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姓名 王国峰 性别 王国峰
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 材料科学与工程学院
学位 王国峰 学历 王国峰
职称 教授 联系方式 13904516689
邮箱 gfwang@hit.edu.cn    
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 论文专著 English 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 王国峰,男,汉族,1973年生。教授/博导;哈尔滨工业大学材料学院材料工程系主任。 先后主持承担国家自然科学基金项目以及一批省部级重点项目等。开发的大尺寸复杂薄壁零件成形技术在复兴号高铁、京张高铁、600公里磁浮车、市域车、地铁等领域获得大批量应用。 获得国家技术发明二等奖(第4),黑龙江省自然科学基金二等奖,排名第二。龙江工匠称号。黑龙江省教学成果奖二等奖(排名第1)。 荣誉称号 名称 2022年 黑龙江省教学成果奖二等奖(排名第1) 2021年 国家技术发明二等奖(排名第4)2020年 龙江工匠 2019年 获黑龙江科学技术奖一等(排名第4) 2010年 获黑龙江科学技术奖二等2010年 获哈工大青年教师基本功大赛二等 2009年 获中国博士后科学基金特别资助 2008年 获中国博士后科学基金一等 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 2002-2004 哈工大材料学院,讲师 2004-2011 哈工大材料学院,副教授 2011-现在 哈工大材料学院,教授/博导 2004-2005 香港理工大学,访问学者 2006-2007 哈工大/牡丹江碳化硼公司,博士后 2007-2009 法国国家科学院,博士后 2019-现在 材料加工工程系 系主任 教育经历 名称 1993年-1997年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学, 材料学院,本科 1997年-2002年, 就读于哈尔滨工业大学, 材料学院,硕博 主要任职 名称 材料工程系系主任 先进材料超塑性国际会议国际顾问委员会委员(共16人,其中中国2人) 中国塑性工程学会理事 中国塑性工程学会超塑性委员会 副主任 中国塑性工程学会微纳米成形技术委员会 委员 基本信息 名称 王国峰,男,汉族,1973年生。教授/博导;哈尔滨工业大学材料学院材料工程系教学主任。 先后主持承担国家自然科学基金项目以及一批省部级重点项目等。 获得黑龙江省自然科学基金二等奖,排名第二。 科研项目 项目名称 纳米陶瓷超塑性 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2007-06-01 结束时间 2009-12-01 项目经费 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 基于场位错力学的微塑性变形研究 项目来源 中国博士后科学基金特别资助 开始时间 2009-10-01 结束时间 2012-12-01 项目经费 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 纳米材料微阵列超塑性微成形机理与尺度效应 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2012-11-01 结束时间 2016-11-01 项目经费 80 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 Ti2AlNb双层结构脉冲电流辅助超塑成形/扩散连接控形控性控构基础研究 项目来源 国家自然基金 开始时间 2018.10 结束时间 2022.12 项目经费 800000 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 奖项成果 奖项名称 纳米复合材料超塑性基础研究 获奖时间 2010 完成人 张凯锋,王国峰,卢振,蒋少松 所获奖项 省科学技术奖二等 简单介绍 研究领域 名称 纳米金属材料制备与超塑成形 电流辅助塑性成形 网状组织钛合金超塑性 大尺寸铝合金复杂形状薄壁零件整体成形及应用 主要研究方向:纳米金属材料制备与超塑成形、电流辅助塑性成形 团队成员 名称 张凯锋教授, 研究方向: 超塑性卢振讲师, 研究方向: 注射成形 蒋少松讲师,研究方向:超塑成形 讲授课程 名称 材料成形模具设计 简介:本科生,18学时 超塑成形原理与应用 简介:本科生,20学时 高温变形原理与应用 简介: 博士生,36学时 塑性成形工艺与数值模拟 简介:留学生,36学时,英文 招生信息 名称 硕士招生:纳米材料制备与超塑成形电流辅助塑性成形 陶瓷模具 数值模拟 博士招生:纳米材料制备与超塑成形电流辅助塑性成形 高熵合金制备与成形 论文发表 名称 2023年: [1] Xu, Xunhu; Kang, Qingxin; Wang, Guofeng; Liu, Yongkang; Li, Zhenlun; Luo, Shuyi Skillfully enhanced the oxidation resistance of the traditional TA15 titanium alloy through TiB ceramic phase with network distribution Ceramics International, 2023 [2] Zhan, Liqiang; Hou, Jiabin; Wang, Guofeng; Chen, Yuqing; Luo, Shuyi; Kang, Qinxin; Li, Zhenlun; Xu, Xunhu Study on Mechanical Alloying Behavior and Thermal Stability of Hfmonbtati Refractory High-Entropy Alloy SSRN, April 25, 2023 [3] Luo, Shuyi; Luo, Junting; Kang, Qingxin; Xu, Xunhu; Wang, Guofeng Study of Tissue Evolution and Properties of Zrti/Gh4169 Alloys Prepared by Low-Temperature Sintering of Sps SSRN, February 23, 2023 [4] Kang, Qingxin; Xu, Xiaoting; Wang, Guofeng; Li, Zhenlun; Luo, Shuyi