yu; Yu Guang; Gong Jing-wen; 等. Detection and Analysis of Weibo User's Age. 会议: 23rd Annual International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE) 会议地点: Olten, SWITZERLAND 会议日期: AUG 18-20, 2016. 2016 23RD ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, VOLS. I AND II 丛书: International Conference on Management Science and Engineering-Annual Conference Proceedings 页: 1558-1563 出版年: 2016 15. Wang Zheng; Yu Guang; Li Peng-yu. The Problem Mining of Phone Based on Tieba. 会议: 23rd Annual International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE) 会议地点: Olten, SWITZERLAND 会议日期: AUG 18-20, 2016. 2016 23RD ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, VOLS. I AND II 丛书: International Conference on Management Science 16. Yu Zhang; Guang Yu; Guan Yongsheng; Yang Donghui, Feature Selection of Nonperforming Loans in Chinese Commercial Banks,International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology, 2015,v 8, n 3, p 29-42,EI 17. 田宪允,于光,李鹏宇,Multi-class sentiment classification on Weibo, 22th Annual International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2015, 2015.8, EI 18. 白华,于光,An Improved Classification Algorithm Based on Support Vector Machine and Ridge Regression——Applied on Landslide Dam Disaster Events Detection, 22th Annual International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2015,2015,8,EI 19. 关永胜、张宇、于光,Recognizing and Studying the Nonperforming Loans of Chinese City Commercial Banks 22th Annual International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2015,2015,8, EI 20. Wan, Kefeng; Yu, Guang, The growing model of online communication network based on structural classification, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 2012, 4(8): 302-310(EI收录) 21 Song,Tianhua; Yu, Guang; Shi,Chunsheng,etc. Technological innovation and diffusion of hybrid rice breeding based on patent citation networks. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences,2012, 4(14):304-311(EI收录) 22. Song,Tianhua; Yu, Guang; Shi,Chunsheng, Exploring Key Transformism Properties of Patent Citation Network-The Base of Hybrid Rice. WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 2012.219-226 (EI收录) 23. Song,Tianhua; Shi,Chunsheng,Yu, Guang; etc. Forecasting development of hybrid rice breeding through s-curve model and community analysis in complex networks. 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Yang, Donghui; Yu, Guang, Bigger data set, better personalized recommendation performance? Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE), 2013 International Conference on. IEEE, 2013, pp: 28-35. 29 Dong-Hui Yang, Guang Yu EXPONENTIAL RANDOM GRAPH MODELING FOR MICRO-BLOG NETWORK ANALYSIS, The Second International Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development (ICeND2013) – Malaysia, 2013: 50-62 30 Tian Yu, Guang Yu, Qing-Hua Hu. Citation impact prediction of scientific papers based on features, 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (ISSI 2013), PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2013, VOLUME 1: 272-284. 31. Tian Yu, Guang Yu, Min-Yang Wang. Promoting effect between subjects by citation analysis: a case study of MATHEMATICS, 2nd International Conference on Education and Education Management (EEM 2012), Advances in Education Research, 3: 625-631. 32. Wang, Xiaodan; Yu, Guang; Wang, Tiecheng. Granular Computing for Web Applications. 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SOFT COMPUTING (ICAISC 2012). Lecture Notes in Information Technology, 12: 308-312. 33. Wan, Kefeng; Yu, Guang, The dynamic network of online information dissemination based on fuzzy decision tree,会议: 4th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering 会议地点: Chulalongkorn Univ, Dubai, U ARAB EMIRATES 会议日期: DEC 28-30, 2011来源出版物: 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED COMPUTER THEORY AND ENGINEERING ( ICACTE 2011) 页: 109-111 出版年: 2011 34. Wan, Kefeng; Yu, Guang; Bai, Hua, The Loss Model for Mass Emergency Base on Agglomerative Clustering,会议: 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Business Management 会议地点: Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA 会议日期: MAR 22-24, 2011, 来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (EBM2011), VOLS 1-6 页: 1774-1777 出版年: 2011 35. Wan, Kefeng; Yu, Guang; Liang, Jun,A Hierarchical Model for Topics in Web Surveys by Multinomial Logistic Regression, 会议: 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Business Management 会议地点: Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA 会议日期: MAR 22-24, 2011来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (EBM2011), VOLS 1-6 页: 2860-2863 2011 36. Wang, Xiaodan; Fu, Tingbo; Yu, Guang; Cloud Computing Concept in the Application of HIT Library 会议: International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (ICIMCS 2011) 会议地点: Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA 会议日期: DEC 12-13, 2011 来源出版物: INSTRUMENTATION, MEASUREMENT, CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS 丛书: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 卷: 127 页: 255-259 出版年: 2012 1.教材编写 (1)《信息检索》,于光主编,国家“十一五”规划“信息管理与信息系统”系列教材,2010年2月,电子机械工业出版社,ISBN:9787121102806 (2)《科技信息资源与网络检索》于光主编,哈尔滨工业大学出版社; 第2版 (2009年8月1日) ISBN: 7560316093, 9787560316093 (3)《大学生图书情报教育基础》于光 宋天华主编 哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2011 (4)信息知识丛书《信息的获取与分析》,参编,1998年东北林业大学出版社 招生要求 名称 对报考学生的要求 具有理工科教育背景,具有良好的计算机、数学学科知识基础。 理工科、计算机、管理科学与工程学科学生优先选择。 外语基础良好,具有熟练读写的能力和语言交流能力,要求是学习英语考生。 学生毕业的可能去向 高等院校、政府管理机构、企业开发和管理部门 荣誉称号 名称 (1) 2007年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。 (2) 2008 Emerald出版集团与欧洲管理发展基金会(EFMD)管理学信息科学领域(Information Science)优秀博士论文高度赞扬奖(Highly Commended Awards)。