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姓名 何金林 性别
学校 苏州大学 部门 材料与化学化工学部
学位 学历
职称 联系方式
邮箱 jlhe@suda.edu.cn    
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个人信息 个人简介        何金林,苏州大学材料与化学化工学部教授、高分子系教工党支部书记,苏州市化学化工学会秘书长。2006年本科毕业于苏州大学化学工程与工艺专业,2012年在苏州大学材料与化学化工学部获得高分子化学与物理专业博士学位,从事生物可降解高分子纳米材料的研究工作,博士论文课题获得江苏省2009年度普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目资助。博士在读期间,获得2010年国际高分子化学学术讨论会(PC2010)—“优秀墙报奖”和2010年江苏省博士生学术论坛(化学与绿色化工)—“优秀论文奖”。2010年8月荣获国家留学基金委公派留学基金资助,在美国Akron大学高分子科学与工程学院美国工程院院士程正迪教授课题组学习,从事功能性软物质材料的研究。2015年7月晋升为副教授,2018年7月入选苏州大学优秀青年学者(2021年考核后续聘),2021年7月晋升为教授。先后入选英国皇家化学会J. Mater. Chem. B Emerging Investigator(2018)和ChemComm Pioneering Investigator(2023)。        2019年获得苏州大学“课程思政”课堂教学竞赛三等奖,2020年获得苏州大学第十九届青年教师课堂教学竞赛二等奖,2020年获评苏州大学本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师,2021年获评苏州大学本科招生宣传先进个人,2020年获评材化部优秀共产党员,2021年和2022年获评材化部优秀党务工作者,2022年获批苏州大学第二批教职工党支部书记示范工作室负责人,2022年荣获苏州大学学生“我最喜爱的老师”提名奖,2022年获聘“苏州未来科学家培养薪火计划”导师,2023年获评苏州大学优秀党务工作者。现承担本科生《高分子化学》《基础化学》《化工基础实验》,以及研究生《高分子研究方法》等课程的教学。      何金林博士已在Macromolecules, Anal. Chem, Chem. Commun., Chin. J. Chem., Polym. Chem.,J. Mater. Chem. B, Soft Matter,《高分子学报》和《化学进展》等专业学术期刊发表论文多篇,先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年基金、江苏省高等学校自然科学研究重大项目、江苏省自然科学基金、高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金等项目9项。受邀担任Adv. Mater., ACS Nano, Chem. Mater., Macromolecules, ACS Macro Lett., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Anal. Chem., Chem. Commun., 《高分子学报》等期刊的审稿人。现为中国化学会高级会员、中国化工学会化工新材料委员会会员、百度百科学术委员会委员、秒懂百科硬核知识官,担任国家自然科学基金、教育部学位中心、江苏省高新技术企业认定、苏州市高新技术企业培育入库、以及苏州市核心技术产品等评审专家。      Dr. Jinlin He is currently a full professor at College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University (Suzhou, China). He received his B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering (2006) and Ph.D. in Polymer Chemistry and Physics (2012) from Soochow University. From August 2010 to November 2011, he obtained the fellowship from China Scholarship Council (CSC) and studied as an exchange Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Professor Stephen Z. D. Cheng in College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering at the University of Akron. In 2012 he joined the present college as a Lecturer and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2015 and Professor in 2021. He has been selected as the Excellent Young Scholar of Soochow University, Journal of Materials Chemistry B Emerging Investigator in 2018, and Chemical Communications Pioneering Investigators in 2023.      Dr. He's current research interests focus on the preparation of topological polymers and smart biomedical materials via combination of various polymer synthesis methodologies and highly-efficient organic reactions. Dr. He has published more than 80 peer-reviewed papers with a total citation of more than 1100, and obtained several financial supports including the National Natural Science Foundation China, Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, etc. Dr. He has also frequently invited for peer-reviewing for many scientific journals including ACS Nano, Chem. Mater., Macromolecules, ACS Macro Lett., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Anal. Chem., Chem. Commun., Polym. Chem., J. Mater. Chem. B, Biomacromolecules, Mol. Pharm., ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., ACS Appl. Bio Mater., Bioconjugate Chem., Acta Biomater., Analyst, Chinese J. Polym. Sci., J. Nanobiotechnol., Polymer, Mater. Today Chem., RSC Adv., Colloid. Surfaces B, etc.指导本科生科研训练:  截止2023年,独立指导本科生24人,其中1人去美国阿克伦大学读博,3人去中科大读研,1人去南京大学读研,2人保送厦门大学读研,7人进入华中科大、大连理工、华东理工、苏州大学等学校读研。(1)苏州大学2023届本科优秀毕业论文(设计),还原响应性阿霉素/R837前药纳米粒子的制备及表征,学生:郭子峰,指导教师:何金林。(2)苏州大学2023届本科优秀毕业论文(设计)团队,功能化高分子的构建及其性质研究,学生:包予晗、郭子峰、李昕燃,指导教师:何金林、杨晓明。(3)2023年苏州大学第二十五批大学生课外学术科研基金一般项目(KY2023281B),肿瘤靶向型酸敏感高分子前药纳米载体的构建,学生:钱正阳、徐昊,指导教师:何金林。(4)2021年江苏省高等学校大学生创新创业训练计划项目(国家级,202110285025),酸敏感性阿霉素/环状RNA前药纳米粒子的制备及表征,2021.05-2023.05,学生:包予晗、郭子峰、王彦丹,指导教师:何金林,已结题。(5)苏州大学2021年第二十二届“苏大天宫杯”“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖,学生:郭子峰、包予晗、王彦丹,指导教师:何金林。(6)苏州大学2020届本科优秀毕业设计(论文),刺激响应性葡聚糖-阿霉素前药的合成与表征,学生:刘鹏,指导教师:何金林。(7)苏州大学2019年第二十届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖,学生:尹树杏、刘鹏,指导教师:何金林。(8)苏州大学2019届本科优秀毕业设计(论文),导电水凝胶的设计合成与表征,学生:饶梁,指导教师:何金林。(9)2018年江苏省高等学校大学生创新创业训练计划项目(省级,201810285067Y),肿瘤微环境响应性天然高分子前药载体的构建,2018.05-2020.05,学生:刘鹏、尹树杏,指导教师:何金林,已结题。(10)2014年苏州大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目(校级,2014xj021),基于葡聚糖的生物相容及生物可降解性抗肿瘤前药的合成与表征,2014.06-2016.05,学生:邓惠元、薛妍、吴玲,指导教师:倪沛红、何金林,已结题。(11)2013年苏州大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目(校级,2013xj023),活性阴离子聚合法制备结构规整的星形聚合物,2013.06-2015.05,学生:张琳、杨冰玉,指导教师:何金林,已结题。已发表学术论文:2023年(122) Yongtian Jin, Jintao Li, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He,* Peihong Ni. “Unexpected mechanically robust ionic conductive elastomer constructed from an itaconic acid-involved polymerizable DES”, Chem. Commun. 2023, 59, 12998-13001.