Hot Corrosion and Oxidation Behavior of Network Structured TiBw/TA15 Composite at 1073 K Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2023 [5] Kang, Qingxin; Xu, XiaoTing; Wang, Guofeng; Zhou, Tongxu; Wang, ChunxuEnhanced high temperature oxidation resistance of discontinuous distributed TiBw reinforced TA15 titanium alloy by simple pack cementation method Corrosion Science, v 216, May 15, 2023 [6] Kang, Qingxin; Xu, Xiaoting; Wang, Guofeng; Luo, Shuyi; Zhan, Liqiang Hot corrosion behavior of network structured TiBw/TA15 composite with Na2SO4 film at 800 °C Materials Characterization, v 195, January 2023 [7] Luo, Shuyi; Luo, Junting; Kang, Qingxin; Xu, Xunhu; Wang, Guofeng Study of microstructure evolution and properties of ZrTi/GH4169 alloys prepared by low-temperature sintering of SPS Materials Characterization, v 201, July 2023 2022年: [1] Liu, Yongkang; Wang, Guofeng; Chen, Yuqing; Kang, Qingxin; Luo, Shuyi; Li, Zhenlun; Xu, Xunhu; Liu, Qing; Sui, XiaochongAir atmosphere diffusion bonding of Al–Mg–Li alloy using Cu nano-coating interlayer: Microstructural characterization and formation mechanisms (Open Access) Materials and Design, v 215, March 2022 [2] Li, Zhenlun; Kang, Qingxin; Wang, Guofeng; Sui, Xiaochong; Liu, Yongkang; Luo, Shuyi Microstructure evolution during hot-packed rolling and mechanical properties anisotropy of as-rolled network-structured TiBw/TA15 composites Materials Science and Engineering A, v 849, August 1, 2022 [3] Li, Huan; Zhang, Wencong; Yang, Jianlei; Pan, Jinqi; Wang, Guofeng; Chu, Guannan 。Microstructure evolution and deformation mechanism of Ti-22Al-25 Nb alloy under current-assisted compression 。Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v 923, November 25, 2022 [4] Kang, Qingxin; Wang, Guofeng; Liu, Yongkang; Chen, Yuqing; Luo, Shuyi。Experimental and theoretical study for hot corrosion behavior of network structured TiBw/TA15 composite with NaCl film at 800 ℃ Corrosion Science, v 206, September 2022 [5] Luo, Shuyi; Luo, Junting; Liu, Yongkang; Li, Zhenlun; Wang, Guofeng。Finite Element Simulation and Low-Temperature Spark Plasma Sintering for Ti–Zr–Ni Alloy。 Advanced Engineering Materials, v 25, n 5, March 2023 [6] Xu, Xunhu; Kang, Qingxin; Liu, Yongkang; Li, Zhenlun; Wang, Guofeng Effects of electropulsing treatment on the microstructural evolution of hot-rolled TiBw/TA15 composite billet with a network architecture Materials Characterization, v 194, December 2022 [1] 王国峰; 刘永康; 刘青; 张靖轩; 王月林 Ni-Co纳米镀层为中间层的TC4钛合金低温扩散连接 锻压技术 2022-11-24 [2] 王国峰; 刘永康; 陈玉清; 张靖轩; 王月林 电沉积Ni-Co纳米镀层热稳定性研究及低温扩散连接应用 精密成形工程 2022-04-10 [3] 王珏; 张晓巍; 张英伟; 王国峰; 何晓健TA32钛合金双层结构零件超塑成形/扩散连接工艺塑性工程学报2022-03-22 [4] 梁继业; 杜志豪; 林海朋; 王国峰 工业级5083铝合金市域车车门正反胀超塑性成形工艺 塑性工程学报 2022-01-21 2021年: [1] Wang, Guofeng; Sui, Xiaochong; Liu, Qing; Liu, Yongkang Fabricating Ti2AlNb sheet with high tensile strength and good ductility by hot packed rolling the spark plasma