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发布日期:2024-05-10 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 果崇申 性别 果崇申
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 化工与化学学院
学位 果崇申 学历 果崇申
职称 教授 联系方式 chongshenguo@hit.edu.cn
邮箱 chongshenguo@hit.edu.cn    
软件产品登记测试全国受理 软件著作权666元代写全部资料全国受理 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理

基本信息 年度论文 科研相关 教学-招生 团队成员 相册 工具网站 物理化学学习资料 ... 相册 工具网站 物理化学学习资料 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 教授/博士生导师 化工与化学学院-生物化工系 1982年12月生于哈尔滨市呼兰区,2009-2013年间留学日本东北大学, 期间获日本东北大学总长奖并选为毕业生代表(全校仅一人),藤野先生纪念奖励奖(全日本5名中国留学生/年)。2013年4月回国入职哈工大,2013与2017年两次入选哈工大青年拔尖人才。 主要从事纳米,材料,生物,催化领域的交叉研究,发表包括Adv. Mater, Adv. Funct. Mater., ACS Nano, Small, Biomaterials等期刊论文70余篇,累计影响因子超过400,H因子30。主持国家自然科学基金3项,以及多项省市级基金,参与国家仪器重大项目,授权发明专利5项,黑龙江省高校科技进步一等奖,科技部驼人医疗器械科技创新奖,黑龙江省医疗器械科技创新奖。 工作经历 名称 2018年04月-至今 哈尔滨工业大学、教授/博士生导师 2017年12月-至今 哈尔滨工业大学、教授 2013年12月-2017年12月 哈尔滨工业大学、副教授 2013年04月-2013年12月 哈尔滨工业大学、讲师 教育经历 名称 2009年10月-2013年3月 日本东北大学、材料学、工学博士 2006年09月-2009年7月 大连理工大学、工业催化、工学硕士 2002年09月-2006年7月 大庆石油学院、化学、 理学学士 荣誉称号 名称 1.2017年哈工大青年拔尖人才-教授 2.2013年哈工大青年拔尖人才-副教授 3. 藤野先生纪念奖励奖 4. 日本东北大学总长奖 5.2020年哈工大优秀硕士学位论文指导教师 6.2018年哈工大百优本科毕业设计奖指导教师 7.2014-2015年度优秀专兼职学生工作者 8.2017年,2018年年度优秀共产党员 9.2018年度哈工大优秀党务工作者 10.2018-2019年哈工大化工与化学学院最美党员 11.黑龙江省医疗保健国际交流促进会病理学分会委员 12.中国抗癌协会第一届肿瘤基因诊断青委会委员 13.《当代化工研究》编委 14. 2014年入选 “哈尔滨市科技创新青年后备人才计划” 15.教育部学位中心学位论文通讯评议专家 16.《物理化学》黑龙江省级一流本科生课程,负责人 论文节选 名称 1.Wei Guo, ChongshenGuo,* Nannan Zheng, Tiedong Sun, Shaoqin Liu*, CsxWO3 Nanorods Coated with Polyelectrolyte Multilayers as a Multifunctional Nanomaterial for Bimodal Imaging-Guided Photothermal/Photodynamic Cancer Treatment, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29, 1604157. (ESI高被引论文) 2. Chunyu Yang, Yaodong Chen, Wei Guo, Yan Gao, Chuanqi Song, Qun Zhang, Nannan Zheng, Xiaojun Han,* Chongshen Guo*, Bismuth Ferrite-Based Nanoplatform Design: An Ablation Mechanism Study of Solid Tumor and NIR-Triggered Photothermal/Photodynamic Combination Cancer Therapy, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28(18), 201706827. 3 .Gu, Hongxi;# Guo, Chongshen,# Zhang, Shouhao; Bi, Lihua; Li, Tianchan; Sun, Tiedong; Liu, Shaoqin, Highly Efficient, Near-Infrared and Visible-Light Modulated Electrochromic Devices Based on Polyoxometalates and W18O49 Nanowires, ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 559-567. 4.Weicheng Huang, Yan Gao, Jinxin Wang, Pengcheng Ding, Mei Yan, Jian Liu, Danqing Liu*, Chongshen Guo*, Bin Yang*, Wenwu Cao, Plasmonic Enhanced Reactive Oxygen Species Activation on Low-Work-Function Tungsten Nitride for Direct Near-infrared Driven Photocatalysis, Small, 2020, 2004557. 5. Guilian Li, Chongshen Guo,* Mei Yan, Shaoqin Liu,* CsxWO3 Nanorods: Realization of Full-spectrum-responsive Photocatalytic Activities from UV, Visible to Near-Infrared Region, Appl. Catal. B, 2016,183,142-148. 6. Da Liu, Ruiwen Wang, Wen Chang, Lu Zhang, Benqi Peng, Huidong Li, Shaoqin Liu, Mei Yan* and Chongshen Guo,* Ti3C2 MXene as an excellent anode material for high performance microbial fuel cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 20887-20895. 7. Weicheng Huang, Hongxue Meng, Yan Gao, Jinxin Wang, Chunyu Yang, Danqing Liu*, Jian Liu, Chongshen Guo*, Bin Yang*, Wenwu Cao, Metallic tungsten carbide nanoparticles as near-infrared driven photocatalyst, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7,18538-18546. 8. Da Liu, Weicheng Huang, Qinghuan Chang, Lu Zhang, Ruiwen Wang, Mei Yan,* Hongxue Meng,*, Bin Yang and Chongshen Guo*,High Enrichment of Geobacter by TiN Nanoarrays Anode Catalyst for Efficient Microbial Fuel Cells, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, Accepted Manuscript. 9. Chongshen Guo, HaijunYu, Bing Feng, Weidong Gao, Mei Yan, Zhiwen Zhang, Yaping Li *, Shaoqin Liu* Highly Efficient Ablation of Metastatic Breast Cancer Using Ammonium-Tungsten-Bronze Nanocube as a Novel 1064 nm-Laser-Driven Photothermal Agent, Biomaterials, 2015, 52, 407-416. 10. Chunyu Yang, Weicheng Huang, Yan Gao, Zhao Liu, Na An, Wei Mu, Qinmin Pan, Bin Yang, Chongshen Guo* and Xiaojun Han*, Phototherapy ablation of rabbit orthotopic tumors by non-stoichiometric BiPO4-x nanoparticles, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 386, 123961. 出版物 出版物名称 《Energy,Transportation and Global Warming, Green Energy》 Chapter 27 Novel Tungsten Bronze Nanoparticles for Shielding Near Infrared Ray and Decreasing CO2 Emission 作者 Tsugio Sato, Chongshen Guo, Shu Yin 出版时间 2017年 出版社 Springer International Publishing 简单介绍 奖项成果 奖项名称 红外理疗灯防灼伤灯罩 获奖时间 2023.04 完成人 果崇申,宋大伟,付宇拓,王岩,刘振中,颜美,齐殿鹏,徐平,吴亚东 所获奖项 第三届科技部驼人医疗器械科技创新奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 黑龙江省高校科技进步一等奖 获奖时间 2016.01 完成人 刘绍琴,果崇申,颜美, 李欣宇, 顾洪溪 所获奖项 简单介绍 奖项名称 2021黑龙江省第三届医疗器械科技创新奖一等奖 获奖时间 2021 完成人 果崇申,王岩,付宇拓 所获奖项 简单介绍 获奖 名称 课题组科研新闻 名称 1.3-5月Advanced Functional Materials热点文章Top10:哈工大3篇 https://www.sohu.com/a/236935567_734953 https://www.materialsviewschina.com/2018/04/28326/ 2. Small:低功函数WN纳米方块用于近红外光催化活性氧活化 http://www.pinlue.com/article/2020/10/2614/0611316315242.html 3. Chem. Eng. J:BiPO4-x纳米颗粒用于光学治疗兔原位肿瘤 http://nanoer.net/showinfo-32-14907.html 4.Adv. Mater. CsxWO3纳米棒作为一种多功能纳米材料用于双模态成像引导的光热/光动力疗法治疗肿瘤 http://www.cailiaoniu.com/55038.html http://news.hit.edu.cn/90/27/c416a167975/page.psp 年度顺序论文列表 名称 2023年论文 90. Hao Jiang, Mei Yan, Hao Chen, Yutuo Fu*, Chongshen Guo*, Synergy of Fenton-like Property and Self-oxygen Supply for Realizing Enhanced Near-Infrared driven Integrated Wastewater Treatment. Fuel, 2023 (357), 129860 . 