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姓名 | 柳张杰 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 中南大学 | 部门 | 自动化学院 |
学位 | 博士学位 | 学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 中南大学校本部民主楼306 |
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个人简介 柳张杰,博士,特聘副教授,博士生导师。 2013年获中南大学探测制导与控制技术专业学士学位,2018年获中南大学控制科学与工程博士学位, 2019年5月至2020年5月于新加坡南洋理工大学从事博士后研究。于2020年获湖南省自然科学一等奖,担任湖南省科技奖励评审专家和中国自动化学会专家库专家,主持国防科技引领基金1项以及国家自然科学基金各2项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目1项。近年在IEEE TAC、IEEE TSG、 IEEE TPWRS、IEEE TSTE、 Automatica等国际权威期刊发表SCI论文10余篇,担任Automatica、IEEE TSG、 IEEE TSTE、IEEE TIE等多个国际权威期刊的审稿人。主要研究方向为:电力系统稳定性,新能源并网稳定性,电力电子化电力网络,直流微电网。 个人主持或参与项目 1. 高可靠军用电力电子化电力网络研究,国防科技引领基金,50万,主持。 2. 高比例可再生能源下直流电力网络的规划控制与稳定性研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,24万,主持。 3. 高比例新能源电力系统电压稳定性基础理论及方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,54万,主持。 4. 军用涡桨发动机线性模型、控制参数整定,中航工业集团331所横向项目,41.5万,主持。 5. 电力电子化电力网络的控制与稳定性,国家自然科学基金重点项目,300万,参与(排名第二)。 获得奖项 1. 电力电子化网络系统自同步控制与稳定性,湖南省自然科学一等奖(排名第五),2020。 代表性论文 19. Zhangjie Liu, Liya Huang*, Ziqing Xia, Xubin Liu, Hua Han, Yao Sun and Mei Su, "Large-Signal Stability Analysis of AC Network under Quadratic Droop Control", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, to be published, 2023. 18. Zhangjie Liu, Jiawei Li, Mei Su, Xubin Liu, and Liang Yuan, “Stability Analysis of Equilibrium of DC Microgrid Under Distributed Control,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, to be published, 2023. DOI:10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3266244. 17. Zhenxi Wu, Hua Han, Zhangjie Liu*, Mei Su, Yao Sun, Xin Zhang, and Peng Wang, “A Novel Method for Estimating the Region of Attraction for DC Microgrids via Brayton-Moser's Mixed Potential Theory,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, to be published, 2023. 16. Kaizhe Zhang, Mei Su, Zhangjie Liu*, Hua Han, Xin Zhang, Peng Wang, “A Distributed Coordination Control for Islanded Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid,” IEEE Systems Journal, to be published, 2023. 15. Zhangjie Liu, Xin Ge, Mei Su, Hua Han, Wenjing Xiong, Yonghao Gui, “Complete Large-signal Stability Analysis of DC Distribution Network via Brayton-Moser’s Mixed Potential Theory,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, to be published, 2022. 14. Ziqing Xia, Mei Su, Zhangjie Liu*, Ruisong Liu, Yonglu Liu, “Existence Conditions and Stability for the Power-Flow of DC Micro-grids with CPLs,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, to be published, 2022. 13. Ziqing Xia, Mei Su, Zhangjie Liu*, Minghui Zheng, Xin Zhang and Peng Wang, “Feasible Power-Flow Solution Analysis of DC Microgrid Considering Distributed Generations under MPPT Control,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 139-148, Jan., 2022. 12. Zhangjie Liu, Ruisong Liu, Ziqing Xia, Mei Su, Xiaofei Deng*, Xin Zhang and Jinghang Lu, “Existence and Stability of Equilibrium of DC Micro-grid under Master-Slave Control”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 212-223, Jan., 2022. 11. Zhangjie Liu, Ruisong Liu, Xin Zhang*, Mei Su, Yao Sun, Hua Han and Peng Wang, “Further Results on Newton-Raphson method in Feasible Power-Flow for DC Distribution Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, to be published, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2021.3080132. 10. Zhangjie Liu, Mei. Su, Yao Sun, Xin Zhang, Xiao Liang and Minghui Zheng*, “A Comprehensive Study on Existence and Stability of Equilibria of DC Distribution Networks with Constant Power Loads,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, to be pulished, 2021. DOI:10.1109/TAC.2021.3072084. 9. Hua Han, Xinyu Chen, Zhangjie Liu*, Yonglu Liu, Mei Su and Shimiao Chen, "A Completely onomic Dispatching Strategy Considering Capacity Constraints,'' IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 210-221, March, 2021. 8. Zhangjie Liu, Xin Zhang* , Mei Su, Yao Sun , Hua Han, and Peng Wang, "Convergence Analysis of Newton-Raphson Method in Feasible Power-Flow for DC Network'', IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 35, no. 5, pp.4100-4103, Sept. 2020. 7. Zhangjie Liu, Ruisong Liu, Xin Zhang*, Mei Su, Yao Sun, Hua Han and Peng Wang, "Feasible Power-Flow Solution Analysis of DC Microgrids under Droop Control,'' IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.11, no.4, pp. 2771-2781, July, 2020. 6. Lang Li, Yao Sun, Zhangjie Liu*, Xiaochao Hou, Guangze Shi, Mei Su."A Decentralized Control with Unique Equilibrium Point for Cascaded-type Microgrid,'' IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 324-326, Jan. 2019. 5. Zhangjie Liu, Mei Su, Yao Sun*, Lang Li, Hua Han, Xin Zhang, Minghui Zheng."Optimal criterion and global/sub-optimal control schemes of decentralized economical dispatch for AC microgrid,'' International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol .104, pp.38-42, Jan. 2019. 4. Xiaochao Hou, Yao Sun, Hua Han, Zhangjie Liu*, Mei Su, Benfei Wang and Xin Zhang."A General Decentralized Control Scheme for Medium/High Voltage Cascaded STATCOM '', IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.33, no.6, pp7296-7300, Nov. 2018. 3. Zhangjie Liu, Mei Su, Yao Sun*, Wenbin Yuan, Hua Han, Jianghua Feng."Existence and Stability of Equilibrium of DC Microgrid with Constant Power Loads'', IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.33, no 6, pp.6999-7010, Nov 2018. 2. Zhangjie Liu, Mei Su, Yao Sun*, Hua Han, Xiaochao Hou, and Josep M. Guerrero."Stability analysis of DC microgrids with constant power load under distributed control methods'', Automatica, vol.90, pp.62-72, Apr. 2018. 1. Mei Su, Zhangjie Liu, Yao Sun*, Hua Han, Xiaochao Hou.'' Stability Analysis and Stabilization methods of DC Microgrid with Multiple Parallel-Connected DC-DC Converters loaded by CPLs . '' IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no.1, pp.132-142, Jan. 2018. 研究方向 [1] 电力系统稳定性,分布式控制、非线性电路
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