(121) Jintao Li, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He,* Peihong Ni. “Development of multifunctional ionogels derived from a dynamic deep eutectic solvent”, Chem. Commun. 2023, 59, 8814-8817. (Invited Article for 2023 Pioneering Investigators Themed Collection) (Highlighted by RSC China, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/-OHBoiAsICGyIDK5aGOYgQ)(120) Jintao Li, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He,* Peihong Ni. “Exploring anionic homopolymerization and copolymerization of vinyl monomers in deep eutectic solvent”, Eur. Polym. J. 2023, 191, 112044.(119) Xiaojin Yan,# Bo Hou,# Yu Shao,* Yu-Chun Xu, Wei-Yi Li, Qing-Yun Guo, Jinlin He,* Peihong Ni, Wen-Bin Zhang.* “ABC-type bola-form giant surfactants: synthesis and self-assembly”, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2023, 44, 2200319. (#Equal contribution)(118) Leisha Cui, Zun Yang, Jing Hong, Zhanchi Zhu, Zhaojun Wang, Zhongqing Liu, Wenlong Zheng, Ying Hao,* Jinlin He,* Peihong Ni, Guosheng Cheng.* “An injectable and degradable POSS-polyphosphate-polysaccharide hybrid hydrogel scaffold for cartilage regeneration”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 20625-20637.(117) Shuai Wang,# Gang Li,# Zhongguo Liu, Ze Yang, Jinlin He,* Xue-Hui Dong.* “Facile construction of giant polymeric chains through strain-promoted azide-alkyne cycloaddition”, Polym. J. 2023, 55, 1129-1139. (#Equal contribution)(116) 包予晗,# 郭子峰,# 李金涛, 张明祖, 何金林,* 倪沛红. “基于阿霉素纳米共递体系的抗肿瘤联合治疗”, 化学进展 2023, 35(8), 1123-1135. (#共同第一作者)(115) Yu Shao, Bo Hou, Weiyi Li, Xiaojin Yan, Xiaoge Wang, Yuchun Xu, Qingshu Dong, Weihua Li, Jinlin He, Wen-Bin Zhang.* “Three-component bolaform giant surfactants forming lamellar nanopatterns with sub‑5 nm feature sizes”, Macromolecules 2023, 56, 1562-1571.(114)Haijiao Li, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Jian Liu, Xingwei Sun,* Peihong Ni.* “A CD326 monoclonal antibody modified core cross-linked curcumin-polyphosphoester prodrug for targeted delivery and cancer treatment”, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2023, 11, 9467-9477.(113) Xikai Ouyang, Jintian Luo, Tao Li, Yihui Zhu, Wancheng Yu, Jinlin He, Pengfei Zhang, GengXin Liu.* “The second network of soft-nanoparticles in linear polymers of the same chemistry”, Polymer 2023, 283, 126216.(112) Bo Hou, Xiaojin Yan, Jinlin He, Wen-Bin Zhang,* Yu Shao.* “Self-assembly of three-component Bolaform giant surfactants with branched architectures”, Giant 2023, 15, 100165.(111) Wenrui Zhang, Zun Yang, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Shenzhi Li, Xingwei Sun,* Peihong Ni.* “Hybrid hydrogel constructed by drug loaded mesoporous silica and multiple response copolymer as an intelligent dressing for wound healing of diabetic foot ulcers”, J. Mater. Chem. B 2023, 11, 4922-4933.(110) Yuanzhe Liu,# Shuo Lv,# Mingzu Zhang,* Jinlin He, Peihong Ni. “UV-photopolymerized cellulose acetate-acrylate membranes for lithium-ion battery separator”, Colloid. Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Asp. 2023, 667, 131359. (#Equal contribution)(109) Panli Han, Lianxue Zhang,* Yaqi Fu, Youyu Fu, Jianxiang Huang, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni, Taimoor Khan, Yang Jiao, Zaixing Yang, Ruhong Zhou.* “A dual-response drug delivery system with X-ray and ROS to boost the anti-tumor efficiency of TPZ via enhancement of tumor hypoxia level”, Nanoscale 2023, 15, 237-247.(108) Hongrui Tian,# Liang Yu,# Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Xingwei Sun,* Peihong Ni.* “Dextran-doxorubicin prodrug nanoparticles conjugated with CD147 monoclonal antibody for targeted drug delivery in hepatoma therapy”, Colloids Surf. B Biointerfaces 2023, 228, 113400. (#Equal contribution)(107) Zun Yang, Haijiao Li, Wenrui Zhang, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Zepeng Yu, Xingwei Sun,* Peihong Ni.* “CD163 monoclonal antibody modified polymer prodrug nanoparticles for targeting tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) to enhance anti-tumor effect”, Pharmaceutics 2023, 15, 1241.2022年(106) Chengmeng Wang, Yibo Wu, Yihui Zhu, Hongbing Ma, Mingzu Zhang, GengXin Liu, Jinlin He,* Peihong Ni. “Investigation on eight-arm tapered star copolymers prepared from anionic copolymerization and coupling reaction”, Polym. Chem. 2022, 13, 3938-3948.(105) 李金涛, 张明祖, 何金林,* 倪沛红. “低共熔溶剂在高分子合成中的应用”, 化学进展 2022, 34(10), 2159-2172. (104) Peihong Ni,* Jie Liu, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang. “A codelivery system of anticancer drug doxorubicin and tumor-suppressor gene p53 based on polyphosphoester for lung cancer therapy”, In: Huayu Tian, Xuesi Chen (eds) Gene Delivery. Biomaterial Engineering, 2022, pp 505-521. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5419-0_27(103) Ru Zhou, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Jian Liu, Xingwei Sun,* Peihong Ni.* “Functional cRGD-conjugated polymer prodrug for targeted drug delivery to liver cancer”, ACS Omega 2022, 7, 21325-21336.