发布日期:2024-05-10 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646
姓名 | 王富强 | 性别 | 王富强 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | 部门 | 新能源学院(威海) |
学位 | 王富强 | 学历 | 王富强 |
职称 | 联系方式 | 0631-5687782 | |
邮箱 | wangfuqiang@hitwh.edu.cn | ||
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基本信息 科学研究及获奖 Publications 学生培养 组内新闻 组内活动 ... 组内活动 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 国家级青年人才 吴仲华优秀青年学者 全国节能减排大赛会评专家:第十四届(山大举办)、十五届(天大举办)、十六届(东南举办)等 斯坦福全球前2%顶尖科学家(2022、2023年:年度、终身双入选) 山东省泰山青年学者、 威海市有突出贡献中青年专家、 哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖教授、 教育部博士研究生学术新人 研究方向: 1: 辐射换热 2:芯片、汽车等热管理 3:太阳能全光谱利用 researchgate的个人主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wang-Fuqiang 谷歌学术主页: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=8O5S0ikAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN 招生: 硕士:每年4~5人; 博士:2~3人; 备注:威海本课题组有购买、自主搭建的多套太阳能、光谱辐射特性测量等实验设备。 如报考,请发送简历至:wangfuqiang@hitwh.edu.cn 哈尔滨工业大学(威海校区)新能源学院。 主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,发表高水平学术论文150余篇。 在Nano Energy等期刊发表期刊论文150余篇(一作及通讯SCI论文80余篇); 一作及通讯论文先后入选ESI高引10篇、2篇同时入选ESI热点。SCI他引3000余次。 获:黑龙江省自然科学一等奖(第3)、黑龙江省自然科学二等奖(第5)、威海市自然科学一等奖(第1)、山东省泰山青年学者、威海市有突出贡献中青年专家、教育部博士新人奖、Appl Energ高引原创论文。授权发明专利5项并获应用,任4种期刊编委。 荣誉称号及获奖情况 名称 2021年:国家级高层次青年人才,颁发:相关部委; 2023年:吴仲华优秀青年学者奖,颁发:中国工程热物理学会 2022年:International Bionic Innovation Competition,Second Prize(全球:一等奖2人/年,二等奖5人/2年) 2020年:黑龙江省自然科学二等奖,颁发:黑龙江省人民政府; 2019年:威海市有突出贡献中青年专家(每2年一届,每届20人左右),颁发:威海市人民政府; 2019年: 威海市自然科学优秀学术成果一等奖(共140项申报,一等奖为7项); 2018年:黑龙江省自然科学一等奖,颁发:黑龙江省人民政府; 2018年:山东省泰山青年学者,颁发:山东省人民政府; 2011年:教育部博士学术新人奖,颁发:教育部%2B国务院 学位委员会; 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 2007.07-2009.04 Caterpillar 青岛研发中心----- 助理工程师 2012.07-2014.03 中国石油大学(华东)----- 讲师 2014.03-至今 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)----- 副教授 2016.12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学-----青年拔尖教授(威海首位) 2017.05-至今 哈尔滨工业大学-----博士生导师 2019.07-至今 组建威海市新能源重点实验室-----主任 2019.11-至今 山东省高等学校优秀青年创新团队-----带头人 2020.11-至今 山东省一流本科专业建设点“新能源科学与工程”负责人 教育经历 名称 2009.09-2012.07 哈尔滨工业大学 工程热物理、博士 正导师:谈和平副导师:帅 永 2005.09-2007.07 哈尔滨工业大学 热能工程、硕士 导师:李争起 2001.09-2005.07 中国石油大学(华东) 热能与动力工程、学士 主要任职 名称 Science、Nano Energy、Int J Heat Mass Trans等100余个SCI期刊通讯审稿人; SCI期刊《Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 》:Editor; SCI期刊《International Journal of Photoenergy》:Lead Guest Editor; ESCI期刊《AIMS Energy》: Editor EI期刊《中国石油大学学报》青年编委 《辽宁石油化工大学学报》青年编委 《可持续能源》:编委(2013.04―2014.04); 科学通报、东南大学学报、中国石油大学学报等EI期刊通讯审稿人; SCI期刊《Renewable Energy》2014年度最佳审稿人; 印度理工学院(India Institute of Technology)博士学位论文通讯评审专家。 科研获奖 奖项名称 吴仲华优秀青年学者奖 获奖时间 2023 完成人 王富强 所获奖项 吴仲华优秀青年学者奖 简单介绍 吴仲华奖励基金设立于2007年——吴仲华先生九十华诞之际。吴仲华先生是我国工程热物理学科的创始人 “吴仲华奖励基金”是为发扬吴仲华先生的爱国、奉献、拼搏精神,促进工程热物理学科的发展,面向全国奖励在工程热物理学科科研成绩突出、具有创新思维的优秀青年科技人才和研究生,由中国科学院工程热物理研究所与中国工程热物理学会共同发起设立的。基金设立“吴仲华优秀青年学者奖”和“吴仲华优秀学生奖”两个奖项,其中“吴仲华优秀青年学者奖”每年奖励1-6位国内工程热物理领域科研成绩突出、具有创新思维、40岁及以下具有正高级职称的优秀青年科技人才。 奖项名称 International Bionic Innovation Competition 获奖时间 2022年09月 完成人 Ziming Cheng, Han Han, Fuqiang Wang*, Yuying Yan, Xuhang Shi, Huaxu Liang, Xinping Zhang, Yong Shuai 所获奖项 The Second Prize 简单介绍 全球一等奖2名/2年,二等奖5名/2年 奖项名称 黑龙江省自然科学一等奖 获奖时间 2018.12 完成人 谈和平,帅永,王富强,袁远,李栋 所获奖项 太阳能高温光热转换中的能流输运机理研究 简单介绍 颁发单位:黑龙江省人民政府 奖项名称 黑龙江省自然科学奖二等奖 获奖时间 2020.11 完成人 李炳熙,张亚宁,冯永强,韩怀志,王富强 所获奖项 中低温热能高效利用机制 简单介绍 颁发单位:黑龙江省人民政府 奖项名称 威海市自然科学优秀学术成果奖一等奖 获奖时间 2019.06 完成人 王富强,程子明,谭建宇 所获奖项 太阳能光-热-化学转换中的复杂能量转换机制及光谱辐射调控方法 简单介绍 奖项名称 2011年度教育部博士学术新人奖 获奖时间 2011 完成人 王富强 所获奖项 2011年度教育部博士学术新人奖 简单介绍 颁发单位:教育部 科研项目 项目名称 国家级高层次青年人才 项目来源 相关部委 开始时间 2022.01 结束时间 2024.12 项目经费 160万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 主管部门:中共中央组织部 项目名称 厂区尺度光学遥测与空间分布重构协同监测技术 项目来源 黑龙江省“揭榜挂帅”科技攻关项目课题 开始时间 2023.12 结束时间 2026.11 项目经费 100万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 主管部门:黑龙江省科技厅,项目编号:2023ZXJ06A04 项目名称 仿生变色自清洁自控温辐射材料技术研发 项目来源 江苏省产学研合作项目 开始时间 2023.11 结束时间 2024.12 项目经费 68 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 主管部门:江苏省科学技术厅,项目编号:BY20230669 项目名称 山东省泰山青年学者 项目来源 山东省人民政府 开始时间 2019.01.01 结束时间 2023.12 项目经费 100%2B50%2B50=200万(山东省%2B威海市%2B哈工大) 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 山东省人民政府颁发 项目名称 孔隙尺度下仿生等级孔的相干散射判据建立及光谱辐射传输机制的研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金-面上 开始时间 2021.01 结束时间 2024.12 项目经费 58万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 受自然启发的辐射制冷技术的创新及其在可持续建筑中应用 项目来源 国家自然科学基金-国际合作(与英国诺丁汉大学Prof. Yan Yuying教授合作) 开始时间 2022.06.01 结束时间 2024.5.31 项目经费 10万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 太阳能高温热化学转换过程中粒子系的光谱辐射传输机理及调控机制 项目来源 国家自然科学基金-面上 开始时间 2017.01 结束时间 2020.12 项目经费 60万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 时空非线性强能流下聚集系统光热力场交互耦合机理与能流分布控制 项目来源 国家自然科学基金-青年基金 开始时间 2015-01-01 结束时间 2017-12-01 项目经费 26万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 太阳能热利用中的工程热物理问题 项目来源 哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖教授计划 开始时间 2017.01 结束时间 2020.12 项目经费 100万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 中广核合作项目 项目来源 中广核辽宁红沿河核电 开始时间 2018.09 结束时间 2022.12 项目经费 132.5万 两期 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 高汇聚太阳热流下甲烷水蒸汽重整制氢的基础研究 项目来源 青岛市科技局 开始时间 2014-11-01 结束时间 2016-11-01 项目经费 5.0万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 高汇聚太阳能热化学反应器的研制及系统优化 项目来源 威海市科技局 开始时间 2015-01-01 结束时间 2017-12-01 项目经费 10 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 两级太阳能聚光系统的光热力耦合特性的研究 项目来源 哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金 开始时间 2014-04-01 结束时间 2016-04-01 项目经费 