发布日期:2024-04-07 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646
姓名 | 段朝霞 | 性别 | 女 |
学校 | 河南大学 | 部门 | 信息学部、人工智能与自动化学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 博士研究生 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 勤学楼1212 |
邮箱 | duanzx1989@163.com | ||
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导航 个人概况 科学研究 教学信息 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 招生信息,段朝霞 职称: 副教授 硕士生导师 部门: 信息学部、人工智能与自动化学院 学科: 控制科学与工程 教学部门: 信息学部、人工智能与自动化学院 电话: 邮件: duanzx1989@163.com 办公地址: 勤学楼1212 通讯地址: 邮编: 个人简介 段朝霞,女,1989.10,籍贯四川省广安市,博士,河海大学能电学院讲师,硕士生导师。主要研究方向为多维系统理论,切换系统理论,正系统理论,多智能体网络,模糊控制及鲁棒控制等。主讲《自动控制原理》《智能控制理论》等课程。每年可招收硕士生2~3名,欢迎报考。学术任职:担任IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics、IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems、Journal of the Franklin Institute、Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing等国际学术期刊以及Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC)等国际学术会议审稿人。 个人资料 姓名: 段朝霞 性别: 女 学位: 博士 学历: 博士研究生 毕业院校: 南京理工大学 教育经历 2007年9月-2011年6月,南京理工大学,自动化,学士 2011年九月-2016年11月,南京理工大学,控制科学与工程,工学博士 工作经历 2013年10月-2014年5月,日本芝浦工业大学,科研,访问学者 2017.02.01-2023.05.01,河海大学 2019.12.01-2022.04.01,东南大学 2017.02-2023.06,河海大学能源与电气学院,讲师 研究领域 1. 基于 2-D 模型的自主车队系统队列稳定性分析及控制设计2. 2-D连续离散系统的分析设计及应用3. 非线性2-D离散系统的有限频分析与控制设计3. 离散多维切换系统的分析设计与应用4. 多层拓扑结构的多智能体系统一致性问题研究 科研项目 1、2-D连续离散系统的分析设计及应用,2018.01.01-2019.12.31,能源与电气学院 2、基于2-D模型的自主车队系统队列稳定性分析及控制设计,2018.01.01-,国家自然科学基金委员会,能源与电气学院 3、非线性2-D离散系统的有限频分析与控制设计,2019.01.01-2020.12.31,能源与电气学院 论文 1、Finite frequency filter design for nonlinear 2-D continuous systems in T-S form,2017-01-01,能源与电气学院 2、Finite frequency H∞filtering for continuous 2-D roesser systems,Chinese Control Conference, CCC,01-JAN-17 3、Finite frequency filter design for nonlinear 2-D continuous systems in T–S form,Journal of the Franklin Institute,01-JAN-17 4、A High-order Iterative Learning Control for Discrete-Time Linear Switched Systems,2018 57th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2018,01-JAN-18 5、Stability and l1-gain analysis for positive 2D fuzzy systems in Roesser model,Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2018,01-JAN-18 6、Necessary and Sufficient Stability Criterion and Stabilization for Positive 2-D Continuous-Time Systems with Multiple Delays,Asian Journal of Control,01-MAR-19 7、Fault detection observer design for 2-D continuous nonlinear systems with finite frequency specifications,ISA Transactions,01-JAN-19 8、Synchronization problem of 2-D coupled dynamical networks with communication delays,Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing,01-JAN-18 9、Robust L2-L-infinity filter design for uncertain 2-D continuous nonlinear delayed systems with saturation,IEEE Access,31-DEC-18 10、Filter design for discrete-time two-dimensional T-S fuzzy systtems with finite frequency specification,International Journal of Systems Science,01-FEB-19 11、Duan Zhaoxia, Shen Jian, Imran Ghous, H∞ Filtering for Discrete-time 2-D T-S fuzzy Systems with Finite Frequency Disturbances, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2019, Accepted. 12、Duan Zhaoxia, Imran Ghous, Shen Jian. Fault Detection Observer Design for Nonlinear 2-D Discrete-Time Systems with Finite-Frequency Specifications, Fuzzy Sets & Systems, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2019.05.004 (SCI,一区,Top期刊) 13、Duan Zhaoxia, Zhou Jun, Shen Jian. Filter Design for Discrete-Time Two-Dimensional T-S Fuzzy Systems with Finite Frequency Specification, International Journal of Systems Science, 2019, 50(3): 599-613.(SCI) 14、Duan Zhaoxia, Imran Ghous, Huang Shipei, Jinna Fu. Fault Detection Observer Design for 2-D Continuous Nonlinear Systems with Finite Frequency Specifications, ISA Transactions, 2019,84:1-12. (SCI,二区) 15、Duan Zhaoxia, Akhtar Jahanzeb, Ghous Imran, Jawad Muhammad, Khosa Ikramullah. Improving the Tracking of Subatomic Particles Using the Unscented Kalman Filter With Measurement Redundancy in High Energy Physics Experiments. IEEE Access 2019, 7: 61728-61737.