89. Qinyi Zhao, Ming Zhu, Gongwei Tian, Cuiyuan Liang, Zhiyuan Liu, Jianping Huang, Qianheng yuan Yu, Shuanglong Tang, Jianhui Chen, Xizheng Zhao, Qi Zeng, Chongshen Guo,* Dianpeng Qi* “Highly Sensitive and Omnidirectionally Stretchable Bioelectrode Arrays for In Vivo Neural Interfacing” Adv. Healthcare Mater., 2023, xx, 2203344 88.Zou Jixiang, Chang Qihuan, Guo Chongshen*, Yan Mei *, Vanadium nitride decorated carbon cloth anode promotes aniline degradation and electricity generation of MFCs by efficiently enriching electroactive bacteria and promoting extracellular electron transfer [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 346(15):119048. 87. Z.S. Yuan, J.X. Zou, X.L. Zhao, J.Y. Shi, C.S. Guo, M. Yan,Cadmium sulfide cage photocatalysis coupled electroactive biofilm for synergistic promotion of tetracycline degradation and electricity production,Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 166,2023, 86-97 86.Hao Chen, Guangze Pan, Mei Yan, Fang Wang*, Yadong Wu*, Chongshen Guo*. Janus membrane with enhanced interfacial activation for solar evaporation. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2023, 87, 1-11. 85.Na An, Yan Gao, Ying Shi, Xingxing Du, Jianing Cheng, Shuanglong Tang,Pengfei Liu, Huike Yang*,Chongshen Guo*,Nickel phosphide for MRI-guided synergistic photo-immunotherapy,Journal of Materials Science & Technology,2023,151,150–161. 84. Hao Jiang, Hao Chen, Yutuo Fu,*, Chongshen Guo*,SnFe2O4 mediated near-infrared-driven photocatalysis, photothermal sterilization and piezocatalysis, Applied Surface Science, 2023, 611, 155555. 2022年论文 83. 邹吉祥,颜美,果崇申.光催化紧密耦合微生物燃料电池研究综述[J].广东化工,2022,49(03):108-111%2B101. 82.Hao Chen, Fang Wang, Kaixin Wang, Yadong Wu,* Chongshen Guo,*Metallic zirconium carbide mediated near-infrared driven photocatalysis and photothermal sterilization for multidirectional water purification. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 624: 296-306. 81.Na An, Yao Zhang, Hansheng Lu, Shuanglong Tang, Yan Gao, Xiaohui Li,* Chongshen Guo*, Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopyguided synergistic phototherapy: A theranostic platform mediated by a single laser wavelength, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2022,218,112768 80. Jixiang Zou , Qinghuan Chang , Zhishuai Yuan , Mei Yan *, Xiaojun Han , Chongshen Guo **,The promotion of Ag3PO4 photocatalysis on methylene blue removal and electricity generation in microbial fuel cell, Journal of Powe Sources, 2022, 541, 231697. (IF = 9.127) 2021年论文 79. Shuanglong Tang, Weicheng Huang, Yan Gao, Na An, Yadong Wu, Bin Yang, Mei Yan, Jingyan Cao and Chongshen Guo, Low-work-function LaB6 for realizing photodynamic-enhanced photothermal therapy, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021, 9, 4380-4389.(IF=5.344) 78.Da Liu, Weicheng Huang, Qinghuan Chang, Lu Zhang, Ruiwen Wang, Mei Yan,* Hongxue Meng,*, Bin Yang and Chongshen Guo*,High Enrichment of Geobacter by TiN Nanoarrays Anode Catalyst for Efficient Microbial Fuel Cells, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9,7726-7735.(IF=11.301) 2020年论文 77. Yutuo Fu, Le Wang, Xiaoyu Chi, F. Alvarado-Cesar, Na An, Yuanjun Song, Yadong Wu, Peng Zhang* and Chongshen Guo *,Body-clearable chromium nitride for synergetic photothermal and photodynamic treatment,New J. Chem., 2020, 44, 20039-20046. 76.Weicheng Huang, Yan Gao, Jinxin Wang, Pengcheng Ding, Mei Yan, Jian Liu, Danqing Liu*, Chongshen Guo*, Bin Yang*, Wenwu Cao, Plasmonic Enhanced Reactive Oxygen Species Activation on Low-Work-Function Tungsten Nitride for Direct Near-infrared Driven Photocatalysis, Small, 2020, 2004557.(IF=11.459) 75. Haohao Sun, Yan Gao, Narisu Hu,* Yongxia Zhang, Chongshen Guo,* Guanggang Gao, Zhuo Ma,* Krasnyuk Ivan Ivanovich, Yunfeng Qiu*,Electronic coupling between molybdenum disulfide and gold nanoparticles to enhance the peroxidase activity for the colorimetric immunoassays of hydrogen peroxide and cancer cells, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 578 (2020) 366–378. (IF=7.489) 74. Siqi Wang#, Yan Gao#, Zhao Liu, Chunyu Yang, Na An, Hongxue Meng, Mei Yan*, Guofan Qu,* Chongshen Guo*, Cell-cargo Mediated ZrN Nanoparticle for the Synergetic Phototherapy on Both of Mice and Rabbits, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2020, 149, 163-169. (IF=4.604) 73. Chunyu Yang, Weicheng Huang, Yan Gao, Zhao Liu, Na An, Wei Mu, Qinmin Pan, Bin Yang, Chongshen Guo* and Xiaojun Han*, Phototherapy ablation of rabbit orthotopic tumors by non-stoichiometric BiPO4-x nanoparticles, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 386, 123961.