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发布日期:2024-05-10 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 胡铮 性别 胡铮
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 仪器科学与工程学院
学位 胡铮 学历 胡铮
职称 联系方式 huzheng@hit.edu.cn
邮箱 huzheng@hit.edu.cn    
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基本信息 论文专著 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 承担国家重大科研仪器研制项目1项,国家自然科学基金面上项目3项,中国博士后科学基金1项,黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目1项,黑龙江省博士后科研启动金1项和哈工大科研创新基金1项。发表SCI学术论文30余篇,他引800余次,总IF﹥180。研究成果分别获得黑龙江省中医药科学技术奖一等奖和黑龙江省科学技术奖二等奖。 研究领域 名称 光(声)动力治疗技术、生物信息技术在生物医学领域的理、工、医多学科交叉与转化工作。 论文期刊 论文标题 The effect of excitation power density on the Stern-Volmer constant measurement 作者 Kou Meng; Qin Feng; Wang YongDa; Zhang Xiyu; Li Lu; Hu Zheng; Zhao Hua; Zhang Zhiguo 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 Optics Letters 期卷 48(19):5133-5136 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Antitumor Effects of Pegylated Zinc Protoporphyrin-Mediated Sonodynamic Therapy in Ovarian Cancer 作者 Li Jia; Hu Zheng; Zhu Jiwei; Lin Xin; Gao Xu; Lv Guixiang 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 Pharmaceutics 期卷 15(9):2275 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Accurate Determination of the Photosensitizer Stern-Volmer Constant by the Oxygen-Dependent Consumption of 1,3-Diphenylisobenzofuran 作者 Kou Meng; Qin Feng; Wang Yongda; Zhang Xiyu; Hu Zheng; Zhao Hua; Zhang Zhiguo 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 期卷 14(32):7193-7197 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 A New Insight into the Singlet Oxygen Mechanism for Photodynamic Therapy 作者 Kou Meng; Qin Feng; Lv Weiming; Hu Zheng; Zhang Zhiguo 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 期卷 14:5613-5617 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Highly sensitive measurement method for photosensitizers based on dual-excitation laser modulation technique 作者 Wang Yongda; Hu Zheng; Li Jia; Zhao Yunhan; Kou Meng; Qin Feng; Zhang Zhiguo 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 期卷 388:133855 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Insight into the Heavy Atom Effect Induced by Environmental Heavy Atoms for Gadolinium-Labeled Hematoporphyrin Monomethyl Ether 作者 Kou Meng; Qin Feng; Wang Yongda; Zhang Xiyu; Hu Zheng; Zhang Zhiguo 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 Journal of Physical Chemistry B 期卷 127(3):777-782 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Precision Killing of Sinoporphyrin Sodium-Mediated Photodynamic Therapy against Malignant Tumor Cells 作者 Lv Guixiang; Dong Zhihui; Zhao Yunhan; Ma Ning; Jiang Xiaochen; Li Jia; Wang Jinyue; Wang Jiaxin; Zhang Wenxiu; Lin Xin; Hu Zheng 发表时间 2022 期刊名称 International Journal of Molecular Sciences 期卷 23(18):10561 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Sinoporphyrin sodium mediated sonodynamic therapy generates superoxide anion under hypoxia environment 作者 Li Enze; Sun Yi; Lv Guixiang; Qin Feng; Zhang Xiyu; Zhang Zhiguo; Zhang Rui; Hu Zheng; Cao Wenwu 发表时间 2021 期刊名称 New Journal of Chemistry 期卷 45:18994-19001 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 The abnormal physicochemical phenomena of singlet oxygen sensor green in water in the presence of ultrasound 作者 Li Enze; Sun Yi; Lv Guixiang; Qin Feng; Zhang Xiyu; Zhang Zhiguo; Zhang Rui; Hu Zheng; Cao Wenwu 发表时间 2021 期刊名称 ChemistrySelect 期卷 6(26):6631-6635 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Involvement of hydrogen peroxide in sonodynamical effect with sinoporphyrin sodium in hypoxic situation 作者 Li Enze; Sun Yi; Lv Guixiang; Qin Feng; Zhang Xiyu; Zhang Zhiguo; Zhang Rui; Hu Zheng; Cao Wenwu 发表时间 2021 期刊名称 Free Radical Research 期卷 55(9-10):958-969 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Targeting IL-17alpha to promote anti-PD-1 therapy effect by screening the tumor immune microenvironment in a mouse oral carcinogenesis model 作者 