5.0万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 高温太阳能海水淡化系统的性能优化与匹配综合评价研究 项目来源 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)学科引导基金 开始时间 2014-06-01 结束时间 2016-06-01 项目经费 4.0万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 太阳能热化学反应中高温稠密粒子系光谱热辐射输运机理 项目来源 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)启动基金 开始时间 2014-10-01 结束时间 2016-10-01 项目经费 8.0万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 太阳能热化学反应中高温稠密粒子系表观光谱热辐射特性及光热传输机理研究 项目来源 山东省自然科学基金-培养基金 开始时间 2015-01-01 结束时间 2016-12-01 项目经费 5.0万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 发表SCI论文列表 名称 代表性论文01:Cheng Zi-Ming#,Han Han#,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Yan Yu-Ying,Shi Xu–Hang,Liang Hua-Xu,Zhang Xin-Ping,Shuai Yong.Efficient radiative cooling coating with biomimetic human skin wrinkle structure.Nano Energy,2021,89:106377(SCI、EI,IF=19.069,一区,入选ESI高被引论文) 代表性论文02:Zhang Xin-Ping,Li Xiang,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Yuan Wei-Zhe,Cheng Zi-Ming,Liang Hua-Xu,Yan Yu-Ying.Low-cost and large-scale productable biomimetic radiative cooling glass with multiband radiative regulation performance.Advanced Optical Materials,2022,10:2202031(SCI、EI,IF=10.05,一区、Top期刊,封面论文) 代表性论文03:Liang Hua-Xu,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Zhang Dong,Cheng Zi–Ming,Zhang Chuan-Xin,Lin Bo,Xu Hui-Jin.Experimental investigation of cost-effective ZnO nanofluids based spectral splitting CPV/T system. Energy,2020,194:116913(SCI、EI,IF=8.857,一区、Top期刊,入选ESI高被引论文) 代表性论文04:Zhang Ao-Yu,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Cheng Zi–Ming,Liang Hua-Xu,Shi Xu-Hang.Radiative property investigation of dispersed particulate medium with the consideration of non-uniform partic7le size distribution and dependent scattering effects.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2022,186:122488(SCI、EI,IF=5.431,Top期刊) 代表性论文05:Wang Fu–Qiang*,Shuai Yong*,Tan He–Ping,Yu Chun–Liang.Thermal performance analysis of porous media receiver with concentrated solar irradiation.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2013,62:247–254(SCI、EI,IF=5.431,入选ESI高被引论文,Top期刊) Wang Cun-Hai*,Chen Hao,Wang Fu-Qiang*.Passive daytime radiative cooling materials toward real-world applications.Progress in Materials Science,2024,144:101276(SCI、EI,IF=37.4) Liang Hua-Xu,Huang Xin,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Cheng Zi-Ming,Dong Yan.Multiple nanoparticles coupling strategy for enhancing optical filter performance of spectral splitter used in photovoltaic/thermal system.Journal of Thermal Science,2024,33:368-382(SCI、EI,IF=2.5) Chen Xu-Dong,Li Chun-Zhe,Yang Zhen-Ning,Dong Yan,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Cheng Zi-Ming,Yang Chun.Golf-ball-inspired phase change material capsule: Experimental and numerical simulation analysis of flow characteristics and thermal performance.Energy,2024,293:130595(SCI、EI,IF=9.0,一区、Top期刊) Zou Hui-Chuan,Li Chun-Zhe,Zhang Ao-Yu,Zhang Xin-Ping,Chen Xu-Dong,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Yan Yu-Ying,Zhang Shuai.Light environment control for reducing energy loss and increasing crop yield in plant factories.Solar Energy,2024,268:112281(SCI、EI,IF=6.7,Top期刊) Wang Fu–Qiang,Li Chun-Zhe,Yang Zhen-Ning, Xie Wei-Xin,Li Xiang,Xu Zeng-Hui,Yan Yu-Ying,Cheng Zi-Ming.A double-layer radiative cooling coating that utilizes the refractive index difference between layers to achieve extremely high solar reflectivity.Science China-Technological Sciences,2024,XX:XXX–XXX(SCI、EI,IF=4.6,二区) Zhang Xin-Ping,Du Jia-Xin,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Xu Zeng-Hui,Li Xiang,Liang Hua-Xu, Yi Hong-Liang.Hierarchical pore structure with confined resonant mode for improving the solar energy utilizing efficiency of ultra-thin perovskite solar cells.Optics Express,2024,32:17197(SCI、EI,IF=3.8) Shi Xu-Hang,Li Chun-Zhe,Yang Zhen-Ning,Xu Jie,Song Jin-Tao,Wang Fu–Qiang*, Shuai Yong,Zhang Wen-Jing.Egg-tray-inspired concave foam structure on pore-scale space radiation regulation for enhancing photo-thermal-chemical synergistic conversion.Energy,2024,297:131243(SCI、EI,IF=9.0,一区、Top期刊) Liu Fen,Wang Jian-Feng,Wang Fu-Qiang,Liu Hui*,Du Qian,Li Yu-Han,Chen Bo-Wei,Gu Hua-Duo,Yang Na*.Battery thermal safety management with form-stable and flame-retardant phase change materials. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2024,218:124764(SCI、EI,IF=5.2,一区、Top期刊) Zhang Shuai,Yan Yu-Ying*,Cheng Zi-Ming,Wang Fu-Qiang.Charging and discharging in thermal energy storage unit with fin-stonehybrid structure for enhancing heat transfer of phase change materials. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2024,224:125325(SCI、EI,IF=5.2,一区、Top期刊) Shi Xu-Hang,Song Jin-Tao,Cheng Zi-Ming,Liang Hua-Xu,Dong Yan,Wang Fu-Qiang*, Zhang Wen-Jing.Radiative intensity regulation to match energy conversion on demand in solar methane dry reforming to improve solar to fuel conversion efficiency.Renewable Energy,2023,207:436-446(SCI、EI,IF=8.634,Top期刊,中科院一区) Fu Zhi-Chang,Cheng Zi-Ming,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Dong Yan,Zhang Xin-Ping,Zhang Ao-Yu,Liang Hua-Xu.A multilayer film based on thin-film interference and impedance matching for dual-laser and infrared stealth as well as thermal management.Optik,2023,289:171261(SCI、EI,IF=3.1,中科院三区) Shi Xu?Hang,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Fan Ya-Ping,Song Jin?Tao,Xu Jie,Cheng Zi?Ming, Zhang Wen?Jing.Oriented