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姓名 于达仁 性别 于达仁
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 能源科学与工程学院
学位 于达仁 学历 于达仁
职称 联系方式 0451-86403142
邮箱 yudaren@hit.edu.cn    
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基本信息 学术任职 科研/教学 论文/专著 English Version 新闻 ... 新闻 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 于达仁,男,汉族,1966年1月出生,博士,国家杰出青年基金获得者。哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院教授、博士生导师,哈尔滨工业大学先进动力技术研究所所长;哈尔滨工业大学学术道德委员会委员,哈尔滨工业大学文化素质教育委员会委员,哈尔滨工业大学MUSICA合唱团指导教师。兼任国家学位委员会第八届学科评议组成员、国家某部位基础科研能源动力领域专家组成员、中国工程热物理学会理事、中国动力工程学会理事、中国电机工程学会汽轮机专业委员会委员、中国力学学会等离子体科学与技术分会理事、中国物理学会等离子体物理分会理事、中国宇航学会电推进技术专业委员会副主任。任《Plasma Science and Technology》、《动力工程学报》、《深空探测技术》等期刊编委。获得国家科技进步二等奖1项和省部级一等奖4项。作为项目负责人承担国家重点研发计划“引力波专项”1.10项目“基于精密反馈控制的微牛级推进技术”。 教育经历 名称 1992年3月—1996年5月 哈尔滨工业大学 自动控制理论及应用博士学位 1985年9月—1988年7月 哈尔滨工业大学 动力机械及工程硕士学位 1981年9月—1985年7月 哈尔滨工业大学 动力机械及工程学士学位 工作经历 名称 1996/10—至今 哈尔滨工业大学 发动机教研室 博士生导师1996/10—至今 哈尔滨工业大学 发动机教研室 教授1996/10—至今 哈尔滨工业大学 发动机教研室 硕士生导师1992/10—1996/09 哈尔滨工业大学 发动机教研室 副教授1990/10—1992/09 哈尔滨工业大学 汽轮机教研室 讲师 科技奖励 名称 国家科技进步二等奖 中国青年科技奖 霍英东教育基金奖 黑龙江省青年科技奖 黑龙江省青年五四奖章 教育部技术发明一等奖 黑龙江省自然科学一等奖 国家部委级一等奖励 黑龙江省普通高校教学成果二等奖2项 学术期刊任职 名称 Associate Editor (编委): Plasma Sources Science & Technology 动力工程学报 燃气轮机技术 深空探测学报 其他任职 名称 国家学位委员会第八届学科评议组成员 国家某部委动力专家组成员 中国工程热物理学会理事 中国动力工程学会理事 中国宇航学会电推进技术专委会副主任 中国电机工程学会汽轮机专业委员会委员 中国力学学会等离子体科学与技术专委会委员 中国物理学会等离子体物理分会理事 主讲课程 名称 研究生学位课:《热力系统动态学》 本科生专业课:《发动机热力循环》、《航天电推进技术》 研究领域 名称 空间电推进 高超声速推进 智慧能源系统 最新研究成果 名称 主持项目 名称 稳态等离子体发动机环形通道下离子径向流动机理和实验研究. 国家自然科学基金. 风电不确定性建模理论. 国家级计划. 超燃冲压发动机突变控制问题. 国家自然科学基金. 超燃冲压发动机燃烧模态点控制方法. 黑龙江省杰出青年基金. 基于信息融合理论的超临界机组容错控制. 国家自然科学基金. 基于微分几何非线性控制理论的超临界机组机炉协调控制. 国家自然科学基金. 微小型飞行器系统技术. 教育部长江学者创新团队. 等离子体发动机离子径向迁移技术研究. 新世纪优秀人才支持计划. 考虑扭振特性后大型汽轮发电机的控制—鲁棒问题. 国家自然科学基金. 汽轮发电机组的容错控制原理. 国家自然科学基金. 汽轮机主汽压力脉动激发转子破坏性不稳定扭振的机理. 国家自然科学基金. xx验证. 国家级基础科研. xx推进技术基础研究. 国家级基础科研. xx的微分几何方法. 国家级基础科研. xx推进技术研究. 国家某部委重点基金. xx系统研究. 国家级计划. xx系统. 国家级计划. xx技术研究. 国家级计划. xx推进技术. 国家级计划. “基于精密反馈控制的微牛级推进技术”.国家重点研发计划 出版图书 名称 崔涛,于达仁.《吸气式冲压发动机突变动力学与控制》, 科学出版社, 2016. 安爽,胡清华,于达仁. 《稳健粗糙集及应用》, 清华大学出版社, 2015. 于达仁,刘辉,丁永杰,宁中喜,魏立秋. 《空间电推进原理》, 哈尔滨工业大学出版社, 2014 鲍文,秦江,唐井峰,于达仁.《吸气式高超声速推进热力循环分析》, 科学出版社, 2013. 胡清华,于达仁.《应用粗糙计算》, 科学出版社, 2012. 国际期刊(节选) 名称 [1] D. R. Yu, X. Huang, Q. H. Hu, R. Zhou, H. N. Wang, and Y. M. Cui, @#%Short-Term Solar Flare Prediction Using Multiresolution Predictors@#%, Astrophysical Journal, 709 (2010), 321-26. [2] D. R. Yu, X. Huang, H. N. Wang, and Y. M. Cui, @#%Short-Term Solar Flare Prediction Using a Sequential Supervised Learning Method@#%, Solar Physics, 255 (2009), 91-105. [3] D. R. Yu, S. An, and Q. H. Hu, @#%Fuzzy Mutual Information Based Min-Redundancy and Max-Relevance Heterogeneous Feature Selection@#%, International Journal Of Computational Intelligence Systems, 4 (2011), 619-33. [4] D. R. Yu, T. Cui, and W. Bao, @#%Catastrophe, Hysteresis and Bifurcation of Mode Transition in Scramjet Engines and Its Model@#%, Science In China Series E-Technological Sciences, 52 (2009), 1543-50. [5] D. R. Yu, J. P. Ding, and J. M. Dai, @#%Spectrum Diagnosis for Fuchsia Plume of Hall Effect Thruster with Xenon as Propellant@#%, Plasma Science & Technology, 8 (2006), 685-89. [6] D. R. Yu, Y. F. Duan, J. F. Liu, Z. S. Liu, and