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姓名 刘树田 性别 刘树田
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 物理学院
学位 刘树田 学历 刘树田
职称 教授 联系方式 13704806913
邮箱 stliu@hit.edu.cn    
软件产品登记测试全国受理 软件著作权666元代写全部资料全国受理 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理

基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 论文专著 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 刘树田,男,汉族,1962年生。教授,理学博士;哈尔滨工业大学物理学院。 行止无愧天地,褒贬自有春秋。 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 1990.06-1991.12 哈尔滨工业大学物理系,讲师 1991.12-1995.05 哈尔滨工业大学物理系,副教授 1995.05-今 哈尔滨工业大学物理系,教授 1997.07-今 哈尔滨工业大学物理学院,教授,博士生导师 1993.02-1994.02 芬兰约恩苏大学物理系,访问研究员 教育经历 名称 1980年-1984年, 就读于哈尔滨科技大学(现哈尔滨理工大学)技术物理系,获学士学位 1984年-1987年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学物理系,硕士研究生,获理学硕士学位 1987年-1990年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学物理系,博士研究生,获理学博士学位 主要任职 名称 美国光学学会(Optical Society of America, OSA),资深会员 黑龙江省物理学会,常务理事 黑龙江省光学学会,常务理事 Optics Express编委(2016.03-2022.03) 研究领域 名称 主持自然科学基金项目(已结题): 分数傅里叶域空间变化滤波, 69577006, (1996). 分数阶随机变换及其在光学信息安全中的应用, 10674038, (2007). 基于光学反问题的图像加密算法破解研究, 10974039, (2010). 光学动态图像信息的伪装加密方法研究, 61377016, (2014). 超强耦合电路QED中的新奇物理过程及其在量子信息中的应用, 61575055, (2016). 基于中空/涡旋光场照明的高频增强超分辨成像技术研究, 11874132, (2019). 主持自然科学基金项目(在研): 基于运动调相的非对称光学图像加密技术研究,12074094, (2021). 基于长程相关性模型和自适应扫描的非侵入式散射成像技术,12374271,(2024). 研究生教育成就 名称 指导学生获得哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士学位论文名单: 钟升,1999,光学模式识别中的新算法与结构(指导教师:李淳飞,刘树田) 曲士良,2003,金属超分子材料的光纤幅特性研究(指导教师:刘树田,宋瑛林) 朱邦和,2003,基于分数傅里叶变换的光学安全和模式识别(指导教师:刘树田) 叶佳声,2006,应用边界元及标量和修正标量衍射方法分析微柱透镜性能(指导教师:刘树田,顾本源) 刘正君,2008,分数阶变换及其在图像加密和滤波中的应用(指导教师:刘树田) 韩凝, 2022,电磁超材料中的拓扑相与拓扑相变研究(提名奖)(指导教师:刘树田,刘建龙) 祁鲁, 2022, Su-Schrieffer-Heeger晶格中拓扑边缘传输与拓扑量子光学器件研究 (提名奖)(指导教师:刘树田,王洪福) 指导学生获得全国优秀博士学位论文名单: 朱邦和,2004,基于分数傅里叶变换的光学安全和模式识别(提名奖)(指导教师:刘树田) 刘正君,2009,分数阶变换及其在图像加密和滤波中的应用(提名奖)(指导教师:刘树田) 团队成员 名称 刘正君 教授 林 杰 教授 周可雅 副教授 讲授课程 名称 主讲过的本科生课程: 光学 高等光学 Fundamental Photonics(英语) 主讲过的研究生课程: 量子光学 高等激光物理学 现主讲课程 科技论文写作(硕士生课程) 学术研究与写作(博士生课程) 量子相干光子学(博士生课程) 招生信息 名称 2024年已停止招生。 研究论文 名称 2023 1. Mengwei Cao, Zhenwei Xie, Peihua Jie, Ting Lei, Wanlong Zhang, Shutian Liu, and Xiaocong Yuan, Cylindrical Vector Beam Sorting with an Asymmetrical Pancharatnam-Berry Lens, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 41, NO. 18, SEPTEMBER 15, (2023). 2. Ziling Qiao, Xiu Wen, Xuyang Zhou, Feng Qin, Shutian Liu, Bin Gao, Wei Liu, Dazhao Chi, Zhengjun Liu, Adaptive iterative guided filtering for suppressing background noise in ptychographical imaging, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 160, 107233, (Jan 2023). 3. Xuedong Zhao, Yan Xing, Ji Cao, Shutian Liu, Wen-Xue Cui and Hong-Fu Wang, Engineering quantum diode in one-dimensional time-varying superconducting circuits. NPJ Quantum Inf 9, 59 (2023). 4. Liang Wang, Wei Zhang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang and Hong-Fu Wang, Simultaneous cooling and synchronization of the mechanical and the radio-frequency resonators via voltage modulation. EPJ Quantum Technol. 10, 34 (2023). 5. Wei Zhang, Tie Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hongfu Wang, Nonreciprocal photon blockade in a spinning resonator coupled to two two-level atoms, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 66, 240313 (2023). 6. Yu Ji, Xiu Wen, Xuyang Zhou, Yutong Li, Yiran Wang, Longhui Fu, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu; 3D-motion phase modulation for protecting image information. Appl. Phys. Lett. 10 July 2023; 123 (2): 021109. 7. Cao Mengwei, Xie Zhenwei, Zhong Yanan, Lei Ting, Zhang Wanlong, Liu Shutian, Yuan Xiaocong. Cylindrical Vector Beams Demultiplexing Communication Based on a Vectorial Diffractive Optical Element[J]. Nanophotonics, 2023, 12(9):1753-1762. 2022 8. Xiu Wen, Yutong Li, Xuyang Zhou, Yu Ji, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Dazhao Chi, Dong Jia, Zhengjun Liu, Phase retrieval with dynamic linear combination in multiple intensity measurements, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 159, 107200, (DEC 2022). 