(102) 姜波, 张明祖,* 何金林, 倪沛红. “一种醋酸纤维素交联膜的制备及应用”, 高分子材料科学与工程 2022, 38(8), 139-146.2021年(101) Lei Xu, Hairong Wang, Hongrui Tian, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He*, Peihong Ni. “Facile construction of noncovalent graft copolymers with triple stimuli-responsiveness for triggered drug delivery”, Polym. Chem. 2021, 12, 2152-2164.(100)Yu Shao,# Di Han,# Xiaojin Yan,# Bo Hou, Jinlin He*, Qiang Fu*, Wen-Bin Zhang*. “Phase behaviors of multi-tailed B2AB2-type regio-isomeric giant surfactants at the columnar-spherical boundary”, Chinese J. Chem. 2021,  39, 3261-3268. (#Equal contribution)(99) Hongping Li,# Ru Zhou,# Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Jian Liu, Peihong Ni*. “Glucose-sensitive core-crosslinked nanoparticles constructed with polyphosphoester diblock copolymer for controlling insulin delivery”, Bioconjugate Chem. 2021, 32, 2095-2107. (#Equal contribution)(98) Zhongguo Liu,# Ze Yang,# Xin Chen,# Rui Tan, Gang Li, Zhanhui Gan, Yu Shao, Jinlin He, Zhengbiao Zhang, Weihua Li, Wen-Bin Zhang, Xue-Hui Dong*. “Discrete giant polymeric chains based on nanosized monomers”, JACS Au 2021, 1, 79-86. (#Equal contribution)(97) Hongrui Tian, Yakui Huang, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “CD147 monoclonal antibody targeted reduction-responsive CPT polyphosphoester nanomedicine for drug delivery in hepatocellular carcinoma cells”, ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2021, 4, 4422-4431.(96) Yakui Huang, Hongrui Tian, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Jian Liu, Peihong Ni*. “Monoclonal antibody-conjugated polyphosphoester-hyd-DOX prodrug nanoparticles for targeted chemotherapy of liver cancer cells”, Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2021, 39, 1392-1402.(95) 刘远哲, 姜波, 张明祖*, 何金林, 倪沛红. “醋酸纤维素/甲基丙烯酸甲酯交联隔膜的制备与性能”, 高分子材料科学与工程 2021, 37(12), 121-127.2020年(94) 王彬, 张明祖, 何金林*, 倪沛红. “活性负离子聚合制备八臂星形嵌段共聚物及其氢化反应研究”, 高分子学报 2020, 51(9), 1010-1020.(93) 梁益玮,# 刘鹏,# 尹树杏, 刘景瑞, 张明祖, 何金林*, 倪沛红. “官能团化POSS及多臂星形聚酯的合成与表征”, 高分子学报 2020, 51(4), 366-376. (#共同第一作者)(92) Lei Li, Hongrui Tian, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Zu-Guang Li, Peihong Ni*. Fabrication of aminated poly(glycidyl methacrylate)s-based polymers for co-delivery of anticancer drug and p53 gene. J. Mater. Chem. B 2020, 8, 9555-9565.(91) Lianxue Zhang, Shitong Zhang, Jiaying Xu, Youyun Li, Jinlin He, Ying Yang, Tien Huynh, Peihong Ni, Guangxin Duan, Zaixing Yang,* Ruhong Zhou*. “Low-dose X‑ray-responsive diselenide nanocarriers for effective delivery of anticancer agents”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 43398-43407.(90) Kunming Che, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni*. Polyphosphoester-modified cellulose nanocrystals for stabilizing pickering emulsion polymerization of styrene. Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2020, 38, 921-931.(89) Hongping Li, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Jian Liu, Peihong Ni*. “Glucose-sensitive polyphosphoester diblock copolymer for insulin delivery system”, ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2020, 6, 1553-1564.(88) Jiangnan Hu, Yuanzhe Liu, Mingzu Zhang*, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni. “A separator based on cross-linked nano-SiO2 and cellulose acetate for lithium-ion batteries”, Electrochim. Acta 2020, 334, 135585.2019年(87) Hua Chai, Wenbo Cheng, Lei Xu, Huiqiang Gui, Jinlin He*, Peng Miao*. “Fabrication of polymeric ferrocene nanoparticles for electrochemical aptasensing of protein with target catalyzed hairpin assembly”, Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 9940-9945.(86) Qiangyu Qian,# Jun Xu,# Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He*, Peihong Ni. “Versatile construction of single-tailed giant surfactants with hydrophobic poly(ε-caprolactone) tail and hydrophilic POSS head”, Polymers 2019, 11, 311. (#Equal contribution)(85) Ying Hao, Jinlin He, Xun Ma, Lin Feng, Mo Zhu, Yuanxin Zhai, Yang Liu, Peihong Ni, Guosheng Cheng*. “A fully degradable and photocrosslinked polysaccharide-polyphosphate hydrogel for tissue engineering”, Carbohyd. Polym. 2019, 225, 115257.(84) Shuxiang Dong, Jinlin He, Yue Sun, Dian Li, Lei Li, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Efficient Click Synthesis of Protonize & Reduction-Sensitive Amphiphilic Small Molecule Prodrug Containing Camptothecin and Gemcitabine for Drug Self-Delivery System”, Mol. Pharm. 2019, 16, 3770-3779.(83)顾陆铭, 张明祖*, 何金林, 倪沛红. “纤维素静电纺丝复合膜的制备及应用”, 高分子材料科学与工程 2019, 35, 146-152.(82) Rui Tan, Dongdong Zhou, Baolei Liu, Yanxiao Sun, Xinxin Liu, Zhuang Ma, Deyu Kong, Jinlin He, Zhengbiao Zhang, Xue-Hui Dong*. “Precise modulation of molecular weight distribution for structure engineering”, Chem. Sci. 2019, 10, 10698-10705.