Q. H. Hu, @#%Experimental Study on Fault Caused by Partial Arc Steam Forces and Its Economic Solution@#%, Journal Of Engineering for Gas Turbines And Power-Transactions Of the Asme, 132 (2010). [7] D. R. Yu, Q. H. Hu, and C. X. Wu, @#%Uncertainty Measures for Fuzzy Relations and Their Applications@#%, Applied Soft Computing, 7 (2007), 1135-43. [8] D. R. Yu, X. Huang, H. N. Wang, Y. M. Cui, Q. H. Hu, and R. Zhou, @#%Short-Term Solar Flare Level Prediction Using a Bayesian Network Approach@#%, Astrophysical Journal, 710 (2010), 869-77. [9] D. R. Yu, H. Li, Z. W. Wu, and W. Mao, @#%Effect of Oscillating Sheath on near-Wall Conductivity in Hall Thrusters@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 14 (2007). [10] D. R. Yu, H. Li, Z. W. Wu, Z. X. Ning, and G. J. Yan, @#%Experimental and Theoretical Study on Effects of Magnetic Field Topology on near Wall Conductivity in a Hall Thruster@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 16 (2009). [11] D. R. Yu, J. Li, H. Li, Y. Li, and B. H. Jiang, @#%Experimental Study on the Effects of Magnetic Field Configuration near the Channel Exit on the Plume Divergence of Hall Thrusters@#%, Plasma Science & Technology, 11 (2009), 714-20. [12] D. R. Yu, and Y. Q. Li, @#%Volumetric Erosion Rate Reduction of Hall Thruster Channel Wall During Ion Sputtering Process@#%, Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics, 40 (2007), 2526-32. [13] D. R. Yu, H. Liu, and H. Y. Fu, @#%Effect of Magnetic Mirror on the Asymmetry of the Radial Profile of near-Wall Conductivity in Hall Thrusters@#%, Plasma Science & Technology, 11 (2009). [14] D. R. Yu, X. F. Liu, W. Bao, and Z. Q. Xu, @#%Multiobjective Robust Regulating and Protecting Control for Aeroengines@#%, Journal Of Engineering for Gas Turbines And Power-Transactions Of the Asme, 131 (2009). [15] D. R. Yu, and X. W. Lv, @#%Configurations Analysis for High-Altitude/Long-Endurance Airships@#%, Aircraft Engineering And Aerospace Technology, 82 (2010), 48-59. [16] D. R. Yu, M. J. Song, H. Li, H. Liu, and K. Han, @#%The Influence of Magnetic Field Strength in Ionization Stage on Ion Transport between Two Stages of a Double Stage Hall Thruster@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 19 (2012). [17] D. R. Yu, M. J. Song, H. Liu, Y. J. Ding, and H. Li, @#%Particle-in-Cell Simulation of a Double Stage Hall Thruster@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 19 (2012). [18] D. R. Yu, M. J. Song, H. Liu, X. Zhang, and H. Li, @#%Influence of Magnetic Field Strength on Potential Well in the Ionization Stage of a Double Stage Hall Thruster@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 19 (2012). [19] D. R. Yu, C. S. Wang, L. Q. Wei, C. Gao, and G. Yu, @#%Stabilizing of Low Frequency Oscillation in Hall Thrusters@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 15 (2008). [20] D. R. Yu, L. Q. Wei, Z. L. Wei, and E. Peng, @#%Experimental Study on Low Frequency Oscillation in a Plume of Hall Thrusters@#%, Plasma Sources Science & Technology, 17 (2008). [21] D. R. Yu, Z. X. Xie, Q. H. Hu, S. H. Yang, and C. L. Jin, @#%Properties of Granules in Upflows and Downflows@#%, Solar Physics, 273 (2011), 1-13. [22] D. R. Yu, Z. X. Xie, Q. H. Hu, S. H. Yang, J. Zhang, and