9. Wenjia Li, Haoran Li, Zhaoqi Jiang, Wenxia Xu, Yang Gao, Shutian Liu, Zheng Zhu, Chunying Guan, Jinhui Shi, Jianlong Liu, Spin-locked scattering of unpolarized light by magnetoelectric coupling, Physical Review A, 106(5), 053501, (Nov 1 2022). 10. Ning Han, Jianlong Liu, Yang Gao, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Topological transitions in magnetized plasma and optical isolators based on leaky waveguide plasmon mode, Physical Review B, 106(16), 165306 (OCT 21 2022). 11. Zhengjia Zhang, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Expanding the memory effect in scattering imaging by manipulating photon distributions, Physical Review A, 106(4), 043508, (OCT 11 2022). 12. Lu Liu, Zhihai Liu, Yu Zhang, Shutian Liu, Multi-channel optical fiber surface plasmon resonance sensor with narrow FWHM, high figure of merit, and wide detection range, Plasmonics, 17(5), 2235-2244, (OCT 2022). 13. Zhenzhen Song, Jingfei Ye, Lin Wang, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Bo Liu, Radially polarized cosine non-uniformly correlated beams and their propagation properties, Journal of The Optical Society of America A, 39(10), 1766-1773, (OCT 1 2022). 14. Lu Liu, Zhihai Liu, Yu Zhang, Shutian Liu, High-sensitivity triple-channel optical fiber surface plasmon resonance sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, 22(19), 18446-18453, (OCT 1 2022). 15. Shaoying Yin, Shutian Liu, Jie Song, Hongliang Luan, Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics of quantum coherence in the extended XX chain, Physical Review A, 106(3), 032220, (SEP 27 2022). 16. Zhonglin Yang, Yanhua Cao, Shutian Liu, Camel Tanougast, Walter Blondel, Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, A novel signature and authentication cryptosystem for hyperspectral image by using triangular association encryption algorithm in gyrator domains, Applied Sciences, 12(15), 7649, (AUG 2022). 17. Xuyang Zhou, Pengbo Xiong, Dazhao Chi, Xiu Wen, Yu Ji, Yutong Li, Shutian Liu, Dong Jia, Zhengjun Liu, Fast autofocusing based on pixel difference with Tanimoto coefficient between images, Optics Letters, 47(15), 3752-3755, (Aug 1 2022). 18. Kai Guo, Qingsong Xue, Fujia Chen, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Zhongyi Guo, Optically reconfigurable higher-order valley photonic crystals based on enhanced Kerr effect, Optics Letters, 47(15), 3828-3831, (AUG 1 2022). 19. Xuyang Zhou, Xiu Wen, Yu Ji, Yong Geng, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Fast automatic multiple positioning for lensless coherent diffraction imaging, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 155, 107055, (Aug 2022). 20. Xiu Wen, Xuyang Zhou, Yutong Li, Yu Ji, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Dong Jia, Wei Liu, Dazhao Chi, Zhengjun Liu, High-performance lensless diffraction imaging from diverse holograms by three-dimensional scanning, Optics Letters, 47(14), 3423-3426, (JUL 15 2022). 21. Yong Geng, Xiu Wen, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Noise-robust phase retrieval by optics path modulation with adaptive feedback, Optics Communications, 515, 128199, (JUL 15 2022). 22. Yu Ji, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu, Random motion blur for optical image encryption, Optics Express, 30(14), 24310-24323, (JUL 4 2022). 23. Shaoying Yin, Jie Song, Shutian Liu, Yueyuan Wang, Lin Li, Wenjun Sun, Basis-independent quantum coherence and its distribution in spin chains with three-site interaction, Physica A, 597, 127239, (JUL 1 2022). 24. Ning Han, Jianlong Liu, Yang Gao, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Anomalous bulk-edge correspondence and dual-band topologically protected edge states in magnetized plasma, Physical Review B, 105(23), 235411, (JUN 9 2022). 