(SCI, 二区) 16、 Duan Zhaoxia, Imran Ghous, Wang Bing, Shen Jian. Necessary and Sufficient Stability Criterion and Stabilization for Positive 2-D Continuous-Time Systems with Multiple Delays, Asian Journal of Control, 2019, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 1355–1366. (SCI) 17、 Duan Zhaoxia, Shen Jian, Synchronization Problem of 2-D Coupled Dynamical Networks with Communication Delays and Missing Measurements, Multidimensional Systems & Signal Processing, 2019,30(1):39-67. 18、Duan Zhaoxia, Imran Ghous, Akhtar Jahanzeb, Hussain Mujtaba. Robust L2 - L∞ filter design for uncertain 2-D continuous nonlinear delayed systems with saturation, IEEE Access, 2018,6(1): 73647-73658.(SCI,二区) 19、Duan Zhaoxia, Zhou Jun, Shen Jian, Finite frequency filter design for nonlinear 2-D continuous systems in T-S form, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2017, 354(18): 8606-8625. (SCI, 二区) 20、 Duan Zhaoxia, Xiang Zhengrong, Finite frequency H∞ control of 2-D continuous systems in Roesser model. Multidimensional Systems & Signal Processing, 2017, 28(4): 1481-1497. (SCI) 21、 Duan Zhaoxia, Zhai Guisheng, Xiang Zhengrong, Exponential consensus for hierarchical multi-agent systems with switching topology and inter-layer communication delay, IET Control Theory and application, 2016, 10(4): 451-460.(SCI) 22、 Duan Zhaoxia, Xiang Zhengrong, Karimi Hamid Reza, Stability and l1-gain analysis for positive 2D T-S fuzzy state-delayed systems in the second FM model, Neurocomputing, 2015,157:70-75. (SCI) 23、Zhaoxia Duan, Guisheng Zhai, Zhengrong Xiang, State consensus for hierarchical multi-agent dynamical systems with inter-layer communication time delay, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2015, 352(3): 1235-1249. (SCI) 24、Duan Zhaoxia, Xiang Zhengrong, Hamid Reza Karimi, Robust stabilization of 2D state-delayed stochastic systems with randomly occurring uncertainties and nonlinearities, International Journal of Systems Science, 2014,45(7): 1402-1415. (SCI) 25、 Duan Zhaoxia, Xiang Zhengrong, Hamid Reza Karimi, Delay-dependent exponential stabilization of positive 2D switched state-delayed systems in the Roesser model, Information Sciences,2014, 272: 173-184. (SCI) 26、 Duan Zhaoxia, Xiang Zhengrong, State feedback H∞ control for discrete 2D switched systems, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2013, 350(6): 1513-1530.(SCI) 27、Duan Zhaoxia, Xiang Zhengrong, Hamid Reza Karimi, Delay-dependent H∞ control for 2-D switched delay systems in the second FM model, Journal of the Franklin Institute,2013, 350(7): 1697-1718.(SCI) 28、Duan Zhaoxia, Xiang Zhengrong, Output feedback H∞ stabilization of 2D discrete switched systems in FM LSS model, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing,2014, 33(4): 1095-1117. (SCI) 29、Duan Zhaoxia, Xiang Zhengrong, H2 output feedback controller design for discrete-time 2D switched systems, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,2014, 36(1): 68-77. (SCI) 30、Duan Zhaoxia, Karimi Hamid Reza, Xiang Zhengrong, Stability and l1-gain analysis for positive 2D systems with state delays in the Roesser model, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, (2013-3-17), 2013, 2013(3):209-215. (SCI) 31、 Zhaoxia Duan, Jinna Fu, Zhixing Zhang, Yuming Tian, Xiao Yu. Synchronization for Two-dimensional Continuous Coupled Dynamical Networks with Delays, The 31th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Nanchang, China, 2019 32、 Duan Zhaoxia, Shen Jian, Imran Ghous, Stability and l1-gain analysis for positive 2D fuzzy systems in Roesser model, The 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 9-11 June 2018, Shenyang, China,2018, pp. 2460-2464. (EI) 33、 Duan Zhaoxia, Shen Jian, Duan Wenyong, Finite Frequency H∞ Filtering for Continuous 2-D Roesser Systems,The 36th Chinese Control Conference, Dalian, IEEE, 2017, 3224-3229. (EI) 