发布日期:2024-04-15 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646
姓名 | 温伟斌 | 性别 | 联系方式:Email: wenwbin@126.com Email: wenwbin@csu.edu.cn |
学校 | 中南大学 | 部门 | 土木工程学院 |
学位 | 在职信息:在职 | 学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 中南大学铁道学院 |
邮箱 | wenwbin@csu.edu.cn | ||
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个人简介 一、个人简介 温伟斌,男,博士,副教授,博士生导师,湖南省杰青。2014年12月于重庆大学航空航天学院工程力学专业获工学博士学位。2015年4月-2018年4月在北京大学工学院力学与工程科学系从事博士后研究工作。主要研究方向:轻质复合材料与结构设计、轻质承载多功能点阵结构设计、智能材料与结构设计、力学中的数值计算方法、结构动力学分析方法、桥梁面板与湿接缝结构设计等。相关研究成果已应用于航空航天、轨道交通、桥梁工程等领域。主持国家级项目5项,省部级项目4项,作为项目主持或主研人员参与海军装备预研项目、航天院相关型号科研项目等。获国家发明专利10余项,申请软件著作权5项,以第一作者或通讯作者在 JMPS, Acta. Mater, CMAME等期刊上发表SCI论文50余篇,SCI他引1800余次,单篇引用超过200次,H-index 指数24,ESI高被引论文8篇。 二、主要纵向科研项目(主持) 9. 湖南省杰出青年基金项目,“轻质多功能复合材料力学设计与应用”,(2024JJ2067),2024-2026(50万元),主持,在研。 8. 国防领域JKW173基础加强重点项目,“XXXXXX效能评估”,(2023-xxxxxx),2023-2027(200万元),主持(子课题),在研。 7. 国防领域173计划技术领域基金,“XXXXXX的高效计算分析方法”,(2022-xxxxxx),2023-2024(80万元),主持,在研。 6. 湖南省教育厅优秀青年基金项目,“轻质多孔点阵材料的新型拓扑优化力学设计及其性能表征”,(22B0002), 2023-2024(6万元), 主持,在研。 5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,"新型轻质曲面点阵材料微结构设计及其力学特性研究", (12072375), 2021-2024(62万元), 主持,在研。 4. 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目, "新型轻质平板点阵材料设计及其力学性能表征", (2021JJ40710), 2021-2023(5万元), 主持,在研。 3. 工信部民机专项重点科研项目, "XXXXXX拓扑轻量化增材制造技术", (MJ-2016-G72), 2017-2020(123 万元),主持(子课题),已结题。 2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, "面向多孔点阵材料与结构动力学特性分析的等几何流形元法研究", (11602004), 2017-2019(28 万元), 主持, 已结题。 1. 国家重点实验室开放基金项目, "新型多层级点阵夹层结构优化设计与力学性能研究", (GZ15114), 2015-2017 (15万元),主持,已结题。 三、主要期刊论文 (ORCID 个人资料:https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7906-678X) 2024年 74. P. Wang, X. Han, W. Wen*, B. Wang, J. Liang**, Galerkin-based quasi-smooth manifold element (QSME) method for anisotropic heat conduction problems in composites with complex geometry, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, 45(1) (2024) 137-154. (SCI, Q1,IF: 3.918,中科院1区,Top期刊) 73. S.Y. Deng, P. Wang, W. Wen*, J. Liang**, A novel quasi-smooth tetrahedral numerical manifold method and its application in topology optimization based on parameterized level-set method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 425 (2024) 116948 (SCI, Q1,IF: 7.2,中科院1区,Top期刊) 72. S.Y. Deng, S.Y. Duan, P. Wang, W. Wen*, A novel numerical manifold method and its application in parameterized LSM-based structural topology optimization, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 418(2024) 116457. (SCI, Q1,IF: 7.2,中科院1区,Top期刊) 71. T. Liu, P. Wang, W. Wen*, Improved explicit quartic B-spline time integration scheme for dynamic response analysis of viscoelastic systems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 208(2024) 110982. (SCI, Q1,IF: 8.4, 中科院1区, Top期刊) 2023年 70. T. Liu, P. Wang, W. Wen*, F. Feng, A novel single-step explicit time integration method based on momentum corrector technique for structural dynamic analysis, Applied Mathematical