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姓名 | 张瑞丰 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 中南大学 | 部门 | 职务:副教授 |
学位 | 博士学位 | 学历 | 研究生(博士)毕业 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 米塔尔金属研究院 |
邮箱 | ruifeng.zhang@csu.edu.cn | ||
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个人简介 张瑞丰,男,中南大学材料科学与工程学院材料学系副教授。致力于先进轻合金材料设计及腐蚀电化学相关的研究,博士及博后工作期间参与多项舰船材料开发及民用工业项目。科研项目主要以服务国家重大发展需求为根本,同时积极扩展相关领域的基础研究,目前相关成果已在 Corrosion Science (8篇),Additive Manufacturing (1篇),Corrosion (2篇) 等50余篇学术论文上发表。 主持:国家级项目2项,国家重点研发计划子课题1项,省部级项目3项,湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,长沙市自然科学基金1项,校企合作项目多项。 参与:国家重点研发计划课题1项。 主要科研方向: (1)高强耐蚀铝锂合金设计与应用 (2)现代腐蚀电化学理论与技术 (3)电极/电解液界面反应机理 (4)舰船与海洋工程用耐蚀铝合金 欢迎各位有志青年报考研究生,一起努力,共同进步! 联系方式:ruifeng.zhang@csu.edu.cn 学习及工作经历: 学士学位▕ 中南大学,莫纳什大学,一等荣誉学士学位 (Hons I),实习合作导师为 Prof. Christopher Hutchinson 博士学位▕ 莫纳什大学,合作导师为 Prof. Nick Birbilis 及 Prof. Chris Davies, 博士后▕ 上海大学,莫纳什大学,合作导师为 李 谦 教授,Prof. Nick Birbilis 及 Prof. Chris Davies 特聘副教授▕ 中南大学材料科学与工程学院,李劲风 教授 课题组开展科研工作 社会兼职: npj Materials Degradation, Corrosion Science, Corrosion, Scripta, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, MSEA, Scientific Reports 等20余种杂志审稿人 《中国有色金属学报》(中英文版)青年编委,《Corrosion Communications》 Associate Editor,《中国腐蚀与防护学报》青年编委,《材料工程》青年编委,《航空材料学报》青年编委 相关链接: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ruifeng_Zhang8 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7485-842X https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=gBrQve0AAAAJ&hl=en https://www.monash.edu/engineering/alumni/meet-our-alumni/materials/ruifeng-zhang 部分论文: 9: Achieving uniform plasticity in a high strength Al-Mn-Sc based alloy through laser-directed energy deposition X Xiao, Y Guo, R Zhang*, D Bayoumy, H Shen, J Li, K Gan, K Zhang, Y Zhu*, A Huang, Additive Manufacturing 60, 103273, 2022 8: Analysing the degree of sensitisation in 5xxx series aluminium alloys using artificial neural networks: A tool for alloy design R Zhang, J Li*, Q Li*, Y Qi, Z Zeng, Y Qiu, X Chen, SK Kairy, S Thomas, N Birbilis*, Corrosion Science 150, 268-278, 2019 7: A closer look at the role of Zn in the microstructure and corrosion of an Al-Cu-Li alloy DY Liu, JF Li*, YL Ma, RK Gupta, N Birbilis, R Zhang*, Corrosion Science 145, 220-23, 2018 6: Correlation of intergranular corrosion behaviour with microstructure in Al-Cu-Li alloy J. Huang, J. Li*, D. Liu, R. Zhang*, Y. Chen, X. Zhang, P. Ma, R. K. Gupta, N. Birbilis, Corrosion Science 139, 215-226, 2018 5: A closer inspection of a grain boundary immune to intergranular corrosion in a sensitised Al-Mg alloy R Zhang*, Y Qiu, Y Qi, N Birbilis, Corrosion Science 133, 1-5, 2018 4: The effect of reversion heat treatment on the degree of sensitisation for aluminium alloy AA5083 R Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Yan, S Thomas, CHJ Davies, N Birbilis, Corrosion Science 126, 324-333, 2017 3: The Influence of Grain Size and Grain Orientation on Sensitization in AA5083 R Zhang, RK Gupta, CHJ Davies, AM Hodge, M Tort, K Xia, N Birbilis, Corrosion 72 (2), 160-168, 2016 2: A Survey of Sensitization in 5xxx Series Aluminum Alloys R Zhang, SP Knight, RL Holtz, R Goswami, CHJ Davies, N Birbilis, Corrosion 72 (2), 144-159, 2016 1: Quantification of sensitization in AA5083-H131 via imaging Ga-embrittled fracture surfaces N Birbilis, R Zhang, MLC Lim, RK Gupta, CHJ Davies, SP Lynch, RG Kelly, JR Scully, Corrosion 69 (4), 396-402, 2012 获得奖项: Monash Winter Conference 2nd place, Monash University, Melbourne AU, 2015 Graduate Student Book Award, NACE International Foundation, Dallas US, 2014 Poster Award 1st place, Australasian Corrosion Association (ACA), Melbourne AU, 2012 Monash Graduate Scholarship (MGS), Monash University, Melbourne AU, 2012
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