(IF=10.652) 2019年论文 72. Da Liu, Qinghuan Chang, Yan Gao, Weicheng Huang, Ziyu Sun,Mei Yan,* Chongshen Guo*, High performance of microbial fuel cell afforded by metallic tungsten carbide decorated carbon cloth anode, Electrochimica Acta, 2020,330,135243 (IF = 6.215) 71. Yan Gao,# Weicheng Huang,# Chunyu Yang, Zhao Liu, Hongxue Meng, Bin Yang, Yanling Xu,* Chongshen Guo*, Targeted Photothermal Therapy on Mice and Rabbit: Realized by Macrophage Loaded Tungsten Carbide, Biomaterials Science, 2019, 7,5350-5358. (IF=6.183) 70. Ruiwen Wang#, Da Liu#, Mei Yan*,Lu Zhang, Wen Chang, Ziyu Sun, Shaoqin Liu and Chongshen Guo*, Three-Dimensional High Performance Free-Standing Anode by One-Step Carbonization of Pinecone in Microbial Fuel Cells, Bioresource Technology, 2019, 292, 121956. (IF =7.539) 69. Weicheng Huang, Hongxue Meng, Yan Gao, Jinxin Wang, Chunyu Yang, Danqing Liu*, Jian Liu, Chongshen Guo*, Bin Yang*, Wenwu Cao, Metallic tungsten carbide nanoparticles as near-infrared driven photocatalyst, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 18538-18546.(IF=11.301) 68. Yan Gao,# Siqi Wang,# Chunyu Yang, Na An, Zhao Liu,* Mei Yan* and Chongshen Guo*, Near-Infrared Responsive Germanium Complex of Ge/GeO2 for Targeted Tumor Phototherapy, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2019, 7, 5056-5064. (IF=5.344) 67. Qun Zhang,# Weicheng Huang,# Chunyu Yang, Fei Wang, Chuanqi Song, Yan Gao, Yunfeng Qiu,* Mei Yan *, Bin Yang and Chongshen Guo *, Theranostic Nanoagent of Mo2C for Multi-modal Imaging-Guided Cancer Synergistic Phototherapy, Biomaterials Science, 2019, 7, 2729-2739. (IF=6.183) 66. Yan Gao, Fei Wang, Weicheng Huang, Chunyu Yang, Wei Guo, Chuanqi Song, Qun Zhang, Bin Yang, Yanling Xu,* Chongshen Guo*, SnxWO3 as a Theranostic Platform for Realizing Multi-imaging-guided Photothermal/Photodynamic CombinationTherapy. Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 3300-3310. (IF=6.895) 65. Chunyu Yang, Huahai Yu, Yan Gao, Wei Guo, Zizuo Li, Yaodong Chen, Qinmin Pan, Mingxing Ren, * Xiaojun Han* and Chongshen Guo*, Surface-engineered vanadium nitride nanosheets for an imaging-guided photothermal/photodynamic platform of cancer treatment, Nanoscale, 2019, 11,1968-1977. (IF=6.895) 64.Chuanqi Song, Zizuo Li, Yaodong Chen, Ce Zheng, Narisu Hu* and Chongshen Guo*, Macrophage-engulfed MoS2 for active targeted photothermal therapy, New J. Chem., 2019, 43,1838-1843. (IF=3.288) 2018年论文 63. Da Liu, Ruiwen Wang, Wen Chang, Lu Zhang, Benqi Peng, Huidong Li, Shaoqin Liu, Mei Yan* and Chongshen Guo,* Ti3C2 MXene as an excellent anode material for high performance microbial fuel cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 20887-20895.(IF=11.301) 62. Chunyu Yang, Yaodong Chen, Wei Guo, Yan Gao, Chuanqi Song, Qun Zhang, Nannan Zheng, Xiaojun Han,* Chongshen Guo*, Bismuth Ferrite-Based Nanoplatform Design: An Ablation Mechanism Study of Solid Tumor and NIR-Triggered Photothermal/Photodynamic Combination Cancer Therapy, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28(18), 201706827. (IF=15.621) 61. Weicheng Huang, Jinxin Wang, Lang Bian, Chaoyue zhao, Danqing Liu*, Chongshen Guo*, Bin Yang*, Wenwu Cao, Oxygen vacancy induced self-doping effect and metalloid LSPR in non-stoichiometric tungsten suboxide synergistically contributing to the enhanced photoelectrocatalytic performance of WO3-x/TiO2-x heterojunction, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20,17268-17278.(IF=3.567) 60. Gu, Hongxi;# Guo, Chongshen,# Zhang, Shouhao; Bi, Lihua; Li,Tianchan; Sun, Tiedong; Liu, Shaoqin,* Highly Efficient, Near-Infrared and Visible-Light Modulated Electrochromic Devices Based on Polyoxometalates and W18O49 Nanowires, ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 559-567. (IF =13.903) 59. Chunyu Yang,# Chongshen Guo,# Wei Guo, Xiaole Zhao, Shaoqin Liu* and Xiaojun Han*, Multifunctional Bismuth Nanoparticles as Theranostic Agent for PA/CT Imaging and NIR Laser Driven Photothermal Therapy, ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2018, 1(2), 820-830. 58. Chuanqi Song,# Tianchan Li,# Wei Guo, Yan Gao, Chunyu Yang, Qun Zhang, Di An, Weicheng Huang, Mei Yan* and Chongshen Guo,* Hydrophobic Cu12Sb4S13-Deposited Photothermal Film for Interfacial Water Evaporation and Thermal Antibacterial, New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 3175-3179.(IF=3.288) 57. Danqing Liu,* Guilian Li, Chaoyue Zhao, Xiaoxue Wang, Menghan Sun, Xiaojun Sun, Mei Yan,* Chongshen Guo*,WO3-x for rapid adsorption and full-spectrum-responsive photocatalytic activities,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018, 29, 15029–15033. 2017年论文 56. Chuanqi Song, Chunyu Yang, Fei Wang, Dandan Ding, Yan Gao,Wei Guo, Mei Yan, Shaoqin Liu* and Chongshen Guo *,MoS2-Based Multipurpose Theranostic Nanoplatform: Realizing Dual-Imaging-Guided Combination Phototherapy to Eliminate Solid Tumor via a Liquefaction Necrosis Process, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2017, 5, 9015-9024. (IF=5.344) 55. Wei Guo, # Fei Wang, # Dandan Ding, Chuanqi Song, Chongshen Guo,* Shaoqin Liu*, TiO2-x Based Nano-platform for Bimodal Cancer Imaging and NIR-Triggered Chem/Photodynamic/Photothermal Combination Therapy,Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29(21), 9262-9274.