Wang Shan; Yu Xiaorong; Li Fang; Fan Haixia; Zhao Eryang; Hu Zheng 发表时间 2021 期刊名称 Cancer Biomark 期卷 31(4):339-350 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 5-aminolevulinic-acid-mediated Sonodynamic Therapy Improves the Prognosis of Melanoma by Inhibiting Survivin Expression 作者 Fan Haixia; Hu Zheng; Wang Shan; Wu Wen; Liu Xue; Geng Haixia 发表时间 2020 期刊名称 Cancer Biomark 期卷 28(3):301-308 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Hematoporphyrin monomethyl ether mediated sonodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy on porphyromonas gingivalis in vitro 作者 Zhang Yi; Zhang Hongbo; Zhuang Deshu; Bi Liangjia; Hu Zheng; Cao Wenwu 发表时间 2020 期刊名称 Microbial Pathogenesis 期卷 144:104192 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Hematoporphyrin monomethyl ether-mediated sonodynamic therapy induces A-253 cell apoptosis 作者 Zhang Yi; Bi Liangjia; Hu Zheng; Cao Wenwu; Zhuang Deshu 发表时间 2020 期刊名称 Oncology Letter 期卷 19(4):3223-3228 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Sinoporphyrin sodium based sonodynamic therapy induces anti-tumor effects in hepatocellular carcinoma and activates p53/caspase 3 axis 作者 Li Enze; Sun Yi; Lv Guixiang; Li Yongning; Zhang Zhiguo; Hu Zheng; Cao Wenwu 发表时间 2019 期刊名称 International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 期卷 113:104-114 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Impact of immunodeficiency on lingual carcinogenesis and lymph node metastasis in mice 作者 Wang Shan; Li Fang; Qiang Dongxia; Hu Zheng; Meng Yan; Shi Lei; Zhao Eryang; Niu Yumei 发表时间 2019 期刊名称 Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine 期卷 48(9):826-831 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Expression of PIWIL2 in oral cancer and leukoplakia: Prognostic implications and insights from tumors 作者 Wang Shan; Li Fang; Fan Haixia; Xu Jiankai; Hu Zheng 发表时间 2019 期刊名称 Cancer Biomarkers 期卷 26(1):11-20 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Transcriptional activation of miR-320a by ATF2, ELK1 and YY1 induces cancer cell apoptosis under ionizing radiation conditions 作者 Hu Zheng; Tie Yi; Lv Guixiang; Zhu Jie; Fu Hanjiang; Zheng Xiaofei 发表时间 2018 期刊名称 International Journal of Oncology 期卷 53(4):1691-1702 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Effects of low-intensity ultrasound combined with low-dose carboplatin in an orthotopic hamster model of tongue cancer: A preclinical study 作者 Li Haixia; Zheng Jinhua; Ji Liang; Liu Guanyao; Lv Yvkun; Yang Dan; Hu Zheng; Chen He; Zhang Fengmin; Cao Wenwu 发表时间 2018 期刊名称 Oncology Reports 期卷 39(4):1609-1618 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Inhibitory effect of aloe emodin mediated photodynamic therapy on human oral mucosa carcinoma in vitro and in vivo 作者 Liu Yunqing; Meng Peisong; Zhang Hongchao; Liu Xu; Wang Mengxi; Cao Wenwu; Hu Zheng; Zhang Zhiguo 发表时间 2017 期刊名称 Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 期卷 97:697-707 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 miR-320a regulates high mobility group box 1 expression and inhibits invasion and metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma 作者 Lv Guixiang; Wu Mingjuan; Wang Meijie; Jiang Xiaochen; Du Jingli; Zhang Kaili; Li Dongliang; Ma Ning; Peng Yahui; Wang Lujing; Zhou Lingyun; Zhao Weiming; Jiao Yufei; Gao Xu; Hu Zheng 发表时间 2017 期刊名称 Liver International 期卷 37(9):1354-1364 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 NaYbF4 nanoparticles as near infrared light excited inorganic photosensitizers for deep penetration photodynamic therapy 作者 Zhang Jiayin; Chen Su; Wang Peng; Jiang Dongjie; Ban Dexiang; Zhong Nanzhe; Jiang Guicheng; Li He; Hu Zheng; Xiao Jianru; Zhang Zhiguo; Cao Wenwu 发表时间 2017 期刊名称 Nanoscale 期卷 9(8): 2706-2710 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Enhancement of anti-tumor effects of 5-fluorouracil on hepatocellular carcinoma by low-intensity ultrasound 作者 Hu Zheng; Lv Guixiang; Li Yongning; Li