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发布日期:2024-05-10 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 宗华 性别 宗华
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 电子与信息工程学院
学位 宗华 学历 宗华
职称 教授 联系方式 0451-86402923-18
邮箱 zonghua@hit.edu.cn    
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宗华 ZONG Hua 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 宗华 工学博士 电子与信息工程学院 教授 电磁场与微波技术学科 硕士生导师 教育部电磁场与无线技术虚拟教研室 哈工大负责人 研究方向 毫米波太赫兹成像系统及算法 阵列天线及智能天线技术 智能信息处理技术 教育及工作经历 名称 2022.05 - 2023.1100哈尔滨工业大学党委教师工作部 副部长 2020.09 - 2022.0500哈尔滨工业大学党委宣传部 副部长 2019.08 - 2019.0900美国密西根大学学习与教学研究中心(CRLT)培训班 交流培训 2017.10 - 2017.1100德国弗劳恩霍夫研究院云计算、大数据和物联网技术与应用研修班 交流培训 2016.10 - 2016.1100美国明尼苏达大学教育理念研修班 交流培训 2015.06 - 2020.0900哈尔滨工业大学电子与信息工程学院微波工程系 教工党支部书记 2014.02 - 2015.0200德国慕尼黑工业大学电子与计算机工程系 访问学者 2011.11 - 2017.0400哈尔滨工业大学电子科学与技术博士后流动站 博士后 2010.03 - 至今00000哈尔滨工业大学电子与信息工程学院 讲师、副教授、教授 2005.08 - 2009.1100哈尔滨工业大学 信息与通信工程 博士 2003.08 - 2005.0700哈尔滨工业大学 通信与信息系统 硕士 1999.08 - 2003.0700哈尔滨工业大学 通信工程 学士 荣誉称号 名称 2021.0500全国专业学位水平评估思政专家 2018.0700哈尔滨工业大学优秀党务工作者“十佳” 2017.0700哈尔滨工业大学立德树人先进个人标兵 2016.0700哈尔滨工业大学优秀党务工作者 2016.0700支部获哈尔滨工业大学先进基层党组织“十佳”荣誉称号 2015.1200哈尔滨工业大学优秀专兼职学生工作者标兵 获奖情况 名称 2019.1100黑龙江省第二届高校党支部书记素质能力大赛二等奖 2018.0900第四届全国青年教师教学竞赛三等奖 2018.0700哈尔滨工业大学第十二届教学优秀奖一等奖 2017.0700黑龙江省第四届高校青年教师教学竞赛一等奖第一名 2017.0500黑龙江省第四届高校青年教师教学竞赛哈工大选拔赛一等奖第一名 2016.0800第二届全国高等学校青年教师电磁场课程教学比赛二等奖 2016.0600首届卓越大学联盟高校青年教师教学能力大赛二等奖 2013.1100哈尔滨工业大学第五届青年教师教学基本功竞赛一等奖 讲授课程 名称 电磁场与电磁波 (本科大二,本学科考研课程) 阵列天线技术(本科大四,双语) 智能天线(研究生) 教学成果 名称 课程建设 2023.1100省级一流课程《电磁场与电磁波》负责人 研究项目 2019.03 - 2023.10 《双一流背景下工科专业基础课线上线下混合式“金课”的研究与实践》 黑龙江省教育科学“十三五”规划重点课题 主持 2019.01 - 2020.1200基于微格教学的教师专业化发展实践哈尔滨工业大学教学发展基金项目(教师发展类) 主持 2018.04 - 2020.04 《面向双一流人才培养的本科课程国际化建设与实践》 哈尔滨工业大学教学方法与考试方法改革研究项目 主持 2017.05 - 2018.05 《基于<电磁场与电磁波>课程的本科生国际化视野的培养与实践》 哈尔滨工业大学教育教学改革研究项目 主持 2016.07 - 2017.09 《<电磁场与电磁波>MOOC》 哈尔滨工业大学在线开放课程项目 主持 2014.07 - 2016.06 《基于项目学习的天线与电波精品课程建设》 黑龙江省高等教育学会“十二五”高等教育科研课题 主持 2012.09 - 2015.12 《电磁场与无线技术专业基于项目学习的精品课程群建设》 “985工程”校级拔尖创新人才培养项目 主持 出版教材 2023.01 《贝叶斯信号处理:经典、现代和粒子滤波方法》(第2版) “十四五”国家重点图书哈尔滨工业大学出版社 2020.05 《电磁场与电磁波》(第二版)哈尔滨工业大学出版社 2016.08 《电磁场与电磁波》 工信部“十二五”规划教材 哈尔滨工业大学出版社 发表论文 2023.10 《“金课”建设背景下<电磁场与电磁波>课程在线教学实践》教育科学 2020.10 《全力以赴,应对云端大考——哈尔滨工业大学<电磁场与电磁波>课程在线教学实践》第七届高校教学发展网络年会 CHED 2020 2015.12 《本科生国际化视野的培养和实践——<电磁场与电磁波>教学改革初探》 黑龙江省高等教育学会学术年会 2017.04 《基于微信公众平台的实验课程翻转课堂模式研究》 黑龙江科学 2015.12 《案例教学法在研究生<天线理论>课程教学中的应用研究》 黑龙江省高等教育学会学术年会 2015.12 《浅析信息化开放式高校教学模式》 黑龙江省高等教育学会学术年会 科学研究 名称 研究项目 2018.01 - 2022.1200基于会聚球面波数字聚焦的安检毫米波成像新方法研究,国家自然基金重点项目群项目(参加) 2017.01 - 2020.1200机场安检毫米波成像传感器研究,国家自然基金民航联合基金项目(参加) 2017.01 - 2020.1200二维超颖材料微观电磁耦合机理及宏观电磁均一化理论,国家自然科学基金面上项目(参加) 2016.01 - 2018.12003mm波段被动毫米波成像研究机理与关键技术研究,国家自然基金青年基金项目(参加) 2014.01 - 2016.1200某雷达电磁兼容性能分析及优化技术研究,国家自然基金青年基金项目(主持) 2012.12 - 2016.1200遥感探测领域应用研究,国家重大科学仪器专项(参加) 2012.12 - 2014.1200基于NFE 技术的阵列方向图综合方法研究,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(主持) 2012.12 - 2013.1200毫米波安检成像设备设计及集成,横向课题(参加) 2011.12 - 2014.1200超宽带生命雷达探测仪技术引进,国家国际科技合作专项(参加) 2011.01 - 2013.1200射频爆磁压缩发生器的高性能辐射机制研究,国家自然基金青年基金面上项目(参加) 2011.01 - 2012.1200信息融合NFE模型逼近通用性研究及工程应用,中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金项目(主持) 2010.01 - 2012.1200多源信息融合网络动力学特性研究及其应用,国家自然基金面上项目(参加) 2009.01 - 2011.1200某雷达系统NFE inter4信息融合方法研究,国家自然基金面上项目(参加) 发表论文 He Zhang(学生),Hua Zong,Jinghui Qiu,Active and passive mixed millimeter wave imaging targetrecognition method based on multi-feature fusion,International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-aided