(IF=9.567) 54. Xiao Liang,# ChongshenGuo,# Mei Chen, Shumeng Guo, Lanying Zhang, Fasheng Li, Shaojun Guo,* andHuai Yang*, A Roll-to-Roll Process for Multi-Responsive Soft-Matter CompositeFilms Containing CsxWO3 Nanorods for Energy-EfficientSmart Window Applications, Nanoscale Horizons, 2017, 2, 319-325.(IF=9.927) 53. Dandan Ding, # Weicheng Huang, # Chuanqi Song, Mei Yan*, Chongshen Guo* and Shaoqin Liu, Non-stoichiometric MoO3-x Quantum Dots as Light-harvesting Material for Interfacial Water Evaporation, ChemComm, 2017, 53, 6744. (IF=6.146) 52. Wei Guo#, Zhenyu Qiu#, Chongshen Guo*, Dandan Ding, Tianchan Li, Fei Wang, JianzheSun, Nannan Zheng, Shaoqin Liu*, Multifunctional Theranostic Agent of Cu2(OH)PO4 Quantum Dots for Photoacoustic Image-Guided Photothermal/Photodynamic Combination Cancer Therapy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9 (11), 9348-9358.(IF=8.758) 51. Dandan Ding,# Wei Guo,# Chongshen Guo,*Jianzhe Sun, Nannan Zheng, FeiWang, Mei Yan and Shaoqin Liu *MoO3-x Quantum Dot for Photoacoustic imaging Guided Photothermal/Photodynamic Cancer Treatment , Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 2020-2029. (IF=6.97) (ESI高被引论文) 50. Fei Wang,# Chuanqi Song,# Wei Guo, DandanDing, Qun Zhang, Yan Gao, Mei Yan* Chongshen Guo*, Shaoqin Liu, Urchin-like Tungsten Suboxide for Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Photothermal and Photodynamic Cancer Combination Therapy, New Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 41, 14179-14187. 49. Danqing Liu#, Weicheng Huang,# Long Li, Lu Liu, Xiaojun Sun, Bo Liu, Bin Yang,* Chongshen Guo*,Experimental and Theoretical Investigation on Photocatalytic Activities of One-dimensional Ag/Ag2WO4 Nanostructures, Nanotechnology,2017, 28, 385702 . 48. Wei Guo, ChongshenGuo *, Nannan Zheng, Tiedong Sun, Shaoqin Liu*, CsxWO3 Nanorods Coated withPolyelectrolyte Multilayers as a Multifunctional Nanomaterial for Bimodal Imaging-Guided Photothermal/Photodynamic Cancer Treatment, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29,1604157. 2016年论文 47. Mei Yan,# Guilian Li,# Chongshen Guo*, Wei Guo, DanDan Ding, Shouhao Zhang, Shaoqin Liu *, WO3-x Sensitized TiO2 Sphere with Full-spectrum-driven Photocatalytic Activities from UV to Near infrared, Nanoscale,2016, 8, 17828-17835.(IF=6.97) 46. Guilian Li#, Shouhao Zhang#, Chongshen Guo*, Shaoqin Liu*, Absorption and Electrochromic modulation on Near Infrared light: Realized by Tungsten Suboxide, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 9861-9868.(IF=6.97) 45. ChongshenGuo, Haijun Yu, Bing Feng, Weidong Gao, Mei Yan, Zhiwen Zhang,Yaping Li *, Shaoqin Liu * Highly Efficient Ablation of Metastatic Breast Cancer Using Ammonium-Tungsten-Bronze Nanocube as a Novel 1064 nm-Laser-DrivenPhotothermal Agent, Biomaterials, 52 (2015) 407-416. (IF=10.273) 44. GuilianLi, Chongshen Guo,* Mei Yan, Shaoqin Liu,* "CsxWO3 Nanorods: Realization of Full-spectrum-responsive Photocatalytic Activities from UV, Visible to Near-Infrared Region", Appl. Catal. B, 2016,183,142-148. (IF=14.229) 43. ZhouZhou Liu, Wei Guo, Chongshen Guo*, Shaoqin Liu*, Fabrication of AgBr Nanomaterials As Excellnet Antibacterial Agent, RSC Advances,2015,5,72872-72880.(IF=3.409) 42.Mei Yan, HongxiGu, Zhouzhou Liu, Chongshen Guo*, Shaoqin Liu*,“Effective Near-Infrared-Absorbent : Ammonium Tungsten Bronze Nanocubes”, RSC Advances, 2015, 5 (2), 967 - 973.(IF=3.409) 41. Guilian Li, Guang Wu, Chongshen Guo,*Binsong Wang,* Fabrication of one-dimensional W18O49 for the near infrared shielding, Materials Letters, 2016,19627-230. (IF=3.091) 40. Danqing Liu, ChongshenGuo*, Shaoqin Liu, Bin Yang*, Zhaohua Jiang*, Fabrication of CdS-Coated ZnO Nanorods Arrays for Visible-Light Driven Photoelectrocatalytic Degradationof Phenol,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2016,16(8),8308-8314.(IF=1.093) 2015以前年论文 39. Zhihuan Zhao, Shu Yin, Chongshen Guo,* Tsugio Sato*, CsxWO3 Nanoparticles for the Near-Infrared Shielding Film,Journal of Nanoscienceand Nanotechnology, 2015, 15(9), 7173-7176(4). (IF=1.093) 38. ChongshenGuo, Shu Yin, Haijun Yu, Shaoqin Liu, Qiang Dong, Takehiro Goto, ZhiwenZhang, Yaping Li Tsugio Sato, “Photothermal ablation cancer therapy usinghomogeneous CsxWO3 nanorods with broad near-infra-redabsorption”, Nanoscale, 2013,5, 6469-6478. (IF=6.97)) 37. ChongshenGuo, Shu Yin, Xiaoyong Wu, Mei Yan, Qiang Dong, Shu Yin, Sato Tsugioand Shaoqin Liu, “Visible-light-driven Photocatalytic Destruction of NOx Using Mesoporous TiO2 Spheres Synthesized by a “WaterControlled-Releasing Process”, Nanoscale, 2013,5,8184-8191.(IF=6.97) 36. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Lijun Huang, Lu Yang, Tsugio Sato, “Discovery of an excellent IR absorbent with a broad working waveband: CsxWO3 nanorods” Chem. Comm., 2011, 47, 8853-8855. (IF=6.834) 35. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Mei Yan, Tsugio Sato, “Facile synthesis of homogeneous CsxWO3 nanorods with excellent low-emissivity and NIR shielding property by a water controlled-release process” J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 5099-5105.