Modelling 124 (2023) 1-23. (SCI, Q1,IF: 5.336,中科院1区,Top期刊) 69. T. Liu, P. Wang, W. Wen*, F. Feng, Improved composite implicit time integration method for dynamic analysis of viscoelastic damping systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 124 (2023) 107301. (SCI, Q1, IF: 4.186, 中科院1区, Top期刊) 68. T. Liu, W. Wen*, P. Wang, F. Feng, An time-marching procedure based on a sub-step explicit time integration scheme for non-viscous damping systems, Engineering with Computers (2023) online. (SCI, Q1, IF: 8.083, 中科院1区, Top期刊) 67. T. Liu, P. Wang, W. Wen*, F. Feng, Formulation and Analysis of a Cubic B-Spline-Based Time Integration Procedure for Structural Seismic Response Analysis, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (2023) 2350180. (SCI, Q1, IF: 2.957) 66. W.B. Wen, L. Wu, T.H. Liu, S.Y. Deng, S.Y Duan*, A novel three sub‐step explicit time integration method for wave propagation and dynamic problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (2023) 1-30. (SCI, Q1, IF: 3.021, 中科院2区, Top期刊) 65. T. Liu, P. Wang, W. Wen*, An improved time-marching formulation based on an explicit time integration method for dynamic analysis of non-viscous damping systems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 191 (2023) 110195. (SCI, Q1,IF: 8.4, 中科院1区, Top期刊) 64. W. Wen, M. Lei, P. Wang, T. Liu, S. Duan*, An efficient hybrid implicit time integration method with high accuracy for linear and nonlinear dynamics, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 97 (2023) 104811. (SCI, Q1,IF: 4.873, 中科院2区) 2022年 63. 温伟斌, 韩衍群, 侯文崎, 课程思政融入生产实习的教学改革与探索——以工程力学专业为例, 科教文汇, (15) (2022) 84-87. 62. 温伟斌, 韩衍群, 侯文崎, 生产实习线上线下混合式教学模式改革与探索——以工程力学专业为例, 教育教学论坛, (22) (2022) 73-76. 61. 朱赫,黄方林,张爱品,冯帆,温伟斌*, 不同温度下改性聚氨酯混凝土单轴拉伸试验及本构关系,复合材料学报, 2022, 40(0): 1-11. (EI) 60. 黄方林, 孟宪冬, 冯帆, 高英杰, 温伟斌*, 预制桥面板方台形剪力键湿接缝受力性能分析, 铁道科学与工程学报, (2022) 1-13. (EI) 59. W. Wen, T. Liu, S. Duan*, A novel sub-step explicit time integration method based on cubic B-spline interpolation for linear and nonlinear dynamics, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 127 (2022) 154-180. (SCI, Q1,IF: 3.218,中科院1区,Top期刊) 58. T. Liu, W. Wen*, An improved explicit time-marching procedure with b-spline interpolation and weighted residual technique for structural seismic response analysis, Engineering Structures 272 (2022) 115006. (SCI, Q1,IF: 5.582,中科院2区,Top期刊) 57. W. Wen, S. Deng, T. Liu, S. Duan*, F. Huang, An improved quartic B-spline based explicit time integration algorithm for structural dynamics, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 91 (2022) 104407. (SCI, Q1,IF: 4.873, 中科院2区) 56. W. Wen, M. Lei, Y. Tao*, The effect of material distribution on the out-of-plane elastic properties of hierarchical diamond honeycombs, Engineering Structures 272 (2022) 115000. (SCI, Q1,IF: 5.582,中科院2区,Top期刊) 55. W. Wen, M. Lei, Y. Tao*, Y. Lian, Out-of-plane crashworthiness of bio-inspired hierarchical diamond honeycombs with variable cell wall thickness, Thin-Walled Structures 176 (2022) 109347. (SCI, Q1,IF: 5.881,中科院2区) 54. W. Wen, H. Li, T. Liu, S. Deng, S. Duan*, A novel hybrid sub-step explicit time integration method with cubic B-spline interpolation and momentum corrector technique for linear and nonlinear dynamics, Nonlinear Dynamics 110 (2022) 2685-2714. (SCI, Q1,IF: 5.741, 中科院2区) 2021年 53. 