34、 Duan Zhaoxia, Xiang Zhengrong, Finite-time Boundedness and -gain Analysis for Discrete Positive Switched Systems with Time-varying Delay, The 32nd Chinese Control Conference, Xi’an, China, July 26-28, pp. 2090-2095, 2013. (EI) 35、Improving the Tracking of Subatomic Particles Using the Unscented Kalman Filter With Measurement Redundancy in High Energy Physics Experiments,IEEE Access,23-APR-19 36、H∞ Filtering for Discrete-time 2-D T-S fuzzy Systems with Finite Frequency Disturbances,IET Control Theory & Applications,01-DEC-19 37、Fault Detection Observer Design for Nonlinear 2-D Discrete-Time Systems with Finite-Frequency Specifications,Fuzzy Sets & Systems,2019-12-01,能源与电气学院 38、Synchronization for Two-dimensional Continuous Coupled Dynamical Networks with Delays,The 31th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC),01-SEP-19 39、Robust stabilization of uncertain 2-D discrete-time delayed systems using sliding mode control,Journal of the Franklin Institute,01-NOV-19 40、Polynomial activation neural networks: Modeling, stability analysis and coverage BP-training,Neurocompting,2019-09-24,能源与电气学院 41、Partial and Local Argument Properties of Holomorphic and Meromorphic Complex Functions in Several Variables,MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2019-08-12,能源与电气学院 42、Fault detection observer design for discrete-time 2-D T-S fuzzy systems with finite-frequency specifications,Fuzzy Sets and Systems,01-JAN-19 43、Synchronization for Two-dimensional Continuous Coupled Dynamical Networks with Delays,Proceedings of the 31st Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2019,01-JAN-19 44、Polynomial activation neural networks: Modeling, stability analysis and coverage BP-training,NEUROCOMPUTING,01-JAN-19 45、Partial and Local Argument Properties of Holomorphic and Meromorphic Complex Functions in Several Variables,MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,01-JAN-19 46、H∞ Control Problem of Discrete 2-D Switched Mixed Delayed Systems Using the Improved Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functional,International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems,02-JAN-20 47、l1 -induced norm and controller synthesis for positive 2D systems with multiple delays,Journal of the Franklin Institute,05-AUG-20 48、Fault detection observer design for discrete-time 2-D T-S fuzzy systems with finite-frequency specifications,Fuzzy Sets and Systems,05-JAN-20 49、l(1)-induced norm and controller synthesis for positive 2D systems with multiple delays,JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,01-JAN-20 50、Fault detection observer design for discrete-time 2-D T-S fuzzy systems with finite-frequency specifications,FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS,01-JAN-20 51、H-infinity Control Problem of Discrete 2-D Switched Mixed Delayed Systems Using the Improved Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functional,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS,01-JAN-20 52、Finite frequency H∞filtering for continuous 2-D roesser systems,Chinese Control Conference, CCC,2017-01-01 53、Finite frequency filter design for nonlinear 2-D continuous systems in T–S form,Journal of the Franklin Institute,2017-01-01 54、A High-order Iterative Learning Control for Discrete-Time Linear Switched Systems,2018 57th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2018,2018-01-01 55、Stability and l1-gain analysis for positive 2D fuzzy systems in Roesser model,Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2018,2018-01-01 56、Necessary and Sufficient Stability Criterion and Stabilization for Positive 2-D Continuous-Time Systems with Multiple Delays,Asian Journal of Control,2019-03-01 57、Fault detection observer design for 2-D continuous nonlinear systems with finite frequency specifications,ISA Transactions,2019-01-01 58、Synchronization problem of 2-D coupled dynamical networks with communication