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姓名 史丽萍 性别 史丽萍
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 航天学院
学位 史丽萍 学历 史丽萍
职称 联系方式 13313654597
邮箱 shiliping@hit.edu.cn    
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 发表论文 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 史丽萍,女,汉族,1976年生。江苏溧阳人。 教授,博导,哈工大复合材料与结构研究所。 荣誉称号 名称 2019年 获国家部委科技进步一等奖一项 2012年 获国家技术发明二等奖一项 2011年 获黑龙江技术发明二等奖一项 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 2019.12-至今 哈工大复合材料与结构研究所 教授 2007.12-2019.11 哈工大复合材料与结构研究所 副教授 2015.04-至今 哈工大复合材料与结构研究所 博导 2010.01-2011.01 美国西北大学(Northwestern University)博士后 2005.07-2007.07 成都飞机设计研究所(哈工大)联合培养博士后 2005.03-2007.11 哈工大复合材料与结构研究所 讲师 教育经历 名称 2001年-2005年,就读于哈工大复合材料与结构研究所,获工学博士学位 1999年-2001年,就读于哈工大材料科学与工程学院,获工学硕士学位 1995年-1999年,就读于哈工大材料科学与工程学院,获工学学士学位 学术兼职 名称 宇航学会 会员 复合材料学会 会员 Journal of Materials Processing Technology 审稿人 科研项目 项目名称 Al2O3气凝胶填充非石墨化泡沫炭隔热复合材料的改性设计与实现 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2011-01-01 结束时间 2013-12-01 项目经费 20万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 近空间高超声速飞行器轻质结构与防/隔热一体化设计 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2008-01-01 结束时间 2010-12-01 项目经费 78 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 高超声速飞行器气动/推进/结构耦合问题研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2012-01-01 结束时间 2015-12-01 项目经费 250 担任角色 参与 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 研究领域 名称 碳基功能储热复合材料 高温耐热陶瓷功能涂层 柔性电子器件热管理 学生培养 名称 马晓亮:博士生 罗国全:博士生 龙柯材:博士生 张弘弛:博士生 尹凯俐:博士生 王一明:硕士生 祝诗洋:硕士生 讲授课程 名称 《结构优化设计与理论》研究生选修课 《理论力学》本科生基础课 目录 名称 01 Compressive and shear performance of three-dimensional rigid stochastic fibrous networks: Experiment, finite element simulation, and factor analysis. L.P. Shi, K.C. Long, Y.S. Zhong, G.Q. Luo, X.L. Ma, M.W. Li, X.D. He, J. Yu, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40:115-126 02 Mechanics of bistable cross-shaped structures through loading-path controlled 3D assembly. G.Q. Luo, H.R. Fu, X. Cheng, K. Bai, L.P. Shi, X.D. He, J.A. Rogers, Y.G. Huang, Y.H. Zhang, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2019, 129:261-277 03 Effects of equivalent beam element on the in-plane shear performance of 3D stochastic fibrous networks. K.C. Long, L.P. Shi, Y.S. Zhong, G.Q. Luo, X.L. Ma, M.W. Li, X.D. He, C.L. Guan, Ceramics International, 2019, 45:12734-12741 04 Graphitization resistance determines super hardness of lonsdaleite, nanotwinned and nanopolycrystalline diamond. X.L. Ma, L.P. Shi, X.D. He, L. Li, G.J. Cao, C.Y. Hou, J.C. Li, L. Chang, L. Yang, Y.S. Zhong, Carbon, 2018, 133:69-76 05 Ductile-brittle transition in transverse isotropic fibrous networks. G.Q. Luo, L.P. Shi, M.W. Li, Y.S. Zhong, X.D. He, J.Z. Wang, Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 112: 051904 06 Compressive damage of three-dimensional random fibrous ceramic materials: A meso-mechanics modeling and experimental study. G.Q. Luo, L.P. Shi, Y.S. Zhong, L. Yang, X.L. Ma, M.W. Li, X.D. He, Ceramics International, 2018, 44: 15690-15699 07 Characterization and thermal shock behavior of composite ceramic coating doped with ZrO2 particles on TC4 by micro-arc oxidation. Y.S. Zhong, L.P. Shi, M.W. Li, F. He, X.D. He, Applied Surface Science, 2014, 311: 158-163 08 Cyclic oxidation behaviour of the Al2TiO5/TiO2/ZrO2 composite coating on Ti-6Al-4V alloy with plasma electrolytic oxidation. Y. Zhong, M. Li, L. Shi, J. Yu, J. Liang, M. Sun, X. He, Materials Research Innovations, 2015, 19: S5.1228-S5.1231 09 Isothermal oxidation property of the Al2TiO5/TiO2/ZrO2 composite coating on TC4 alloy prepared by micro-arc oxidation. Y.S. Zhong, L.P. Shi, M.W. Li, X.Y. Wang, Y. Gao, J.H. Liang, M.B. Sun, X.D. He, Materials Research Innovations, 2015, 19: S1.126-S1.129 10 复合材料格栅反射器结构热变形及精度分析 张弘弛, 梁旭豪, 钟业盛, 泮世东, 史丽萍, 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2019, 51:35-39 11 蜂窝夹层结构抛物面天线型面精度仿真分析 张弘弛,梁旭豪,王晓蕾,田杰,史丽萍, 上海航天(中英文), 2020, 37(01):107-112 12 未折叠蛋白质的普遍初始热力学亚稳态 杨霖,郭帅,马晓亮,侯成宇,史丽萍,李佳成,赫晓东, 生物化学与生物物理进展,2019,46:993-1001 13 Structure relaxation via long trajectories made stable L.Yang, C.Y. Hou, X.L. Ma, L. Ye, L. Chang, L.P. Shi, X.D He, Physical chemistry chemical physics, 2017,19: 24478-24484 14 热暴露对陶瓷隔热瓦表面硼硅玻璃涂层组织的影响 孙宇雷,李明伟,钟业盛,史丽萍,赫晓东,表面技术,2019,48:83-89 