J. X. Wang, @#%Physical Properties of Large and Small Granules in Solar Quiet Regions@#%, Astrophysical Journal, 743 (2011). [23] D. R. Yu, X. Yu, Q. H. Hu, J. F. Liu, and A. Q. Wu, @#%Dynamic Time Warping Constraint Learning for Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classification@#%, Information Sciences, 181 (2011), 2787-96. [24] D. R. Yu, F. K. Zhang, H. Liu, H. Li, G. J. Yan, and J. Y. Liu, @#%Effect of Electron Temperature on Dynamic Characteristics of Two-Dimensional Sheath in Hall Thrusters@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 15 (2008). [25] S. An, Q. H. Hu, D. R. Yu, and J. F. Liu, @#%Soft Minimum-Enclosing-Ball Based Robust Fuzzy Rough Sets@#%, Fundamenta Informaticae, 115 (2012), 189-202. [26] W. Bao, Y. W. Qi, D. R. Yu, Z. H. Yao, and J. Zhao, @#%Bumpless Switching Scheme Design and Its Application to Hypersonic Vehicle Model@#%, International Journal Of Innovative Computing Information And Control, 8 (2012), 677-89. [27] W. Bao, R. Zhou, J. G. Yang, D. R. Yu, and N. Li, @#%Anti-Aliasing Lifting Scheme for Mechanical Vibration Fault Feature Extraction@#%, Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing, 23 (2009), 1458-73. [28] R. F. Cao, J. T. Chang, W. Bao, M. L. Guo, J. Qin, D. R. Yu, and Z. Q. Wang, @#%Analysis of Combustion Mode and Operating Route for Hydrogen Fueled Scramjet Engine@#%, International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013), 5928-35. [29] R. F. Cao, J. T. Chang, J. F. Tang, W. Bao, D. R. Yu, and Z. Q. Wang, @#%Switching Control of Thrust Regulation and Inlet Unstart Protection for Scramjet Engine Based on Strategy of Integral Initial Values Resetting@#%, Aerospace Science And Technology, 45 (2015), 484-89. [30] R. F. Cao, J. T. Chang, J. F. Tang, W. Bao, D. R. Yu, and Z. Q. Wang, @#%Switching Control of Thrust Regulation and Inlet Unstart Protection for Scramjet Engine Based on Min Strategy@#%, Aerospace Science And Technology, 40 (2015), 96-103. [31] J. T. Chang, W. Bao, D. R. Yu, Y. Fan, and Y. Shen, @#%Effects of Wall Cooling on Performance Parameters of Hypersonic Inlets@#%, Acta Astronautica, 65 (2009), 467-76. [32] J. T. Chang, Y. Fan, W. Bao, D. R. Yu, and Y. Shen, @#%Unstart Margin Control of Hypersonic Inlets@#%, Acta Astronautica, 66 (2010), 78-87. [33] J. T. Chang, Q. H. Hu, D. R. Yu, and W. Bao, @#%Classifier Utility Modeling and Analysis of Hypersonic Inlet Start/Unstart Considering Training Data Costs@#%, Acta Astronautica, 69 (2011), 841-47. [34] J. T. Chang, D. R. Yu, W. Bao, and Y. Fan, @#%Operation Pattern Classification of Hypersonic Inlets@#%, Acta Astronautica, 65 (2009), 457-66. [35] J. T. Chang, D. R. Yu, W. Bao, C. Wang, and T. R. Chen, @#%Mathematical Modeling and Rapid Recognition of Hypersonic Inlet Buzz@#%, Aerospace Science And Technology, 23 (2012), 172-78. [36] J. T. Chang, R. S. Zheng, D. R. Yu, W. Bao, F. Chen, W. Y. Jiang, S. M. Zhu, and R. H. Zheng, @#%Minimization of Classification Samples for Supercritical and Subcritical Patterns of Supersonic Inlet@#%, Journal Of Thermal Science, 23 (2014), 375-80. [37] C. Chen, D. R. Yu, W. Bao, J. Zhao, and Ieee, @#%Safety Protection Control for a Class of Linear Systems Via Switching Strategy@#%, 2011 