(IF=6.626) 34. Chongshen Guo, Shu Yin*, Peilin Zhang, Mei Yan, Kenji Adachi, Takeshi Chonan, Tsugio Sato, “Novel synthesis of homogenous CsxWO3 nanorods with excellent NIR shielding properties by a water controlled-release solvothermal process” J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 8227-8229.(IF=6.626) 33. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Qiang Dong, Tsugio Sato, “Simple route to (NH4)xWO3 nanorods for near infrared absorption ” Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 3394-3398.(IF=6.97) 32. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Lijun Huang, Tsugio Sato, “Synthesis of one-dimensional potassium tungsten bronze with Excellent near-Infrared Absorption Property”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2011, 3, 2794-2799. (IF=8.456) 31. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Yunfang Huang, Qiang Dong, Tsugio Sato, “Synthesis of W18O49 nanorod via ammonium tungsten oxide and its interesting optical properties”, Langmuir, 2011, 27, 12172-12178. (IF=3.683) 30. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Mei Yan, Makoto Kobayashi, Masato Kakihana, Tsugio Sato, “Morphology-controlled synthesis of W18O49 nanostructure and Their near-infrared absorption properties ”, Inorganic chemistry, 2012, 51, 4763-4771.(IF=4.85) 29. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Qiang Dong, and Tsugio Sato, “Near infrared absorption properties of RbxWO3 nanoparticles”., CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 7727-7732. (IF=3.382) 28. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Tsugio Sato, “Effects of crystallization atmospheres on the near-infrared absorbing and electroconductive properties of tungsten bronze type MxWO3 (M=Na, K)”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2012, 95, 1634-1639. 27. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Qiang Dong, Tsugio Sato, “The near infrared absorption properties of W18O49” RSC Advances, 2012, 2, 5041-5043. 26. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Tsugio Sato, et al., “Supercritical solvothermal synthesis and near-infrared absorbing properties of CsxWO3”, Functional Material letters, 2012, 2, 1260001-4. (Selected for the coverpage) 25. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Tsugio Sato, “Microwave-assisted synthesis of CsxWO3 nanoparticle and its near-infrared absorbing properties”, International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2013, 10, 126-133. 24. Chongshen Guo, Shu Yin*, Tsugio Sato., “Synthesis of one-dimensional hexagonal sodium tungsten oxide and its near-infrared shielding property”, Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Lett., 2011, 3, 413-416. (Invited) 23.Chongshen Guo, Shu Yin*, Tsugio Sato, “Tungsten oxide-based nanomaterials:Morphological-control, properties, and novel applications”, Reviews in Advanced Sciences and Engineering, 2012, 1, 235-263. (Invited, review) 22. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Tsugio Sato, “Solvothermal synthesis of caesium tungsten bronze in the presence of various organic acids and its NIR absorption properties”, Mater. Sci. Eng., 2011, 18, 032014. 21. Chongshen Guo, Shu Yin, Qiang Dong, Takeshi Kimura, Miyuki Tanaka, Le Thi Hang, Xiaoyong Wu, Tsugio Sato, “Solvothermal Fabrication of Rubidium Tungsten Bronze for the Absorption of Near Infrared Light”, J. Nanosci. Nanotech, 2013,13, 3236. 20. Xiaoyong Wu, Shu Yin, Qiang Dong, Chongshen Guo, Huihui Li, Takeshi Kimura, Tsugio Sato, “Synthesis of high visible light active carbon doped TiO2 photocatalyst by a facile calcination assisted solvothermal method”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2013, 142–143, 450-457. 19. Xiaoyong Wu, Shu Yin, Qiang Dong, Chongshen Guo, Takeshi Kimura, Jun-ichi Matsushita, and Tsugio Sato, “Photocatalytic Properties of Nd and C Codoped TiO2 with the Whole Range of Visible Light Absorption”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117, 8345-8352 18. Yunfang Huang, Yuelin Wei, Jihuai Wu, Chongshen Guo, Ming Wang, Shu Yin, Tsugio Sato, “Low temperature synthesis and photocatalytic properties of highly oriented ZnO/TiO2?xNy coupled photocatalysts”, Appl. Catal. B, 2012, 9, 123-124. 17. Dong, Q ; Yin, S, Guo, CS ; Wu, XY ; Kumada, N ; Takei, ; Miura, A ; Yonesaki, Y ; Sato, T ,Single-crystalline porous NiO nanosheets prepared from beta-Ni(OH)(2) nanosheets: Magnetic property and photocatalytic activity, Appl. Catal. B, 2014, 147,741-747. 16. Ming Wang , Xueli Cao, Yunfang Huang , Chongshen Guo, Lijun Huang , Shu Yin and Tsugio Sato., “Solvent-free mechanochemical synthesis of well-dispersed single crystalline zinc hydroxystannate and their photocatalytic properties”, CrystEngComm., 2012, 14, 2950-2953. 15. Yuelin Wei, Yunfang Huang, Jihuai Wu, Min Wang, Chongshen Guo, Qiang Dong, Shu Yin, Tsugio Sato, “Synthesis of hierarchically structured ZnO spheres by facile methods and their photocatalytic deNOx properties”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 248-249, 202-210. 