发布日期:2024-04-07 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646
姓名 | 阮爱东 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 河南大学 | 部门 | 地理与遥感学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 博士研究生 |
职称 | 研究员 | 联系方式 | 水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室 |
邮箱 | adruan@hhu.edu.cn | ||
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导航 个人概况 科学研究 教学信息 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 招生信息 阮爱东 职称: 研究员 博士生导师 部门: 地理与遥感学院 学科: 水利工程,环境科学与工程 教学部门: 地理与遥感学院 电话: 邮件: adruan@hhu.edu.cn 办公地址: 水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室 通讯地址: 南京市西康路1号 邮编: 210098 个人简介 阮爱东,博士,河海大学水文水资源学院教授,博士生导师,水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室固定科研人员,江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师。2005年毕业于浙江大学,获得工学博士学位;2009年赴美国麻省理工学院Martin Polz教授课题组做博士后研究;2011年进入河海大学水文水资源学院任教至今。主要从事微生物生态演替动力学、生态水文学、污染水体生物-生态修复理论与技术和水资源高质量开发利用等方面的教学和科研工作。主持或参与国家自然科学基金项目、国家自然科学基金重大计划项目、科技部重大科技攻关项目、江苏省自然科学基金重点项目,以及社会技术服务类项目共计40余项,在国内外发表学术论文60余篇,培养硕士生、博士生40余名。近期主要学术论文:1. Xiaotian Zhou, Jay T. Lennon, Xiang Lu, Aidong Ruan*. Anthropogenic activities mediate stratification and stability of microbial communities in freshwater sediments. Microbiome, 2023, 11:191.2. Yunmei Ma, Shuai Wu, Yaofei Xu, Xiaotian Zhou, Aidong Ruan*. Degradation characteristics of polyethylene film my microorganisms from lake sediments. Environmental Pollution, 333 (2023) 122115.3. Zhipeng Wei, Yaofei Xu, Yingying Shi, Xiaotian Zhou, Jie Lin, Aidong Ruan*. The response mechanism of microorganisms to the organic carbon-driven formation of black and odorons water. Environmental Research,231 (2023) 116255.4. Jie Lin, Xiaotian Zhou, Xiang Lu, Yaofei Xu, Zhipeng Wei, Aidong Ruan*. Grain size distribution drives microbial communities vertically assemble in nascent ;ake sediments. Environmental Research,227 (2023) 115828.5. Yang Chen, Yaofei Xu, Jie Lin,Aidong Ruan*. Microbial community structure and its driving mechanisms in the Hangbu estuary of Chaohu Lake under different sedimentary areas. Enviromental Research 238 (2023) 117153.6. Yingying Shi, Zhipeng Wei, Yaofei Xu, Xiang Lu, Aidong Ruan*. Effects of electrochemical intervention on the remediation of black-odorous water: insights into microbial community dynamics and functional shifts in sediments. Water Science & Technology, 2023, 87(11): 27777. Xiang Lu, Xiaotian Zhou, Christian von Sperber, Yaofei Xu, Zhipeng Wei, Siyan Li, Aidong Ruan*. Whether interstitial space features were the main factors affecting sediment microbial community structures in Chaohu Lake. Frontiers in Microbiology 10.3389/fmicb. 2022. 1024630.8. Xiang Lu, Xiaotian Zhou, Yaofei Xu, Aidong Ruan*, Zhongbo Yu. The investigation of the connections among hydrogeological factors and the emissions of two greenhouse gases in lake sediment. Water Resources Research, 10.1029/2020WR029375.主要科研项目:A. 基础理论研究项目:1. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目:天然甾体雌激素促进水体沉积界面微生物产甲烷代谢生态响应机理(No. 42077221);2. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目:烟草薄片废水处理系统中烟碱的微生物降解机理与调控机制研究(No. 51378175);3. 国家自然科学基金-重大科研计划:好氧甲烷氧化菌对挥发性有机硫化物的代谢特征及其在湖泊水体硫循环中的作用(No. 91851109);4. 科技部重大科技攻关项目:镇江水环境质量改善与生态修复技术研究与示范(No. 2003AA601100);5. 国家重点实验室自主研究课题:典型甾体雌激素在湖泊水体底泥中分布-迁移-降解规律及影响机理(No. 516042412);6. 国家重点实验室自主研究课题:17Bata-雌二醇污染影响湖泊水体甲烷释放的分子生态学研究(No. 514028212);B. 社会服务类项目:7. 《苏州市可用水量确定方案》编制与《苏州市水资源综合规划》修编项目(No.820086416);8. 宣城市城市备用水源项目水资源论证(No. 819153416);9. 《宁国市重要饮用水水源地安全达标建设方案》编制项目(No. 819071916)10. 宁国市水资源保护规划(No. 818028316);11. 宣城市节水型社会建设规划(No. 815014516);12. 