30th Chinese Control Conference (Ccc) (2011), 1739-44. [38] J. Q. Chen, X. P. Xue, M. H. Ha, D. R. Yu, and L. T. Ma, @#%Support Vector Regression Method for Wind Speed Prediction Incorporating Probability Prior Knowledge@#%, Mathematical Problems In Engineering (2014). [39] T. Cui, X. G. He, D. R. Yu, and S. L. Tang, @#%Multistability and Loops-Coupled Hysteresis: Flight-Test Analysis on Error Detection of Inlet Start/Unstart@#%, Journal Of Propulsion And Power, 28 (2012), 496-503. [40] T. Cui, D. R. Yu, W. Bao, and Y. B. Yang, @#%Gain Scheduling Control of Nonlinear Shock Motion Based on Equilibrium Manifold Linearization Model@#%, Chinese Journal Of Aeronautics, 20 (2007), 481-87. [41] T. Cui, D. R. Yu, J. T. Chang, and W. Bao, @#%Topological Geometry Interpretation of Supersonic Inlet Start/Unstart Based on Catastrophe Theory@#%, Journal Of Aircraft, 45 (2008), 1464-68. [42] Y. Cui, Z. S. Liu, D. R. Yu, and Y. F. Duan, @#%Establishment of Nonlinear Dynamic Model for Prediction of Rotordynamic Instability of Steam Turbine Rotor-Bearing System Caused by Partial Admission@#%, Journal Of Engineering for Gas Turbines And Power-Transactions Of the Asme, 134 (2012). [43] Y. J. Ding, D. R. Yu, and Z. W. Wu, @#%Parameters Distribution Along the Channel Axis in the Scaling Designed Stationary Plasma Thruster@#%, Plasma Science & Technology, 8 (2006), 716-19. [44] X. M. Duan, D. C. Jia, Q. C. Meng, Z. H. Yang, Y. Yu, Y. Zhou, D. R. Yu, and Y. J. Ding, @#%Study on the Plasma Erosion Resistance of Zro2p(3y)/Bn-Sio2 Composite Ceramics@#%, Composites Part B-Engineering, 46 (2013), 130-34. [45] P. Hu, H. Liu, W. Mao, D. R. Yu, and Y. Y. Gao, @#%The Effects of Magnetic Field in Plume Region on the Performance of Multi-Cusped Field Thruster@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 22 (2015). [46] Q. H. Hu, M. Z. Guo, D. R. Yu, and J. F. Liu, @#%Information Entropy for Ordinal Classification@#%, Science China-Information Sciences, 53 (2010), 1188-200. [47] Q. H. Hu, W. Pedrycz, D. R. Yu, and J. Lang, @#%Selecting Discrete and Continuous Features Based on Neighborhood Decision Error Minimization@#%, Ieee Transactions on Systems Man And Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics, 40 (2010), 137-50. [48] Q. H. Hu, P. Y. Su, D. R. Yu, and J. F. Liu, @#%Pattern-Based Wind Speed Prediction Based on Generalized Principal Component Analysis@#%, Ieee Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 5 (2014), 866-74. [49] Q. H. Hu, D. R. Yu, Z. X. Xie, and X. D. Li, @#%Eros: Ensemble Rough Subspaces@#%, Pattern Recognition, 40 (2007), 3728-39. [50] Q. H. Hu, D. R. Yu, and M. Z. Guo, @#%Fuzzy Preference Based Rough Sets@#%, Information Sciences, 180 (2010), 2003-22. [51] Q. H. Hu, D. R. Yu, J. F. Liu, and C. X. Wu, @#%Neighborhood Rough Set Based Heterogeneous Feature Subset Selection@#%, Information Sciences, 178 (2008), 3577-94. [52] Q. H. Hu, D. R. Yu, and Z. Me, @#%Neighborhood Classifiers@#%, Expert Systems with Applications, 34 (2008), 866-76. [53] Q. H. Hu, D. R. Yu, W. Pedrycz, and D. G. Chen, @#%Kernelized Fuzzy Rough Sets and Their Applications@#%, Ieee Transactions on Knowledge And Data Engineering, 23 (2011), 1649-67. [54] X. Huang, D. R. Yu, Q. H. Hu, H. N. Wang, and