14. Thi Hang Le, Quang Duc Truong, Takeshi Kimura, Huihui Li, Chongsen Guo, Shu Yin, Tsugio Sato, Yong-Chien Ling, “Construction of 3D hierarchical SnO2 microspheres from porous nanosheets towards NO decomposition”, Solid State Sciences, 2013, 15, 29-35. 13. Qiang Dong, Shu Yin, Chongshen Guo and Tsugio Sato, “Ce0.5Zr0.4Sn0.1O2/Al2O3 catalysts with enhanced oxygen storage capacity and high CO oxidation activity”, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2012, 2, 2521-2524. 12. Qiang Dong, Shu Yin, Chongshen Guo, Takeshi Kimura and Tsugio Sato “Hydrothermal synthesis of tin doped ceria-zirconia solid solutions with enhanced thermal stability and oxygen storage capacity” RSC Advances, 2012, 2, 12770-12774. 11. Qiang Dong, Shu Yin, Chongshen Guo and Tsugio Sato “A new oxygen storage capacity material of tin doped ceria-zirconia supported paradium-alumina catalyst with high CO oxidation activity” Chemistry Letters, 2012, 41, 1250-1252. 10. Qiang Dong, Shu Yin, Chongshen Guo and Tsugio Sato “Aluminium doped ceria-zirconia solid solutions with enhanced thermal stability and high oxygen storage capacity” Nanoscale Research Letters, 2012, 7, 542. 9. Yunfang Huang, Chongshen Guo, Lijun Huang, Qiang Dong, Shu Yin, Tsugio Sato. “Photocatalytic oxidation of NOx gases using ZnO with superstructure by a low temperature soft solution process”, International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2013, 10, 30-37. 8. Qiang Dong, Shu Yin, Chongshen Guo, Hui Hui Li, N Kumada, T. Takei, Y. Yonesaki, N. Kinomura and T Sato, “Preparation of α-Fe2O3 particles with controllable shape and size via a facile hydrothermal route”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2012, 339, 012004. 7. Lijun Huang, Shu Yin, Chongshen Guo, Yunfang Huang, Ming Wang, Qiang Dong, HuiHui Li, Takesi Kimura, Miyuki Tanaka and Tsugio Sato. “Oleate-assisted room temperature synthesis and high photocatalytic activity of Ag3PO4 nano-particles for NO decomposition”, Functional Material letters, 2012, 2, 1260005. 6. Dong Qiang,Yin Shu, Guo Chongshen, Wu Xiaoyong,Kimura Takeshi, Sato Tsugio, Aluminium doped ceria-zirconia supported palladium-alumina catalyst with high oxygen storage capacity and CO oxidation activity, MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 2013, 48, 4989-4992. 5. Qiang Dong, Shu Yin, Chongshen Guo, HuiHui Li, Yunfang Huang, Nobuhiro Kumada, Takahiro Takei, Yoshinori Yonesaki and Tsugio Sato, “Size-controlled synthesis of β-Co(OH)2 hexagonal nanoplates and their conversion into CoO octahedrons using cobalt naphthenate under solvothermal conditions”, International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2013,10, 71-79. 4. Huihui Li, Shu Yin, Yuhua Wang, Dong Qiang, Chongshen Guo and T Sato, “Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of Sr4Al14O25:(Eu, Dy)/TiO2-xNy composite photocatalyst”, International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2013, 10, 13-21. 3. Huihui Li, PeiLin zhang, Shu Yin, YuHua Wang, Chongshen Guo and Tsugio Sato, “Effect o the transition metal elements addition on the properties of nitrogen-doped TiO2 photocatalyst”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2012, 339, 012013. 2. Thi Hang Le, Quang Duc Truong, Takeshi Kimura, Huihui Li, ChongShen Guo, Shu Yin, Tsugio Sato, Yong-Chien Ling, “ Synthesis of hierarchical porous ZnO microspheres and its photocatalytic deNOx activity” Ceram. Int., 2012, 38, 5053-5059. 1. Liu, Bin; Yin, Shu; Wang, Yuhua; Guo, Chongshen; Wu, Xiaoyong; Dong, Qiang; Kobayashi, Makoto; Kakihana, Masato; Sato, Tsugio, A Facile One-Step Solvothermal Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide/Rod-Shaped Potassium Tungsten Bronze Nanocomposite, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, 6, 7305-7310. 会议报告 名称 1. C. S. GUO, Y. ANDO, S. YIN, K. ADACHI, T. CHONAN, and T.SATO, “Solvothermal synthesis of cesium tungsten bronze in the presence ofvarious organic acids and its NIR absorption properties”, 「3rd International Congress on Ceramics(ICC3)」 Osaka, Japan,Nov.15-18, 2010. Oral presentation. 2. C. S. GUO, S. YIN, and T. SATO, “Facile synthesis ofhomogeneous CsxWO3 nanorods with excellent low-emissivity and NIR shieldingproperty by a water controlled-release process”, 「The 4th International Symposium on Functional Materials(ISFM2011) 」 Sendai, Japan,Aug.2-6, 2011. Oral presentation. 3. C. S. GUO, S. YIN, and T. SATO, “Solvothermal synthesisof CsxWO3 nanoparticlesin the presence of various organic acids and its NIR absorption properties”, 「Global COE Summer School」 Sendai, Japan, Aug.19, 2010. 4. C. S. GUO, S. YIN, and T. SATO, “Solvothermal synthesisof CsxWO3 nanoparticles in the presence of various organic acids and its NIRabsorption properties”, 「5th Symposium on Science for Young Researchers fromTaiwan and Tohoku University」 Sendai, Japan, Sep.3, 2010. Oral presentation. 5. C. S. GUO, S. YIN, and T. SATO, “Novel synthesis ofhomogenous CsxWO3 nanorods with excellent NIR shielding properties by a watercontrolled-release process”, 「H22 Ceramic Society Workshop of Hokkaido Tohoku Branch」 Sendai, Japan, Oct. 14, 2010. Oralpresentation. 