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姓名 | 孙梦丹 | 性别 | |
学校 | 苏州大学 | 部门 | 教育学院 |
学位 | 学历 | ||
职称 | 联系方式 | ||
邮箱 | mengdansun@suda.edu.cn | ||
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个人简介 孙梦丹,1991年出生于浙江湖州,现为苏州大学教育学院心理学系讲师/师资博士后。联系方式:mengdansun@suda.edu.cn教育/工作经历2022/01 — 苏州大学教育学院心理系(讲师/师资博后)2019/08 —2021年12 浙江大学心理科学研究中心(博士后)2016/09 —2019/07 北京师范大学心理学部 基础心理学(博士研究生)研究方向采用行为、脑电和磁共振手段研究视知觉,包括颜色知觉与分类、颜色工作记忆、颜色知觉与美学、面孔认知等。代表性论文Sun, M. & Ying, H. (2023). Color’s perceptual diversity and categorical harmony improve aesthetic experience. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Sun, M., Xin, X., Ying, H., Hu, L., & Zhang, X. (2023). Categorical encoding of moving colors during location tracking. Perception, 03010066221147120.Gao, X., Wen, M., Sun, M., & Rossion, B. (2022). A genuine interindividual variability in number and anatomical localization of face-selective regions in the human brain. Cerebral Cortex, 32(21), 4834-4856.Xin, X., Sun, M., Liu, B., Li, Y., & Gao, X. (2022). A More Realistic Markov Process Model for Explaining the Disjunction Effect in One-Shot Prisoner’s Dilemma Game. Mathematics, 10(5), 834.Sun, M., & Zhang, X. (2022). Language modulates categorical effects of moving color objects. Perception, 51(3), 210-217.Sun, M., Hu, L., Xin, X., & Zhang, X. (2021). Neural hierarchy of color categorization: From prototype encoding to boundary encoding. Frontiers in neuroscience, 15, 679627.Sun, M., Hu, L., Fan, L., & Zhang, X. (2020). Tracking within-category colors is easier: Color categories modulate location processing in a dynamic visual task. Memory & Cognition, 48, 32-41.Fan, L., Sun, M., Xu, M., Li, Z., Diao, L., & Zhang, X. (2019). Multiple representations in visual working memory simultaneously guide attention: The type of memory-matching representation matters. Acta Psychologica, 192, 126-137.Sun, M., Zhang, X., Fan, L., & Hu, L. (2018). Hue distinctiveness overrides category in determining performance in multiple object tracking. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 80, 374-386.Wang, Q., Sun, M (共同一作)., Liu, H., Pan, Y., Wang, L., & Ge, L. (2018). The applicability of eye-controlled highlighting to the field of visual searching: The applicability of eye-controlled highlighting. Australian Journal of Psychology.doi:10.1111/ajpy.12200. [共同一作] Fan, L. Yu, H., Zhang, X., Feng Q., Sun, M., & Xu, M. (2018). Conflict Tasks of Different Types Divergently Affect the Attentional Processing of Gaze and Arrow, i-Perception. doi: 10.1177/2041669518771713. Fan, L., Xu, M., Najam ul H., Sun, M., & Zhang, X. (2018). Attentional guidance from two representations of the same or different dimensions in visual working memory. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-018-9949-9. Liu, H., Sun, M (共同一作)., Ye, H., Wang, D., & Ge, L. (2017). Providing depth information in the display for pursuit and compensatory tracking and optimization in 3-D space. Australian Journal of Psychology, 69(1), 65-73. 葛列众, 孙梦丹, & 王琦君. (2015). 视觉显示技术的新视角: 交互显示. 心理科学进展, 23(4), 539. 内容来自集群智慧云企服 发明专利4999元代写全部资料全国受理