郎溪县河湖健康评价和“一河一策”修编采购项目(二包)(No. 822111276) 个人资料 姓名: 阮爱东 性别: 男 学位: 博士 出生年月: 1968-02 学历: 博士研究生 毕业院校: 浙江大学 教育经历 1988.09.01-1990.07.01,发酵工程 1999.09.01-2002.07.01,环境科学 2002.09.01-2005.06.01,环境工程 工作经历 2005.07-,河海大学重点实验室 2009.08-2010.10,麻省理工学院,博士后研究 2011.01-至今,河海大学水文水资源学院,副教授、教授 研究领域 科研项目 1、镇江水环境质量改善与生态修复技术研究及示范,2003.03.01-2006.11.12,镇江市水利投资公司,水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室 2、水质状况对水体底泥微生物系统环境效应的影响机理研究,-2007.12.31,河海大学,水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室 3、内湖滨岸修复Ⅱ区至Ⅴ区示范工程,2006.08.15-2006.11.12,镇江市水利投资公司,水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室 4、人类活动影响下浅水湖泊水生态与水环境演变规律研究,2007.12.01-,水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室,水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室 5、高藻水源水处理技术与工艺研究及示范,2007.08.25-2011.04.15,清华大学,环境学院 6、宣城市双桥污水处理厂排污口论证,2012.02.28-,宣城市住房和城乡建设委员会,水文水资源学院 7、烟草薄片废水处理系统中烟碱的微生物降解机理与调控机制研究,2014.01.01-2017.12.31,国家自然科学基金委,水文水资源学院 8、宣城市关庙水库水资源论证,2012.06.21-,宣城市关庙水库筹建处,水文水资源学院 9、宣城市敬亭圩污水处理厂排污口论证,2012.02.28-,宣城市住房和城乡建设委员会,水文水资源学院 10、17β-雌二醇污染影响湖泊水体甲烷释放的分子生态学机理研究,2014.09.01-,水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室,水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室 11、中国水文化嵌入生态文明建设布局研究,2015.01.01-2017.03.17,马克思主义学院 12、宣城市节水型社会建设规划,2014.10.21-2015.05.21,宣城市水务局,水文水资源学院 13、宣城市城市应急备用水源(关庙水库)工程水资源论证,2016.07.04-,宣城市市政公用事业管理局,水文水资源学院 14、典型甾体雌激素在湖泊水体底泥中垂向分布-迁移-降解规律及其影响机理,2016.12.01-,水文水资源与水利工程国家重点实验室,水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室 15、宁国市水资源保护规划,2017.05.31-,宁国市水务局,水文水资源学院 16、中国芍陂保护与发展研究规划,2017.10.20-,淮南市水利局,马克思主义学院 17、郎溪县节约用水规划,2017.10.19-,郎溪县水务局,水文水资源学院 18、中津河、板桥河、城市三条内河和畈村水库“一河一策”方案编制,2017.11.21-,宁国市水务局,水文水资源学院 19、宣城市港口湾水库“一库一策”实施方案编制,2017.11.24-,宣城市商务局,水文水资源学院 20、好氧甲烷氧化菌对挥发性有机硫化物的代谢特性及其在湖泊水体硫循环中的作用,2019.01.01-,浙江大学,水文水资源学院 21、郎溪县自来水总公司水资源论证报告书,2018.10.31-,郎溪县自来水总公司,水文水资源学院 22、宁国市重要饮用水源地安全达标建设方案,2018.12.03-,宁国市水务局,水文水资源学院 23、《宁国市重要饮用水源地安全达标建设方案》编制项目,2019.04.15-,宁国市水利局,水文水资源学院 24、宣城市城市备用水源项目水资源论证,2019.09.01-,宣城市城市管理综合执法局,水文水资源学院 显示更多 论文 1、EFFECT OF LOW CONCENTRATION 17 beta-ESTRADIOL ON THE EMISSIONS OF CH4 AND CO2 IN ANAEROBIC SEDIMENTS,ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY,01-JAN-13 2、Effect of dissolved oxygen on nitrogen purification of microbial ecosystem in sediments,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING,01-JAN-09 3、Studies on Biodegradation of Nicotine by Arthrobacter sp. Strain HF-2,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH, PART B,01-JAN-06 4、Effect of nicotine on microbial community structure in soil by DGGE fingerprinting,Proceedings of 15th Congress of APD-IAHR,01-JAN-06 5、Studies on biodegradation of nicotine by Arthrobacter sp strain HF-2,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART B-PESTICIDES FOOD CONTAMINANTS AND AGRICULTURAL WASTES,01-JAN-06 6、Phylogenetic and degradation characterization of Burkholderia cepacia WZ1 degrading herbicide quinclorac.,Journal of Environmental Science and Health, part B,01-JAN-03 7、Protective effects of seabuckthorn seed oil on mouse injury induced by sulgur dioxide inhalation,Inhalation Toxicology,01-JAN-03 8、Micronuclei induced by sulfur dioxide inhalation in mouse bone-marrowcells in vivo,Inhalation Toxicology,01-JAN-02 9、Effects of 17-estradiol pollution on water microbial methane oxidation activity,Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,01-APR-14 10、Effects of 17β-estradiol on emissions of greenhouse gases in simulative natural water body,Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,01-MAY-15 11、Effects of 17β-estradiol on typical greenhouse gas emissions in aquatic anaerobic ecosystem,Water science and technology,01-JUN-15 12、Effect of USAB reactor configurations and wastewater characteristics on the degradation of nicotine in tobacco sheet wastewater,2015 IWA Alternative Water Resources Conference,31-MAY-15 13、Effects of varying estuarine conditions on the sorption of phenanthrene to sediment particles of Yangtze Estuary,MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN,15-NOV-13 14、Responses of oxidation rate and