6. C. S. GUO, S. YIN, and T. SATO, “ The near infraredabsorption properties of tungsten bronzes”, 「4th International Congress on Ceramics - ICC4」 Chicago, USA, July 15, 2012. Poster. 7. C. S. GUO, S. YIN, and T. SATO, “Novel synthesis ofhomogenous cesium tungsten bronze: “nanorods with excellent NIR shieldingproperties”, 「Symposium onAdvanced Composite Materials」 Sendai, Japan, Feb.24, 2011. Poster. 8. C. S. GUO, S. YIN, and T. SATO, “Synthesis ofone-dimensional potassium tungsten bronze with excellent near infraredabsorption property”, 「TohokuUniversity Global Center of Excellence Program Summer School 2011」 Sendai, Japan, Aug.17-20, 2011. Poster. 9. C. S. GUO, S. YIN, and T. SATO, “Synthesis ofone-dimensional alkali metal tungsten Oxide and its near-infrared shieldingproperty”, 「The AnnualMeeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan」Hamatsuma, Japan, Mar. 16, 2011. Oral presentation. 10. C. S. GUO, S.YIN, and T. SATO, “Discovery of an excellent IR absorbent with broad workingwavelength: CsxWO3 nanorods”, 「The 24th fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan」 Sapporo, Japan, Sep. 8, 2011. Poster. 11. C. S. GUO, S.YIN, and T. SATO, “An excellent IR absorbent with broad working waveband:CsxWO3 nanorods”, 「H23 JapanCeramic Society of Tohoku Hokkaido Branch workshop」Koriyama, Japan, Oct. 28, 2011. Oralpresentation. 12. C. S. GUO, S. YIN,and T. SATO, “An Excellent IR absorbent with broad working waveband: CsxWO3nanorods, 「Global COEProgram "International Center of Research & Education for MolecularComplex Chemistry"」Sendai, Japan, Nov. 19, 2011. Poster. 13. C .S. GUO, S.YIN, and T. SATO, “Synthesis and near-infrared shielding properties ofone-dimensional NaxWO3 and KxWO3”, 「The 50th Symposium on Basic Science ofCeramics - Japan Ceramic Society 」Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 11, 2012. Oral presentation. 14. C. S. GUO, S.YIN, T. SATO, “An excellent IR absorbent with broad working waveband: CsxWO3 nanorods”, 「8 th Clayteam Seminar」 Sendai, Feb. 16, 2012. Poster. 15. C. S. GUO, S.YIN, T. SATO, 「2012 TohokuUniversity innovation fair」 Tokyo, March. 14, 2012. 16. C. S. GUO, S.YIN, T. SATO, “Controlled synthesis and interesting near-infrared absorptionproperties of W18O49 nanomaterials”, 「Annual Meeting of The Ceramic Society ofJapan」 Kyoto,March.18, 2012. Oral presentation. 17. C. S. GUO, S.YIN, T. SATO, “The near infrared absorption properties of W18O49”, 「International Association of Colloid andInterface Scientists」 Sendai, May.14, 2012. Poster. 18. C. S. GUO, S.YIN, Q. DONG, T. SATO,“Near infrared absorption properties of reduced tungstenoxide”, 「H24 TohokuBranch of the Chemical Society of Japan」 Akita, Sep. 15, 2012. Oral presentation. 19. C. S. GUO, S.YIN, Q. DONG,T. SATO, “Interesting near-infrared absorption properties of W18O49 nanomaterials”, 「The Fall Meetingof the Ceramic Society of Japan」 Nagoya, Japan, Sep. 19, 2012. Oral presentation. 20. C. S. GUO, S.YIN, Q. DONG, T. SATO, “Synthesis of tungsten oxide-based nanomaterials for theNIR absorption”, 「H24 CeramicSociety Workshop of Hokkaido Tohoku Branch」 Morioka, Japan, Nov.8, 2012. 21. C. S. GUO, S.YIN, Q. DONG, T. SATO, “The near infrared absorption properties of reduced-typetungsten oxides”, 「Symposium onBasic Science of Ceramics」Sendai, Jan.9, 2013. 22. C. S. GUO, MeiYan, Shaoqin Liu, “Reduced tungsten oxides for the near-infrared absorption”, 「5th National Conference on PolyoxometalatesChemistry」Harbin, July.15, 2013. Oral presentation. 23. C. S. GUO, MeiYan, Shaoqin Liu,“Multifunctionof Effective Near-Infrared-Absorbent: Tungsten Bronze Nanomaterial”「ChinaNano2013」, Beijing, Sep.2, 2013,Oral presentation. 24. C. S. GUO, MeiYan, Shaoqin Liu,“Multifunctionof Effective Near-Infrared-Absorbent: Mixed-Valence Tungsten Oxide Clusters”「Frontiers inMetal Oxide Cluster Science 2014」,Paris, JUL12-15, 2014,Oral presentation. 25. 第十三届固态化学和无机合成学术会议 长春 2014.8.17-19. 26. 中国化学会第29届学术年会 北京 2014.8.4-7. 27. ChinaNano 2015, 北京,2015.9.3-5. 28. 中国化学会第六届全国多酸化学学术研讨会,大连,2015年8月18-20日,「钨青铜纳米粒子的制备与应用」,邀请报告。 29. InternationalSymposium of Environmental Harmony Materials [ISFHM2016], Sendai, Japan,2016.4.1-2016.4.4 How to develop and utilize absorbent in bioscience, Scientificcommittee. 30. 中国化学会第16届胶体与界面化学会议,山东青岛,中国石油大学,2017年7月24-28日. 研究领域 名称 纳米近红外吸收材料的开发与多功能化应用 1.钨青铜宽谱带近红外线吸收纳米材料的研发 传统的近红外吸收材料均具有其自身难以摆脱的缺点且只在某一位置产生吸收,因此开发无机氧化物类红外吸收材料显得十分的重要和迫在眉睫。前期工作中,研发出一系列新型的红外线吸收纳米材料它们可以有效吸收全部的近红外线和一部分中红外线,并具有高光热转化效率,热线防护性和化学物理稳定。由此类材料制成的薄膜可以只让大部分可见光通过,屏蔽掉接近于全部的紫外和红外线。 2.纳米催化技术 包括具有特殊微纳米结构纳米材料的制备和环境净化催化技术,以及利用近红外吸收为主体或为光敏剂实现紫外-可见-近红外全光谱驱动光催化反应,实现对太阳能光谱利用的最大匹配。 3.功能纳米结构控制 实现对纳米半导体材料在维度、结构、化学组成、空间原子排布、介微观尺寸等方面进行有效地控制与设计,开发以控制缓释水的方式实现对无机材料的普适性合成方法。 4.肿瘤诊疗一体化研究 主要开发近红外吸收材料,利用单一物种实现对肿瘤的多重成像与多重光治疗与一体的诊疗一体化研究,实现one-for-all策略,避免传统all-in-one方式所带来的组分间相互干扰,进入生体易垮塌,构筑复杂等。同时,利用医学影像技术和病理技术研究实体肿瘤光治疗消融过程。 5.可见-近红外分区可控电致变色薄膜 复合近红外吸收纳米粒子与液晶相变高聚物或多金属氧簇构筑智能薄膜材料,实现电致、温敏可见光与近红外光分区、分步可控智能薄膜材料。 专利 名称 1. 刘绍琴,果崇申,颜美,尺寸可控球状介孔二氧化钛的制备方法,专利号: ZL201310167532.X; 2. 刘绍琴,果崇申,颜美,还原态铵钨青铜纳米粒子的制备方法,专利号:ZL201310490453.2; 3. 刘绍琴,果崇申,颜美,郑兆柱,基于喷墨打印技术制备有机磷农药检测用可视化生物传感器的方法,申请号: 201310537362.X; 4. 刘绍琴,果崇申,颜美,张守浩,形貌和尺寸可控混合价态钨基纳米粒子的制备方法,申请号: 201310568498.7 5.果崇申,刘绍琴,丁丹丹,一种还原态氧化钼量子点材料的制备方法,专利号: 201610167831.7. 