sintered pre-alloyed powder Materials Science and Engineering A, v 801, January 13, 2021 [2] Wang, Songhui; Zhang, Wencong; Wang, Haixuan; Yang, Jianlei; Chen, Wenzhen; Cui, Guorong; Wang, Guofeng Microstructures evolution, texture characteristics and mechanical properties of Mg-2.5Nd-0.5Zn-0.5Zr alloy during the high strain rate hot-rolling Materials Science and Engineering A, v 803, January 28, 2021 [3] Liu, Qing; Wang, Guofeng; Liu, Yongkang; Sui, Xiaochong; Chen, Yuqing; Luo, Shuyi Hot deformation behaviors of an ultrafine-grained MoNbTaTiV refractory high-entropy alloy fabricated by powder metallurgySource: Materials Science and Engineering A, v 809, March 30, 2021 [4] Liu, Qing; Wang, Guofeng; Sui, Xiaochong; Xu, Ye; Liu, Yongkang; Yang, Jianlei Ultra-fine grain TixVNbMoTa refractory high-entropy alloys with superior mechanical properties fabricated by powder metallurgy Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v 865, June 5, 2021 [5] Liu, Yongkang; Lai, Xiaoming; Gu, Yibin; Wang, Bo; Wang, Guofeng; Liu, Qing Investigation on the ageing behaviour and hardening mechanisms of 5A90 Al–Li alloy U-shaped parts formed by electric resistance heating forming-quenching processJournal of Alloys and Compounds, v 869, July 15, 2021 [6] Liu, Yongkang; Wang, Guofeng; Liu, Qing; Sui, Xiaochong; Luo, Shuyi; Li, Zhenlun; Kang, Qingxin The defining role of ultrasonic on the relaxed GBs and superior thermal stability of copper coatingsSource: Materials Characterization, v 178, August 2021 [7] Sui, Xiaochong; Wang, Guofeng; Liu, Qing; Liu, Yongkang; Chen, Yuqing Fabricating Ti2AlNb sheet with tensile strength higher than 1500 MPa by hot packed rolling spark-plasma-sintered pre-alloyed Ti2AlNb powder at the B2 %2B O phase fieldSource: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v 876, September 25, 2021 [8] Kang, Qingxin; Wang, Guofeng; Liu, Qing; Sui, Xiaochong; Liu, Yongkang; Chen, Yuqing; Luo, Shuyi; Li, Zhenlun Atomic level insights into the Ti2AlC oxidation mechanism by the combination of density functional theory and ab initio molecular dynamics calculationsSource: Corrosion Science, v 191, October 2021 [9] Kang, Qingxin; Wang, Guofeng; Liu, Qing; Sui, Xiaochong; Liu, Yongkang; Chen, Yuqing; Luo, Shuyi; Li, Zhenlun Theoretical research for oxidation mechanism of α-Ti: A combination of DFT and ab initio molecular dynamics studySource: Vacuum, v 193, November 2021 [10] Kang, Qingxin; Wang, Guofeng; Liu, Qing; Sui, Xiaochong; Liu, Yongkang; Chen, Yuqing; Luo, Shuyi; Li, Zhenlun Investigation for oxidation mechanism of CrN: A combination of DFT and ab initio molecular dynamics studySource: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v 885, December 10, 2021 [11] Zhihao Du;Chunxu Wang;Guofeng Wang。The superplastic forming/diffusion bonding of TA7 titanium alloy for manufacturing hollow structure with stiffeners。Journal of Manufacturing Processes。23 November 2021 [1] 徐晔; 王国峰; 林海朋; 王忠平; 孙红霞 国产5083铝合金高速磁浮司机室蒙皮成形研究。