Engineering:1~14 (SCI 1.7) Hua Zong,He Zhang,Jinghui Qiu,A Range Resolution Enhancement Algorithm for Active Millimeter Wave Based on Phase Unwrapping Mechanism,Electronics:1~13 (SCI 2.729) Hua Zong,He Zhang,Jinghui Qiu,Accurate Imaging of Wide Beam Active Millimeter Wave Based on Angular Spectrum Theory and Simulation Verification,Photonics:1~13 (SCI 2.9) He Zhang(学生),Hua Zong,Jinghui Qiu,Accurate Reconstruction Algorithm of Millimeter Wave Holography, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2021: He Zhang(学生),Hua Zong,Jinghui Qiu,Sampling Interval Parameter Design Based on Active Millimeter Wave Imaging,IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology 2021:762~764 He Zhang(学生),Hua Zong,Jinghui Qiu,Feed Antenna Optimization of W Band Active Millimeter Wave Imaging System,International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP) 2019:1~2 (A类会议) He Zhang(学生),Hua Zong,Jinghui Qiu,Analysis of Millimeter Wave Scattering Characteristics and Imaging Effect Factors of Human Biological Tissue,IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT) 2021: 747~749 Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu,Shengchang Lan, Hua Zong,Nannan Wang,Pattern Reconfigurable Dielectric Resonator Antenna Actuated by Shorted Parasitic Elements,IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting 2019:77-78(顶级会议) Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu, Hua Zong, A Varactor-Based Frequency Reconfigurable Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna,International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,2019 :235~236(顶级会议) Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu, Hua Zong, Lifei Bao, Nannan Wang, Shengchang Lan,Band-notched Reconfigurable Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Parasitic Elements,IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting 2019: 61~62(顶级会议) Hua Zong, Lifei Bao, Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu, Application of Convolutional Neural Network in Target Detection of Millimeter Wave Imaging, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting 2018 : 1217~1218 (顶级会议) Lijia Chen, Hua Zong, Shengchang Lan, A Resistance Loaded Vivaldi Antenna for Microwave Imaging, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2018 : 1~2 (A类会议) Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu, Hua Zong, Shengchang Lan, Nannan Wang, Integrated Wideband/Reconfigurable Notched Band Dielectric Resonator Antenna, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2018 : 1~2 (A类会议) Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu, Nannan Wang, Hua Zong, Hongjun Chu, Electronically Polarization-Reconfigurable Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting 2018 : 861~862 (顶级会议) Hua Zong, Xi Liu, Xinru Ma, Shu Lin, Lu Liu, Shoulan Liu, Shaowei Fan, Design and Analysis of a Coupling-Fed Printed Dipole Array Antenna with High Gain and Omnidirectivity, IEEE Access, Nov. 1, 2017: 26501~26511 (SCI 3.244) Hua Zong, Xi Liu, Xinru Ma, Zhihua Zhao, Shu Lin, Printed H-plane horn antenna with loaded dielectric-metal composite lens, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2017, Vol. 11, No. 5: 642~648 (SCI 1.187) Zhang He(学生), Zong Hua, Li Hongmei, Shaowei Fan, Lin Shu, Alexander Denisov, A reconfigurable Yagi-Uda antenna using EGaIn liquid metal, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2017, 2017.10.30 - 11.02: 1~2 (A类会议) Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu, Hua