冯帆, 黄方林, 申成庆, 刘新辉, 温伟斌*, 异形剪力键桥面板湿接缝抗剪承载力试验研究, 桥梁建设, 51(01) (2021) 44-50. (EI) 52. 冯帆, 温伟斌, 伍彦斌, 曾文宋武, 黄方林*, 桥梁钢-混结合段试验模型加载多目标优化, 科学技术与工程, 21(19) (2021) 8212-8217. (核心) 51. 周德, 王宁波, 温伟斌, 仿真技术在“桥梁工程”课程设计的实践, 教育教学论坛, (47) (2021) 54-57. 50. F. Feng, F. Huang*, W. Wen, P. Ge, Y. Tao**, Enhanced Ultimate Shear Capacity of Concave Square Frustum-Shaped Wet Joint in Precast Steel–Concrete Composite Bridges, Applied Sciences-Basel 11(4) (2021) 1915. (SCI, Q2) 49. F. Feng, F. Huang, D. Zhou*, W. Wen, Y. Tao, Study on the Shear Capacity of the Wet Joint of the Prefabricated Bridge Panel with a Special-Shaped Shear Key, Advances in Civil Engineering 2021 (2021) 5783563. (SCI, Q2) 48. T. Liu, F. Huang, W. Wen*, S. Deng, S. Duan, D. Fang, An improved higher-order explicit time integration method with momentum corrector for linear and nonlinear dynamics, Applied Mathematical Modelling 98 (2021) 287-308. (SCI, Q1,IF: 5.336,中科院1区,Top期刊) 47. T. Liu, F. Huang, W. Wen*, X. He*, S. Duan, D. Fang, Further insights of a composite implicit time integration scheme and its performance on linear seismic response analysis, Engineering Structures 241 (2021) 112490. (SCI, Q1,IF: 5.582,中科院2区,Top期刊) 46. W. Wen, S. Deng, S. Duan*, D. Fang, A high-order accurate explicit time integration method based on cubic b-spline interpolation and weighted residual technique for structural dynamics, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122(2) (2021) 431-454. (SCI, Q1,IF: 3.021,中科院2区) 45. W. Wen, S. Deng, N. Wang, S. Duan*, D. Fang, An improved sub-step time-marching procedure for linear and nonlinear dynamics with high-order accuracy and high-efficient energy conservation, Applied Mathematical Modelling 90 (2021) 78-100. (SCI, Q1,IF: 5.336,中科院1区,Top期刊) 44. W.B. Wen, S.Y. Deng, T.H. Liu, S.Y. Duan, W.Q. Hou*, X.D. Xia**, An Improved Sub-Step Composite Time Integration Formulation With Enhanced Performance on Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics, International Journal of Applied Mechanics 13(02) (2021)2150017. (SCI, Q2,IF: 3.951,中科院3区) 43. J. Zhang, L. Shi, T. Liu, D. Zhou*, W. Wen, Performance of a Three-Substep Time Integration Method on Structural Nonlinear Seismic Analysis, Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2021 (2021) 6442260. (SCI, Q2) 2020年 42 X. Cao, D. Xiao, Y. Li*, W. Wen**, T. Zhao, Z. Chen, Y. Jiang, D. Fang, Dynamic compressive behavior of a modified additively manufactured rhombic dodecahedron 316L stainless steel lattice structure, Thin-Walled Structures 148 (2020) 106586. (SCI, Q1,IF: 5.881,中科院2区) 