Enze; Li Haixia; Zhou Qi; Yang Bin; Cao Wenwu 发表时间 2016 期刊名称 Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 期卷 35(1): 71 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Small molecule inhibitor of c-Met (PHA665752) suppresses the growth of ovarian cancer cells and reverses cisplatin resistance 作者 Li Enze; Hu Zheng; Sun Yi; Zhou Qi; Yang Bin; Zhang Zhiguo; Cao Wenwu 发表时间 2016 期刊名称 Tumor Biology 期卷 37(6): 7843-7852 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 5-Aminolevulinic acid-mediated sonodynamic therapy induces anti-tumor effects in malignant melanoma via p53-miR-34a-Sirt1 axis 作者 Hu Zheng; Fan Haixia; Lv Guixiang; Zhou Qi; Yang Bin; Zheng Jinhua; Cao Wenwu 发表时间 2015 期刊名称 Journal of Dermatological Science 期卷 79(2): 155-162 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 5-Aminolevulinic Acid-Based Sonodynamic Therapy Induces the Apoptosis of Osteosarcoma in Mice 作者 Li Yongning; Zhou Qi; Hu Zheng; Yang Bin; Li Qingsong; Wang Jianhua; Zheng Jinhua; Cao Wenwu 发表时间 2015 期刊名称 PLoS One 期卷 10(7): e0132074 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Mechanism of rat osteosarcoma cell apoptosis induced by a combination of low-intensity ultrasound and 5-aminolevulinic acid in vitro 作者 Li Yongning; Zhou Qi; Yang Bin; Hu Zheng; Wang Jianhua; Li Qingsong; Cao Wenwu 发表时间 2015 期刊名称 Genetics and Molecular Research 期卷 14(3): 9604-9613 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Effect of cell cycle phase on the sensitivity of SAS cells to sonodynamic therapy using low-intensity ultrasound combined with 5-aminolevulinic acid in vitro 作者 Li Nan; Sun Miao; Wang Yao; Lv Yanhong; Hu Zheng; Cao Wenwu; Zheng Jinhua; Jiao Xiaohui 发表时间 2015 期刊名称 Molecular Medicine Reports 期卷 12(2): 3177-3183 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 MicroRNA-451 regulates activating transcription factor 2 expression and inhibits liver cancer cell migration 作者 Lv Guixiang; Hu Zheng; Tie Yi; Du Jingli; Fu Hanjiang; Gao Xu; Zheng Xiaofei 发表时间 2014 期刊名称 Oncology Reports 期卷 32(3): 1021-1028 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 5-Aminolevulinic acid-mediated sonodynamic therapy reverses macrophage and dendritic cell passivity in murine melanoma xenografts 作者 Wang Shan; Hu Zheng; Wang Xiaolong; Gu Chuanwen; Gao Zhongxiuzi; Cao Wenwu; Zheng Jinhua 发表时间 2014 期刊名称 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 期卷 40(9): 2125-2133 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Correlation of microRNAs responding to high dose γ-irradiation with predicted target mRNAs in HeLa cells using microarray analyses 作者 Hu Zheng; Tie Yi; Lv Guixiang; Fu Hanjiang; Xing Ruiyun; Zhu Jie; Sun Zhixian; Zheng Xiaofei 发表时间 2013 期刊名称 Science Bulletin 期卷 58(36): 4622-4629 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 MicroRNA-1 and microRNA-499 downregulate the expression of the ets1 proto-oncogene in HepG2 cells 作者 Wei Wei; Hu Zheng; Fu Hanjiang; Tie Yi; Zhang Haihong; Wu Yongge; Zheng Xiaofei 发表时间 2012 期刊名称 Oncology Reports 期卷 28(2): 701-706 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 Hepato-specific microRNA-122 facilitates accumulation of newly synthesized miRNA through regulating PRKRA 作者 Li Shuai; Zhu Juanjuan; Fu Hanjiang; Wan Jing; Hu Zheng; Liu Shanshan; Li Jie; Tie Yi; Xing Ruiyun; Zhu Jie; Sun Zhixian; Zheng Xiaofei 发表时间 2012 期刊名称 Nucleic Acids Research 期卷 40(2): 884-891 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 A novel method for ionizing radiation-induced RNA damage detection by poly(A)-tailing RT-PCR 作者 Tie Yi; Hu Zheng; Lv Guixiang; Fu Hanjiang; Xing Ruiyun; Zhu Jie; Sun Zhixian; Zheng Xiaofei 发表时间 2011 期刊名称 Science Bulletin 期卷 56(30): 3172-3177 简单介绍 论文期刊 论文标题 miR-34a inhibits migration and invasion by down-regulation of c-Met expression in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells 作者 Li Na; Fu Hanjiang; Tie Yi; Hu Zheng; Kong Wei; Wu Yongge; Zheng Xiaofei 发表时间 2009 期刊名称 Cancer Letters 期卷 275(1): 44-53 简单介绍