15 FE Modeling of Stress Distribution in MAO Coating on TC4 Substrate under Thermal Shock Cyclic Loading Y.S. Zhong, L.P. Shi, M.W. Li, J. Yu, J.H. Liang, M.B. Sun, X.D. He, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 941-944:1629-1632 16 Preparation and Characterization Composite Ceramic Coating Doped with ZrO2 Particles on TC4 by MAO Y.S. Zhong, L.P. Shi, M.W. Li, J. Yu, J.H. Liang, M.B. Sun, X.D. He, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 941-944:1593-1596 17 热循环对薄板镍基合金表面高辐射率涂层残余应力的影响 武勇斌,赫晓东,李军,钟业盛,史丽萍,稀有金属材料与工程,2013,42:459-461 18 Improvement of oxidation resistance of TC4 alloy by microarc oxidation with sol-gel SiO2 sealing. Liping Shi, Yesheng Zhong, Mingwei Li, Xiaodong He. Rare metal materials and engineering. 2012, 41(3): 250-253 19 Tailored Al2O3/ZrO2 composite oxide layers by bipolar current adjustment in the Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) process. Yesheng Zhong, Xiaodong HE, Liping Shi, Mingwei Li, Fei He. Nanoscience and Nanatechnology Letters, 2011, 3: 1-6 20 Characteristic of Microarc Oxidized Coatings on Titanium Alloy Formed in Electrolytes Containing Aluminate and ZrO2 Particles. Yesheng Zhong, Xiaodong HE, Liping Shi, Jia Yu. Advanced Materials Research, 2010, 105-106: 502-504. 21 Finite Element modeling of Residual Stress of Ti/TiAl multilayer composites prepared by EBPVD technology. Liping Shi, Yesheng Zhong, Jia Yu, Xiaodong HE. Journal of Computational and Theortical Nanoscience, 2008, 5: 1462-1465(SCI) 22 Interfacial Microstructure and Strength of Vacuum Brazed Joints of Ternary Ceramics Ti3SiC2. Liping Shi, Yesheng Zhong, Xiaodong He. Advanced Materials Research 2010, 105-106: 226-229(EI) 23 High-frequency vibration response of metal honeycomb sandwich structure. Kong Xianghao, He Xiaodong, Shi Liping. Advanced Materials Research 2009, 79-82: 1727-1730 (EI) 24 Mechanical analysis of confectioning flaw of refractory alloy honeycomb sandwich structure. Kong Xianghao, He Xiaodong, Shi Liping. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering 2009, 72: 94-97(EI) 25 Numerical Simulation of Residual Stress during Micro-layer Composite Material Processing by EBPVD Technique. Shi Liping, Li Yao, He Xiaodong. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2003,19(1): 80-82. (SCI) 26 Theory Deposition Model and Influencing Factors During Process of Preparing Micro-layer Laminage by EBPVD. Shi Liping, He Xiaodong, Li Yao. ACTA Metallurgica Sinica, 2004(3): 283-287. (EI) 27 Fem Analysis of Stress Distribution in Metal/Ceramic Multi-layer Composites Prepared by EBPVD Technique. Shi Liping, Li Yao, He Xiaodong. International SAMPE Technical Conference, 2004: 3985-3993. (EI) 28 Characterization of EBPVD Micro-layer Composites and Simulation of Its Internal Stress State. Shi Liping, He Xiaodong. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2005, 12(1): 27-30.(SCI) 29 The effects of substrate temperature on the residual stress for EBPVD TBCs. Yesheng Zhong, Liping Shi, Jia Yu, Xiaodong HE. Materials Science Forum, 2008, 575-578: 1276-1280(SCI) 30 Experimental Study of GFRP-Strengthened Bridge RC Beams Subjected to Fatigue Loading. Liyuan Shi, Pingqi Xia, Liping Shi. Journal of Computational and Theortical Nanoscience, 2008, 5: 1412-1415(SCI) 31 Research on an Expert System for Processes Selection in Composite Materials Engineering. Yu Jia, Zhang Boming, Shi Liping, Cong Jingjie. Journal of Computational and Theortical Nanoscience, 2008, 5: 1522-1555(SCI) 32 Numerical Simulation of Thermal Stress in Metal/Ceramic Micro-laminates Prepared by EBPVD Technology, Xiaodong HE, Liping SHI. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Thermal Stress. Vienna, Austria, 2005,547-551(EI) 33 Design and Analysis on Advanced Metallic Passive Thermal Protection System for reusable launch vehicles. Liping SHI, Xiaodong HE. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Thermal Stress. Vienna, Austria, 2005,433-437(EI) 34 EBPVD法制备NiCrAlY/ZrO2-8Y2O3微层复合板的拉伸力学性能研究. 史丽萍,赫晓东,李垚.宇航材料工艺,2003(6): 57-59。 35 EBPVD 金属/陶瓷微层复合材料的研究与应用. 史丽萍,赫晓东,李垚.宇航材料工艺,2003(5): 17-20。 36 可重复使用航天器的热防护系统概论. 史丽萍,李垚, 赫晓东.航空制造技术, 2004(7): 80-82。 37 MTPS金属蜂窝夹芯结构尺寸效应的数值分析与模拟 史丽萍,赫晓东,孟松鹤,潘世东.南京航空航天大学学报,2005,37(1): 121-124. (EI)