41 S. Duan, W. Wen*, D. Fang**, Additively-manufactured anisotropic and isotropic 3D plate-lattice materials for enhanced mechanical performance: Simulations & experiments, Acta Materialia 199 (2020) 397-412. (SCI, Q1,IF: 9.209,中科院1区,Top期刊) 40 S. Duan, L. Xi, W. Wen*, D. Fang**, A novel design method for 3D positive and negative Poisson's ratio material based on tension-twist coupling effects, Composite Structures 236 (2020) 111899. (SCI, Q1,IF: 6.603,中科院1区,Top期刊) 39. S. Duan, L. Xi, W. Wen*, D. Fang**, Mechanical performance of topology-optimized 3D lattice materials manufactured via selective laser sintering, Composite Structures 238 (2020) 111985. (SCI, Q1,IF: 6.603,中科院1区,Top期刊) 38. L. Xi, W. Wen, W. Wu, Z. Qu, R. Tao, A. Karunaratne, B. Liao*, Y. Li**, D. Fang***, Mechanical response of cortical bone in compression and tension at the mineralized fibrillar level in steroid induced osteoporosis, Composites Part B: Engineering 196 (2020) 108138. (SCI, Q1) 37. X. Xia, G.J. Weng*, J. Xiao, W. Wen*, Porosity-dependent percolation threshold and frequency-dependent electrical properties for highly aligned graphene-polymer nanocomposite foams, Materials Today Communications 22 (2020) 100853. (SCI, Q1) 36. 葛鹏, 黄方林*, 温伟斌, 冯帆, 何彬, 钻孔灌注桩开挖对紧邻既有桥梁影响研究, 铁道科学与工程学报, 17(12) (2020) 3111-3117. (EI) 2019年 35. Z. Dong, Y. Liu, W. Wen, J. Ge*, J. Liang**, Effect of Hatch Spacing on Melt Pool and As-built Quality During Selective Laser Melting of Stainless Steel: Modeling and Experimental Approaches, Materials 12(1) (2019) 50. (SCI, Q1) 34. Y. Tao, W. Li*, K. Wei, S. Duan, W. Wen**, L. Chen, Y. Pei, D. Fang, Mechanical properties and energy absorption of 3D printed square hierarchical honeycombs under in-plane axial compression, Composites Part B: Engineering 176 (2019) 107219. (SCI, Q1,IF: 11.322,中科院1区,Top期刊) 33. X. Xia, G.J. Weng, D. Hou, W. Wen*, Tailoring the frequency-dependent electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity of CNT-polymer nanocomposites with nanosized particles, International Journal of Engineering Science 142 (2019) 1-19. (SCI, Q1,IF: 7.155,中科院1区,Top期刊) 2018年 32. X. Cao, S. Duan, J. Liang, W. Wen*, D. Fang**, Mechanical properties of an improved 3D-printed rhombic dodecahedron stainless steel lattice structure of variable cross section, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 145 (2018) 53-63. (SCI, Q1,IF: 6.772,中科院1区,Top期刊) 31. S. Duan, Y. Tao, H. Lei, W. Wen*, J. Liang*, D. Fang, Enhanced out-of-plane compressive strength and energy absorption of 3D printed square and hexagonal honeycombs with variable-thickness cell edges, Extreme Mechanics Letters 18 (2018) 9-18. (SCI, Q1,IF: 4.728,中科院2区) 30. S. Duan, W. Wen*, D. Fang**, A predictive micropolar continuum model for a novel three-dimensional chiral lattice with size effect and tension-twist coupling behavior, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 121 (2018) 23-46. (SCI, Q1,IF: 5.582,中科院1区,Top期刊) 