microbial communities to methane in simulated landfill cover soil microcosms,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-OCT-08 15、Proteomic Analysis of Pyrene StressResponsive within Plant Roots,PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ASIANEUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY AND KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER,06-JUN-08 16、Effects of methane on the microbial populations and oxidation rates in different landfill cover soil columns,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART ATOXIC/ HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING,01-DEC-07 17、Analysis of effect of nicotine on microbial community structure in sediment using PCR-DGGE fingerprinting,Water Science and Engineering,01-DEC-15 18、Photochemical degradation of PAHs in estuarine surface water: effects of DOM, salinity, and suspended particulate matter,environmental science and pollution research,01-AUG-15 19、Impacts of configurations of the up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor and nitrogen forms on the nicotine degradation in tobacco sheet wastewater,DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,01-JAN-17 20、Isolation and characterization of a novel nicotinophilic bacterium, Arthrobacter sp. aRF-1 and its metabolic pathway,Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry,01-JAN-18 21、Isolation and characterization of a novel nicotinophilic bacterium, Arthrobacter sp. aRF-1 and its metabolic pathway.,Biotechnology and applied biochemistry,10-AUG-18 22、Isolation and characterization of a novel nicotinophilic bacterium, Arthrobacter sp. aRF-1 and its metabolic pathway,BIOTECHNOLOGY AND APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY,01-JAN-18 23、EFFECT OF LOW CONCENTRATION 17 beta-ESTRADIOL ON THE EMISSIONS OF CH4 AND CO2 IN ANAEROBIC SEDIMENTS,ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY,2013-01-01 24、Effect of dissolved oxygen on nitrogen purification of microbial ecosystem in sediments,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING,2009-01-01 25、Studies on Biodegradation of Nicotine by Arthrobacter sp. Strain HF-2,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH, PART B,2006-01-01 26、Effect of nicotine on microbial community structure in soil by DGGE fingerprinting,Proceedings of 15th Congress of APD-IAHR,2006-01-01 27、Studies on biodegradation of nicotine by Arthrobacter sp strain HF-2,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART B-PESTICIDES FOOD CONTAMINANTS AND AGRICULTURAL WASTES,2006-01-01 28、Phylogenetic and degradation characterization of Burkholderia cepacia WZ1 degrading herbicide quinclorac.,Journal of Environmental Science and Health, part B,2003-01-01 29、Protective effects of seabuckthorn seed oil on mouse injury induced by sulgur dioxide inhalation,Inhalation Toxicology,2003-01-01 30、Micronuclei induced by sulfur dioxide inhalation in mouse bone-marrowcells in vivo,Inhalation Toxicology,2002-01-01 31、Effects of 17-estradiol pollution on water microbial methane oxidation activity,Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,2014-04-01 32、我国天然水体中环境雌激素的污染现状及其生态效应研究进展,四川环境,2014-10-10 33、Effects of 17β-estradiol on emissions of greenhouse gases in simulative natural water body,Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,2015-05-01 34、Effects of 17β-estradiol on typical greenhouse gas emissions in aquatic anaerobic ecosystem,Water science and technology,2015-06-01 35、Effect of USAB reactor configurations and wastewater characteristics on the degradation of nicotine in tobacco sheet wastewater,2015 IWA Alternative Water Resources Conference,2015-05-31 36、Effects of varying estuarine conditions on the sorption of phenanthrene to sediment particles of Yangtze