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姓名 | 邹艳红 | 性别 | |
学校 | 湖南大学 | 部门 | 物理与微电子科学学院 |
学位 | 学历 | ||
职称 | 联系方式 | yanhongzou@hnu.edu.cn | |
邮箱 | yanhongzou@hnu.edu.cn | ||
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基本信息 邹艳红,女,博士,教授/博士生导师。1998 年、2002年和2006年分别取得湖南大学学士、硕士和博士学位。2006 年5 月湖南大学材料学博士研究生毕业,主要从事新型碳材料、通讯技术、电磁场与微波技术、电子信息及深度学习在电磁波操控领域的应用以及新能源技术等研究工作。2007 年加入湖南大学计算机与通信学院。2010 年,在美国爱荷华州立大学能源部重点实验室Ames laboratory 进行为期1 年的交流访问。现为湖南大学物理与微电子科学学院电子科学与技术系系主任。 已主持或参与完成973项目2项,国家自然科学基金5项,湖南省科技计划重点研发计划5项,湖南省市级纵向科研项目20余项。作为主要完成人,2018年获教育部高校科研优秀成果奖(科学技术)二等奖。获得国防和发明专利授权10项,在Carbon、IEEE、Applied Physics Letter,Photonics Research和Nano Research等国内外著名期刊上发表论文100 余篇。 E-mail: yanhongzou@hnu.edu.cn
内容来自集群智慧云企服 请访问正版网址 www.jiqunzhihui.net
教育背景 1994.09-1998.06 湖南大学化工工艺 本科 1999.09-2002.06 湖南大学材料学 硕士 2002.09-2006.05 湖南大学材料学 博士
工作履历 1998.07-1999.08 长沙矿山研究院 技术员 2006.06-2007.04 中南大学 博士后 2007.05-2007.12 湖南大学 助理教授 2010.08-2011.08 爱荷华州立大学 访问学者 2008.01-2018.12 湖南大学 副教授 2019.1-至今 湖南大学 教授 内容来自集群智慧云企服 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理
科研项目 [1]2023年横向项目:基于深度学习的******技术研发,2023-2024,150万,主持 [2]2022年横向项目:水凝胶人工微波吸收结构的仿真计算,2022-2023,6万,主持 [3]2021年湖南省科技计划:基于液态介质编码超材料的构筑及电磁性能研究,2021-2023,5万,主持 [4]2020年长沙市科技计划:增材制造在电磁波传输与控制领域中的应用研究,2020-2022,10万,主持 [5]2020年横向项目:复合石墨双极板性能检测方法及测试,2020-2021,20万,参与 [6]2019长沙市工业科技特派员—邹艳红,2020-2021,10万,主持 [7]2018湖南省重点实验室:低维结构物理与器件湖南省重点实验室,2018-2021,100万,参与 [8]2017年湖南省重点研发计划:稻田智能装备研究与开发,2017NK2020,2017-2019,110万,主持 [9]2013年国家自然科学基金面上项目:复合型微结构材料电光特性的调控机理和制备方法研究,2013-2017, 76万,主持 [10]2010年省发改委省级产业研发项目:超常材料在微波领域的应用研究, 2010-2011,3万,主持 [11]2009年湖南省自然科学基金青年基金:超常材料与常规材料组合电磁特性研究,09JJ4026,2009-2011,2 万,主持 [12]2009年长沙市科技计划:高性能宽频段微波吸收材料研究,k0902023-11,2009-2011,10万,主持 [13]2008年国家自然科学基金:复合型超常材料及其微波吸收特性研究 50802027,2009-2011,20万,主持
内容来自集群智慧云企服 软件著作权666元代写全部资料全国受理
学术成果 代表性论文如下: [1]Xiang Fang , Wei Li , Xiqiao Chen , Zhuang Wu , Zilong Zhang , Yanhong Zou.Controlling the microstructure of biomass-derived porous carbon to assemble structural absorber for broadening bandwidth.Carbon 198 (2022) 70–79. [2]XiaocanWang,ChenLiu,LinWu,YanhongZou,and Li Yang. Effects of Needle Coke Conductive Additiveon the Performance of Graphite/Resin Composite Plates.ChemistrySelect, 2022, 7, e20210373. [3]Wei Li, Xiqiao Chen, Zilong Zhang, Zhuang Wu, Li Yang and Yanhong Zou*, Ultralight and Low-cost Structural Absorbers with Enhanced Microwave Absorption Performance Based on Sustainable Waste Biomass, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2022,70(1):401-407. [4]Wei Li , Zilong Zhang, Yangyang Lv, ZhuangWu , Li Yang , Wenxing Zou , Yanhong Zou* ,Ultralight Coral-like hierarchical Fe/CNTs/Porous carbon composite derived from biomass with tunable microwave absorption performance, Applied surface science, 2022-01-01, Vol.57. [5]Xiqiao Chen, Wei Li, Zhuang Wu, Zilong Zhang, Yanhong Zou*, Origami-based microwave absorber with a reconfigurable bandwidth. Optics Letters, 2021, 46(6) 1349-1352 [6]Zilong Zhang, Yaoyi He, Yangyang Lv, Lei Zhang, Xiqiao Chen, Zhuang Wu, and Yanhong Zou*, Effect of Surface Structure and Composition on the Electromagnetic Properties of Ti3C2Tx MXenes for Highly Efficient Electromagnetic Wave Absorption. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020, 124, 19666−19674. [7]Xianjun Huang, Mingtuan Lin*, Zhuang Wu, Kai Cheng, Tao Tian,Dongfang Guan,Xiaoliang Sun, Shanrong Hu, Yuanlong Liang, Jibin Liu, Yanhong Zou, Peiguo Liu. Screen Overprinted Flexible Radar Absorber Composed of Planar Resistor Loaded Metamaterials. IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, 2020, 19(8): 1281-1285 [8]Jie Li, Zilong Zhang, Jun Yi, Lili Miao*, Jing Huang, Jinrui Zhang, Yuan He, Bin Huang,Chujun Zhao*, Yanhong Zou and Shuangchun Wen. Broadband spatial self-phase modulation and ultrafast response of MXene Ti3C2Tx (T=O, OH or F), Nanophotonics 2020; 9(8): 2415–2424 [9]Lei Zhang, Zilong Zhang, Yangyang Lv, Xiqiao Chen, Zhuang Wu, Yaoyi He, and Yanhong Zou. Reduced Graphene Oxide Aerogels with Uniformly Self-Assembled Polyaniline Nanosheets for Electromagnetic Absorption. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2020, 3(6): 5978-5986 [10]Xiqiao Chen, Zhuang Wu, Zilong Zhang, Yanhong Zou. Graphene oxide aqueous solution-based metamaterial for broadband absorption. PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES, 2020, 120:114017 [11]Jie Luo, Xiqiao Chen, Zhuang Wu, Zilong Zhang, Yanhong Zou. A cubic array structure with enhanced absorption bandwidth. Optics Communications,2020, 474: 126176 [12]Zhuang Wu, Zilong Zhang, Xiqiao Chen, Fan Feng, Lei Zhang, Yangyang Lv, Yaoyi He, and Yanhong Zou.Microwave scattering-absorption properties of a lightweight all-dielectric coding metamaterial based on TiO2/CNTs. Opt. Lett. 2020, 45(2): 555-558 [13]Xiqiao Chen, Zhuang Wu, Zilong Zhang, Yanhong Zou⁎.Ultra-broadband and wide-angle absorption based on 3D-printed pyramid.Optics and Laser Technology, 2020, 124:105972 [14]Zilong Zhang, Lei Zhang, Xiqiao Chen, Zhuang Wu, Yaoyi He, Yangyang Lv,Yanhong Zou.Broadband metamaterial absorber for low-frequency microwave absorption in the S-band and C-band. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2020,497:166075 [15]Xiqiao Chen, Zhuang Wu, Zilong Zhang, Liuyang Heng, Shuai Wang, Yanhong Zou*. Impedance matching for omnidirectional and polarization insensitive broadband absorber based on carbonyl iron powders, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2019, 476 :349-354 [16]Jie Li ,Zilong Zhang, Lin Du,Lili Miao, Jun Yi, Bin Huang, Yanhong Zou*,Chujun Zhao*, and Shuangchun Wen. Highly stable femtosecond pulse generation from a MXene Ti3C2Tx (T = F, O, or OH) mode-locked fiber laser. Photonics Research, 2019, 7(3):260-264 [17]Zilong Zhang, Qinghai Zhu, Xiqiao Chen, Zhuang Wu, Yaoyi He, Yangyang Lv, Lei Zhang, and Yanhong Zou*. Ni@C composites derived from Ni-based metal organic frameworks with a lightweight, ultrathin, broadband and highly efficient microwave absorbing properties. Applied Physics Express, 2019,12: 011001 [18]Liuyang Heng, Zilong Zhang, Shuai Wang, Xiqiao Chen, Xiubo Jia, Zhixiang Tang*,and Yanhong Zou*. Microwave absorption enhancement of Fe/C core-shell hybrid derived from a metal-organic framework. NANO, 2019, 1(1): 1950002 [19]Zilong Zhang, Xiqiao Chen, Zilin Wang, Liuyang Heng, Shuai Wang, Zhixiang Tang, and Yanhong Zou*. Carbonyl iron/graphite microspheres with good impedance matching for ultra-broadband and highly efficient electromagnetic absorption. Optical Materials Express, 2018, 11(8):3319 [20]Xiqiao Chen, Xin Chen, Zhuang Wu, Zilong Zhang, Zilin Wang,Liuyang Heng,Shuai Wang, Yanhong Zou* and Zhixiang Tang. An ultra-broadband and lightweight fishnetlike absorber in microwave region, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2018, 51:285002 [21]ShuaiWang ,Guimei Li* ,and Yanhong Zou*.Tunable Terahertz Absorption with Optical Tamm State in the Graphene-Bragg Reflector Configuration, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, 2018: 3063161 [22]Yixun Zeng, Zhixiang Tang*, Xuejiao Wang, Xin Chen, Xiquan Fu, Shengye Huang, Yanhong Zou* and Ruwu,Peng. Reversing the sign of the effective nonlinear coefficient of a nearly sotropic Kerr photonic crystal via the local-field effect. Optical Materials Express, 2018, 8(8):2257 [23]Zilong Zhang, Zilin Wang, Liuyang Heng, Shuai Wang, Xiqiao Chen,Xiquan Fu, Yanhong Zou*, and Zhixiang Tang*. Improving the Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Properties of the Layered MoS2 by Cladding with Ni Nanoparticles, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 2018, 87: 054402 [24]Xiqiao Chen, Zilong Zhang, Zilin Wang, Shuai Wang, Liuyang Heng, and Yanhong Zou*. Broadband Absorber for the Microwave Region Using Ball-Milled Graphite Gratings. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 2017, 86: 104801 [25]Bin Huang, Jun Yi, Lin Du, Guobao Jiang, Lili Miao, Pinghua Tang, Jun Liu, Yanhong Zou, Hailu Luo, Chujun Zhao, and Shuangchun Wen. Graphene Q-Switched Vectorial Fiber Laser with Switchable Polarized Output. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2017, 23(1): 0900407. [26]Zhixiang Tang , Wei Yi, Jin Pan, Yanhong Zou , Shuangchun Wen , Aaron Danner , Chengwei Qiu. Physical mechanisms for tuning the nonlinear effects in photonic crystals. Optic Express, 2015, 23(15):19885-19890 [27]Zhixiang Tang, Lei Zhao , Zhan Sui , Yanhong Zou , Shuangchun Wen , Aaron Danner, Chengwei Qiu. Switchable self-defocusing and focusing in nearly isotropic photonic crystals via enhanced inverse diffraction. Physical Review A, 2015, 96: 063824 [28]Yanhong Zou, Bin Li. Design of Wireless Flash Programming Based on Freescale MPXY8300 Sensor. WIT Transactions on Information and Commnication Technologies, 2014 56:1743-3517. [29]Shunbin Lu, Chujun Zhao, Yanhong Zou, Shuqing Chen, Yu Chen, Ying Li, Han Zhang, Shuangchun Wen, and Dingyuan Tang. Third order nonlinear optical property of Bi2Se3. Optics Express, 2013, 21(2):2072. [30] Zhi Teng Wang, yanhong Zou, Yu Chen. Graphene sheet stacks for Q-switching operation of an erbium-doped fiber laser. Laser Physics Letters, 2013, 10(7):075102. [31]Chujun Zhao,Yanhong Zou, Yu Chen, Zhiteng Wang, Shunbin Lu,Han Zhang ,Shuangchun Wen, and Dingyuan Tang. Wavelength-tunable picosecond soliton fiber laser with Topological Insulator: Bi2Se3 as a mode locker. Optic Express, 2012, 20(25):27888. [32]Yanhong Zou, Philippe Tassin, Thomas Koschny,and Costas M. Soukoulis. Interaction between graphene and metamaterials: Split rings vs. wire pairs. Optic Express, 2012, 20(11):12198-12204 [33] Yanhong Zou, Yongjun Qing, Leyong Jiang, Shuangchun Wen, Hailu Luo, Yuanjiang Xiang, and Dianyuan Fan. Improved Microwave Absorption of Carbonyl Iron Powder by the Array of Subwavelength Metallic Cut Wires. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2010, 16(2):441 – 445 [34] Yuanjiang Xiang, Yanhong Zou, Hailu Luo, Xiaoyu Dai, Shuangchun Wen, and Dianyuan Fan.Harnessing the electromagnetic absorptions of metamaterials for positive applications. Proc. SPIE, 2010, 7754: 77540 [35] Dan Wang, Yanhong Zou, and Shuangchun Wen. Overcoming the p-type doping bottleneck of TiO2 and enhancing the effciency of photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants. Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95:012106-3 [36] Qiang Lv, Hongyao Liu, Hailu Luo, ShuangchunWen, Weixing Shu,Yanhong Zou and Dianyuan Fan.The role of dispersion in the propagation of rotating beams in left-handed materials. Optics Express, 2009, 17(7):5645-5655 [37] Hailu Luo, Shuangchun Wen, Weixing Shu, Zhixiang Tang, Yanhong Zou, and Dianyuan Fan. Spin Hall effect of a light beam in left-handed materials. Physics Review A, 2009, 80:043810-7 [38] Yanhong Zou, Leyong Jiang, Shuangchun Wen, Weixing Shu,Yongjun Qing, Zhixiang Tang, Hailu Luo, and Dianyuan Fan. Enhancing and tuning absorption properties of microwave absorbing materials using metamaterials. Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 93:261115-3
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