29. H. Li, Y. Chen, P. Wang, B. Xu*, Y. Ma, W. Wen, Y. Yang, D. Fang, Porous carbon-bonded carbon fiber composites impregnated with SiO2-Al2O3 aerogel with enhanced thermal insulation and mechanical properties, Ceramics International 44(3) (2018) 3484-3487. (SCI, Q1) 28. K. Wei, Y. Peng, K. Wang, S. Duan, X. Yang*, W. Wen**, Three dimensional lightweight lattice structures with large positive, zero and negative thermal expansion, Composite Structures 188 (2018) 287-296. (SCI, Q1,IF: 6.603,中科院1区,Top期刊) 27. W. Wen, S. Duan*, K. Wei, Y. Ma, D. Fang, A quadratic b-spline based isogeometric analysis of transient wave propagation problems with implicit time integration method, Applied Mathematical Modelling 59 (2018) 115-131. (SCI, Q1,IF: 5.336,中科院1区,Top期刊) 26. W. Wen, S. Luo, S. Duan*, J. Liang, D. Fang, Improved quadratic isogeometric element simulation of one-dimensional elastic wave propagation with central difference method, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition 39(5) (2018) 703-716. (SCI, Q1,IF: 3.918,中科院1区,Top期刊) 2017年 25. H. Li, Y. Ma, W. Wen, W. Wu*, H. Lei**, D. Fang, In Plane Mechanical Properties of Tetrachiral and Antitetrachiral Hybrid Metastructures, Journal of Applied Mechanics 84(8) (2017). (SCI, Q2) 24. Y. Ma, H. Li*, H. Chen, W. Wen, T. Cheng, M. Chen, D. Fang, Dispersion and damping analysis of orthotropic composite plate in mid frequency based on symplectic method, Composite Structures 178 (2017) 426-433. (SCI, Q1) 23. Y. Ma, B. Xu*, M. Chen, R. He, W. Wen, T. Cheng, D. Fang, Optimization design of built-up thermal protection system based on validation of corrugated core homogenization, Applied Thermal Engineering 115 (2017) 491-500. (SCI, Q1) 22. Y. Tao, S. Duan, W. Wen*, Y. Pei, D. Fang**, Enhanced out-of-plane crushing strength and energy absorption of in-plane graded honeycombs, Composites Part B: Engineering 118 (2017) 33-40. (SCI, Q1,IF: 11.322,中科院1区,Top期刊) 21. C. Wang, M. Chen*, H. Lei**, K. Yao, H. Li, W. Wen, D. Fang, Radar stealth and mechanical properties of a broadband radar absorbing structure, Composites Part B: Engineering 123 (2017) 19-27. (SCI, Q1) 20. K. Wei, Y. Peng, W. Wen, Y. Pei*, D. Fang**, Tailorable Thermal Expansion of Lightweight and Robust Dual-Constituent Triangular Lattice Material, Journal of Applied Mechanics 84(10) (2017). (SCI, Q2) 19. W. Wen, H. Lei, K. Wei*, B. Xu, S. Duan, D. Fang, An improved time integration scheme based on uniform cubic B-splines and its application in structural dynamics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition 38(6) (2017) 889-908. (SCI, Q1,IF: 3.918,中科院1区,Top期刊) 18. W. Wen, Y. Tao*, S. Duan**, J. Yan, K. Wei, D. Fang, A comparative study of three composite implicit schemes on structural dynamic and wave propagation analysis, Computers & Structures 190 (2017) 126-149. (SCI, Q1,IF: 5.372,中科院2区) 17. W.B. Wen, S.Y. Duan*, Y. Tao**, J. Liang, D. Fang, An Explicit Time Integration Scheme Based on