25. Yutong Li, Xiu Wen, Xuyang Zhou, Yu Ji, Ming Sun, Guancheng Huang, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Spectrum sampling optimization for quantitative phase imaging based on Kramers-Kronig relations, Optics Letters, 47(11), 2786-2789, (Jun 1 2022). 26. Ning Han, Jianlong Liu, Yang Gao, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Topological phase transitions and Weyl semimetal phases in chiral photonic metamaterials, New Journal of Physics, 24(5), 053052, (MAY 1 2022). 27. Yan Xing, Lu Qi, Xuedong Zhao, Zhe Lu, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, Hong-Fu Wang, Quantum transport in a one-dimensional quasicrystal with mobility edges, Physical Review A, 105(3), 032443, (MAR 25 2022). 28. Xuyang Zhou, Xiu Wen, Yu Ji, Yutong Li, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, Image reconstruction using auto-focusing in single-lens system, Applied Sciences, 12(3), 1378, (Feb 2022). 2021 29. Lu Qi, Guo-Li Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, Hong-Fu Wang, "Dissipation- induced topological phase transition and periodic-driving-induced photonic topological state transfer in a small optomechanical lattice," Frontiers of Physics, 16(1), 12503 (2021). 2.502 30. Shaoying Yin, Jie Song, Shutian Liu, Guoli Song, “Quantum coherence and topological quantum phase transitions in the extended XY chain,” Physics Letters A, 389, 2021, 127089. 31. Yong Geng, Xiu Wen, Xuyang Zhou, Yutong Li, Jiubin Tan, Weiqiang Ding, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu, “Multi-rotation coherent imaging by a phase mask,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 139, 2021, 106511. 32. Wenjia Li, Jianlong Liu, Yang Gao, Keya Zhou, and Shutian Liu, “Enhanced spin Hall effect of light scattering on a meta-atom with bianisotropy,” Physical Review A 102, 063527, 2020. 33. Xuedong Zhao, Yan Xing, Lu Qi, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang and Hong-Fu Wang, "Real-potential-driven anti-PT-symmetry breaking in non-Hermitian Su- Schrieffer- Heeger model," New J. Phys. 23 (2021) 073043. 34. Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shou Zhang, Shutian Liu, and Hong-Fu Wang, "Double-mechanical-oscillator cooling by breaking the restrictions of quantum backaction and frequency ratio via dynamical modulation," PHYSICAL REVIEW A 103, 033508 (2021). 35. Tie Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang, "Optomechanically induced Faraday and splitting effects in a double-cavity optomechanical system," PHYSICAL REVIEW A 104, 013721 (2021). 36. Lu Qi, Yan Xing, Xue-Dong Zhao, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, Shi Hu, and Hong-Fu Wang, "Topological beam splitter via defect-induced edge channel in the Rice-Mele model," PHYSICAL REVIEW B 103, 085129 (2021). 37. Lu Qi, Yu Yan, Yan Xing, Xue-Dong Zhao, Shutian Liu, Wen-Xue Cui, Xue Han, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang, "Topological router induced via long-range hopping in a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain," PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 3, 023037 (2021). 38. Tie Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, Hong-Fu Wang, "Optical response based on Stokes and anti-Stokes scattering processes in cavity optomechanical system," Quantum Information Processing, (2021) 20:126. 39. Lu Qi, Yan Xing, Xue-Dong Zhao, Shutian Liu, Xue Han, Wen-Xue Cui, Shou Zhang and Hong-Fu Wang, "Tunable Topological Beam Splitter in Superconducting Circuit Lattice," Quantum Reports, 2021, 3, 1–12. 40. Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shou Zhang, Shutian Liu, and Hong-Fu Wang, "Generation of Strong Mechanical–Mechanical Entanglement by Pump Modulation," Advanced Quantum Technologies, 2021, 2000149. 41. Ning Han, Jianlong Liu, Yang Gao, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Chiral and multiple one-way surface states on photonic gyroelectric metamaterials with small Chern number, Optics Express, 29, 21, (33097), (2021). 