Y. M. Cui, @#%Short-Term Solar Flare Prediction Using Predictor Teams@#%, Solar Physics, 263 (2010), 175-84. [55] H. Liu, P. B. Chen, W. Mao, D. R. Yu, and C. S. Wang, @#%Effect of the Variable Cross-Section Channel on Performance of a Cusped Field Thruster at Low Power@#%, Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics, 48 (2015). [56] H. Liu, B. Y. Wu, D. R. Yu, Y. Cao, and P. Duan, @#%Particle-in-Cell Simulation of a Hall Thruster@#%, Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics, 43 (2010). [57] H. Liu, H. Wu, Y. J. Zhao, D. R. Yu, C. Y. Ma, D. Wang, and H. Y. Wei, @#%Study of the Electric Field Formation in a Multi-Cusped Magnetic Field@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 21 (2014). [58] C. Y. Ma, H. Liu, Y. L. Hu, D. R. Yu, P. B. Chen, G. S. Sun, and Y. J. Zhao, @#%Experimental Study on a Variable Magnet Length Cusped Field Thruster@#%, Vacuum, 115 (2015), 101-07. [59] Z. X. Ning, H. Liu, D. R. Yu, and Z. X. Zhou, @#%Effects of Ionization Distribution on Plasma Beam Focusing Characteristics in Hall Thrusters@#%, Applied Physics Letters, 99 (2011). [60] Z. X. Ning, D. R. Yu, H. Li, and G. J. Yan, @#%Effect of the Hollow Cathode Heat Power on the Performance of an Hall-Effect Thruster@#%, Plasma Science & Technology, 11 (2009), 194-99. 国内期刊(节选) 名称 [1]于达仁,范轶,徐志强. 炉膛辐射能信号和热量信号的信息融合方法, 中国电机工程学报, 2003.4, 23(4),158-161 [2]于达仁,刘强,.汽轮机调节系统卡涩故障的鲁棒诊断方法, 中国电机工程学报, 2003, ,23(3), :179-182 [3]于达仁,王西田等 .基于LMI方法多目标综合的H∞扭振模态观测器, 中国电机工程学报, 2002.10, 22(10),136-141 [4]于达仁,杨永滨等.大范围线性化最优鲁棒容错快关控制系统的设计, 中国电机工程学报, 2002.9, 22(9),25-29 [5]于达仁,翁一武等.火电单元机组的柔性控制, 中国电机工程学报, 2002.7, 22(7), 129-133 [6]于达仁,徐志强等.基于神经网络解耦线性化方法的锅炉主汽压力控制, 中国电机工程学报, 2002.5, 22(5),143-147 [7]于达仁,郭钰锋, 一次调频的随机过程分析, 中国电机工程学报, 2002.6, 22(6), 38-41 [8]于达仁,项庆华等.汽轮机调节系统阀杆卡涩故障在线检测方法, 中国电机工程学报, 2001.12, 21, 59-62 [9]于达仁,郭钰锋等. 发电机组并网运行一次调频的稳定性, 中国电机工程学报, 2000.9, 20, 59-63 专利(节选) Dr. Daren Yu 名称 Department: School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. Address: No.92, West Da-Zhi Street, Nangang District, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150001, P.R.China. Phone/Fax: (%2B86) 0451 8640 3142 E-mail: yudaren@hit.edu.cn Website: http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/pages/yudaren Academic Degrees 名称 Doctor of Engineering, May.1996, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China Master of Science, Jul. 1988, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China Bachelor of Science, Jul. 1985, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China Professional Experience 名称 1996.10-Present Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology 1992.10-1996.9 Associate Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology 1990.10-1992.9 Lecturer, Harbin Institute of Technolog Research Interests 名称 Plasma Thruster Airbreathing Engines Power System Automatic Control Data Mining & Fault Diagnosis Teaching Experience 名称 Postgraduate Student Modules: Thermal system dynamics Professional Activities 名称 Guest Editor: Vice director of Committee of experts of Chinese Society of Toxicology Director of Plasma Branch of CSTAM (The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) Director of Computational Plasma Physics Branch of Chinese