radiation regulation via forward and backward scattering of foam structural catalyst in thermochemical reactor for enhanced solar to fuel conversion.Energy Conversion and Management,2023,297:117735(SCI、EI,IF=10.4,一区、Top期刊) Song Jin-Tao,Fan Ya-Ping,Cheng Zi-Ming,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Shi Xu–Hang,Yi Hong-Liang,Zhang Ao-Yu,Dong Yan.Thermodynamic analysis of an air liquid energy storage system coupling Rankine cycle and methane steam reforming to improve system electrical conversion and energy efficiency.Renewable Energy,2023,219:119586(SCI、EI,IF=8.7,Top期刊) Dong Yan,Zhang Xin-Ping,Chen Ling-Ling,Meng Wei-Feng,Wang Cun-Hai,Cheng Zi-Ming,Liang Hua-Xu,Wang Fu–Qiang*.Progress in passive daytime radiative cooling: a review from optical mechanism, performance test, and application.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2023,188:113801(SCI、EI,IF=15.9,Top期刊,入选ESI高被引论文,中科院一区) Dong Yan#,Meng Wei-Feng#,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Han Han,Liang Hua-Xu,Li Xiang,Zou Ya-Nan,Yang Chun,Xu Zeng-Hui,Yan Yuying,Cheng Zi-Ming*.“Warm in Winter and Cool in Summer”- Scalable bio-chameleons inspired temperature adaptive coating with easy preparation and construction.Nano Letters,2023,23:9034-9041(SCI、EI,IF=10.8,Top期刊,中科院一区) Song Jin-Tao,Cheng Zi-Ming,Fan Ya-Ping,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Shi Xu–Hang,Xu Jie,Yi Hong-Liang.Human ear inspired solar thermochemical reactor for steam methane reforming with the consideration of minimum Gibbs free energy principle.Journal of Energy Storage,2023,72:108172(SCI、EI,IF=8.907,二区) Zhang Ao-Yu,Cheng Zi-Ming,Wang Fu-Qiang*, Xie Wei-Xin,Liang Hua-Xu.Radiative property investigation of metal nanoparticles embedded in absorption layer for thin-film solar cell with the consideration of medium absorption and dependent scattering.Optics Communications,2023,545:129654(SCI、EI,IF=2.335,中科院三区) Dong Yan,Zou Ya-Nan,Li Xiang, Wang Fu-Qiang*, Cheng Zi-Ming,Meng Wei-Feng, Chen Ling-Ling,Xiang Yang,Wang Tong,Yan Yu-Ying.Introducing masking layer for daytime radiative cooling coating to realize high optical performance, thin thickness, and excellent durability in longterm outdoor application.Applied Energy,2023,344:121273(SCI、EI,IF=11.446,Top期刊,中科院一区) Zhang Xin-Ping#,Cheng Zi-Ming#,Yang Dong-Ling,Dong Yan,Shi Xu–Hang,Liang Hua-Xu,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Han Han,Meng Wei-Feng,Shuai Yong,Yan Yu-Ying.Scalable bio-skin inspired radiative cooling metafabric for breaking tradeoff between optical properties and application requirements.ACS Photonics,2023,10:1624-1632(SCI、EI,IF=7.077,中科院一区,封面论文) Liang Hua-Xu,Wen Zhen-Long,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Cheng Zi-Ming.Design of hierarchical nanohole for efficient broadband light absorption of MAPbI3 perovskite material based solar cell with thin absorber layer.Energy Reports,2023,9:190-198(SCI、EI,IF=4.937) Wang Cun-Hai*,Chen Hao,Jiang Ze-Yi,Zhang Xin-Xin,Wang Fu-Qiang*.Modelling and performance evaluation of a novel passive thermoelectric system based on radiative cooling and solar heating for 24-hour power-generation.Applied Energy,2023,331:120425(SCI、EI,IF=11.446,Top期刊,中科院一区) Zhang Hao,Zhang Xiao-Mi,Yang Da-Zhi*,Shuai Yong,Lougou Bachirou-Guene,Pan Qing-Hui,Wang Fu-Qiang.Selection of iron-based oxygen carriers for two-step solar thermochemical splitting of carbon dioxide.Energy Conversion and Management,2023,279:116772(SCI、EI,IF=11.533,一区、Top期刊) Chen Xue,Lyu Jin-Xin,Sun Chuang*,Xia Xin-Lin,Wang Fu-Qiang.Pore-scale evaluation on a volumetric solar receiver with different optical property control strategies.Energy,2023,278:128006(SCI、EI,IF=9.0,中科院一区) Zhang Yong*,Wang Jian-You,Wang Fu-Qiang,Cai Zhi-Ming,Hong-Liang Yi*.Enhanced radiative heat transfer via the coupling of multi-particle interactions with combined surface models.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2022,197:123331(SCI、EI,IF=5.2,一区、Top期刊) Wang Fu-Qiang,Zhang Xin-Ping,Wang Hao-Ran,Li Yang*,Dong Yan,Lin Bo,Liang Hua-Xu,Cheng Zi-Ming.An energy-efficient glass using biomimetic structures with excellent energy saving features in both hot and cold weather.Journal of Quantitative and Radiative Transfer,2022,286:108180(SCI、EI,IF=2.468) Zhang Ao-Yu,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Dong Yan,Yang Dong-Ling,Xie Wei-Xin.Dependent scattering criterion modification of disordered dispersed particulate medium with the consideration of particle random distribution and high complex refractive index effects.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2022,197:123331(SCI、EI,IF=5.431,Top期刊) Shi Xu-Hang,Zhao Xu-Yi,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Cheng Zi–Ming,Dong Yan,Xu Jie.Improving overall heat transfer performance of parabolic trough solar receiver by helically convex absorber tube.Applied Thermal Engineering,2022,213:118690(SCI、EI,IF=5.295,二区、Top期刊) Dong Yan,Han Han,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Zhang Ying-Jie,Cheng Zi–Ming,Shi Xu–Hang,Yan Yu-Ying.A low-cost sustainable coating: improving passive daytime radiative cooling performance using the spectral band complementarity method.Renewable Energy,2022,192:606-616(SCI、EI,IF=8.001) Liang Hua-Xu,Wang Bai-Sheng,Su Rong-Hua,Zhang Ao, Wang Fu–Qiang*,Shuai Yong.Enhance photoelectric efficiency of PV by optical-thermal management of nanofilm reflector.Advances in Nano