B-Spline Interpolation and Its Application in Wave Propagation Analysis, International Journal of Applied Mechanics 09(08) (2017) 1750115. (SCI, Q2,IF: 3.951,中科院3区) 16. W.B. Wen*, S.Y. Duan, J. Yan, Y.B. Ma, K. Wei, D.N. Fang, A quartic B-spline based explicit time integration scheme for structural dynamics with controllable numerical dissipation, Computational Mechanics 59(3) (2017) 403-418. (SCI, Q1,IF: 4.391,中科院2区) 15. W.B. Wen, K. Wei, H.S. Lei*, S.Y. Duan, D.N. Fang, A novel sub-step composite implicit time integration scheme for structural dynamics, Computers & Structures 182 (2017) 176-186. (SCI, Q1,IF: 5.372,中科院2区) 14. D. Xie, K. Jian*, W. Wen, An element-free Galerkin approach for rigid–flexible coupling dynamics in 2D state, Applied Mathematics and Computation 310 (2017) 149-168. (SCI, Q1) 13. B. Xu*, R. He, C. Hong**, Y. Ma, W. Wen, H. Li, T. Cheng, D. Fang, Y. Yang, Ablation behavior and mechanism of double-layer ZrB2-based ceramic coating for lightweight carbon-bonded carbon fiber composites under oxyacetylene flame at elevate temperature, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 702 (2017) 551-560. (SCI, Q1) 2016年以前 12. 骆少明*, 温伟斌, 成思源, 章争荣, 基于三角网格多节点覆盖的数值流形方法, 塑性工程学报, 17(06) (2010) 131-135. (中文核心) 11. 温伟斌*, 骆少明, 薄板弯曲分析的多边形流形单元, 工程力学, 29(10) (2012) 249-256. (EI) 10. W.-b. Wen, K.-l. Jian*, S.-m. Luo, 2D numerical manifold method based on quartic uniform B-spline interpolation and its application in thin plate bending, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics -English Edition 34(8) (2013) 1017-1030. (SCI, Q1) 9. D. Jun*, C. Song, W. Wei-Bin, L. Shao-Ming, H. Xia, Numerical Manifold Method for the Forced Vibration of Thin Plates during Bending, The Scientific World Journal 2014 (2014) 520958. (SCI, Q4) 8. W.-B. Wen*, K.-L. Jian, S.-M. Luo, An explicit time integration method for structural dynamics using septuple B-spline functions, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 97(9) (2014) 629-657. (SCI, Q1) 7. 蹇开林, 温伟斌*, 骆少明, 基于均匀七次B样条插值求解动力响应的逐步积分法, 振动与冲击, 33(16) (2014) 171-176. (EI) 6. W.B. Wen*, S.M. Luo, K.L. Jian, A novel time integration method for structural dynamics utilizing uniform quintic B-spline functions, Archive of Applied Mechanics 85(12) (2015) 1743-1759. (SCI, Q2) 5. T. Cheng, W. Li*, Z. Qu, W. Wen, D. Fang, Thermal Shock Resistance of Chemical Vapour Deposited Zinc Sulfide at Elevated Temperatures, Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society 75(4) (2016) 215-219. (SCI, Q1) 4. H. Lei*, K. Yao*, W. Wen, H. Zhou, D. Fang, Experimental and numerical investigation on the crushing behavior of sandwich composite under edgewise compression loading, Composites Part B: Engineering 94 (2016) 34-44. (SCI, Q1) 3. C. Wang, W. Wen*, Y. Huang, M. Chen**, H. Lei, D. Fang, A novel broadband waterborne acoustic absorber, AIP Advance 6(7) (2016) 075107. (SCI, Q2) 2. W.-B. Wen, K. Yao*, H.-S. Lei, S.-Y. Duan, D.