Physical Society Director of Plasma Physics Branch of Chinese Physical Society Reviewer of the flowing journals: IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion Plasma Sources Science & Technology Chinese Journal of Aeronautics Plasma Science & Technology Applied Physics Letters Chinese Physics Letters Automation of Electric Systems Journal of Aerospace Power Power Engineering Editorial board member of the flowing journals: Open Aerospace Engineering Journal English edition of Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology Proceedings of the CSEE Gas Turbine Technology Journal of Propulsion Technology Space Propulsion Academic Awards and Honors 名称 Chang Jiang Scholars Distinguished Professor Winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars Selected Research Grants 名称 "Research on catastrophe control of scramjet", 2009.1-2012.12, (RMB):3,000,000. "Control method of combustion mode of scramjet", 2004.1-2006.12, (RMB):200,000. "Micro aircraft system technology", 2006.1-2008.12, (RMB):3,000,000. "The mechanism and experimental study of radial flow of ion in the annular channel of plasma engines at steady state", 2007.1-2009.12, (RMB):300,000. "Technology research of radial migration of the ion in plasma engines", 2005.1-2007.12, (RMB):500,000. “Research of distributed energy system based on the Divided-gasturbine”, 2007.12-2010.11, (RMB):950,000. “Fault-tolerant control of supercritical unit based on information fusion theory”, 2000.1-2002.12, (RMB):160,000. "Coordinated control of supercritical turbine and boiler based on differential geometry nonlinear control theory",1998.1-2000.12, (RMB):130,000. "Robustness problem of control of large steam turbine generator with torsional vibration characteristics", 1996.1-1998.12, (RMB):130,000. "Fault-tolerant control principle of turbo-generator set",1994.1-1996.12, (RMB):65,000. "The mechanism of main steam pressure pulsation inspired destructively unstable torsional vibration of steam turbine", 1992.1-1995.12, (RMB):38,000. Selected International Journal 名称 [1] D. R. Yu, X. Huang, Q. H. Hu, R. Zhou, H. N. Wang, and Y. M. Cui, @#%Short-Term Solar Flare Prediction Using Multiresolution Predictors@#%, Astrophysical Journal, 709 (2010), 321-26. [2] D. R. Yu, X. Huang, H. N. Wang, and Y. M. Cui, @#%Short-Term Solar Flare Prediction Using a Sequential Supervised Learning Method@#%, Solar Physics, 255 (2009), 91-105. [3] D. R. Yu, S. An, and Q. H. Hu, @#%Fuzzy Mutual Information Based Min-Redundancy and Max-Relevance Heterogeneous Feature Selection@#%, International Journal Of Computational Intelligence Systems, 4 (2011), 619-33. [4] D. R. Yu, T. Cui, and W. Bao, @#%Catastrophe, Hysteresis and Bifurcation of Mode Transition in Scramjet Engines and Its Model@#%, Science In China Series E-Technological Sciences, 52 (2009), 1543-50. [5] D. R. Yu, J. P. Ding, and J. M. Dai, @#%Spectrum Diagnosis for Fuchsia Plume of Hall Effect Thruster with Xenon as Propellant@#%, Plasma Science & Technology, 8 (2006), 685-89. [6] D. R. Yu, Y. F. Duan, J. F. Liu, Z. S. Liu, and Q. H. Hu, @#%Experimental Study on Fault Caused by Partial Arc Steam Forces and Its Economic Solution@#%, Journal Of Engineering for Gas Turbines And