42. Ning Han, Jianlong Liu, Yang Gao, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Robust gapped surface states and filtering effect in a photonic topological gyroelectromagnetic metamaterial, Physical Review B, 104, 20, (2021). 43. Lu Liu, Zhihai Liu, Yu Zhang, and Shutian Liu, Side-Polished D-Type Fiber SPR Sensor for RI Sensing with Temperature Compensation, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 21(15), 2021, 16621. 2020 44. Wen-Xue Cui, Yan Xing, Lu Qi, Xue Han, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang, "Quantum walks in periodically kicked circuit QED lattice," Optics Express, 28, 13532-13541 (2020). 45. Lu Qi, Guo-Li Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang, "Controllable photonic and phononic topological state transfers in a small optomechanical lattice," Optics Letters, 45, 2018-2021 (2020). 46. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Xue Han, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang, "Enhanced photon blockade in an optomechanical system with parametric amplification," Optics Letters, 45, 2604-2607 (2020). 47. Lu Qi, Yan Xing, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang, "Topological phase induced by distinguishing parameter regimes in a cavity optomechanical system with multiple mechanical resonators," Physical Review A, 101, 052325 (2020). 48. Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shou Zhang, Shutian Liu, and Hong-Fu Wang, "Strong mechanical squeezing in a standard optomechanical system by pump modulation," Physical Review A, 101, 053836 (2020). 49. Wenjia Li, Jianlong Liu, Yang Gao, Keya Zhou, and Shutian Liu, "Circular polarization of Cherenkov radiation assisted by a metasurface on waveguides," Optics Letters, 45, 315-318 (2020). 50. Wen-Xue Cui, Lu Qi, Yan Xing, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang and Hong-Fu Wang, Topological and nontopological photonic states in two coupled circuit quantum electrodynamics chains, Laser Physics Letters, 17 (2020) 055206. 1.884. 51. Wen-Xue Cui, Lu Qi, Yan Xing, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang, "Localized photonic states and dynamic process in nonreciprocal coupled Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain," Optics Express 28, 37026-37039 (2020). 52. Lu Qi, Yan Xing, Guo-Li Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang and Hong-Fu Wang, "Topological and Nontopological Edge States Induced by Qubit-Assisted Coupling Potentials", Annalen der Physik, 2020, 532, 2000067. 53. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang and Hong-Fu Wang, "Photon blockade in a double-cavity optomechanical system with nonreciprocal coupling," New J. Phys. 22 (2020) 093006. 54. Lu Qi, Guo-Li Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang and Hong-Fu Wang, "Robust Interface-State Laser in Non-Hermitian Microresonator Arrays," Physical Review Applied, 13, 064016 (2020). 55. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang, "Dissipative bosonic squeezing via frequency modulation and its application in optomechanics," Optics Express,28, (2020) 28942. 56. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Yan Xing, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang and Hong-Fu Wang, "Enhanced photon blockade via driving a trapped -type atom in a hybrid optomechanical system," Physical Review A, 102, 043705 (2020). 57. Lu Qi, Guo-Li Wang, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang, "Engineering the topological state transfer and topological beam splitter in an even-sized Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain," Physical Review A, 102, 022404 (2020). 58. Ning Han, Jianlong Liu, Yang Gao, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, "Topologically Protected and Highly Localized Surface Waves in Gyro-Electromagnetic Metamaterials," Annalen der Physik, 532, 2000022 (2020). 59. Qin Zuo, Yong Geng, Cheng Shen, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu*, Accurate angle estimation based on moment for multirotation computation imaging, Applied Optics, 59(2), 492-499 (01/2020). 