发布日期:2024-04-15 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646
姓名 | 陈必焰 | 性别 | 办公地点:地科楼212 |
学校 | 中南大学 | 部门 | 地球科学与信息物理学院 |
学位 | 联系方式:yeary124@csu.edu.cn 15111196758 | 学历 | 职务:Associate Professor |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 学历:博士研究生毕业 |
邮箱 | yeary124@csu.edu.cn | ||
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个人简介 陈必焰,1988年生,博士,副教授,博士生/硕士生导师,湖南省优秀青年基金获得者。 主要研究方向GNSS气象学,大气水汽反演,电离层层析建模、电离层异常探测。主持国家、省部级项目 7 项。出版专著1部,在国内外重要刊物上发表论文50余篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者SCI收录20篇,谷歌学术总引用量 945 次,授权/申请发明专利 7 项。国际SCI期刊《JGR-Atmospheres》、《IEEE J-STARS》、《IEEE TGRS》等期刊审稿人。担任中国地震学会空间对地观测专业委员会委员。 电子邮件:yeary124@csu.edu.cn 研究领域: GNSS气象学,大气水汽反演,电离层层析建模、电离层异常探测等 欢迎具有测绘科学与技术、大气科学、空间物理等专业背景的研究生报考。 代表性学术成果: Biyan Chen, Lijun Jin, Jinyong Wang, Wenping Jin, Wei Wang*. Wide-Area Retrieval of Water Vapor Field Using an Improved Node Parameterization Tomography, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2023, 20: 1-5. Biyan Chen*, Hengrui Cao, Jinyong Wang, Jianping Huang*, Zelang Miao. Comparison of electron density measurements from CSES and Swarm satellites with GNSS ionospheric tomography data. Advances in Space Research. 2023, 71(6): 2818-2832. (SCI) Biyan Chen, Jingshu Tan, Wei Wang*, Wujiao Dai, Minsi Ao, Chunhua Chen. Tomographic Reconstruction of Water Vapor Density Fields From the Integration of GNSS Observations and Fengyun-4A Products. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2023, 61. (SCI) Jingshu Tan, Biyan Chen*, Wei Wang, Wenkun Yu, Wujiao Dai. Evaluating Precipitable Water Vapor Products From Fengyun-4A Meteorological Satellite Using Radiosonde, GNSS, and ERA5 Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2022, 60. (SCI) Ting Xie, Biyan Chen*, Lixin Wu, Wujiao Dai, Cuilin Kuang, Zelang Miao. Detecting Seismo‐Ionospheric Anomalies Possibly Associated With the 2019 Ridgecrest (California) Earthquakes by GNSS, CSES, and Swarm Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2021. (SCI) Biyan Chen*, Wenkun Yu, Wei Wang, Zhetao Zhang, Wujiao Dai. A global assessment of precipitable water vapor derived from GNSS zenith tropospheric delays with ERA5, NCEP FNL, and NCEP GFS products. Earth and Space Science, 2021, 8(8). (SCI) Biyan Chen*, Wenkun Yu, Wujiao Dai, Hao Wu, Wei Wang. Assessing the performance of GPS tomography at retrieving water vapour fields during landfalling atmospheric rivers over southern California. Meteorological Applications, 2020, 27(4). (SCI) Biyan Chen*, Wujiao Dai, Pengfei Xia, Minsi Ao, Jingshu Tan. Reconstruction of Wet Refractivity Field Using an Improved Parameterized Tropospheric Tomographic Technique. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(8): 3034. (SCI) Biyan Chen*, Lixin Wu, Wujiao Dai, Xiaomin Luo*, Ying Xu. A new parameterized approach for ionospheric tomography. GPS Solutions. 2019, 23(96). (SCI) Biyan Chen*, Wujiao Dai, Zhizhao Liu, Lixin Wu, Cuilin Kuang, Minsi Ao. Constructing a precipitable water vapor map from regional GNSS network observations without collocated meteorological data for weather forecasting. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2018, 11(9): 5153-5166. (SCI) Biyan Chen*, Wujiao Dai, Zhizhao Liu, Lixin Wu, Pengfei Xia. Assessments of GMI-Derived precipitable water vapor products over the South and East China seas using radiosonde and GNSS. Advances in Meteorology. 2018, 1-12. (SCI) Wenkun Yu, Biyan Chen*, Wujiao Dai, Xiaomin Luo. Real-Time Precise Point Positioning Using Tomographic Wet Refractivity Fields. Remote Sensing. 2018, 10(6): 928. (SCI) Wujiao Dai, Huineng Yan, Biyan Chen*, Bin Liu. Regional spatio-temporal zenith tropospheric delay modelling using independent component analysis. Survey Review. 2018, 1-9. (SCI) Biyan Chen, Zhizhao Liu, Wai-Kin Wong, Wang-Chun Woo. Detecting Water VaporVariability During Heavy Precipitation Events in Hong Kong Using the GPS Tomographic Technique. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2017, 34(5): 1001-1019. (SCI) Biyan Chen, Zhizhao Liu. Global Water Vapor Variability and Trend from the Latest 36-Year (1979 to 2014) Data of ECMWF and NCEP Reanalyses, Radiosonde, GPS and Microwave Satellite. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2016, 121. (SCI) Biyan Chen, Zhizhao Liu. Assessing the Performance of Troposphere Tomographic Modeling Using Multi-Source Water Vapor Data during Hong Kong’s Rainy Season from May to October 2013. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2016, 9(10): 5249-5263. (SCI) Biyan Chen, Zhizhao Liu. A comprehensive evaluation and analysis of the performance of multiple tropospheric models in China region. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2016, 54(2): 663~678. (SCI) Biyan Chen, Zhizhao Liu. Voxel-optimized regional water vapor tomography and comparison with radiosonde and numerical weather model. Journal of Geodesy, 2014, 88(7): 691~703. (SCI) Zhizhao Liu, Biyan Chen, Sai T Chan, Yunchang Cao, Yang Gao, Kefei Zhang, Janet Nichol. Analysis and modelling of water vapour and temperature changes in Hong Kong using a 40-year radiosonde record: 1973-2012. International Journal of Climatology, 2015, 35(3): 462-474. 主要科研项目: 湖南省优秀青年基金项目,面向电离层扰动的高动态电子密度场精细构建方法研究,2023~2025,主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于节点参数化和多源数据融合的时变电离层层析建模研究,2023~2026,主持 国家重点研发专项子课题,载荷数据坐标变换误差分析,2018~2021,主持 国家自然科学基金青年项目,顾及水汽时空变化参数的GNSS对流层层析建模方法研究,2020~2022,主持 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,高动态GNSS层析成像方法及地震电离层异常扰动探测应用,2022~2024,主持 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,融合多源数据反演湖南省大范围高时空水汽变化研究,2019~2021,主持 湖南省自然资源调查与监测工程技术研究中心开放课题,基于HNCORS的湖南地区大气水汽场精细构建及其应用研究,2020~2020,主持 中南大学特聘副教授科研基础基金,2017-2022,主持 指导学生情况: 曹恒瑞. 张衡一号电磁卫星电子密度产品质量分析及电离层异常探测应用. 中南大学硕士论文, 2023. 毕业去向:长沙天仪空间科技研究院 王金勇. 基于GNSS层析技术的电离层扰动特征分析. 中南大学硕士论文, 2023. 毕业去向:天津航天中为 谭井树. 融合FY-4A和GNSS水汽数据的亚热带地区对流层层析研究: 以湖南省为例. 中南大学硕士论文, 2022. 毕业去向:湖南北云科技有限公司 谢婷. 基于GNSS、CSES、Swarm的PCA-滑动时窗法及电离层异常探测应用. 中南大学硕士论文, 2021. 毕业去向:中山大学读博