Research,2022,13(5):475-485(SCI、EI,IF=9.539,一区、Top期刊) Shi Xu-Hang,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Lougou Bachirou-Guene,Zhang Hao,Wei Xiu?Dong, Li Dong.Experimental and numerical study regarding the biomimetic bone porous structure to match energy and mass flow in a solar thermochemical reactor.Journal of Energy Storage,2022,52:104859(SCI、EI,IF=8.907,Top期刊) Liu Fen,Wang Jian-Feng,Yang Na*,Wang Fu–Qiang,Chen Ya-Ping,Lu Dong-Chen,Liu Hui,Du Qian,Ren Xu-Tong, Shi Meng-Yu.Experimental study on the alleviation of thermal runaway propagation from an overcharged lithium-ion battery module using different thermal insulation layers.Energy,2022,257:124768(SCI、EI,IF=8.857,一区、Top期刊) Wang Fu-Qiang,Zhang Guo-Liang,Dong Yan*,Yi Hong-Liang,Shi Xu-Hang,Li Yang,Cheng Zi-Ming.Biomimetically calabash-inspired phase change material capsule: experimental and numerical analysis on thermal performance and flow characteristics.Journal of Energy Storage,2022,52:104859(SCI、EI,IF=6.583) Ren Xu-Tong,Wang Jian-Feng,Yang Na*,Shi Meng-Yu,Liu Fen,Wang Fu–Qiang.Case Study of Repeatability, Different Speeds, and Different SOCs on Battery Squeeze Test.Batteries,2022,8:243(SCI、EI,IF=5.938,Top期刊) Lu Yan-Bing,Wang Jian-Feng,Liu Fen,Liu Yi-Qun*,Wang Fu–Qiang,Yang Na,Lu Dong-Chen,Jia Yong-Kai.Performance optimisation of Tesla valve-type channel for cooling lithium-ion batteries. Applied Thermal Engineering,2022,212:118513(SCI、EI,IF=6.465,Top期刊) Shi Xu-Hang,Xun Yi-Meng,Dong Yan,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Zhang Xin-Ping,Cheng Zi-Ming.Analysis of biomimetic hierarchical porous structure regulating radiation field to improve solar thermochemical performance based on minimum Gibbs free energy.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022,47:2832-2845(SCI、EI,IF=5.816,Top期刊) Wang Fu–Qiang*,Zhang Xin-Ping,Dong Yan,Yi Hong-Liang,Shi Xu-Hang,Li Yang,Cheng Zi-Ming*.Progress in radiative transfer in porous medium: A review from macro scale to pore scale with experimental test.Applied Thermal Engineering,2022,210:118331(SCI、EI,IF=5.295,Top期刊) Liu Fen,Wang Jian-Feng,Liu Yi-Qun*,Wang Fu–Qiang,Chen Ya-Ping,Lu Yan-Bing,Liu Hui,Du Qian,Sun Fu-Zhen, Yang Na.Performance analysis of Phase-change material in battery thermal management with bioic leaf vein structure. Applied Thermal Engineering,2022,210:11811(SCI、EI,IF=5.295,Top期刊) Liang Hua-Xu,Su Rong-Hua,Huang Wei-Ming,Cheng Zi–Ming,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Huang Gan,Yang Dong-Ling.A novel spectral beam splitting photovoltaic/thermal hybrid system based on semi-transparent solar cell with serrated grrove structure for co-generation of electricity and high-grade thermal energy.Energy Conversion and Management,2022,252:115049(SCI、EI,IF=9.709,一区、Top期刊) Dong Yan,Zhang Xin-Ping,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Zhang Guo–Liang,Shuai Yong.Numerical study on the thermal performance analysis of packed-bed latent heat thermal storage system with biomimetic vein hierarchical structure.International Journal of Green Energy,2022,19(6):592-602(SCI,IF=2.459) Dong Yan,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Zhang Ya-Qi,Shi Xu-Hang,Zhang Ao-Yu,Shuai Yong.Experimental and numerical study on flow characteristic and thermal performance of macro-capsules phase change material with biomimetic oval structure.Energy,2022,238:121830(SCI、EI,IF=7.147,一区、Top期刊) Zhang Hao,Shuai Yong,Lougou Bachirou-Guene,Jiang Bo-Shu,Yang Da-Zhi,Pan Qing-Hui,Wang Fu-Qiang,Huang Xing.Effects of foam structure on thermochemical characteristics of porous-filled solar reactor.Energy,2022,239:122219(SCI、EI,IF=7.147,一区、Top期刊) Liu Fen,Wang Jian-Feng,Liu Yi-Qun*,Wang Fu–Qiang,Chen Ya-Ping,Lu Yan-Bing,Liu Hui,Du Qian,Sun Fu-Zhen, Yang Na.Natural convection characteristics of honeycomb fin with different hole cells for battery phase-change material cooling systems. Journal of Energy Storage,2022,51:104578(SCI、EI,IF=6.583) Liang Hua–Xu,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Yang Lu–Wei,Cheng Zi-Ming,Shuai Yong,Tan He–Ping.Progress in full spectrum solar energy utilization by spectral beam splitting hybrid PV/T system.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2021,141:110785(SCI、EI,IF=14.982,Top期刊) Shi Xu-Hang,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Cheng Zi-Ming,Liang Hua–Xu,Dong Yan,Chen Xue.Numerical analysis of the biomimetic leaf-type hierarchical porous structure to improve the energy storage efficiency of solar driven steam methane reforming. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2021,46:17653–17665(SCI、EI,IF=5.816,Top期刊) Shi Xu-Hang,Zhang Xin-Ping,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Yang Lu-Wei,Dong Yan,Shuai Yong.Thermochemical analysis of dry methane reforming hydrogen production in biomimetic venous hierarchical porous structure solar reactor for improving energy storage. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2021,46(11):7733–7744(SCI、EI,IF=5.816,Top期刊) Zhang Xin-Ping,Shi Xu–Hang,Li Yang,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Lin Bo.Biomimetic hierarchical structure for enhancing concentrated solar energy converting and utilizing efficiency.Optics Express,2021,29(17):26669(SCI、EI,IF=3.894) Zhang Xin-Ping,Yang Lu-Wei,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Cheng Zi-Ming,Liang Hua–Xu.Wrinkled surface microstructure for enhancing infrared spectral performance of radiative cooling.Optics Express,2021,29 (8):11416–11432(SCI、EI,IF=3.894) Wang Fu-Qiang,Dong Yan,Li Yang*,Xu Jie,Zhang Guo-Liang.Numerical study on the thermal performance of packed-bed latent heat thermal energy storage system with biomimetic alveoli structure capsule.Science China-Technological Sciences,2021,64(7):1544–1554(SCI、EI,IF=3.572,二区) Dong Yan,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Yang Lu–Wei,Shi Xu–Hang,Zhang Guo–Liang,Shuai Yong.Thermal performance analysis of PCM capsules packed-bed system with biomimetic leaf hierarchical porous structure.Journal of Thermal Science,2021,30:1559–1571(SCI、EI,IF=2.438) Chen Hong-Wei,Li Yang*,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Lin Chang-Hua,Xia Xin-Lin,Tan He-Ping.3D visualized characterization of radiation energy transport in a real semitransparent foam strut under high irradiation beam.International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2021,167:107019(SCI,IF=3.746) Li Yang,Chen Hong–Wei,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Xia Xin–Lin,Tan He–Ping.A development to determine spectral radiative properties of semitransparent struts of open-cell ceramic foams: From macro-scale measurement to pore-scale simulation.Infrared Physics and Technology,2021,113:103646(SCI、EI,IF=2.638) Cheng Zi-Ming,Shuai Yong,Gong Da-Yang,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Liang Hua-Xu,Li Gui-Qiang.Optical properties and cooling performance analyses of single-layer radiative cooling coating with mixture of TiO2 particles and SiO2 particles.Science China-Technological Sciences,2021,64:1017–1209(SCI、EI,IF=3.572,二区) Xing Zhan-Bin, Han Xing-Chao, Ke Han-Bing, Zhang Quan-Guo, Zhang Zhi-Ping, Xu Hui-Jin*, Wang Fu-Qiang. Multi-phase Lattice Boltzmann (LB) simulation for convective transport of nanofluids in porous structures with phase interactions. 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Energy,2020,191:116575(SCI、EI,IF=7.147,一区、Top期刊) Shi Xu-Hang,Shuai Yong,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Zhang Chuan-Xin,Cheng Zi-Ming,Chen Xue.Effects of ordered hierarchically porous structure on methane reforming performance in solar foam reactor. Journal of CO2 Utilization,2020,37:147–157(SCI、EI,IF=7.132,二区)(自引0次) Cheng Zi-Ming,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Gong Da-Yang,Liang Hua-Xu,Shuai Yong.Low-cost radiative cooling blade coating with ultrahigh visible light transmittance and emission within an “atmospheric window”.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,2020,213:110563(SCI、EI,IF=7.267,二区) Liang Hua-Xu,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Cheng Zi-Ming,Shi Xu-Hang,Han Han.Reducing toxicity and enhancing broadband solar energy harvesting of ultra-thin perovskite solar cell via SiO2 nanophotonic structure. OPTIK,2020,223:165624(SCI、EI,IF=2.443) Liang Hua-Xu,Wang Fu-Qiang**,Cheng Zi-Ming,Shuai Yong,Lin Bo,Pan Yu-Zhai.Performance study on optical splitting film-based spectral splitting concentrated photovoltaic/thermal applications under concentrated solar irradiation.Solar Energy,2020,206:84–91(SCI、EI,IF=5.742) Yuan Yuan,Lin Xiao-Jie,Cheng Zi-Ming,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Shuai Yong,Tan He-Ping.Experimental investigation of thermal performance enhancement of cavity receiver with bottom surface interior convex. Applied Thermal Engineering,2020,168:114847(SCI、EI,IF=5.295,二区、Top期刊) Qi Han-Bing,Deng Ji-Tong,Li Dong*,Wang Fu-Qiang,Arici Müslüm*,Wang Qiu–Shi.Optical properties of paraffin suspension containing TiO2 nanoparticles. Optik,2020,208:164082(SCI、EI,IF=2.443) Yang Rui-Tong,Li Dong*,Wei Wei,Wang Fu-Qiang.A Mie optimization model to determine optical properties of PCM based nanofluids for solar thermal applications of glazing window. OPTIK,2020,212:164664(SCI、EI,IF=2.443) Zhang Hao,Shuai Yong*,Bachirou Guene–Lougou*,Jiang Bo–Su,Wang Fu-Qiang,Cheng Zi–Ming,Tan He-Ping.Effects of multilayer porous ceramics on thermochemical energy conversion and storage efficiency in solar dry reforming of methane reactor. Applied Energy,2020,265:114799(SCI、EI,IF=9.746,一区、Top期刊) Zhang Chuan–Xin,Li Tian–Jiao,Yuan Yuan*,Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan He–Ping.Effects of droplets in the air on light transmission in target optical detection. Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2020,128:106044(SCI、EI,IF=4.836) Zhang Chuan-Xin,Shi Xu-Hang,Li Tian-Jiao,Yuan Yuan*,Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan He-Ping.Determining the effects of droplets attached to glass on light transmission by using Monte Carlo ray tracing method in target optical detection.