delays,Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing,2018-01-01 59、Robust L2-L-infinity filter design for uncertain 2-D continuous nonlinear delayed systems with saturation,IEEE Access,2018-12-31 60、Filter design for discrete-time two-dimensional T-S fuzzy systtems with finite frequency specification,International Journal of Systems Science,2019-02-01 61、Improving the Tracking of Subatomic Particles Using the Unscented Kalman Filter With Measurement Redundancy in High Energy Physics Experiments,IEEE Access,2019-04-23 62、H∞ Filtering for Discrete-time 2-D T-S fuzzy Systems with Finite Frequency Disturbances,IET Control Theory & Applications,2019-12-01 63、Synchronization for Two-dimensional Continuous Coupled Dynamical Networks with Delays,The 31th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC),01-SEP-19 64、Robust stabilization of uncertain 2-D discrete-time delayed systems using sliding mode control,Journal of the Franklin Institute,2019-11-01 65、Fault detection observer design for discrete-time 2-D T-S fuzzy systems with finite-frequency specifications,Fuzzy Sets and Systems,01-JAN-19 66、Synchronization for Two-dimensional Continuous Coupled Dynamical Networks with Delays,Proceedings of the 31st Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2019,2019-01-01 67、Polynomial activation neural networks: Modeling, stability analysis and coverage BP-training,NEUROCOMPUTING,2019-01-01 68、Partial and Local Argument Properties of Holomorphic and Meromorphic Complex Functions in Several Variables,MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2019-01-01 69、H∞ Control Problem of Discrete 2-D Switched Mixed Delayed Systems Using the Improved Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functional,International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems,02-JAN-20 70、l1 -induced norm and controller synthesis for positive 2D systems with multiple delays,Journal of the Franklin Institute,05-AUG-20 71、Fault detection observer design for discrete-time 2-D T-S fuzzy systems with finite-frequency specifications,Fuzzy Sets and Systems,05-JAN-20 72、l(1)-induced norm and controller synthesis for positive 2D systems with multiple delays,JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2020-01-01 73、Fault detection observer design for discrete-time 2-D T-S fuzzy systems with finite-frequency specifications,FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS,2020-01-01 74、H-infinity Control Problem of Discrete 2-D Switched Mixed Delayed Systems Using the Improved Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functional,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS,2020-01-01 75、L1-gain Control Design for Positive 2D Continuous Delayed Systems,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs,2021-01-01 76、On mixed l1/l- fault detection observer design for positive 2D Roesser systems: Necessary and sufficient conditions,Journal of the Franklin Institute,2021-01-01 77、Mixed l1/l- fault detection for positive 2D systems with distributed delays,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics: Systems,2022-02-18 78、 l1-gain controller design for 2D Markov jump positive systems with directional delays,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics: Systems,2022-03-18 79、l(1)-Gain Controller Design for 2-D Markov Jump Positive Systems With Directional Delays,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS,2022-05-03 80、Mixed l(1)/l(-) Fault Detection for Positive 2-D Systems With Distributed Delays,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS,2022-03-31 81、L-1-Gain Control Design for Positive 2D Continuous Delayed Systems,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS,2022-05-03 82、On mixed l(1)/l- fault detection observer design for positive 2D Roesser systems: Necessary and sufficient conditions,JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2022-03-31 83、l(1)-Gain