6.刘绍琴,顾洪溪,果崇申,一种可对可见光近红外双调控的复合薄膜的制备方法,专利号:ZL201710124479.3 基金项目 名称 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51572059,可见-近红外分区可控全固态柔性电致变色器件的构筑与性能研究,2016/01-2019/12, 64万元,在研,主持。 2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,21303033,混合价态钨基纳米材料的合成及其在近红外吸收方面的应用,2014/01-2016/12, 25万元,已结题,主持。 3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51372054,新型高效光致荧光开关无机纳米结构材料的制备及生物应用,2014/01-2017/12, 80万元,已结题,参加。 4. 中国博士后基金特别资助,2016T90274, 可见与近红外分区可控电致变色薄膜的构筑,2016.06-2017.06,15万元,已结题,主持。 5. 哈工大青年拔尖人才选聘计划基金资助,2014年副教授入选,2017年教授入选。 6. 黑龙江省博士基金一等资助,LBH-Z13079, 还原态钨基材料的开发及在近红外吸收领域的应用,2014.01-2016.01, 10万元,已结题,主持。 7. 中国博士基金面上资助,2014M551232, 新型宽谱带氧化物类近红外吸收纳米材料及薄膜的研发,2014.06-2016.06,5万元,已结题,主持。 8. 哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项资金,RC2014QN001010, 高效宽谱带无机氧化物类近红外吸收纳米材料的研发,2014.02-2015.12,4万元,在研,主持。 9. 哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金,2015061, 还原态钨基纳米材料在近红外吸收方面的应用,2014.01-2015.12,5万元,在研,主持。 10. 哈尔滨工业大学微系统与微连接教育部重点实验室开放基金,2015KM003,钨青铜纳米粒子的合成与近红外吸收应用,2016.01-2017.12, 5万元,在研,主持。 11. 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项子课题, 水体生物学质量参数电化学在线监测仪器开发与应用(子课题名称:藻毒素、有机磷监测扩充集成装置), 2013.10-2017-09, 50万元,已结题,参加。 讲授课程 名称 教学贡献 名称 教改项目 果崇申,颜美《工科物理化学混合式教学研究与探索》,哈工大混合式教学改革项目。 果崇申,《新兴医工交叉领域高校学生培养策略研究》,哈工大科教融合育人能力提升专项改革项目 果崇申,《纳米医学技术》,哈工大本科生创新研修课一等资助 果崇申,颜美,吴金珠,刘婧媛,《物理化学B》哈尔滨工业大学教育发展基金(课程思政类) 果崇申,颜美,陈刚,吴金珠,周丽,新工科背景下《物理化学》信息 化建设与课程体系融合提升,黑龙江省高等教育教学改革项目一般研究项目,SJGY20210302 果崇申,赵美玉,颜美,刘婧媛,吴金珠,物理化学教学在培养交叉学科拔尖人才中的探索,未来技术学院拔尖人才培养项目 果崇申,颜美,王群,刘婧媛,吴金珠,哈工大首批本科数字化资源建设项目-课程知识图谱 教学论文 颜美,徐平,果崇申*,物理化学中电化学部分的教学思政设计——以锂离子电池为例,当代化工研究,2021,04,132-134 王群,颜美,周欣,徐平,果崇申*,科教融合重构近化学化工专业物理化学教学内容研究-以过渡态为例,当代化工研究,2022, 06,138-140. 周欣,果崇申*,赵美玉,颜美,韩晓军,本研课程一体化教学助力理解物理化学课程难点- 以计算化学研究表面吸附过程为例,当代化工研究,2022,123(22):142-144.. 果崇申,周欣,王群,赵美玉,颜美*,思维构建导向《物理化学》混合式教学研究,当代化工研究,2022, 123(22):148-150. 周欣,王茗倩,刘静媛,王群,颜美,果崇申*,计算化学课对物理化学中相图知识的深层次理解,当代化工研究,2022,125(24):164-166. 果崇申. 哈尔滨工业大学《物理化学》教学团队. 当代化工研究, 2021, 87(10), 2. 韩韬,王群,苗彩琴,周欣,颜美,果崇申*, 荧光碳点检测铁离子的科研成果转化为教学实 践, 化工管理, 2023。 颜美,丰日达,叶尔多斯·托合塔尔汗,龙彪,周丽 果崇申.液体饱和蒸气压测定实验的拓展与延伸.大学化学,2024,39,1-8. 邱云峰,李信哲,陈歌辉,惠建博,果崇申 刘绍琴.新医学科学与技术综合实验设计:光热-光动力协同抗菌纳米涂层制备.当代化工研究,2023(16),135-137. 一流课程:《物理化学》黑龙江省级一流本科生课程,负责人。 MOOC:物理化学上MOOC负责人,智慧树 知识图谱:物理化学知识图谱负责人,智慧树 博士/硕士招生 名称 欢迎具有化学、材料、生物技术与生命科学背景的学生,通过报考(化学工程与技术,博士)/(生物化工,硕士)来我组工作学习。 团队成员 名称 颜美 副教授, 博士生导师 主要研究领域为微生物燃料电池阴阳极材料的制备与性能研究 个人主页: http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/meiyan 在读学生 名称 已毕业学生 名称 郭伟, 2014-2018年, 博士 宋传奇,2016-2018年,硕士 余华海,2018年本科毕业 张守浩,2012-2014年,硕士 刘洲洲, 2013-2015,硕士 李桂莲,2014-2016年 硕士 王飞,2015-17年硕士 丁丹丹,2015-2017年,硕士 邱振宇 16年本科毕业 张群, 2017-2019,硕士 王思奇, 2018-2020,硕士 唐双龙, 2018-2020,硕士 2021年七月 名称 名称 2020-7-2特殊的一年,人员不全 名称 2019-7-2 名称 2018-7-2 名称 指导学生获奖 名称 学术网站 链接名称 Google 学术网站-多个镜像 链接地址 简单介绍 链接名称 国家自然科学基金结题查询 链接地址 http://npd.nsfc.gov.cn/fundingProjectSearchAction.action 简单介绍 链接名称 专利查询 链接地址 https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/zh/search.jsf 简单介绍 链接名称 美国专利查询 链接地址 http://portal.uspto.gov/pair/PublicPair#opennewwindow 简单介绍 链接名称 日本专利查询 链接地址 https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp/web/all/top/BTmTopEnglishPage 简单介绍 链接名称 欧洲专利 链接地址 http://ep.espacenet.com 简单介绍 链接名称 世界专利 链接地址 http://www.wipo.int/ipdl/en 简单介绍 链接名称 世界知识产权组织 链接地址 http://www.wipo.int/ipdl/en 简单介绍 链接名称 中国知识产权局 链接地址 http://www.sipo.gov.cn/sipo/zljs/default.htm 简单介绍 链接名称 影响因子查询 链接地址 简单介绍 链接名称 物质结构性质查询 链接地址 https://chem.nlm.nih.gov/chemidplus/chemidlite.jsphttp://sp.chemindex.com/cn/psear#opennewwindow 简单介绍 链接名称 化合物结构查询 链接地址 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pccompound#opennewwindow 简单介绍 链接名称 有机波普查询库 链接地址 http://sdbs.db.aist.go.jp/sdbs/cgi-bin/direct_frame_top.cgi#opennewwindow 简单介绍 链接名称 生物医学词典 链接地址 http://dict.bioon.com/#opennewwindow 简单介绍 链接名称 杂志缩写 链接地址 http://cassi.cas.org/search.jsp 简单介绍 简单介绍 链接名称 药物BCS分类的网站 链接地址 http://www.ddfint.org/bcs-database/#opennewwindow 简单介绍 链接名称 药学常用网址大全 链接地址 http://www.online.tj.cn/library/law01.htm 简单介绍 医药法规http://www.online.tj.cn/library/law01.htm 医药经济信息http://www.goyoyo.com/gyy/guide 国外药http://www.pslgroup.com/NEWDRUGS.HTM 国外医药界新闻和新药信息等。 国内药http://www.epi.ac.cn 国内药学界最新动态。 医药机构 http://www.cfdn.com/html/weisheng.htm 研究和制订卫生事业发展的总体规划和战略目标,制订重大疾病防治规划。 中国药学http://www.unitedmedicinecom/tcm/chinacpa.htm 全国各地的药学会介绍。 国家中药品种保护审评委员http://www.zybh.com.cn 提供中药保护政策法规及相关数据库查询。 中国医学科学院药物研究http://www.imicams.ac.cn/cams/institue_index.html 中国医学科学院医药生物技术研究http://www.imicams.ac.cn/chinese/ibiotech.html 中国药品生物制品检定http://wwwnicpbp.org.cn 国家医药管理局-南方医药经济研究http://www.meinet.com.cn 中国医院信http://www.chin.ac.cn 传统中医药网http://www.latech.edu/~hai001 链接名称 EI论文查询 链接地址 https://www.engineeringvillage.com/search/quick.url 简单介绍 链接名称 科研之友 链接地址 简单介绍 简单介绍 链接名称 The goodman group 链接地址 简单介绍 链接名称 美国化学会 链接地址 简单介绍 链接名称 英国皇家化学会 链接地址 简单介绍 链接名称 Elsevier 链接地址 简单介绍 链接名称 Web of Science 链接地址 http://apps.webofknowledge.com/UA_GeneralSearch_input.do?product=UA&search_mode=GeneralSearch&SID=2Ei4dp35n2M9fMm15j4&preferencesSaved= 简单介绍 链接名称 wiely数据库 链接地址 简单介绍 链接名称 Science 链接地址 简单介绍 链接名称 Nature 链接地址 简单介绍 链接名称 Nature Nanotechnology 链接地址 http://www.nature.com/nnano/index.html 简单介绍 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