(81) Shuxiang Dong, Yue Sun, Jie Liu, Lei Li, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Multifunctional polymeric prodrug with simultaneous conjugating camptothecin and doxorubicin for pH/reduction dual-responsive drug delivery”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 8740-8748.(80) Lei Li, Yue Song, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Jian Liu, Peihong Ni*. “Zwitterionic shielded polymeric prodrug with folate-targeting and pH responsiveness for drug delivery”, J. Mater. Chem. B 2019, 7, 786-795.(79) Dian Li, Yue Song, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Polymer-doxorubicin prodrug with biocompatibility, pH response and main chain breakability prepared by catalyst-free click reaction”, ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2019, 5, 2307-2315.(78) Yue Song, Dian Li, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Facile preparation of pH-responsive PEGylated prodrugs for activated intracellular drug delivery”, Chinese Chem. Lett. 2019, 30, 2027-2031.(77) Yongjuan Li, Jian Hu, Xun Liu, Yong Liu*, Shixian Lv, Juanjuan Dang, Yong Ji*, Jinlin He, Lichen Yin*. “Photodynamic therapy-triggered on-demand drug release from ROS-responsive core-cross-linked micelles toward synergistic anti-cancer treatment”, Nano Res. 2019, 12, 999-1008.(76) Nengxin Wei, Jiangnan Hu, Mingzu Zhang*, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni. “Cross-linked porous polymer separator using vinyl-modified aluminum oxide nanoparticles as cross-linker for lithium-ion batteries”, Electrochim. Acta 2019, 307, 495-502.(75) Xingxing Shi, Peng Yang, Xiangfang Peng, Chuhao Huang, Qiangyu Qian, Bin Wang, Jinlin He, Xianhu Liu, Yiwen Li*, Tairong Kuang*. “Bi-phase fire-resistant polyethylenimine/graphene oxide/melanin coatings using layer by layer assembly technique: Smoke suppression and thermal stability of flexible polyurethane foams”, Polymer 2019, 170, 65-75.2018年(74) Xiao-Man Wang,# Yu Shao,# Peng-Fei Jin,Wenbo Jiang, Wei Hu,Shuguang Yang,Weihua Li,* Jinlin He*, Peihong Ni, Wen-Bin Zhang*. “Influence of regio-configuration on the phase diagrams of double-chain giant surfactants”, Macromolecules 2018, 51, 1110-1119. (#Equal contribution)(73) Pengfei Ju,# Jian Hu,# Fei Li, Youwen Cao, Lei Li, Dongjian Shi, Ying Hao, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He*, Peihong Ni*. “A biodegradable polyphosphoester-functionalized poly(disulfide)s nanocarrier for reduction-triggered intracellular drug delivery”, J. Mater. Chem. B2018, 6, 7263-7273. (#Equal contribution) (Invited Article for 2018 Emerging Investigators Themed Issue) https://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/articlecollectionlanding?sercode=tb&themeid=76c5076b-88fe-4a6d-a134-29e5bb6ae036(72) Yanyan Zhou, Lei Li, Wei Chen, Dian Li, Nianchen Zhou, Jinlin He*, Peihong Ni, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Xiulin Zhu. “Twin-tailed tadpole-shaped amphiphilic copolymer of poly(ethylene glycol) and cyclic poly(ɛ-caprolactone): Synthesis, self-assembly and biomedical application”, Polym. Chem. 2018, 9, 4343-4353.(71) 徐俊, 钱强雨, 何金林*, 张明祖, 戴礼兴, 倪沛红. “负离子聚合制备环氧化八臂星形聚异戊二烯及其表征”, 高分子学报 2018, 3, 356-365.(70) Xiaoming Sun,# Hongbo Zhang,# Jinlin He,# Ruoyu Cheng, Youwen Cao, Kunming Che, Liying Cheng, Lu Zhang, Guoqing Pan, Peihong Ni, Lianfu Deng, Yuguang Zhang*, Hélder A. Santos*, Wenguo Cui*. “Adjustable hardness of hydrogel for promoting vascularization and maintaining stemness of stem cells in skin flap regenerationc”, Appl. Mater. Today 2018, 13, 54-63. (#Equal contribution)(69) Zhe Liu, Yupeng Huang, Xiaolong Zhang, Xiaoyan Tu, Mingqi Wang, Liwei Ma, Baoyan Wang, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni, Hua Wei*. “Fabrication of cyclic brush copolymers with heterogeneous amphiphilic polymer brushes for controlled drug release”, Macromolecules 2018, 51, 7672-7679.(68) Luming Gu, Mingzu Zhang*, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni. “A porous cross-linked gel polymer electrolyte separator for lithium-ion batteries prepared by using zinc oxide nanoparticle as a foaming agent and filler”, Electrochim. Acta 2018, 292, 769-778.(67) Peng-Fei Jin,# Yu Shao,# Guang-Zhong Yin, Shuguang Yang, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni, Wen-Bin Zhang*. “Janus [3:5] polystyrene-polydimethylsiloxane star polymers with a cubic core”, Macromolecules2018, 51, 419-427. (#Equal contribution)(66) Jie Liu, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Guoqiang Xu, Peihong Ni*. “A synergistic polyphosphoester-based co-delivery system of an anticancer drug doxorubicin and the tumor suppressor gene P53 for lung cancer therapy”, J. Mater. Chem. B 2018, 6, 3262-3273.(65) Youwen Cao, Jinlin He, Jie Liu, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Folate-conjugated polyphosphoester with reversible cross-linkage and reduction sensitivity for drug delivery”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 7811-7820.