-N. Fang, A High-Order Numerical Manifold Method Based on B-Spline Interpolation and its Application in Structural Dynamics, International Journal of Applied Mechanics 08(08) (2016) 1650093. (SCI, Q2) 1. D. Xie, K. Jian*, W. Wen, Global interpolating meshless shape function based on generalized moving least-square for structural dynamic analysis, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition 37(9) (2016) 1153-1176. (SCI, Q1) 四、已授权发明专利与软著 10. 周德, 雷鸣, 温伟斌; 新型多级梯度方形蜂窝材料参数化建模与抗冲击分析软件V1.0, 2023SR1685791, 原始取得, 全部 权利, 2023-10-01 (软件著作权) 9. 温伟斌, 雷鸣, 新型蜂窝结构抗冲击分析参数化建模程序软件V1.0, 2021SR1295985, 原始取得, 全部 权利, 2021-7-01 (软件著作权) 8. 段晟昱, 温伟斌 ; 三维点阵结构非线性力学分析软件V1.0, 2021SR0177812, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2019-10-15 (软件著作权) 7. 温伟斌等. 三维点阵填充结构轻量化系统V1.0, 2020SR1211657, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2019-10-15 (软件著作权) 6. 温伟斌等. 吸能部件及防撞装置,2022-04-08,中国,ZL202210366275.1 (发明专利) 5. 温伟斌等. 一种工程结构在极端荷载下动态响应的复合时域分析方法, 2021-09-14, 中国, CN202111072634.4 (发明专利) 4. 温伟斌等. 一种具有点阵结构的零件、点阵结构及点阵胞元, 2019-12-23, 中国, ZL201911342709.9 (发明专利) 3. 温伟斌等. 一种工程结构振动响应的时域分析方法和系统, 2020-10-29, 中国, CN202011183837.6 (发 明专利) 2. 温伟斌等. 剪力键模具的制作方法及桥面板铺装结构, 2020-6-10, 中国, CN202010524078.9 (发明专 利) 1. 温伟斌等. 一种肋板骨架混凝土现浇板板, 2020-9-21, 中国, ZL2 02010992020.7 (发明专利) 五、部分学术兼职 1. 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心学位论文评审专家,国家自然科学基金评审专家。 2. 中国复合材料学会轨道交通专业委员会委员,复合材料学会青年工作委员会委员,湖南省力学学会理事。 3. 学术期刊审稿人: 《Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids》、《Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering》、《Nonlinear Dynamics》、《Composite Structures》、《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences》、《Materials & Designs》、《Thin-Walled Structures》、《International Journal of Applied Mechanics》、《Proceedings of the Royal Society A》、《Finite Elements in Analysis and Design》、《Computers & Structures》、《Applied Mathematical Modelling》、《Computers & Mathematics with Applications》、《Engineering Structures》等。 六、课题组人员情况 在读研究生: 博士: 1. 刘添豪,2021级博士研究生,2018级硕士研究生(中南大学),研究方向:计算固体力学、结构动力学。(获2021-2023年度研究生国家奖学金,已累积发表SCI论文10篇,一区论文9篇,申请国家发明专利3项) 2. 邓闪耀,2022级博士研究生,2019级硕士研究生(中南大学),研究方向:轻质多孔复合材料力学设计、结构拓扑优化方法。(获2021-2022年度研究生国家奖学金,已累积发表SCI论文6篇,一区论文5篇,申请国家发明专利2项) 3. 雷鸣,2023级博士研究生,2020级硕士研究生(中南大学),研究方向:轻质复合材料力学。(已累积发表SCI论文4篇,一区论文4篇,申请获批国家发明专利1项,软件著作权4项) 硕士: 1. 吴浪,2021级硕士研究生,本科毕业学校:东北石油大学,研究方向:多孔点阵材料力学设计与性能表征。 2. 刘晓敏,2022级硕士研究生,本科毕业学校:中南大学,研究方向:计算动力学与数值计算方法。 3. 柳善智,2022级硕士研究生,本科毕业学校:中南大学,研究方向:多场耦合力学与数值仿真分析方法。 毕业研究生: 1. 李赫,2020级硕士研究生,本科毕业院校:中南大学,研究方向:计算固体力学、结构动力学,毕业去向:中国中车集团。 科研训练计划: 1. 胡佩璇,俞桔焘,张柯,赵桐琪,唐正武,大学生创新创业训练计划项目(国家级),基于竹节仿生设计的新型点阵材料设计及力学性能研究,立项时间:2023年。 2. 黎庆,胡国焕,黎畅,洪永宇,陈威,大学生创新创业训练计划项目(省级),基于节点增强的新型多级蜂窝结构设计及吸能特性研究,立项时间:2023年。 3. 刘添豪 ,研究生自主探索创新项目,非黏性阻尼动力系统分析的高精度时域方法研究及其在土木工程中的应用,立项时间,2022年。 4. 邓闪耀,研究生自主探索创新项目,基于新型拓扑优化的点阵微结构设计方法,立项时间,2023年。 七、招生需求 1. 每年招收硕士研究生2-3人,博士研究生1-2人! 2. 本课题组经费充足,欢迎具有力学、数学、机械、土木、物理、材料、计算机及相关学科交叉背景的同学报考本课题组的研究生! 3. 欢迎相关专业博士毕业生加入课题组从事博士后研究工作! 其他联系方式 [6] 邮箱: wenwbin@csu.edu.cn 内容来自集群智慧云企服 软件产品登记测试全国受理