Zong, Guoqiang Li, Design of dual-band pattern reconfigurable cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting 2017 : 1767~1768 (顶级会议) Zong Hua, Liu Hao, Lin Shu, Li Hongmei, Wu Qun, Alexander Denisov, A planar printed quasi-Yagi antenna with a parabolic reflector for WLAN, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2016, 1109 ~ 1110 (顶级会议) Zong Hua, Chen Yue, Lin Shu, Liu Beijia, Li Hongmei, Wu Qun, A printed H-plane horn antenna with loaded dielectric-metal composite lens in KA band, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2016, 2016.10.24-10.28: 426 ~ 427 (A类会议) Zong Hua, Zhang He, Lin Shu, Li Hongmei, Liu Beijia, Wu Qun, A high-gain planar dual reflector antenna, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2016, 2016.10.24-10.28: 746 ~747 (A类会议) Zhang He(学生), Zong Hua, Li Hongmei, Liu Beijia, Wu Qun, Array Antenna Pattern Synthesis Method Based on Intelligent Algorithm, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology 2016: 549 ~ 551 Gu Haiwei, Fan Shaowei, Zong Hua, Jin Minghe, Liu Hong, Haptic Perception of Unknown Object by Robot Hand: Exploration Strategy and Recognition Approach, International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 13, No. 3, 1650008 (2016) [29 pages] (SCI, 0.900, 通信作者) Hao Liu, Alexander Denisov, Hua Zong, Shu Lin, Design and Analysis of a Cassegrain Antenna with an Annular Sub-Reflector, 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2016: 1383 ~ 1384 (顶级会议) Lin Shu, Liu Guanjun, Zhang Yuwei, Zong Hua, Qiu Shuang, Lan Shengchang, Alexander Denisov, A low-profile vertical polarized omnidirectional radiated and broadband printed antenna, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2016, 1109 ~ 1110 (顶级会议) Zong Hua, Gu Haichuan, Li Hongmei, Liu Beijia, Liu Guanjun, Wu Qun. A Novel High-Gain Quasi-Yagi Antenna with a Parabolic Reflector, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2015, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 2015.11.09-11.12: 1 ~ 3 (A类会议) Zong Hua, Chen Yue, Lin Shu, Liu Beijia, Li Hongme, Wu Qun. A Printed H-Plane Horn Antenna with Loaded Dielectric-Metal Composite Lens in Ka Band. 2016 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2016: 426 ~ 427 (A类会议) Chun-Ying Kang, Shu Lin, Hua Zong, Zhi-Hua Zhao, Xue-YingZhang, A wide-band circularly polarized wide-gap antenna loaded with a Y-shaped metal strip for L-band application, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2015, Article ID 194682 (SCI 1.164, 通信作者) Hongmei Li, Shiming Sun, Hua Zong, Design of EBG with fractal structure on PIFA, Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2015: 1 ~ 3 Li Hong Mei, Sun Shi Ming, Zong Hua, Fan Shao Wei, Design of EBG with archimedes spiral structure in PIFA, IEEE 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation 2015: 307 ~ 308 Zong Hua, Chen Lijia, Fan Shaowei, The NFE model and Its Convergence, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Jan.2014, Volume: 513-517: 3476 ~ 3481 Zong Hua, Qi jiaran, Fan Shaowei, The NFE model and Its Approximation, 2nd International Conference on Mechatronic Sciences, Electric Engineering and Computer 2013 : 279 ~ 284 Qi Jiaran, Zong Hua, Overcoming Discontinuities Inside Waveguides with Epsilon-near-zero Medium, 2nd International Conference on Mechatronic Sciences, Electric Engineering and Computer 2013: 156 ~ 160 Bin Wang, Chen Lijia, Zong Hua, Jinghui Qiu, The Study on Passive Intermodulation