(64) Guoqing Ma, Jie Liu, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Dual-responsive polyphosphoester-doxorubicin prodrug containing diselenide bond: Synthesis, characterization and drug delivery”, ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2018, 4, 2443-2452.(63) Lei Li, Dian Li, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Jian Liu, Peihong Ni*. “One-pot synthesis of pH/redox responsive polymeric prodrug and fabrication of shell cross-linked prodrug micelles for antitumor drug transportation”, Bioconjugate Chem.2018, 29, 2806-2817.(62) Debabrata Maiti, Yu Chao, Ziliang Dong, Xuan Yi, Jinlin He, Zhuang Liu, Kai Yang*. “Development of thermosensitive protein conjugated nanogel for enhanced radio-chemotherapy of cancer”, Nanoscale 2018, 10, 13976-13985.(61) Xiao-Yan Tu, Chao Meng, Yun-Fei Wang, Li-Wei Ma, Bao-Yan Wang, Jin-Lin He, Pei-Hong Ni, Xiang-Ling Ji, Ming-Zhu Liu*, Hua Wei*. “Fabrication of thermosensitive cyclic brush copolymer with enhanced therapeutic efficacy for anticancer drug delivery”, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2018, 39, 1700744(1-8).2017年(60) Xiao-Man Wang,# Yu Shao,# Jun Xu, Xin Jin, Rui-Hao Shen, Peng-Fei Jin, Dong-Wei Shen, Jing Wang, Weihua Li, Jinlin He*, Peihong Ni, Wen-Bin Zhang*. “Precision synthesis and distinct assembly of double-chain giant surfactant regio-isomers”, Macromolecules 2017, 50, 3943-3953. (#Equal contribution)(59) 晏雪生,# 徐俊,# 何金林*, 张明祖, 戴礼兴, 倪沛红. “活性负离子聚合法制备POSS基七臂星形聚合物及其表征”, 高分子学报 2017, 3, 454-464. (#共同第一作者)(58) Zixu Gu, Jun Cheng, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni*. “Effect of sequence structure on wetting behaviors of fluorinated methacrylate polymers based on perfluorohexylethyl methacrylate and stearyl acrylate”, Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2017, 35, 1061-1072.(57) Xueqiong Du, Yue Sun, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni*. “Polyphosphoester-camptothecin prodrug with reduction-response prepared via Michael addition polymerizationand click reaction”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 13939-13949.(56) Yue Sun, Xueqiong Du, Jinlin He, Jian Hu, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Dual-responsive core-crosslinked polyphosphoester-based nanoparticles for pH/redox-triggered anticancer drug delivery”, J. Mater. Chem. B 2017, 5, 3771-3782.(55) Zixu Gu, Jun Cheng, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni*. “Effect of groups at α-position and side-chain structure of comonomers on surface free energy and surface reorganization of fluorinated methacrylate copolymer”, Polymer 2017, 114, 79-87.2016年(54) Kan Yue,# Mingjun Huang,# Ryan Marson,# Jinlin He, Jiahao Huang, Zhe Zhou, Jing Wang, Chang Liu, Xuesheng Yan, Kan Wu, Zaihong Guo, Hao Liu, Wei Zhang, Peihong Ni, Chrys Wesdemiotis, Wen-Bin Zhang,* Sharon C. Glotzer*, Stephen Z. D. Cheng*. “Geometry Induced Sequence of Nanoscale Frank-Kasper and Quasicrystal Mesophases in Giant Surfactants”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2016, 113, 14195-14200. (#Equal contribution)(53) Yu Shao, Hang Yin, Xiao-Man Wang, Shuai-Yuan Han, Xuesheng Yan, Jun Xu, Jinlin He*, Peihong Ni, Wen-Bin Zhang*. “Mixed [2:6] hetero-arm star polymers based on Janus POSS with precisely defined arm distribution”, Polym. Chem. 2016, 7, 2381-2388.(52) Jian Tian,# Jie Chen,# Cuicui Ge, Xu Liu, Jinlin He*, Peihong Ni, Yue Pan*. “Synthesis ofPEGylated ferrocene nanoconjugates as the radiosensitizer of cancer cells”, Bioconjugate Chem. 2016, 27, 1518-1524. (#Equal contribution)(51) Dongling Cao, Jinlin He, Jiaying Xu, Mingzu Zhang, Lin Zhao, Guangxin Duan, Youwen Cao, Ruhong Zhou*, Peihong Ni*. “Polymeric prodrugs conjugated with reduction-sensitive dextran-camptothecin and pH-responsive dextran-doxorubicin: An effective combinatorial drug delivery platform for cancer therapy”, Polym. Chem. 2016,7, 4198-4212.(50) Sen Li, Jinlin He*, Mingzu Zhang, Hairong Wang, Peihong Ni*. “Multicompartment morphologies self-assembled from fluorinated ABC triblock terpolymers: Effects of flexible and rigid hydrophobic moieties”, Polym. Chem. 2016, 7, 1773-1781.(49) Zixu Gu, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni*. “Surface energy and surface reorganization of perfluorohexylethyl methacrylate/n-alkyl(meth)acrylate copolymers”, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Asp. 2016, 502, 159-167.(48) Jian Hu, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni*. “Injectable hydrogels by inclusion complexation between three-armed star copolymer (mPEG-acetal-PCL-acetal-)3 and α-cyclodextrin for pH-triggered drug delivery”, RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 40858-40868.2015年(47) Qingqing Zhang, Jinlin He*, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Polyphosphoester-conjugated camptothecin prodrug with disulfide linkage for potent reduction-triggered drug delivery”, J. Mater. Chem. B 2015, 3, 4922-4932.(46) Fei Li, Jinlin He*, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “A pH-sensitive and biodegradable supramolecular hydrogel constructed from PEGylated polyphosphoester-doxorubicin prodrug and a-cyclodextrin”, Polym. Chem. 2015, 6, 5009-5014.