塑性工程学报2021-11-25 [2] 刘永康;王少华;赖小明;李振伦;王博 基于元胞自动机的5B70铝合金载人密封舱室加强筋组织演化研究 载人航天2021-08-15 [3] 王雁飞;林海朋;隋礼平;闫俊材;王国峰 均匀快速超塑成形技术在市域车铝合金车头蒙皮上的应用 塑性工程学报 2021-06-28 14:14 [4] 刘永康;王博;赖小明;刘洋;王国峰 密封舱结构材料5B70铝合金高温压缩实验与晶体塑性模拟研究 载人航天 2021-04-15 2020年: [1] Zhao, Zhiyong; Wang, Guofeng; Zhang, Yanling;Gao, Jun; Hou, Hongliang。Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Prepared by Multipass Equal Channel Angular Pressing.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, v 29, n 2, p 905-913, February 1, 2020 [2] Liu, Yang ; Zhang, Jingxuan; Li, Zhibo; Liu, Qi; Wang, Guofeng.Numerical simulation and experimental research on hot extrusion of 5B70 aluminum alloy complex end frame part.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2020 [3] Li, Xiao ; Wang, Guofeng; Zhang, Jingxuan; Liu, Yongkang .Electrically assisted superplastic forming/diffusion bonding of the Ti2AlNb alloy sheet. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v 106, n 1-2, p 77-89, January 1, 2020 [1] 王国峰; 张建威; 张晓巍; 李骁; 王海伦,2B06铝合金双层结构件DB&SPF组合工艺研究,锻压技术2020-07-15 [2] 何广忠; 吴越; 梁继业; 王国峰; 张靖轩.S355J2W钢转向架盖板自阻加热成形工艺研究.塑性工程学报.2020-03-12 【3】王国峰; 刘青; 石文展; 李丹峰.超细晶WC–10%Co硬质合金三刃刀具放电等离子烧结工艺研究.航空制造技术.2020-02-01 2019年: [1] Q S Xiao, J W Zhang, G F Wang, Z H Du, H Fang. 3-D modeling and finite elements analysis of KM6 motion simulator[J]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2019,504(1). [2] 王国峰; 李骁; 李丹峰; 顾义斌; 方慧Ti2AlNb合金板材自阻加热中温度分布及低电流密度对B2%2BO层片组织的作用(英文)Journal of Central South University2019-03-15 [3] Lixiao Wang, Guofeng; Gu, Yibin; Yang, JianleiElectrically assisted diffusion bonding of Ti2AlNb alloy sheet using CP-Ti foil interlayer: Microstructural characterization and mechanical tests.Materials Science and Engineering A, v 744, p 733-745, 28 January 2019 [4] Jiao, Xueyan; Chen, Wenzhen; Yang, Jianlei; Zhang, Wencong; Wang, Guofeng. Microstructure evolution and high-temperature tensile behavior of the powder extruded 2.5?vol% TiBw/TA15 composites. Source: Materials Science and Engineering A, v 745, p 353-359, 4 February 2019 [5] Wang, Guo-feng; Li, Xiao; Li, Dan-feng; Gu, Yi-bin; Fang, Hui.Temperature distribution and effect of low-density electric current on B2%2BO lamellar microstructure of Ti2AlNb alloy sheet during resistance heating. Journal of Central South University, v 26, n 3, p 550-559, March 1, 2019 [6] Ju, Jong-Min ; Wang, Guofeng; Kim, Dang-Ho; Yu, Tok-Chol; Pak, Kyong-Song. The enhanced and polarized Raman spectra on the spherical aluminum powders encapsulated within graphene nanosheets. Source: Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, v 27, n 4, p 279-288, April 3, 2019 [7] Yang, Jianlei ; Wang, Guofeng; Park, Jeong Min; Kim, Hyoung Seop. Microstructural behavior and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy processed by high-pressure torsion. Source: Materials Characterization, v 151, p 129-136, May 2019 [8] Zhao, Zhiyong ; Wang, Guofeng; Zhang, Yanling; Wang, Yaoqi; Hou, Hongliang. Fast recrystallization and phase transformation in ECAP deformed Ti–6Al–4V alloy induced by pulsed electric current. Source: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, p 733-741, 25 May 2019 [9] Wang, Guofeng ; Liu, Qing; Yang, Jianlei; Li, Xiao; Sui, Xiaochong; Gu, Yibin; Liu, Yongkang. Synthesis and thermal stability of a nanocrystalline MoNbTaTiV refractory high-entropy alloy via mechanical alloying. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, v 84, November 2019 [10] Liu, Qing ; Wang, Guofeng; Sui, Xiaochong;Liu, Yongkang; Li, Xiao; Yang, Jianlei . Microstructure and mechanical properties of ultra-fine grained MoNbTaTiV refractory high-entropy alloy fabricated by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, v 35, n 11, p 2600-2607, November 2019 [1] 王珏; 张晓巍; 王国峰.Ti2AlNb合金超塑成形/扩散连接工艺.锻压技术.2019-11-20 [2] 刘奇; 赛音; 高慧; 李保永; 王国峰.5B70铝合金热挤压成形工艺研究.航天制造技术.2019-10-25 [3] 王国峰; 王海伦; 梁继业; 贾辉辉; 顾一斌 轨道交通用工业AA5083铝合金快速超塑性成形技术研究塑性工程学报2019-04-25 [4] 杨建雷; 曾婷; 王国峰; 李骁; 张凯锋粉末冶金Ti-22Al-25Nb合金高温变形本构模型热加工工艺2019-03-05 苑世剑; 刘伟; 王国峰; 何祝斌; 凡晓波轻合金复杂薄壁构件流体压力成形技术新进展上海航天2019-04-25 2018年: [1] You Li, Guofeng Wang*, Siyu Liu, Shanshan Zhao, Kaifeng Zhang. The preparation of Ni/GO composite foils and the enhancement effect of GO in mechanical properties[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2018B135,43-48 [2] Wang, Guofeng ; Li, You; Liu, Siyu; Yang, Jianlei;Yang, Mo Micro deep drawing of T2 copper foil using proportional decreased toolsSource: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v 95, n 1-4, p 277-285, March 1, 2018 [3] Jianlei Yang, Guofeng Wang*, Xiaoyan Jiao, You Li, Qing Liu. High temperature deformation behavior of the extruded Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy fabricated by powder metallurgy [J]. Materals Characterization. 2018, 137: 170-179. (SCI收录, IF=2.714, JCR Q1区) [4] Jianlei Yang, Guofeng Wang*, Xueyan Jiao, Yibin Gu, Qing Liu, You Li. Current-assisted diffusion bonding of the extruded Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy by spark plasma sintering: interfacial microstructure and mechanical Properties. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018. (SCI收录, IF=1.313) [5] Jianlei Yang, Guofeng Wang*, Xueyan Jiao, You Li, Kaifeng Zhang. Dynamic spheroidization behavior of the lamellar Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy during hot compression. Materials Science and Technology, 2018, 34: 961-967. (SCI收录, IF=1.538) [6] Jianlei Yang, Guofeng Wang*, Tao Zhao, Xueyan Jiao, You Li. Study on the experiment and simulation of titanium alloy bellows via current-assisted forming technology[J]. JOM. 2018. (SCI收录, IF=1.886) [7] Shenjinghao, Guofeng Wang*, Fabrication of a high strength and ductility Ti?22Al?25Nb alloy from high energy ball-milled powder by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 741 (2018) 1112-1120 [8] Fang, Hui; Wang, Guofeng; Liu, Siyu; Li, XiaoResearch on Resistance Heating Behavior of High-Strength Steel and its Hot-Stamping FormingSource: Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, v 27, n 9, p 4829-4837, September 1, 2018 [9] Li, Xiao ; Wang, Guofeng; Gu, Yibin; Li, Danfeng;Fang, Hui Investigation on electrically-assisted diffusion bonding of Ti2AlNb alloy sheet by microstructural observation, mechanical tests and heat treatmentSource: Materials and Design, v 157, p 351-361, 5 November 2018 [10] Wang, Guofeng; Li, Xiao; Liu, Siyu; Gu, YibinImproved superplasticity and microstructural evolution of Ti2AlNb alloy sheet during electrically assisted superplastic gas bulgingSource: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v 99, n 1-4, p 773-787,2018 [11] Zhao Zhiyong, Wang Guofeng, Hou Hongliang, et al. The efect of pulsed current on the shear deformation behavior of Ti- 6Al-4V alloy[J]. 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Microstructure and mechanical properties of a Ti-22A1-25Nb alloy fabricated from elemental powders by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering.JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 卷: 704 页: 425-433 出版年: MAY 15 2017 (SCI, IF=3.014) [4] Sim, Kyong-Ho; Wang, Guofeng Influence of mechanical alloying on the microstructure and mechanical properties of powder metallurgy Ti2AlNb-based alloy powder technology Volume 317, 15 July 2017, Pages 133–141 (SCI, IF=2.759) [5] Sim, Kyong-Ho; Wang, Guofeng Enhanced ductility of a bimodal grain structure Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy fabricated by spark plasma sintering Advanced Engineering Materials, 2017, 19(6): 8.2017 (SCI, IF=1.817) [6] Jianlei Yang, Guofeng Wang , Xueyan Jiao, Xiao Li, Chao Yang。Hot deformation behavior and microstructural evolution of Tie22Ale25Nbe1.0B alloy prepared by elemental powder metallurgy。Journal of Alloys and Compounds 695 (2017) 1038-1044 (SCI, IF=3.014) [7] Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of P/M Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy during hot extrusion MSEA 2017 Volume 699, 24 June 2017, Pages 210–216(SCI, IF=2.647) [8] Guofeng Wang, Siyu Liu, Qi Liu, Shanshan Zhao, Xiangyu Zhao, You Li。Micro-arrayed stretch drawing process of nanocrystalline Ni-Co foils with soft-male-die。Journal of Materials Processing Technology 240 (2017) 209–216 (SCI, IF=2.359) [9] Jong-Min Ju. Facile synthesis of graphene reinforced Al matrix composites with improved dispersion of graphene and enhanced mechanical properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,20-Feb-2017 DOI information: 10.1016/j. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 卷: 704 页: 585-592 出版年: MAY 15 2017 (SCI, IF=3.014) [10] Guofeng Wang*, You Li, Siyu Liu, Chao Yang. Electro-deposition of Ni-Co/GO nano-composite and deformational behavior of tension and bulging[J]. Journal of Composite Materials. 