Research Models, 2nd International Conference on Mechatronic Sciences, Electric Engineering and Computer 2013: 571 ~ 575 Fan Shaowei, Zong Hua, Qiu Jinghui, Chen Zhaopeng, Adaptive Impedance Control for Dexterous Robot Hand with Elastic Joint, Electric Machine and Control, 2012, 12: 120 ~ 124 Hua Zong, Lijia Chen, Shu Lin, Jinghui Qiu, Composite Tracking in Bistatic High Frequency Radar Based on Doppler-NJPDA Algorithm, International Workshop on Future Communication and Network 2011: 368 ~ 371 Hua Zong, Chengge Zong, Changjun Yu, Taifan Quan, Research and Application on NFE Model of Multi-Sensor Information Fusion (in Chinese), Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2010, 32(3): 522 ~ 527 Zong Hua, Quan Taifan, Track Initiation in Monostatic-bistatic Composite High Frequency Surface Wave Radar Network Based on NFE Model (in Chinese), International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering 2010: V281 ~ V285 Hua Zong, Taifan Quan, Chengge Zong, Yingying Ma, Positioning Accuracy in Monostatic-Bistatic Composite High Frequency Surface Wave Radar Network, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology , 2009, 5(31): 1108 ~ 1112 Wang Rui(学生), Zong Hua, Zong Chengge, A Fast Algorithm for Multiple Targets Data Association in High Frequency Bistatic Radar System, The International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine 2009: 99 ~ 102 Zong Hua, Quan Taifan, Ma Yinging, Zong Chengge, Data Association of Monostatic-bistatic Composite HF Radar Network under Ionospheric Interference, The 8th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory 2008: 607 ~ 610 Tiantian Fan(学生), Hua Zong, Changjun Yu, Mei Liu, Taifan Quan, Research on NFE Model of Multi-Sensor Information Fusion, Second International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application 2008: 394 ~ 398 Hua Zong, Yun Zhang, A real-time recognition of working patterns to fault diagnosis based on BP neural network, Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation 2007: 5769 ~ 5772 Hua Zong, Chengge Zong, Ronghua Zhu, Yonghao Jin, Taifan Quan, Composite Tracking Approach Based on the Cooperative Engagement Capability (in Chinese), Systems Engineering and Electronics 2007, 29(11): 1842 ~ 1846 Hua Zong, Chengge Zong, Zheng Chen, Taifan Quan, A Composite Tracking Approach Based on the Multi-sensor Network, 8th International Conference on Signal Processing 2006 : 2934 ~ 2937 Brief Information 名称 Zong Hua Ph.D, Professor, Information and Communication Engineering School of Electronic and Information Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology Research Interests Millimeter Wave Terahertz Imaging System and Algorithm Array Antenna and Smart Antenna Technology Intelligent Information Processing Technology Education & Professional Experience 名称 2019.08 - 2019.0900CRLT Fellows Program,the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT),University of Michigan, USA 2017.10 - 2017.1100Cloud Computing, Big Data and IOT Technology & Application Training, 00 Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific - Computing, Germany 2016.10 - 2016.1100Education Philosophy and Pedagogy Seminar,University of Minnesota, USA 2014.02 - 2015.0200Visiting Scholar, TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology, Technical University of Munich, Germany 2011.11 - 2017.0400Postdoctoral Fellow, Electronic Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, China 2010.03 -000000000Assistant Professor, Associate Professor & Professor,School of Electronics and Information Engineering,HIT, China 2005.08 - 2009.1100Ph.D., Information and Communication Engineering, HIT, China 2003.08 - 2005.0700M.S., Communication and Infornmation System, HIT, China 1999.08 - 2003.0700B.S., Communication Engineering,HIT, China Courses Taught 名称 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves for undergraduate students Array Antenna Technology for undergraduate students Smart Antenna for graduate students Publications 名称 Books 2023.0100Translation of Bayesian Signal Processing: Classical, Modern, andParticle Filtering Methods (Second Edition) 2020.0500Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (Second Edition) 2016.0800Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Journal Articles and Conference Papers He Zhang(Student),Hua Zong,Jinghui Qiu,Active and passive mixed millimeter wave imaging targetrecognition method based on multi-feature fusion,International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-aided Engineering:1~14 (SCI 1.7) Hua Zong,He Zhang,Jinghui Qiu,A Range Resolution Enhancement Algorithm for Active Millimeter Wave Based on Phase Unwrapping Mechanism,Electronics:1~13 (SCI 2.729) Hua Zong,He Zhang,Jinghui Qiu,Accurate Imaging of Wide Beam Active Millimeter Wave Based on Angular Spectrum Theory and Simulation Verification,Photonics:1~13 (SCI 2.9) He Zhang(Student),Hua Zong,Jinghui Qiu,Accurate Reconstruction Algorithm of Millimeter Wave Holography, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2021: He Zhang(Student),Hua Zong,Jinghui Qiu,Sampling Interval Parameter Design Based on Active Millimeter Wave Imaging,IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology 2021:762~764 He Zhang(Student),Hua Zong,Jinghui Qiu,Feed Antenna Optimization of W Band Active Millimeter Wave Imaging System,International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP) 2019:1~2 He Zhang(Student),Hua Zong,Jinghui Qiu,Analysis of Millimeter Wave Scattering Characteristics and Imaging Effect Factors of Human Biological Tissue,IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT) 2021: 747~749 Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu,Shengchang Lan, Hua Zong,Nannan Wang,Pattern Reconfigurable Dielectric Resonator Antenna Actuated by Shorted Parasitic Elements,IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting 2019:77-78 Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu, Hua Zong, A Varactor-Based Frequency Reconfigurable Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna,International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,2019 :235~236 Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu, Hua Zong, Lifei Bao, Nannan Wang, Shengchang Lan,Band-notched Reconfigurable Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Parasitic Elements,IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting 2019: 61~62 Hua Zong, Lifei Bao, Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu, Application of Convolutional Neural Network in Target Detection of Millimeter Wave Imaging, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting 2018 : 1217~1218 Lijia Chen, Hua Zong, Shengchang Lan, A Resistance Loaded Vivaldi Antenna for Microwave Imaging, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2018 : 1~2 Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu, Hua Zong, Shengchang Lan, Nannan Wang, Integrated Wideband/Reconfigurable