(45) Jian Hu, Jinlin He*, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Precise modular synthesis and structure-property study of acid-cleavable star-block copolymers for pH-triggered drug delivery”. Polym. Chem. 2015, 6, 1553-1566.(44) Fei Li, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Kam Chiu Tam, Peihong Ni*. “Injectable supramolecular hydrogels fabricated from PEGylated doxorubicin prodrug and a-cyclodextrin for pH-triggered drug delivery”, RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 54658-54666.(43) Hairong Wang, Jinlin He, Dongling Cao, Mingzu Zhang, Fei Li, Kam Chiu Tam, Peihong Ni*. “Synthesis of an acid-labile polymeric prodrug DOX-acetal-PEG-acetal-DOX with high drug loading content for pH-triggered intracellular drug release”, Polym. Chem. 2015, 6, 4809-4818.(42) Hairong Wang, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Kam Chiu Tam*, Peihong Ni*. “A new pathway towards polymer modified cellulose nanocrystals via a “grafting onto” process for drug delivery”, Polym. Chem. 2015, 6, 4206-4209.(41) Jian Hu, Jinlin He, Dongling Cao, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Core cross-linked polyphosphoester micelles with folate-targeted and acid-cleavable features for pH-triggered drug delivery”, Polym. Chem.2015, 6, 3205-3216. (Front Cover)(40) Jian Hu, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Folate-conjugated biodegradable core cross-linked polyphosphoester micelles for targeted and pH-triggered drug delivery”, J. Controlled Release 2015, 213, e86-e87.(39) Dazhao Wu, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang*, Peihong Ni, Xiaofei Li, Jiankang Hu. “Fabrication of a novel sandwich-like composite separator with enhanced physical and electrochemical performances for lithium-ion battery”, J. Power Sources 2015, 290, 53-60.(38) Xiaofei Li, Jinlin He, Dazhao Wu, Mingzu Zhang*, Juwen Meng, Peihong Ni. “Development of plasma-treated polypropylene nonwoven-based composites for high-performance lithium-ion battery separators”, Electrochim. Acta2015, 167, 396-403.(37) Xingqiang Huang, Jinlin He, Ying Hao, Min Ye, Qi Zhang, Peihong Ni, Jian Liu*. “Synthesis of PEGylated brush-type copolymers for a plurality of plug-and-play functions”, RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 50019-50023.(36) Kai Ren, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Yixian Wu, Peihong Ni*. “Preparation of polymeric prodrug paclitaxel-poly(lactic acid)-b-polyisobutylene and its application in coatings of drug eluting stent”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 11263-11271.2014年(35) Yang Zhang, Jinlin He*, Dongling Cao, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Galactosylated reduction and pH dual-responsive triblock terpolymer Gal-PEEP-a-PCL-ss-PDMAEMA: a multifunctionalcarrier for targeted and simultaneous delivery of doxorubicin and DNA”, Polym. Chem. 2014, 5, 5124-5138.(34) Jiao Bian, Ying Hao, Jinlin He*, Wenling Zhang, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Synthesis and characterization of a biodegradable ABC triblock terpolymer as co-delivery carrier of doxorubicin and DNA”, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2014, 52, 3005-3016.(33) Ying Hao, Jinlin He, Sen Li, Jian Liu, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*, “Synthesis of acid-cleavable and fluorescent amphiphilic block copolymer as a combined delivery vector of DNA and doxorubicin”, J. Mater. Chem. B 2014, 2, 4237-4249.(32) Yunfeng Tao, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Ying Hao, Jian Liu, Peihong Ni*. “Galactosylated biodegradable poly(ε-caprolactone-co-phosphoester) random copolymer nanoparticles for potent hepatoma-targeting delivery of doxorubicin”, Polym. Chem. 2014, 5, 3443-3452.(31)肖燕, 何金林, 陶云锋, 张明祖, 胡健, 倪沛红*. “基于功能化聚磷酸酯嵌段共聚物的微凝胶和水凝胶的制备与表征”, 高分子学报 2014, 1, 122-130.(30) Xiaofei Li, Mingzu Zhang*, Jinlin He, Dazhao Wu, Juwen Meng, Peihong Ni. “Effects offluorinated SiO2 nanoparticles on the thermal and electrochemical properties of PP nonwoven/PVdF-HFP composite separator for Li-ion batteries”, J. Membr. Sci. 2014, 455, 368-374.(29) 李森, 张明祖, 何金林, 倪沛红*. “含氟聚甲基丙烯酸酯/聚异丁烯嵌段共聚物的成膜性质研究”, 高分子学报 2014, 12, 1648-1658.(28) 郝莹, 张洋, 何金林, 尚修娟, 张明祖, 倪沛红*. “半乳糖胺修饰阳离子型刷形嵌段共聚物的合成与表征”, 化学学报 2014, 72, 569-576.2013年(27) 胡健,# 何金林,# 张明祖, 倪沛红*. “点击化学在拓扑结构聚合物合成中的应用”, 高分子学报2013, 3, 300-319. (#共同第一作者)(26) Ying Hao, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Yunfeng Tao, Jian Liu, Peihong Ni*. “Synthesis andcharacterization of novel brush copolymers with biodegradable polyphosphoester side chains for gene delivery”. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2013, 51, 2150-2160. (Highlighted by MaterialsViews) http://www.materialsviews.com/spotlight-on-polymer-chemistry-volume-51-issue-10/. http://www.materialsviews.com/brush-copolymers-for-gene-delivery/(25) Hairong Wang, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Yunfeng Tao, Fei Li, Kam Chiu Tam, Peihong Ni*. “Biocompatible and acid-cleavable poly(ε-caprolactone)-acetal-poly(ethylene glycol)-acetal- poly(ε-caprolactone) triblock copolymers: synthesis, characterization and pH-triggered doxorubicindelivery”, J. Mater. Chem. B 2013, 1, 6596-6607. (Inside Front Cover)(24) Hairong Wang, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*, “Amphiphilic poly(ε-caprolactone)-acetal- poly(ethylene glycol)-acetal-poly(ε-caprolactone) triblock copolymers: Synthesis, characterization and pH-sensitive drug delivery”, J. Controlled Release 2013, 172, e60-e61.(23) Kan Yue, Jinlin He, Chang Liu, Mingjun Huang, Xue-Hui Dong, Kai Guo, Peihong Ni, Chrys Wesdemiotis, Roderic P. Quirk,* Stephen Z. D. Cheng,* Wen-Bin Zhang*. “Anionic synthesis of a “Clickable” middle-chain azide-functionalized polystyrene and its application in shape amphiphiles”, Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2013, 31(1), 71-82. (Invited article)(22) Guoyi Zhang, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni*. “Synthesis and characterization of a new multifunctional polymeric prodrug paclitaxel-polyphosphoester-folic acid for targeted drug delivery”, Polym. Chem. 2013, 4, 4515-4525.(21) Jiao Bian, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni*. “Preparation and self-assembly of double hydrophilic poly(ethylethylene phosphate)-block-poly[2-(succinyloxy) ethyl methacrylate] diblock copolymers for drug delivery”, React. Funct. Polym. 2013, 73, 579-587.(20) Huaichao Wang, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*, Jinlin He, Ying Hao, Yixian Wu. “Synthesis of pH-responsive amphiphilic diblock copolymers containing polyisobutylene via oxyanion-initiated polymerization and their multiple self-assembly morphologies”, Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2013, 31(2): 218-231. (Front Cover)(19) 徐玲妍, 张明祖*, 孟菊雯, 何金林, 李晓菲, 倪沛红, “改性SiO2/PVdF-HFP/PP无纺布复合膜的制备及其电化学性能”, 高分子材料科学与工程 2013, 29(1), 175-178.2012年(18) Wen-Bin Zhang,# Jinlin He,# Kan Yue,# Chang Liu, Peihong Ni, Roderic P. Quirk*, Stephen Z. D. Cheng*. “Rapid and efficient anionic synthesis of well-defined eight-arm star polymers using octavinylPOSS and poly(styryl)lithium”, Macromolecules 2012, 45, 8571-8579. (#Equal contribution)(17) Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Rapidly in situ forming polyphosphoester-based hydrogels for injectable drug delivery carriers”, Soft Matter 2012, 8, 6033-6038.(16) Jinlin He,# Kan Yue,# Yuqing Liu, Xinfei Yu, Peihong Ni, Kevin A. Cavicchi,Roderic P. Quirk,Erqiang Chen*, Stephen Z. D. Cheng*, Wen-Bin Zhang*. “Fluorinated polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-based shape amphiphiles: Molecular design, topological variance, and facile synthesis”, Polym. Chem. 2012, 3, 2112-2120. (#Equal contribution)(15) Ying Hao, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni*. “Magnetic DNA vector constructed from PDMAEMA polycation and PEGylated brush-type polyanion with cross-linkable shell”, Langmuir 2012, 28, 6448-6460.(14) Haiyan Shao, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni*. “Synthesis and characterization of amphiphilic poly(e-caprolactone)-b-polyphosphoester diblock copolymers bearing multifunctional pendant groups”, Polymer 2012, 53, 2854-2863.(13) 孟菊雯, 张明祖*, 倪沛红, 徐玲妍, 何金林, 李晓菲. “改性纳米SiO2对PVdF-HFP膜形态和性能影响的研究”, 功能材料 2012, 21, 2577-2581.2011年(12) Jinlin He, Haiyan Shao, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Novel pH-responsive polyphosphoester-based hydrogels with fast gelation”, J. Controlled Release2011, 152, e232-e233.(11) Wen-Bin Zhang, Jinlin He, Xuehui Dong, Chien-Lung Wang, Hui Li, Fuai Teng, Xiaopeng Li, Chrys Wesdemiotis, Roderic P. Quirk*, Stephen Z. D. Cheng*. “Improved synthesis of fullerynes by Fisher esterification for modular and efficient construction of fullerene polymers with high fullerene functionality”, Polymer 2011, 52, 4221-4226.2010年(10) Jinlin He, Peihong Ni*, Sai Wang, Haiyan Shao, Mingzu Zhang, Xiulin Zhu*. “Synthesis and physicochemical characterization of biodegradable and pH-responsive hydrogels based on polyphosphoester for protein delivery”, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2010, 48, 1919-1930.(9) Wenling Zhang, Jinlin He, Zhuang Liu, Peihong Ni*, Xiulin Zhu*. “Biocompatible and pH-responsive triblock copolymer mPEG-b-PCL-b-PDMAEMA: Synthesis, self-assembly and application”, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2010, 48, 1079-1091.(8) Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Jiang Mao, Cuicui Liu, Hairong Wang, Yinfeng Huang, Peihong Ni*. “Kinetics of styrene miniemulsion polymerization using poly[(stearyl methacrylate-co-(N, N-dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate] as surfactant”, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Asp. 2010, 360, 190-197.