60. Cheng Guo, Xianming Liu, Xingchi Kan, Feilong Zhang, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Cuimei Tan, Zhengjun Liu*, Artifactless lensfree coherent microscopy with quasi-three-dimensional scanning, Measurement Science and Technology, 31(4), 045402, (04/2020). 61. Yulan Zhai, Cheng Guo, Feilong Zhang, Jiubin Tan, Cheng Shen, Walter Blondel, Shutian Liu, Cuimei Tan, Zhengjun Liu*, Adjustable frequency filtering and weighted feedback for iterative phase retrieval in noisy conditions, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 124, 105808, (01/2020). 62. Cheng Guo, Feilong Zhang, Xiaoqing Zhang, Xingchi Kan, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Zhengjun Liu*, Lensfree super-resolved imaging based on adaptive Wiener filter and guided phase retrieval algorithm, Journal of Optics, 22(5), 055703, (05/2020). 63. Xiu Wen, Yong Geng, Cheng Guo, Xuyang Zhou, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Cuimei Tan, Zhengjun Liu*, A parallel ptychographic iterative engine with a co-start region, Journal of Optics, 22(7), 075701, (07/2020). 64. Feilong Zhang, Cheng Guo, Yulan Zhai, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Cuimei Tan, Hang Chen, Zhengjun Liu*, A noise-robust multi-intensity phase retrieval method based on structural patch decomposition, Journal of Optics, 22(7), 075706, (07/2020). 65. Xiu Wen, Yong Geng, Xuyang Zhou, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Cuimei Tan, Zhengjun Liu*, Ptychography imaging by 1-D scanning with diffuser, Optics Express, 28(15), 22658-22668, (07/2020). 66. Zhengjun Liu*, Hang Chen, Walter Blondel, Jiubin Tan, Zhenzhen Song, Zhukuan Hu, Cuimei Tan, Shutian Liu, Generation of hollow beam by using phase filtering with multi-distance phase retrieval, Optics Communications, 456, 124611, (02/2020). 67. Zhenzhen Song, Daiyue Zhao, Zhiyuan Han, Jingfei Ye, Junfeng Wang, Tingting Sun, Zhengjun Liu, Shutian Liu*, Bo Liu*, Multi-hyperbolic sine-correlated beams and their statistical properties in turbulent atmosphere, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 37(10), 1595-1602, (10/2020). 2019 68. Lu Liu, Zhihai Liu, Yu Zhang, Shutian Liu. V-shaped micro-structure optical fiber surface plasmon resonance sensor for the simultaneous measurement of the refractive index and temperature, Optics Letters, 2019, 44 (20): 5093-5096。 69. Wenjia Li, Jianlong Liu, Yang Gao, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Photonic spin Hall effect on an ellipsoidal Rayleigh particle in scattering far-field, Optics Express, 2019, 27 (20): 28194-28203. 70. Cheng-Hua Bai, Dong-Yang Wang, Shou Zhang, Shutian Liu, Hong-Fu Wang, Modulation-based atom-mirror entanglement and mechanical squeezing in an unresolved-sideband optomechanical system, Annalen Der Physik, 2019, 531(7): 1800271. 71. Wenjia Li, Jianlong Liu, Yang Gao, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Evolution dynamics of optical angular momentum and torque through a birefringent metallic subwavelength aperture, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52 (19): 195103. 72. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, Hong-Fu Wang, Distinguishing photon blockade in a PT-symmetric optomechanical system, Physical Review A, 2019,99 (4): 043818. 73. Wenjia Li, Jianlong Liu, Yang Gao, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Dynamics of angular momentum-torque conversion in silicon waveguides, Optics Express, 2019, 27 (7): 10208-10220. 74. Shaoying Yin, Jie Song, Yujun Zhang, Shutian Liu, Quantum Fisher information in quantum critical systems with topological characterization, Physical Review B, 2019, 100, 184417. 75. Huan Zhao, Chunmei Zhang, Jinying Guo, Shutian Liu, Xianzhong Chen, and Yan Zhan, Metasurface Hologram for Multi-Image Hiding and Seeking, Physical Review Applied, 2019,12(5):054011(9). 