Power-Transactions Of the Asme, 132 (2010). [7] D. R. Yu, Q. H. Hu, and C. X. Wu, @#%Uncertainty Measures for Fuzzy Relations and Their Applications@#%, Applied Soft Computing, 7 (2007), 1135-43. [8] D. R. Yu, X. Huang, H. N. Wang, Y. M. Cui, Q. H. Hu, and R. Zhou, @#%Short-Term Solar Flare Level Prediction Using a Bayesian Network Approach@#%, Astrophysical Journal, 710 (2010), 869-77. [9] D. R. Yu, H. Li, Z. W. Wu, and W. Mao, @#%Effect of Oscillating Sheath on near-Wall Conductivity in Hall Thrusters@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 14 (2007). [10] D. R. Yu, H. Li, Z. W. Wu, Z. X. Ning, and G. J. Yan, @#%Experimental and Theoretical Study on Effects of Magnetic Field Topology on near Wall Conductivity in a Hall Thruster@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 16 (2009). [11] D. R. Yu, J. Li, H. Li, Y. Li, and B. H. Jiang, @#%Experimental Study on the Effects of Magnetic Field Configuration near the Channel Exit on the Plume Divergence of Hall Thrusters@#%, Plasma Science & Technology, 11 (2009), 714-20. [12] D. R. Yu, and Y. Q. Li, @#%Volumetric Erosion Rate Reduction of Hall Thruster Channel Wall During Ion Sputtering Process@#%, Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics, 40 (2007), 2526-32. [13] D. R. Yu, H. Liu, and H. Y. Fu, @#%Effect of Magnetic Mirror on the Asymmetry of the Radial Profile of near-Wall Conductivity in Hall Thrusters@#%, Plasma Science & Technology, 11 (2009). [14] D. R. Yu, X. F. Liu, W. Bao, and Z. Q. Xu, @#%Multiobjective Robust Regulating and Protecting Control for Aeroengines@#%, Journal Of Engineering for Gas Turbines And Power-Transactions Of the Asme, 131 (2009). [15] D. R. Yu, and X. W. Lv, @#%Configurations Analysis for High-Altitude/Long-Endurance Airships@#%, Aircraft Engineering And Aerospace Technology, 82 (2010), 48-59. [16] D. R. Yu, M. J. Song, H. Li, H. Liu, and K. Han, @#%The Influence of Magnetic Field Strength in Ionization Stage on Ion Transport between Two Stages of a Double Stage Hall Thruster@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 19 (2012). [17] D. R. Yu, M. J. Song, H. Liu, Y. J. Ding, and H. Li, @#%Particle-in-Cell Simulation of a Double Stage Hall Thruster@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 19 (2012). [18] D. R. Yu, M. J. Song, H. Liu, X. Zhang, and H. Li, @#%Influence of Magnetic Field Strength on Potential Well in the Ionization Stage of a Double Stage Hall Thruster@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 19 (2012). [19] D. R. Yu, C. S. Wang, L. Q. Wei, C. Gao, and G. Yu, @#%Stabilizing of Low Frequency Oscillation in Hall Thrusters@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 15 (2008). [20] D. R. Yu, L. Q. Wei, Z. L. Wei, and E. Peng, @#%Experimental Study on Low Frequency Oscillation in a Plume of Hall Thrusters@#%, Plasma Sources Science & Technology, 17 (2008). [21] D. R. Yu, Z. X. Xie, Q. H. Hu, S. H. Yang, and C. L. Jin, @#%Properties of Granules in Upflows and Downflows@#%, Solar Physics, 273 (2011), 1-13. [22] D. R. Yu, Z. X. Xie, Q. H. Hu, S. H. Yang, J. Zhang, and J. X. Wang, @#%Physical Properties of Large and Small Granules in Solar Quiet Regions@#%, Astrophysical Journal, 743 (2011). [23] D. R. Yu, X. Yu, Q. H. Hu, J. F. Liu, and