Controller Design for 2-D Markov Jump Positive Systems With Directional Delays,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS,2022-12-01 84、Mixed l(1)/l(-) Fault Detection for Positive 2-D Systems With Distributed Delays,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS,2022-11-01 85、L-1-Gain Control Design for Positive 2D Continuous Delayed Systems,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS,2022-03-01 86、On mixed l(1)/l- fault detection observer design for positive 2D Roesser systems: Necessary and sufficient conditions,JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2022-01-01 87、On l(1)-gain control for 2D delayed positive systems in FM LSS models: necessary and sufficient conditions,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE,2022-12-10 88、l-Gain Controller Design for 2-D Markov Jump Positive Systems With Directional Delays,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems,2022-01-01 89、Mixed /_Fault Detection for Positive 2-D Systems With Distributed Delays,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems,2021-11-01 90、L1-stochastic Stability and L1-gain Control for 2D Positive Markov Jump Systems,Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 11th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2022,2022-01-01 91、Mixed l1/l- fault detection observer design for delayed 2D positive systems in FM LSS models,ISA Transactions,2022-12-20 92、On l1-gain control for 2D delayed positive systems in FM LSS models: necessary and sufficient conditions,International Journal of Systems Science,2022-08-13 93、Mixed L1/L- Fault Detection Observer for Continuous 2D Positive Systems,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs,2022-12-30 94、L1/L- observer-based fault detection for 2D delayed positive continuous-time systems,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs,2023-02-18 95、Fault detection in wind turbine transmission systems via finite frequency observers,ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL 96、Finite Frequency H-8 Control for Doubly Fed Induction Generators with Input Delay and Gain Disturbance,SUSTAINABILITY,2023-03-01 97、L-1/L- Observer-Based Fault Detection for 2-D Delayed Positive Continuous-Time Systems,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS,2023-08-01 98、Mixed L-1/L- Fault Detection Observer for Continuous 2-D Positive Systems,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS,2023-07-01 99、Mixed l(1)/l(-) fault detection observer design for delayed 2D positive systems in FM LSS Models,ISA TRANSACTIONS,2023-05-01 100、Consensus Analysis for Multi-agent Systems with Markov Switching Hierarchical Network Topology,Proceedings of 2023 IEEE 12th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2023,2023-01-01 101、L1/L- Observer-Based Fault Detection for 2-D Delayed Positive Continuous-Time Systems,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS,2023-08-01 102、Mixed L1/L- Fault Detection Observer for Continuous 2-D Positive Systems,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS,2023-07-01 103、Fault detection in wind turbine transmission systems via finite frequency observers,ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL,2023-07-01 104、Finite Frequency H8 Control for Doubly Fed Induction Generators with Input Delay and Gain Disturbance,SUSTAINABILITY,2023-03-01 105、Mixed l1/l- fault detection observer design for delayed 2D positive systems in FM LSS Models,ISA TRANSACTIONS,2023-05-01 显示更多 科技成果 1、 2、 开授课程 1、自动控制原理,本科生,65,64 2、智能控制理论,本科生,65,32 教学成果 1. 河海大学第二十五届教师讲课竞赛(青年组)三等奖,20182. 河海大学2018届本科生毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师,2018 教学资源 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 1、河海大学大禹学者,第四层次,2017 2、河海大学第二十五届教师讲课竞赛(青年组)三等奖,2018 3、Journal of the Franklin Institute杰出审稿人,2018 4、河海大学2018届本科生毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师,2018 招生信息 内容来自集群智慧云企服 请访问正版网址 www.jiqunzhihui.net