2018 76. Wen-Xue Cui, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, Hong-Fu Wang, and Jing-Ji Wen, "Quantum information processing in a decoherence-free subspace for the (sigma)over-cap(x)-type collective noise," Quantum Information Processing 17:235 (2018). 77. Yong Geng, Jiubin Tan, Cheng Guo, Cheng Shen, Weiqiang Ding, Shutian Liu, and Zhengjun Liu, "Computational coherent imaging by rotating a cylindrical lens," Optics Express 26, 22110-22122 (2018). 78. Cheng Guo, Qiang Li, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, and Zhengjun Liu, "A method of solving tilt illumination for multiple distance phase retrieval," Optics and Lasers in Engineering 106, 17-23 (2018). 79. Cheng Guo, Qiang Li, Xiaoqing Zhang, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, and Zhengjun Liu, "Enhancing imaging contrast via weighted feedback for iterative multi- image phase retrieval," Journal of Biomedical Optics 23:016015 (2018). 80. Cheng Guo, Cheng Shen, Qiang Li, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, Xinchi Kan, and Zhengjun Liu, "A fast-converging iterative method based on weighted feedback for multi-distance phase retrieval," Scientific Reports 8:6436 (2018). 81. Cheng Guo, Cheng Shen, Jiubin Tan, Xuejing Bao, Shutian Liu, and Zhengjun Liu, "A robust multi-image phase retrieval," Optics and Lasers in Engineering 101, 16-22 (2018). 82. Cheng Guo, Yixuan Zhao, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, and Zhengjun Liu, "Adaptive lens-free computational coherent imaging using autofocusing quantification with speckle illumination," Optics Express 26, 14407-14420 (2018). 83. Xin Jin, Xuemei Ding, Jiubin Tan, Cheng Shen, Shutian Liu, and Zhengjun Liu, "Wavefront reconstruction of a non-coaxial diffraction model in a lens system," Applied Optics 57, 1127-1133 (2018). 84. Zhengjun Liu, Hang Chen, Walter Blondel, Zhenmin Shen, and Shutian Liu, "Image security based on iterative random phase encoding in expanded fractional Fourier transform domains," Optics and Lasers in Engineering 105, 1-5 (2018). 85. Cheng Shen, Cheng Guo, Yong Geng, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, and Zhengjun Liu, "Noise-robust pixel-super-resolved multi-image phase retrieval with coherent illumination," Journal of Optics 20:115703 (2018). 86. Cheng Shen, Cheng Guo, Jiubin Tan, Shutian Liu, and Zhengjun Liu, "Complex amplitude reconstruction by iterative amplitude-phase retrieval algorithm with reference," Optics and Lasers in Engineering 105, 54-59 (2018). 87. Zhenzhen Song, Zhengjun Liu, Jingfei Ye, Qiongge Sun, and Shutian Liu, "Random sources generating far fields with ring-shaped array profiles," Optik 168, 590-597 (2018). 88. Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Shutian Liu, Shou Zhang, and Hong-Fu Wang, "Optomechanical cooling beyond the quantum backaction limit with frequency modulation," Physical Review A 98:023816 (2018). 89. Shaoying Yin, Jie Song, Xuexin Xu, Yujun Zhang, and Shutian Liu, "Quantum coherence dynamics of three-qubit states in XY spin-chain environment," Quantum Information Processing 17:296 (2018). 2017 90. Zhen-Zhen Song, Zheng-Jun Liu, Ke-Ya Zhou, Qiong-Ge Sun, and Shu-Tian Liu, "Propagation factor of electromagnetic concentric rings Schell-model beams in non-Kolmogorov turbulence," Chinese Physics B, 26, 024201 (2017). 91. Tian Li-li, Liu Jian-long, Zhou Ke-ya, Gao Yang, Liu Shu-tian. Negative-index dispersion and accidental mode degeneracy in an asymmetric spoof–insulator–spoof waveguide. Chinese Physics B, 26(7): 078401 (2017). 92. Xuexin Xu, Xin Liu, Qinghong Liao, Keya Zhou, and Shutian Liu, "One-step quantum phase gate in the ultrastrong coupling regime of circuit QED," Quantum Information Processing, 16, 214 (2017). 93. Yin Shao-Ying, Liu Qing-Xin, Song Jie, Xu Xue-Xin, Zhou Ke-Ya, Liu Shu-Tian. Quantum correlations dynamics of three-qubit states coupled to an XY spin chain: Role of coupling strengths. Chinese Physics B, 26(10): 100501 (2017). 94. 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