A. Q. Wu, @#%Dynamic Time Warping Constraint Learning for Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classification@#%, Information Sciences, 181 (2011), 2787-96. [24] D. R. Yu, F. K. Zhang, H. Liu, H. Li, G. J. Yan, and J. Y. Liu, @#%Effect of Electron Temperature on Dynamic Characteristics of Two-Dimensional Sheath in Hall Thrusters@#%, Physics Of Plasmas, 15 (2008). [25] S. An, Q. H. Hu, D. R. Yu, and J. F. Liu, @#%Soft Minimum-Enclosing-Ball Based Robust Fuzzy Rough Sets@#%, Fundamenta Informaticae, 115 (2012), 189-202. [26] W. Bao, Y. W. Qi, D. R. Yu, Z. H. Yao, and J. Zhao, @#%Bumpless Switching Scheme Design and Its Application to Hypersonic Vehicle Model@#%, International Journal Of Innovative Computing Information And Control, 8 (2012), 677-89. [27] W. Bao, R. Zhou, J. G. Yang, D. R. Yu, and N. Li, @#%Anti-Aliasing Lifting Scheme for Mechanical Vibration Fault Feature Extraction@#%, Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing, 23 (2009), 1458-73. [28] R. F. Cao, J. T. Chang, W. Bao, M. L. Guo, J. Qin, D. R. Yu, and Z. Q. Wang, @#%Analysis of Combustion Mode and Operating Route for Hydrogen Fueled Scramjet Engine@#%, International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013), 5928-35. [29] R. F. Cao, J. T. Chang, J. F. Tang, W. Bao, D. R. Yu, and Z. Q. Wang, @#%Switching Control of Thrust Regulation and Inlet Unstart Protection for Scramjet Engine Based on Strategy of Integral Initial Values Resetting@#%, Aerospace Science And Technology, 45 (2015), 484-89. [30] R. F. Cao, J. T. Chang, J. F. Tang, W. Bao, D. R. Yu, and Z. Q. Wang, @#%Switching Control of Thrust Regulation and Inlet Unstart Protection for Scramjet Engine Based on Min Strategy@#%, Aerospace Science And Technology, 40 (2015), 96-103. [31] J. T. Chang, W. Bao, D. R. Yu, Y. Fan, and Y. Shen, @#%Effects of Wall Cooling on Performance Parameters of Hypersonic Inlets@#%, Acta Astronautica, 65 (2009), 467-76. [32] J. T. Chang, Y. Fan, W. Bao, D. R. Yu, and Y. Shen, @#%Unstart Margin Control of Hypersonic Inlets@#%, Acta Astronautica, 66 (2010), 78-87. [33] J. T. Chang, Q. H. Hu, D. R. Yu, and W. Bao, @#%Classifier Utility Modeling and Analysis of Hypersonic Inlet Start/Unstart Considering Training Data Costs@#%, Acta Astronautica, 69 (2011), 841-47. [34] J. T. Chang, D. R. Yu, W. Bao, and Y. Fan, @#%Operation Pattern Classification of Hypersonic Inlets@#%, Acta Astronautica, 65 (2009), 457-66. [35] J. T. Chang, D. R. Yu, W. Bao, C. Wang, and T. R. Chen, @#%Mathematical Modeling and Rapid Recognition of Hypersonic Inlet Buzz@#%, Aerospace Science And Technology, 23 (2012), 172-78. 个人/团队新闻 名称 “龙江最美人物(教师)”评选结果揭晓:于达仁教授获选2017龙江最美教师(2017-09-13) 打造“%2B”模式 哈工大研究生思政工作“有硬招”:3 于老师讲“论语”经(2017-08-29) 162名博士新生踏上学术新征途:于达仁教授对博士新生提出几点希望(2017-03-02) 2016年中国十大航天新闻评选揭晓:中国在轨验证磁聚焦霍尔电推进系统等多项先进技术(2017-01-08) 高效高比冲磁聚焦霍尔推进技术入选“中国高校十大科技进展” 我校连续5年6项目入选 (2016-12-29) 2016年度“中国高等学校十大科技进展”入选项目介绍 (2016-12-29) Cutting-edge thruster gives China headstart in deep-space exploration (2016-12-27) 我校承办第十二届中国电推进技术学术研讨会(2016-12-26) 我校研制的新一代磁聚焦型霍尔电推力器在国际上首次实现空间应用 (2016-11-23) 四月芳菲论读书――于达仁教授与学子畅谈读书 (2014-04-16) 基础研究结硕果:访长江学者特聘教授、国家杰出青年基金获得者于达仁 (2010-01-05) 梁迎春于达仁获国家杰出青年基金 康健获海外及港澳学者合作研究基金 (2009-12-08)