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2020,245:106856(SCI、EI,IF=2.468) Chen Xue*,Xia Xin-Lin,Sun Chuang*, Wang Fu-Qiang,Liu Rong-Qiang.Performance evaluation of a double-pipe heat exchanger with uniform and graded metal foams. Heat and Mass Transfer,2020,56 (1):291–302(SCI、EI,IF=2.464) Li Zhen-Xing*,Gong Yi-Xuan,Zhang Xin,Wen Yang-Yang,Yao Jia-Sai,Hu Ming-Liang,He Miao,Liu Jia-Hao,Li Rui,Wang Fu-Qiang,Zhang Chuan-Xin*.Plasmonic coupling-enhanced in situ photothermal nanoreactor with shape selective catalysis for C–C coupling reaction.Nano research,2020,13(10):2812–2818(SCI、EI,IF=8.897) Zhang Hao,Shuai Yong*,Yuan Ye,Bachirou Guene–Lougou*,Jiang Bo–Su,Wang Fu-Qiang,Cheng Zi–Ming.Thermal-chemical reaction characteristics of Ni/Al2O3 catalytic porous material filled solar reactor for dry reforming of methane process. Applied Thermal Engineering,2020,180:115901(SCI、EI,IF=5.295,一区、Top期刊) Xuan Qing-Dong,Li Gui-Qiang*,Lu Ya-Shun,Zhao Bin,Wang Fu-Qiang,Pei Gang*.Daylighting utilization and uniformity comparison for a concentrator-photovoltaic window in energy saving application on the building.Energy,2020,214:118932(SCI、EI,IF=7.147,一区、Top期刊)(自引0次) Zhu Yan-Long,Lu Jie,Yuan Yuan*,Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan He-Ping.Effect of radiation on the effective thermal conductivity of encapsulated capsules containing high-temperature phase change materials.Renewable Energy,2020,160:676-685(SCI、EI,IF=8.001,一区、Top期刊)(自引0次) Liang Hua-Xu,Han Han,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Cheng Zi-Ming,Pan Yu-Zhai,Tan Jian-Yu.Experimental investigation on spectral splitting of photovoltaic/thermal hybrid system with two-axis sun tracking based on SiO2/TiO2 interference thin film. Energy Conversion and Management,2019,188:230–240(SCI、EI,IF=9.709,一区、Top期刊) Cheng Zi–Ming,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Wang Hao,Liang Hua–Xu,Ma Lan–Xin.Effect of embedded polydisperse glass microspheres on radiative cooling of a coating. International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2019,140:358–367(SCI,IF=3.744) Wang Fu-Qiang,Wang Hao,Gong Da-Yang,Cheng Zi-Ming*,Ma Lan-Xin.Radiative transfer analysis of semitransparent medium with particles having non-uniform size distribution by differential-integration method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2019,130:342–355(SCI、EI,IF=5.584,Top期刊) Liang Hua-Xu,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Li Dong,Zhu Jie,Tan Jian-Yu.Optical properties and transmittances of ZnO-containing nanofluids in spectral splitting photovoltaic/thermal systems. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2019,128:668–678(SCI、EI,IF=5.584,Top期刊) Wang Fu-Qiang*,Jing Lin, Cheng Zi–Ming,Liang Hua–Xu,Tan Jian–Yu.Combination of thermodynamic analysis and regression analysis for steam and dry methane reforming. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2019,44(30):15795–15810(SCI、EI,IF=5.816,Top期刊) Xu Hui–Jin,Xing Zhan–Bin,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Cheng Zi–Ming.Review on heat conduction, heat convection, thermal radiation and phase change heat transfer of nanofluids in porous media: Fundamentals and applications. Chemical Engineering Science,2019,195:462–483(SCI、EI,IF=4.311,Top期刊,入选ESI高被引论文) Cheng Zi–Ming,Yu Rui–Tian,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Liang Hua–Xu,Xie Ming,Li Dong,Tan Jian–Yu.Coupled heat transfer analyses of molten salt with thermophysical property variation. Heat Transfer Research,2019,50(1):33–56(SCI,IF=2.443) Wang Qiu–Shi,Wei Wei,Li Dong*,Qi Han–Bing,Wang Fu-Qiang,Arici Müslüm*.Experimental investigation of thermal radiative properties of Al2O3-paraffin nanofluid.Solar Energy,2019,177:420–426(SCI、EI,IF=5.742) Qi Han–Bing,Zhang Yu–Jia,Wang Qiu–Shi,Wang Fu-Qiang,Ahmed Kadhim Hussein,Arici Müslüm*,Dong Li*.Experimental investigation of optical properties of oily sewage with different pH environment.Optik,2019,183:338–345(SCI、EI,IF=2.443) Chen Xue,Sun Chuang*,Xia Xin-Lin,Liu Rong-Qiang,Wang Fu-Qiang.Conjugated heat transfer analysis of a foam filled double-pipe heat exchanger for high-temperature application. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2019,134:1003–1013(SCI、EI,IF=5.584,Top期刊) Cui Zhi-Ying,Bai Feng-Wu*,Wang Zhi-Feng,Wang Fu-Qiang.Influences of optical factors on the performance of the solar furnace.Energies,2019,12(20):3933(SCI、EI,IF=3.004) Chen Xue,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Yan Xue–Wei,Han Ya–Fen,Cheng Zi–Ming,Zhu Jie.Thermochemical performance of solar driven CO2 reforming of methane in volumetric reactor with gradual foam structure.Energy,2018,151:545–555. (SCI、EI,IF=7.147,一区、Top期刊) Chen Xue,Wang Fu–Qiang*,Han Ya–Fen,Yu Rui–Tian,Cheng Zi–Ming.Thermochemical storage analysis of the dry reforming of methane in foam solar reactor.Energy Conversion and Management,2018,158:489–498(SCI、EI,IF=11.533,一区、Top期刊,入选ESI高被引论文) Chen Xue,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Yan Xue–Wei,Cheng Zi–Ming,Han Ya–Fen,Zhu Jie.Thermal and chemical analysis of methane dry reforming in a volumetric reactor under highly concentrated solar radiation.Solar Energy,2018,162:187–195(SCI、EI,IF=5.742) Wang Fu-Qiang,Jin Hui–Jian,Wang Hao,Cheng Zi–Ming,Tan Jian–Yu*,Yuan Yuan,Shang Yu–Hang,Zhang Wen–Jie.Radiative, conductive and laminar convective coupled heat transfer analysis of molten salts based on finite element method.Applied Thermal Engineering,2018,131:19–29(SCI、EI,IF=5.295,一区、Top期刊) Cheng Zi–Ming,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Liang Hua–Xu,Hu Sheng–Peng,Lin Bo,Tan Jian–Yu,Li Hong–Yang.Photon-absorption-based explanation of ultrasonic-assisted solar photochemical splitting of water to improve hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2018,43(31):14439–14450(SCI、EI,IF=5.816,Top期刊) Cheng Zi–Ming,Yu Rui–Tian, Wang Fu-Qiang*,Liang Hua–Xu,Lin Bo,Wang Hao,Hu Sheng–Peng,Tan Jian–Yu,Zhu Jie,Yan Yu–Ying.Experimental study on the effects of light intensity on energy conversion efficiency of photo-thermo chemical synergetic catalytic water splitting. Thermal Science,2018,22(S2):S697–S706(SCI、EI,IF=1.625) Li Su-Ning,Yuan Yuan*,Liu Bin,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Tan He-Ping.Influence of microlens array manufacturing errors on light-field imaging.Optics Communications,2018,410:40–52(SCI、EI,IF=2.31) Zhang Chuan-Xin,Yuan Yuan*,Yu Zhao-Yang,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Tan He-Ping.Inversion of stellar spectral radiative properties based on multiple star catalogues. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics,2018,09:26(SCI、EI,IF=5.839,Top期刊,JCR一区) Li Tian-Jiao,Li Su-Ning,Yuan Yuan*,Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan He-Ping*.Light field imaging analysis of flame radiative properties based on Monte Carlo method.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2018,119:303–311.(SCI、EI,IF=5.584,Top期刊) Li Su-Ning,Yuan Yuan*,Liu Bin,Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan He-Ping.Local error and its identification for microlens array in plenoptic camera.Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2018,108:41–53(SCI、EI,IF=4.836) Zhang Hao,Lougou Bachirou-Guene,Pan Ru-Ming,Shuai Yong*,Wang Fu-Qiang,Cheng Zi–Ming,Tan He-Ping.Analysis of thermal transport and fluid flow in high-temperature porous media solar thermochemical reactor.Solar Energy,2018,173:814–824(SCI、EI,IF=5.742) Li Dong,Wu Yang-Yang,Zhang Guo-Jun, Arici Müslüm*, Liu Chang-Yu, Wang Fu-Qiang. Influence of glazed roof containing phase change material on indoor thermal environment and energy consumption. Applied Energy,2018,222,343-350.(SCI、EI,IF=9.746,Top期刊) Wang Fu-Qiang,Cheng Zi-Ming,Tan Jian-Yu*,Yuan Yuan,Shuai Yong,Liu Lin-Hua.Progress in concentrated solar power technology with parabolic trough collector system: a comprehensive review.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2017,79:1314–1328(SCI、EI,IF=14.982,入选ESI高被引论文) Wang Fu-Qiang,Ma Lan-Xin,Cheng Zi-Ming,Tan Jian-Yu*,Huang Xing,Liu Lin-Hua.Radiative heat transfer in solar thermochemical particle reactor: A comprehensive review.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2017,73:935–949(SCI、EI,IF=14.982,Top期刊) Liang Hua-Xu,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Cheng Zi-Ming,Hu Sheng-Peng,Xiao Bing,Gong Xiang-Tao,Lin Bo,Li Xiang-Zheng,Cao Rui-Yang,Liang Wen,Liu Lin-Hua.Analyzing the effects of reaction temperature on photo-thermo chemical synergetic catalytic water splitting under full-spectrum solar irradiation: An experimental and thermodynamic investigation.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2017,42(17):12133–12142(SCI、EI,IF=5.816,Top期刊) Cheng Zi-Ming,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Xie Yin-Mo,Ma Lan-Xin,Xu Hui-Jin,Tan Jian-Yu,Bai Feng-Wu.Investigation of optical properties and radiative transfer of sea water-based nanofluids for photocatalysis with different salt concentrations.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2017,42(43):26626–26638(SCI、EI,IF=5.816,Top期刊) Gong Xiang-Tao,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Wang Hai-Yan,Tan Jian-Yu,Lai Qing-Zhi,Han Huai-Zhi.Heat transfer enhancement analysis of tube receiver for parabolic trough solar collector with pin fin arrays inserting.Solar Energy,2017,144:185–202(SCI、EI,IF=5.742,入选ESI高被引论文) Wang Fu-Qiang,Cheng Zi-Ming,Tan Jian–Yu*,Zhang Jia-Qi,Leng Yu,Liu Lin-Hua.Energy storage efficiency analyses of CO2 reforming of methane in metal foam solar thermochemical reactor.Applied Thermal Engineering,2017,111:1091–1100(SCI、EI,IF=5.295,Top期刊) Wang Fu-Qiang,Ma Lan-Xin,Tan Jian–Yu*, Guan Zhen–Nan,Liu Lin-Hua.Optical constant measurements of solar thermochemical reaction catalysts and optical window.Optik,2017,131:323–334(SCI、EI,IF=2.443) Tan Jian–Yu,Xie Yin–Mo,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Jing Lin,Ma Lan–Xin.Investigation of optical properties and radiative transfer of TiO2 nanofluids with the consideration of scattering effects.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2017,115:1103–1112.(SCI、EI,IF=5.584,Top期刊) Ma Lan–Xin,Tan Jian–Yu*,Zhao Jun–Ming*,Wang Fu-Qiang,Wang Cheng–An.Multiple and dependent scattering by densely packed discrete spheres: Comparison of radiative transfer and Maxwell theory.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2017,187:255–266(SCI、EI,IF=2.468) Ma Lan–Xin,Tan Jian–Yu*,Zhao Jun–Ming*,Wang Fu-Qiang,Wang Cheng–An,Wang Yan–Yan.Dependent scattering and absorption by densely packed discrete spherical particles: Effects of complex refractive index.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2017,196:94–102(SCI、EI,IF=2.468) Wang Fu-Qiang,Lai Qing–Zhi,Han Huai–Zhi,Tan Jian–Yu*.Parabolic trough receiver with corrugated tube for improving heat transfer and thermal deformation characteristics. Applied Energy,2016,164:411–424(SCI、EI,IF=9.746,入选ESI高引论文,Top期刊) Wang Fu-Qiang,Tang Zhe-Xiang, Gong Xiang-Tao, Tan Jian-Yu*, Han Huai-Zhi, Li Bing-Xi.Heat transfer performance enhancement and thermal strain restrain of tube receiver for parabolic trough solar collector by using asymmetric outward convex corrugated tube. Energy,2016,114:275–292(SCI、EI,IF=7.147,入选ESI高引、热点论文,Top期刊) Wang Fu-Qiang,Guan Zhen-Nan, Tan Jian-Yu*, Ma Lan-Xin, Yan Zhen-Yu, Tan He-Ping.Transient thermal performance response characteristics of porous-medium receiver heated by multi-dish concentrator. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,2016,75:36-41(SCI、EI,IF=5.683) Sitian Qin, Yadong Liu, Xiaoping Xue*, Wang Fu-Qiang. A neurodynamic approach to convex optimization problems with general constraint. Neural Networks,2016,84:113-124(SCI、EI,IF=8.05) (总引用8次,其中自引3次) Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan Jian–Yu*,Jin Hui–Jian,Leng Yu.Thermochemical performance analysis of solar driven CO2 methane reforming.Energy,2015,91:645–654(SCI、EI,IF=7.147,Top期刊) Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan Jian–Yu*,Ma Lan–Xin,Wang Cheng–Chao.Effects of glass cover on heat flux distribution for tube receiver with parabolic trough collector system.Energy Conversion and Management,2015,90:47–52(SCI、EI,IF=9.709,入选ESI高引论文,Top期刊) Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan Jian–Yu*,Ma Lan–Xin,Leng Yu.Effects of key factors on solar aided methane steam reforming in porous medium thermochemical reactor.Energy Conversion and Management,2015,103:419–430(SCI、EI,IF=9.709,Top期刊) Ma Lan–Xin,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Wang Cheng–An,Wang Cheng–Chao,Tan Jian–Yu.Monte Carlo simulation of spectral reflectance and BRDF of the bubble layer in the upper ocean.Optics Express,2015,23(9):24274–24289(SCI、EI,IF=3.894,Top期刊) Wang Fu-Qiang*,Shuai Yong,Tan He–Ping,Gong Liang.Proposal of a shape layout of trapezoid cavity receiver to improve optical efficiency.Heat Transfer Research,2015,46(5),429–446(SCI、EI,IF=2.443) Ma Lan–Xin,Wang Fu-Qiang*,Wang Cheng–An,Wang Cheng–Chao,Tan Jian–Yu.Investigation of the spectral reflectance and bidirectional reflectance distribution function of sea foam layer by the Monte Carlo method.Applied Optics,2015,54(33):9863–9874(SCI、EI,IF=1.98) Wang Fu-Qiang,Guan Zhen–Nan,Tan Jian–Yu*,Yan Zhen–Yu,Leng Yu.Unsteady state thermochemical performance analyses of solar driven steam methane reforming in porous medium reactor.Solar Energy,2015,122:1180–1192(SCI、EI,IF=5.742) Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan Jian–Yu*,Wang Zhi–Qiang.Heat transfer analysis of porous media receiver with different transport and thermophysical models using mixture as feeding gas.Energy Conversion and Management,2014,83:159–166(SCI、EI,IF=9.709,入选ESI高被引论文) Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan Jian–Yu*,Shuai Yong,Gong Liang,Tan He–Ping.Numerical analysis of hydrogen production via methane steam reforming in porous media solar thermochemical reactor using concentrated solar irradiation as heat source.Energy Conversion and Management,2014,87:956–964(SCI、EI,IF=9.709,Top期刊) Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan Jian–Yu*,Ma Lan–Xin,Shuai Yong,Tan He–Ping,Leng Yu.Thermal performance analysis of porous medium solar receiver with quartz window to minimize heat flux gradient.Solar Energy,2014,108:348–359(SCI、EI,IF=5.742) Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan Jian–Yu*,Shuai Yong*,Tan He–Ping,Chu Shuang–Xia.Thermal performance analyses of porous media solar receiver with different irradiative transfer models.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2014,78:7–16(SCI、EI,IF=5.584,Top期刊) Wang Fu-Qiang*,Shuai Yong*,Wang Zhi–Qiang,Leng Yu,Tan He–Ping.Thermal and chemical reaction performance analyses of steam methane reforming in porous media solar thermochemical reactor.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2014,39(2):718–730(SCI、EI,IF=5.816,入选ESI高引论文,Top期刊) Wang Fu-Qiang*,Shuai Yong*,Tan He–Ping,Lin Ri–Yi,Cheng Peng.Researches on a new type of solar surface cladding reactor with concentration quartz window.Solar Energy,2013,94:177–181(SCI、EI,IF=5.742) Wang Fu-Qiang*,Shuai Yong*,Tan He–Ping,Zhang Xiao–Feng,Mao Qian–Jun.Heat transfer analyses of porous media receiver with multi–dish collector by coupling MCRT and FVM method.Solar Energy,2013,93:158–168(SCI、EI,IF=5.742) Wang Fu-Qiang*,Lin Ri–Yi,Liu Bin,Tan He–Ping,Shuai Yong*.Optical efficiency analysis of cylindrical cavity receiver with bottom surface convex.Solar Energy,2013,90:195–204(SCI、EI,IF=5.742) Wang Fu-Qiang*,Shuai Yong,Yuan Yuan,Liu Bin.Effects of material selection on the thermal stresses of tube receiver under concentrated solar irradiation.Materials and Design,2012,33:284–291(SCI、EI,IF=7.991,Top期刊) Shuai Yong*,Wang Fu-Qiang,Xia Xin–Lin,Tan He–Ping*,Liang Ying–Chun.Radiative properties of a solar cavity receiver/reactor with quartz window.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2011,36(19):12148–12158(SCI、EI,IF=5.816,一作为博士副导师,Top期刊) Wang Fu-Qiang,Shuai Yong,Yuan Yuan,Yang Guo,Tan He–Ping*.Thermal stress analysis of eccentric tube receiver using concentrated solar radiation.Solar Energy,2010,84:1809–1815(SCI、EI,IF=5.742) Yuan Yuan,Yi Hong–Liang,Shuai Yong,Wang Fu-Qiang,Tan He–Ping*.Inverse problem for particle size distributions of atmospheric aerosols using stochastic particle swarm optimization.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2010,111(14):2106–2114(SCI、EI,IF=2.468) Chen Zhi–Chao*,Li Zheng–Qi,Jing Jian–Ping,Wang Fu-Qiang, Chen Li–Zhe,Wu Shao–Hua.The influence of fuel bias in the primary air duct on the gas/particle flow characteristics near the swirl burner region.Fuel Processing Technology,2008,89(10),958–965(SCI、EI,IF=7.033) Chen Zhichao*,Li Zheng–Qi,Wang Fu-Qiang,Jing Jian–Ping,Chen Li–Zhe,Wu Shao–Hua.Gas/particle flow characteristics of a centrally fuel rich swirl coal combustion burner.Fuel,2008,87(10),2102–2110(SCI、EI,IF=6.609,Top期刊 桃李满天 名称 代表性博士的毕业去向: 程子明--哈尔滨工业大学 (威海)新能源学院讲师 方向--光谱调控 辐射制冷 毕业:2022年 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