Notched Band Dielectric Resonator Antenna, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2018 : 1~2 (A类会议) Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu, Nannan Wang, Hua Zong, Hongjun Chu, Electronically Polarization-Reconfigurable Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting 2018 : 861~862 (顶级会议) Hua Zong, Xi Liu, Xinru Ma, Shu Lin, Lu Liu, Shoulan Liu, Shaowei Fan, Design and Analysis of a Coupling-Fed Printed Dipole Array Antenna with High Gain and Omnidirectivity, IEEE Access, Nov. 1, 2017: 26501~26511 (SCI 3.244) Hua Zong, Xi Liu, Xinru Ma, Zhihua Zhao, Shu Lin, Printed H-plane horn antenna with loaded dielectric-metal composite lens, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2017, Vol. 11, No. 5: 642~648 (SCI 1.187) Zhang He(Student), Zong Hua, Li Hongmei, Shaowei Fan, Lin Shu, Alexander Denisov, A reconfigurable Yagi-Uda antenna using EGaIn liquid metal, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2017, 2017.10.30 - 11.02: 1~2 Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu, Hua Zong, Guoqiang Li, Design of dual-band pattern reconfigurable cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting 2017 : 1767~1768 Zong Hua, Liu Hao, Lin Shu, Li Hongmei, Wu Qun, Alexander Denisov, A planar printed quasi-Yagi antenna with a parabolic reflector for WLAN, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2016, 1109 ~ 1110 Zong Hua, Chen Yue, Lin Shu, Liu Beijia, Li Hongmei, Wu Qun, A printed H-plane horn antenna with loaded dielectric-metal composite lens in KA band, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2016, 2016.10.24-10.28: 426 ~ 427 Zong Hua, Zhang He, Lin Shu, Li Hongmei, Liu Beijia, Wu Qun, A high-gain planar dual reflector antenna, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2016, 2016.10.24-10.28: 746 ~747 (A类会议) Zhang He(Student), Zong Hua, Li Hongmei, Liu Beijia, Wu Qun, Array Antenna Pattern Synthesis Method Based on Intelligent Algorithm, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology 2016: 549 ~ 551 Gu Haiwei, Fan Shaowei, Zong Hua, Jin Minghe, Liu Hong, Haptic Perception of Unknown Object by Robot Hand: Exploration Strategy and Recognition Approach, International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 13, No. 3, 1650008 (2016) [29 pages] (SCI, 0.900, corresponding author) Hao Liu, Alexander Denisov, Hua Zong, Shu Lin, Design and Analysis of a Cassegrain Antenna with an Annular Sub-Reflector, 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2016: 1383 ~ 1384 Lin Shu, Liu Guanjun, Zhang Yuwei, Zong Hua, Qiu Shuang, Lan Shengchang, Alexander Denisov, A low-profile vertical polarized omnidirectional radiated and broadband printed antenna, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2016, 1109 ~ 1110 Zong Hua, Gu Haichuan, Li Hongmei, Liu Beijia, Liu Guanjun, Wu Qun. A Novel High-Gain Quasi-Yagi Antenna with a Parabolic Reflector, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2015, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 2015.11.09-11.12: 1 ~ 3 Zong Hua, Chen Yue, Lin Shu, Liu Beijia, Li Hongme, Wu Qun. A Printed H-Plane Horn Antenna with Loaded Dielectric-Metal Composite Lens in Ka Band. 2016 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2016: 426 ~ 427 Chun-Ying Kang, Shu Lin, Hua Zong, Zhi-Hua Zhao, Xue-YingZhang, A wide-band circularly polarized wide-gap antenna loaded with a Y-shaped metal strip for L-band application, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2015, Article