2017, 51(25): 3505-3513. [11] You Li, Guofeng Wang*, Siyu Liu, Jianlei Yang, Chao Yang, Kaifeng Zhang. Drawability and size effects for micro-arrayed deep drawing of Ni-Co/GO nanocomposite foils[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2017, 249: 221-228. [12] Guofeng Wang, Shanshan Zhao, You Li, Chao Yang, and Siyu Liu. Superplasticity and Micro-arrayed Deep-Drawing Behavior of Ni-Co/GO Nanocomposite. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26(10): 4760-4767. (SCI, IF=1.331) [13] Sim, Kyong-Ho; Zhang feihu, Wang, Guofeng Experimental comparison of ground surface characteristics for P/M Ti2AlNb-based alloy using CBN and diamond grinding wheels。The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2017, (6): 1-10. [14] Jianlei Yang, Xueyan Jiao, Wenzhen Chen*, Wencong Zhang, Guofeng Wang. A Novel Extrusion for Manufacturing TiBw/Ti6Al4V Composite Tubes with a Quasi-Continuous Reinforced Structure[J]. Materials. 2017, 10, 375. (SCI收录, IF=2.654) [1] 刘奇; 王国峰; 李保永; 秦中环; 李信。基于Marc的小弯曲半径薄壁管材成形有限元分析第十五届全国塑性工程学会年会论文集2017-10-13 [2] 顾义斌; 梁继业; 何广忠; 杨超; 王国峰轨道交通用国产供货态5083铝合金超塑性研究第十五届全国塑性工程学会年会论文集2017-10-13 [3] 王国峰 李骁 李丹峰 脉冲电流在塑性加工中的作用 航空制造技术 封面文章,2017 [4] 赖小明 杜志豪 王国峰王国欣莫桂冬月壤取芯钻具热特性有限元分析深空探测学报2017年06期 [5] 杨建雷 曾婷,王国峰*,李骁,张凯锋 粉末冶金Ti-22Al-25Nb合金高温变形本构模型 热加工技术 2017 【6】王国峰,曹凤超,杨超,张乐陶,赵淘,张凯峰. 电流辅助钛波纹管成形温度场控制及模拟[J].航空制造技术, 2017, 9: 87-91 2016年之前: [1] Chan, K.C., Wang, G.F., Wang, C.L. and Zhang, K.F. 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ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA. 2008(44):933-936. (SCI: 342LV) [23] Zhang, Kaifeng, Ding Shui, Wang, Guofeng. Different superplastic deformation behavior of nanocrystalline Ni and ZrO2/Ni nanocomposite. Materials letters. 2008(62), 719-722. (SCI: 260ST) [24] Wang F, Zhang KF, Wang GF. Texture in superplastically deformed alumina-zirconia composites. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2008(491), 476-482. (SCI: 334QR) [25] X.F. Li, K.F. Zhang, G.F. Wang, W.B. Han. Plastic deformation behavior of amorphous Fe78Si9B13 alloy at elevated temperature. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354 (2008) 1061–1065. (SCI: 263KT) [26] 丁水; 张凯锋; 王国峰; 电沉积ZrO_2/Ni纳米复合材料低温高应变速率超塑性的研究. 航空材料学报. 2008(28):34-37 [27] W.B. Han, K.F. Zhang, G.F. Wang. Superplastic forming and diffusion bonding for honeycomb structure of Ti–6Al–4V alloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2007(183), 450-454. (SCI: 144WL) [28] X.F. Li, K.F. Zhang, G.F. Wang. 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Claude 06.2004–05.2005 Visiting Scholar, Industrial System Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong,China, with Prof. K.C. Chan Research Interests l Superplasticity of advanced materials l Superplastic forming l Fabrication and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline material l Current assistant forming l Crystal plasticity and field dislocation mechanics l Finite element simulation of plasticity forming