Estuary,MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN,2013-11-15 37、Responses of oxidation rate and microbial communities to methane in simulated landfill cover soil microcosms,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2008-10-01 38、Proteomic Analysis of Pyrene StressResponsive within Plant Roots,PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ASIANEUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY AND KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER,2008-06-06 39、Effects of methane on the microbial populations and oxidation rates in different landfill cover soil columns,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART ATOXIC/ HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING,2007-12-01 40、Analysis of effect of nicotine on microbial community structure in sediment using PCR-DGGE fingerprinting,Water Science and Engineering,2015-12-01 41、Photochemical degradation of PAHs in estuarine surface water: effects of DOM, salinity, and suspended particulate matter,environmental science and pollution research,2015-08-01 42、我国水域水葫芦的分布·影响·防治措施,安徽农业科学,2016-11-07 43、Impacts of configurations of the up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor and nitrogen forms on the nicotine degradation in tobacco sheet wastewater,DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,2017-01-01 44、17β-雌二醇污染对微生物甲烷氧化功能的影响,环境科技,2018-04-25 45、微量金属元素污染对水体藻类影响的研究进展,环境科学与技术,2018-02-26 46、Isolation and characterization of a novel nicotinophilic bacterium, Arthrobacter sp. aRF-1 and its metabolic pathway,BIOTECHNOLOGY AND APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY,2018-01-01 47、The Investigation of the Connections Among Hydrogeological Factors and the Emissions of Two Greenhouse Gases in Lake Sediment,WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH,2021-05-01 48、太湖不同水域沉积物甲烷释放潜力及其途径分析,四川环境,2021-01-01 49、新疆荒漠地带裸土剖面微生物群落结构和功能分析,生物资源,2022-01-01 50、基于高通量测序技术的新疆哈密地区盐碱地土壤细菌群落结构分析,湖北农业科学,2022-01-01 51、Whether interstitial space features were the main factors affecting sediment microbial community structures in Chaohu Lake,Frontiers in Microbiology,2022-12-14 52、Microbial community structure and its driving mechanisms in the Hangbu estuary of Chaohu Lake under different sedimentary areas.,ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2023-09-21 53、Anthropogenic activities mediate stratification and stability of microbial communities in freshwater sediments,MICROBIOME,2023-08-26 54、Degradation characteristics of polyethylene film by microorganisms from lake sediments,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2023-07-15 55、Effects of electrochemical intervention on the remediation of black-odorous water: insights into microbial community dynamics and functional shifts in sediments,WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2023-06-01 56、The response mechanism of microorganisms to the organic carbon-driven formation of black and odorous water,ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2023-05-15 57、Grain size distribution drives microbial communities vertically assemble in nascent lake sediments,ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2023-06-15 显示更多 科技成果 1、浮动式生态护坡基质载体,2007-05-23,环境学院,实用新型,3 2、一种改进型河流湖泊底泥采样器,2017-07-04,水文水资源学院,实用新型,3 3、一种可调节多口径电动试管刷,2017-05-24,水文水资源学院,实用新型,3 4、一种下水道发电机,2018-01-16,水文水资源学院,实用新型,3 5、一种防滴水保温杯,2018-03-16,水文水资源学院,实用新型,3 6、一种污水采样器,2017-09-19,水文水资源学院,实用新型,3 7、一种污水采样器,2017/09/19,水文水资源学院,实用新型,3 8、一种改进型河流湖泊底泥采样器,2017/07/04,水文水资源学院,实用新型,3 9、一种可调节多口径电动试管刷,2017/05/24,水文水资源学院,实用新型,3 10、一种酒精灯转动托盘装置,2019-11-08,水文水资源学院,实用新型,3 开授课程 教学成果 教学资源 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 招生信息 招生专业:博士生:水文及水资源、生态水利学硕士生:水文及水资源、生态水利学、自然地理、土木水利(专硕)欢迎水文及水资源、生态水利学、环境微生物学、环境科学与工程和生态学等专业的学生报考我的博士生或硕士生。 内容来自集群智慧云企服 www.jiqunzhihui.net