ID 194682 (SCI 1.164, corresponding author) Hongmei Li, Shiming Sun, Hua Zong, Design of EBG with fractal structure on PIFA, Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2015: 1 ~ 3 Li Hong Mei, Sun Shi Ming, Zong Hua, Fan Shao Wei, Design of EBG with archimedes spiral structure in PIFA, IEEE 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation 2015: 307 ~ 308 Zong Hua, Chen Lijia, Fan Shaowei, The NFE model and Its Convergence, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Jan.2014, Volume: 513-517: 3476 ~ 3481 Zong Hua, Qi jiaran, Fan Shaowei, The NFE model and Its Approximation, 2nd International Conference on Mechatronic Sciences, Electric Engineering and Computer 2013 : 279 ~ 284 Qi Jiaran, Zong Hua, Overcoming Discontinuities Inside Waveguides with Epsilon-near-zero Medium, 2nd International Conference on Mechatronic Sciences, Electric Engineering and Computer 2013: 156 ~ 160 Bin Wang, Chen Lijia, Zong Hua, Jinghui Qiu, The Study on Passive Intermodulation Research Models, 2nd International Conference on Mechatronic Sciences, Electric Engineering and Computer 2013: 571 ~ 575 Fan Shaowei, Zong Hua, Qiu Jinghui, Chen Zhaopeng, Adaptive Impedance Control for Dexterous Robot Hand with Elastic Joint, Electric Machine and Control, 2012, 12: 120 ~ 124 Hua Zong, Lijia Chen, Shu Lin, Jinghui Qiu, Composite Tracking in Bistatic High Frequency Radar Based on Doppler-NJPDA Algorithm, International Workshop on Future Communication and Network 2011: 368 ~ 371 Hua Zong, Chengge Zong, Changjun Yu, Taifan Quan, Research and Application on NFE Model of Multi-Sensor Information Fusion (in Chinese), Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2010, 32(3): 522 ~ 527 Zong Hua, Quan Taifan, Track Initiation in Monostatic-bistatic Composite High Frequency Surface Wave Radar Network Based on NFE Model (in Chinese), International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering 2010: V281 ~ V285 Hua Zong, Taifan Quan, Chengge Zong, Yingying Ma, Positioning Accuracy in Monostatic-Bistatic Composite High Frequency Surface Wave Radar Network, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology , 2009, 5(31): 1108 ~ 1112 Wang Rui(Student), Zong Hua, Zong Chengge, A Fast Algorithm for Multiple Targets Data Association in High Frequency Bistatic Radar System, The International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine 2009: 99 ~ 102 Zong Hua, Quan Taifan, Ma Yinging, Zong Chengge, Data Association of Monostatic-bistatic Composite HF Radar Network under Ionospheric Interference, The 8th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory 2008: 607 ~ 610 Tiantian Fan(Student), Hua Zong, Changjun Yu, Mei Liu, Taifan Quan, Research on NFE Model of Multi-Sensor Information Fusion, Second International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application 2008: 394 ~ 398 Hua Zong, Yun Zhang, A real-time recognition of working patterns to fault diagnosis based on BP neural network, Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation 2007: 5769 ~ 5772 Hua Zong, Chengge Zong, Ronghua Zhu, Yonghao Jin, Taifan Quan, Composite Tracking Approach Based on the Cooperative Engagement Capability (in Chinese), Systems Engineering and Electronics 2007, 29(11): 1842 ~ 1846 Hua Zong, Chengge Zong, Zheng Chen, Taifan Quan, A Composite Tracking Approach Based on the Multi-sensor Network, 8th International Conference on Signal Processing 2006 : 2934 ~ 2937