(7) Xu Liu, Peihong Ni*, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang. “Synthesis and micellization of pH/temperature-responsive double-hydrophilic diblock copolymers polyphosphoester-block- poly[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate] prepared via ROP and ATRP”, Macromolecules 2010, 43, 4771-4781.2009年(6) Cuicui Liu, Jinlin He, Qun Zhao, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Well-defined poly[(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate]-b-poly(fluoroalkyl methacrylate) diblock copolymers: Effects of different fluoroalkyl groups on the solution properties”, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2009, 47, 2702-2712.(5) Zixu Gu, Yuan Yuan, Jinlin He, Mingzu Zhang, Peihong Ni*. “Facile approach for DNA encapsulation in functional polyion complex for triggered intracellular gene delivery: Design, synthesis, and mechanism”, Langmuir 2009, 25, 5199-5208.(4) Guixiang Sun, Mingzu Zhang, Jinlin He, Peihong Ni*. “Synthesis of amphiphilic cationic copolymers poly[2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl trimethylammonium chloride-co-stearyl methacrylate] and their self-assembly behavior in water and water-ethanol mixtures”, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2009, 47, 4670-4684.2008年(3) Hu Zhang, Peihong Ni*, Jinlin He, Cuicui Liu. “Novel fluoroalkyl end-capped amphiphilic diblock copolymers with pH/temperature response and self-assembly behavior”, Langmuir 2008, 24, 4647-4654.(2) Jinlin He, Peihong Ni*, Cuicui Liu. “Synthesis and characterization of amphiphilic fluorinated pentablock copolymers based on Pluronic F127”, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2008, 46, 3029-3041.(1) 何金林, 顾子旭, 梁骏, 倪沛红*, “壳聚糖接枝PDMAEMA共聚物的聚集行为”, 高分子材料科学与工程 2008, 24(12), 126-129.获授权发明专利:(1)何金林, 钱强雨, 倪沛红, 王彬, 张明祖, “一种刷形共聚物及其制备方法”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201910780915.1(授权公告日:2022年3月16日)(2)何金林, 王彬, 钱强雨, 倪沛红, 张明祖, “一种八臂星形热塑性弹性体共聚物及其制备方法”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201911072733.5(授权公告日:2022年2月25日)(3)何金林, 晏雪生, 倪沛红, 戴礼兴, 徐俊, 张明祖, “一种八臂杂臂星形聚合物的制备方法”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201910245801.7(授权公告日:2021年3月2日)(4)何金林, 鞠鹏飞, 李飞, 胡健, 倪沛红, 张明祖, “基于聚二硫醚和聚磷酸酯的还原敏感型共聚物及其制备方法与应用”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201810416338.3(已转让)(5)何金林, 晏雪生, 倪沛红, 戴礼兴, 徐俊, 张明祖, “一种八臂杂臂星形聚合物及其制备方法”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201610879963.2(已转让)(6)倪沛红, 何金林, 王赛, 张明祖, “生物可降解的温度/pH双重响应性水凝胶”, 中国发明专利:ZL2008 10022216.2. (授权公告日:2010年6月9日)(7)倪沛红, 刘洁, 何金林, 张明祖, “基于阿霉素前药和基因共载的混合胶束药物及其制备方法”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201710642872.1(授权公告日:2021年3月2日)(8)倪沛红, 李磊, 何金林, 张明祖, “基于两性离子及叶酸靶向的酸敏感性阿霉素前药及其制备方法与应用”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201810260283.1(授权公告日:2020年5月22日)(9)倪沛红, 董淑祥, 何金林, 张明祖, 孙月, 刘洁, “同时键合喜树碱和阿霉素的聚磷酸酯前药及其制备方法与应用”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201810058945.7(授权公告日:2020年1月14日)(10)倪沛红, 杜雪琼, 何金林, 张明祖, “还原/pH双重响应性阿霉素前药及其制备方法与应用”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201710496477.7(授权公告日:2019年10月29日)(11)张明祖, 胡健康, 何金林, 倪沛红, “一种具有互穿网络结构的多孔性锂离子电池隔膜的制备方法”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201610427407.1(授权公告日:2018年9月25日)(12)倪沛红, 胡健, 何金林, 张明祖, “基于聚磷酸酯的叶酸靶向酸敏感核交联载药胶束”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201610322771.1(授权公告日:2018年9月25日)(13)张明祖, 吴大钊, 何金林, 倪沛红, “一种复合锂离子电池隔膜及其制备方法”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201410663051.2(授权公告日:2017年3月22日)(14)倪沛红, 胡健, 何金林, 张明祖, “基于聚磷酸酯的叶酸靶向酸敏感核交联载药胶束及其制备方法”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201410366013.0(授权公告日:2017年3月29日)(15)倪沛红, 王海蓉, 何金林, 张明祖, 李飞, 陶云锋, “基于聚乙二醇的酸敏感性阿霉素前药及其制备方法与应用”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201410054812.4(授权公告日:2016年2月17日)(16)倪沛红, 陶云锋, 何金林, 张明祖, “一种基于聚磷酸酯的无规共聚物、其制备方法及应用”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201310361954.0(授权公告日:2016年2月3日)(17)倪沛红, 胡健, 何金林, 张明祖, “酸敏感两亲性星状嵌段共聚物、其制备方法及应用”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201310512061.1(授权公告日:2015年9月23日)(18)倪沛红, 王海蓉, 何金林, 张明祖, 李飞, 陶云锋, “具有酸敏感性的两亲性三嵌段共聚物、其制备方法及应用”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201210463160.0(授权公告日:2015年5月27日)(19)倪沛红, 郝莹, 何金林, 张明祖, 刘坚, 张洋, “阳离子型刷形嵌段共聚物、其制备方法及应用”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201310018856.7(授权公告日:2014年9月17日)(20)倪沛红,邵海燕,何金林,李阳,张明祖, “侧链功能化修饰的生物可降解型两亲性聚酯”, 中国发明专利:ZL 201110202438.4(授权公告日:2012年7月19日)(21)倪沛红, 刘旭, 何金林, 张明祖, 朱秀林, “pH/温度响应的双亲水性嵌段共聚物及其制备方法”, 中国发明专利:ZL 2009 1 0034471.3(授权公告日:2011年5月25日) 研究领域 (1)拓扑结构高分子,导电弹性体,热塑性弹性体,活性阴离子聚合;(2)生物可降解高分子(聚磷酸酯、脂肪族聚酯、葡聚糖、透明质酸等)药物载体。(1) Synthesis of recyclable topological polymers and thermoplastic elastomer, living anionic polymerization, polymer precursors used for photoresists;(2) Synthesis and functional modification of biodegradable polymers including polyphosphoesters, aliphatic polyesters, dextran, hyaluronic acid, etc. 基本信息 何金林 职称:教授 院部/部门:材料与化学化工学部 学历:博士 学位:研究生 毕业学校:苏州大学 毕业专业:高分子化学与物理 联系方式 通讯地址:苏州市工业园区仁爱路199号苏州大学独墅湖校区 邮政编码:215123 电子邮箱:jlhe@suda.edu.cn 联系电话:0512-65885195 传真号码: 办公地点:材料与化学化工学部912楼706室
